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PK logs: Kuwabara vs dralox

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Kuwabara vs dralox Dralox 2010-09-02 11:19 pm 912
Tagged in this log: Dralox, Kuwabara

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A rift appears in time and space, glowing brilliantly!
Caladius, the Archon Hunter steps through the rift, which closes quietly afterwards.
'Ha ha ha!' Caladius, the Archon Hunter exclaims. 'Trying to run away, eh?'
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: haste detect-hidden
Spell: combat blink         - Level  80, modifies ar                by    4.
Spell: bless                - Level 241, modifies saving-spell      by    4.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 105, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: fireshield           - Level 100, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: levitation           - Level 197, modifies none              by    0 for 84 minutes.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level 198, modifies none              by    0 for 21 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 198, modifies ar                by    8 for 46 minutes.
Spell: shield               - Level 201, modifies ar                by    9 for 71 minutes.
Spell: enhanced strength    - Level 206, modifies strength          by    3 for 29 minutes.
Spell: armor                - Level 173, modifies ar                by    3.
Spell: fatigue              - Level 492, modifies agility           by   -2 for 10 minutes.
Spell: magnetic field       - Level 205, modifies hp                by  471 for 9 minutes.
Spell: extinction           - Level 497, modifies accuracy          by   -8 for 9 minutes.
Total of 14 magical affects.

(Mount: 1504st)
[*]<894hp 14sp 1075st> 
You turn pale and shudder as dark magic burns away some of your life force.
The rainbow aura surrounding Caladius, the Archon Hunter flickers and vanishes.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter begins attacking you!
'Frail, weak Archon...' Caladius, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Caladius, the Archon Hunter bares his teeth and growls.
You are harmed on the torso by Caladius, the Archon Hunter's energy causing extensive damage.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing trifling damage.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Caladius, the Archon Hunter's flames causing middling damage.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing trifling damage.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing slight damage.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing trifling damage.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1504st)
[*]<256hp 152sp 1359st> 
Kuwabara rides in from the southwest.
'You Archons cause nothing but trouble, Kuwabara!' a Decara city guard exclaims.
Caladius, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1504st)
[*]<256hp 152sp 1359st> 
flee e
You panic, and attempt to flee.

 South Furcas Path                                      -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -     SE

  A number of fine homes and buildings line the path.  Looking around, it
is evident that much work has gone into restoring and maintaining this area.
Years of traffic along the path have created a wide track down its center
that makes travel along it very easy.  Prosperous citizens move along the
path on their way to various appointments in other sections of the city.
You can feel something strange about the home to the north.  
*A spark of searing white fire burns brightly, hovering in the air.
A tiny little yeti-looking thing runs around, jaws gaping.
A tiny little yeti-looking thing runs around, jaws gaping.
**A shiny, well-oiled automaton shows off its new iron body.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<256hp 152sp 1359st> 
??You Getting CPKed?? hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<436hp 152sp 1359st> 

Kuwabara rides in from the west.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<436hp 152sp 1359st> You begin reciting the words of the invocation...

