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Cwn Annwn

Clan #130: Spira Devexa

Members Clanhall location Alliance
0 (806, 1265) None


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Recent clan activity

Time Event
2010-04-18 09:23 am Antonius has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Clan Spira Devexa [130] has merged into Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Lancejr has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Dyri has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Bashnak has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Trief has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Devok has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Simi has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2010-04-18 09:23 am Emulon has moved from clan Spira Devexa [130] to clan Legacy [109].
2009-12-25 09:12 pm Lancejr has joined clan Spira Devexa [130].
2009-08-19 02:22 am Dyri has joined clan Spira Devexa [130].
2009-02-27 08:36 am Wolfeater has left clan Spira Devexa [130].

Recent alliance activity