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Cwn Annwn

Dungeon Deceit

Location Recallable Who string
(1254, 1071) in Alyria No Dungn
You see a dungeon entrance, seemingly consuming everything within its darkness.
There is no longer a safe/recall room in Dungeon Deceit.

Items in area Dungeon Deceit

Item name Level Type Location
light a ball of flames 150 light Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a band of combustion 150 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a blizzard amulet 160 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
weapon a blizzard whip 160 weapon Dungeon Deceit
artifact a broken piece of statue 60 artifact Dungeon Deceit
weapon a brutal axe 110 weapon Dungeon Deceit
clothing a cannibal coat 150 clothing Dungeon Deceit
artifact a chunk from the glacier of time 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
artifact a chunk of coral 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
armor a cloak of the volcano 150 armor Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a crown 110 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
artifact a crystal globe 200 artifact Dungeon Deceit
orb a crystal skull 120 orb Dungeon Deceit
reagent-air a flask of tornado essence 90 reagent-air Dungeon Deceit
reagent-astral a gem of Dira 10 reagent-astral Dungeon Deceit
reagent-earth a ginseng root 90 reagent-earth Dungeon Deceit
artifact a leaf from the tree of life 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
gem a magician's ruby 90 gem Dungeon Deceit
reagent-astral a meteorite 90 reagent-astral Dungeon Deceit
furniture a modest white prayer mat 1 furniture Dungeon Deceit
weapon a morning star 120 weapon Dungeon Deceit
armor a pair of frost gauntlets 154 armor Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a prized ring 220 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a ring of power 180 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
weapon a short spear 150 weapon Dungeon Deceit
artifact a silver telescope 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
artifact a silver telescope 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
artifact a silver telescope 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a small silver amulet 160 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
armor a snowplate 160 armor Dungeon Deceit
weapon a soldier's sabre of gore 200 weapon Dungeon Deceit
reagent-ethereal a sparkling stone 90 reagent-ethereal Dungeon Deceit
artifact a spiritual clump 200 artifact Dungeon Deceit
staff a staff of fireballs 150 staff Dungeon Deceit
staff a staff of harm 190 staff Dungeon Deceit
staff a staff of ice storm 160 staff Dungeon Deceit
staff a staff of thunder 180 staff Dungeon Deceit
staff a staff of water 170 staff Dungeon Deceit
container a statue of a witch doctor 500 container Dungeon Deceit
jewelry a tooth bracelet 150 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
armor a typhoon shield 170 armor Dungeon Deceit
artifact a volcanic stone 90 artifact Dungeon Deceit
armor a water helm 170 armor Dungeon Deceit
pill an acorn 120 pill Dungeon Deceit
weapon an enchanted frost halberd 185 weapon Dungeon Deceit
reagent-earth eye of newt 90 reagent-earth Dungeon Deceit
jewelry hurricane bracers 170 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
weapon Mindcry [OS] 170 weapon Dungeon Deceit
weapon Mindcry 170 weapon Dungeon Deceit
reagent-water raindrops in a bottle 90 reagent-water Dungeon Deceit
reagent-fire some firepowder 90 reagent-fire Dungeon Deceit
armor the armbands of life 175 armor Dungeon Deceit
clothing the belt of pain 180 clothing Dungeon Deceit
weapon the bonesaw 120 weapon Dungeon Deceit
armor the boots of the fish 165 armor Dungeon Deceit
armor the breastplate of the fox 180 armor Dungeon Deceit
light the crystal of power [OS] 220 light Dungeon Deceit
light the crystal of power 220 light Dungeon Deceit
light the crystal of power 200 light Dungeon Deceit
weapon the dagger of death 180 weapon Dungeon Deceit
fountain the fountain of the gods 120 fountain Dungeon Deceit
weapon the gigantic axe of souls 220 weapon Dungeon Deceit
weapon the great sword 200 weapon Dungeon Deceit
weapon the Inferno spear 150 weapon Dungeon Deceit
weapon the lance of eternity 200 weapon Dungeon Deceit
weapon the night staff 120 weapon Dungeon Deceit
armor the plate of sorcery 150 armor Dungeon Deceit
jewelry the ring of the bear 180 jewelry Dungeon Deceit
container the Tree of Life 90 container Dungeon Deceit
weapon Yourban's claw 235 weapon Dungeon Deceit
treasure Yourban's horn 200 treasure Dungeon Deceit
armor Yourban's soul 180 armor Dungeon Deceit
armor Yourban's soul 200 armor Dungeon Deceit
armor Yourban's soul [OS] 200 armor Dungeon Deceit

NPCs in area Dungeon Deceit

NPC Location
A balrog Dungeon Deceit
A blood knight Dungeon Deceit
A cannibal Dungeon Deceit
A centipede Dungeon Deceit
A chameleon Dungeon Deceit
A familiar Dungeon Deceit
A fire dragon Dungeon Deceit
A fire wench Dungeon Deceit
A fisherman Dungeon Deceit
A frost devil Dungeon Deceit
A frost giant Dungeon Deceit
A frost witch Dungeon Deceit
A grizzly bear Dungeon Deceit
A harpy Dungeon Deceit
A hell proliferate Dungeon Deceit
A heretic Dungeon Deceit
A hobbit Dungeon Deceit
A lava maw Dungeon Deceit
A living tree Dungeon Deceit
A maelstrom Dungeon Deceit
A magma lord Dungeon Deceit
A merman Dungeon Deceit
A mud man Dungeon Deceit
A scavenger Dungeon Deceit
A scourge eater Dungeon Deceit
A skeleton Dungeon Deceit
A snow sloth Dungeon Deceit
A snow witch Dungeon Deceit
A spinning cyclone Dungeon Deceit
A tsunami Dungeon Deceit
A vex Dungeon Deceit
A water dragon Dungeon Deceit
A water snake Dungeon Deceit
A winged demon Dungeon Deceit
A yeti Dungeon Deceit
A zombie Dungeon Deceit
An arctic tiger Dungeon Deceit
An evil shaman Dungeon Deceit
An ice lord Dungeon Deceit
Brotherhood of Death Dungeon Deceit
Brotherhood of Fire Dungeon Deceit
Brotherhood of Ice Dungeon Deceit
Brotherhood of Water Dungeon Deceit
Devil tribe Dungeon Deceit
Father Time Dungeon Deceit
Mother Earth Dungeon Deceit
Quenya Stardust Dungeon Deceit
The Guardian of Time Dungeon Deceit
The statue Dungeon Deceit
The statue Dungeon Deceit
The statue Dungeon Deceit
The statue Dungeon Deceit
Yourban Dungeon Deceit

Special rooms in the area

Room name
A Four Way Intersection
Intersection of Two Hallways
Massive Cavern
A Four Way Intersection
Intersection of Two Hallways
Massive Cavern
Quenya Stardust's Shop
Sparkling Room
Quenya Stardust's Shop
Sparkling Room