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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: Teshi, The Lugubrious Dragon (NK Museum)

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Teshi, The Lugubrious Dragon (NK Museum) Primus 2008-11-07 09:12 pm 898

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 The Bitter Suite                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      SE

What could've once been a beautiful den of lavish design has decayed into
the inorganic remnants of despair. The smooth, perfectly carved marble
walls are streaked with black, products of years of eyelined tears streaming
across them. Dull scratches, probably preserved in agony, cover the
portions of the floor not stained by the ill-shed blood of distress. Any
furniture that was here has been smashed into a furious rubble. This room
needs an overhauling, complete with padded walls, but it doesn't seem that's
all too likely.

 The Bitter Balcony                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

Sleek and efficient, the polished olive railing of this balcony melts
mysteriously into the marble structure holding it, as if one magnificent
branch had grown specifically to suit this purpose. Natural slats extend
down into the floor, forming a barrier between you and... Something. What,
exactly, is beyond the light of the balcony's flickering torches is unknown,
but whatever it is, sounds ominous and hollow. This balcony sure doesn't
feel like the cave that preceded it, but a faint glow from the north reminds
you its still connected.
A strange silver portal hovers here.

[AWAY][*]<2182hp 1886sp 1600st> look teshi
A halfheartedly protesting captive, Teshi has been locked away in this
comparitively plush room for years. A distant relative of the intelligent
dragons found across the land, this one has chosen to idle here in solitude,
haunted by her past. Lord Alymar has taken advantage of this state, abusing
the precious dragon's tears as a resource. However, given the present state
of her surroundings, as well as the wretched gleam in her bloodshot eyes,
she may just be ready to end the vicious cycle she's caught in.
She is a dragon approximately 10'0" tall.
Teshi, the lugubrious dragon is in good health.


Teshi, the lugubrious dragon has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Teshi, the lugubrious dragon's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
Teshi, the lugubrious dragon collapses lifeless to the ground.
Chorin <1589hp 1416sp 1680st> --- Primus
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How come it won't kill you? =(