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<436hp 152sp 1359st> 
Kuwabara stops using a spellbook decorated with seashells.
Kuwabara holds [!SF!] V S B T G F in his left hand.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<436hp 152sp 1359st> 
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
 Your flexing armbands glow brightly at 'earth invocation', casting it 1 more times.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1158hp 2sp 1359st> 
Kuwabara begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1158hp 2sp 1359st> 
That Power would require 50 spell points to invoke.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1158hp 2sp 1359st> 
Kuwabara has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
You enter into combat with Kuwabara.
Kuwabara catches ZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning! on a coffin lid.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the tail with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing trifling damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kuwabara's first attack.
You are smashed on the head by Kuwabara's bash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the arm by Kuwabara's bash causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing unnoticeable damage.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Kuwabara.
Kuwabara has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1114hp 2sp 1335st> 
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Kuwabara has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1114hp 2sp 1335st> 
You sigh.
Kuwabara has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1114hp 2sp 1335st> 
You fail to hit Kuwabara with your first attack.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kuwabara catches ZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning! on a coffin lid.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kuwabara's first attack.
You are smashed on the leg by Kuwabara's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the arm by Kuwabara's bash causing minimal damage.
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1081hp 2sp 1317st> 
Kuwabara stops using [!SF!] V S B T G F.
Kuwabara stops using the ancient mangled horn of a powerful minotaur.
Kuwabara wields the seraphic lance of Decara in his right hand.
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<1081hp 2sp 1317st> 
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You turn pale and shudder as dark magic burns away some of your life force.
Kuwabara's the seraphic lance of Decara is yanked off by your magnetic field!
A fire elemental shivers and suffers.
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<608hp 161sp 1221st> 
??You Getting CPKed?? hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<716hp 161sp 1221st> 
say ext
You say, 'Ext'
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<716hp 161sp 1221st> 
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing mild damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing mild damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Kuwabara's bash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kuwabara's second attack.
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<686hp 161sp 1203st> 
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<686hp 161sp 1203st> Kuwabara holds a silver runestone in his left hand.
Kuwabara holds a silver runestone in his right hand.
Kuwabara has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<686hp 161sp 1203st> 
You are smashed on the torso by Kuwabara's bash causing modest damage.
You are smashed on the leg by Kuwabara's bash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the arm by Kuwabara's bash causing mild damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing infinitesimal damage.
Kuwabara has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<629hp 161sp 1203st> 
Kuwabara stops using a silver runestone.
Kuwabara stops using a silver runestone.
Kuwabara wields the seraphic lance of Decara in his right hand.
Kuwabara has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<629hp 161sp 1203st> 
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Kuwabara has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<809hp 111sp 1203st> 
Kuwabara holds [!SF!] V S B T G F in his left hand.
Kuwabara has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<809hp 111sp 1203st> 
Kuwabara catches ZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning! on a coffin lid.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing mild damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing minimal damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kuwabara's first attack.
You are struck on the arm by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing mild damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing superficial damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing modest damage.
Kuwabara looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<732hp 111sp 1179st> 
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Kuwabara looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<732hp 111sp 1179st> 
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Kuwabara catches ZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning! on a coffin lid.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kuwabara's first attack.
Kuwabara's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are struck on the head by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing middling damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing modest damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing trifling damage.
Kuwabara looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<809hp 61sp 1161st> 
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Kuwabara looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<809hp 61sp 1161st> 
??You Getting CPKed?? hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
[::xXx::] Kuwabara is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kuwabara for a moment, then softly fades.
Kuwabara looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<917hp 61sp 1161st> 
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing minimal damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kuwabara catches ZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning! on a coffin lid.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the tail with your pierce causing mild damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing trifling damage.
Kuwabara's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are struck on the head by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kuwabara's second attack.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing modest damage.
Kuwabara is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<988hp 11sp 1137st> 
Kuwabara begins casting a spell...
Kuwabara is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<988hp 11sp 1137st> 
That Power would require 50 spell points to invoke.
Kuwabara is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<988hp 11sp 1137st> 
You attempt to bash Kuwabara over the head with a circular mirror shield, but miss.
Kuwabara is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<988hp 11sp 887st> 
You turn pale and shudder as dark magic burns away some of your life force.
Kuwabara's neverwhen plates is yanked off by your magnetic field!
Kuwabara's boots of heightened resistance is yanked off by your magnetic field!
Kuwabara's Stone Of Jordan is yanked off by your magnetic field!
A fire elemental shivers and suffers.
Kuwabara looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<515hp 169sp 1162st> 

Kuwabara has completed his casting.
Kuwabara begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing mild damage.
You are struck on the leg by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing middling damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing trifling damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
Kuwabara is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<439hp 169sp 1144st> You bash Kuwabara over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Kuwabara is smashed on the head with your bash causing heavy damage.
Kuwabara is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<439hp 169sp 644st> 
Kuwabara wears neverwhen plates on his body.
Kuwabara's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Kuwabara wears Stone Of Jordan on his right finger.
Kuwabara wears boots of heightened resistance on his feet.
Kuwabara is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<439hp 169sp 644st> 
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Kuwabara is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<439hp 169sp 644st> 
You are struck on the arm by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing middling damage.
You are struck on the head by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing heavy damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<295hp 169sp 644st> 
Kuwabara begins casting a spell...
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<295hp 169sp 644st> 
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<475hp 119sp 644st> 
Kuwabara has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kuwabara for a moment, then softly fades.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Kuwabara!
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing great damage.
Kuwabara catches ZOT! You are struck by a fiery bolt of lightning! on a coffin lid.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing great damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing modest damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing great damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing modest damage.
Kuwabara's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are struck on the arm by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing middling damage.
You skillfully parry Kuwabara's second attack.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing moderate damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing mild damage.
Kuwabara pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<346hp 119sp 620st> 
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Kuwabara pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<346hp 119sp 620st> 
Kuwabara bashes you over the head with a coffin lid.
You are smashed on the head by Kuwabara's bash causing giant damage.
Kuwabara pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<267hp 119sp 620st> 
??You Getting CPKed?? hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Kuwabara pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<375hp 119sp 620st> 
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Kuwabara pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<375hp 119sp 620st> 
Kuwabara panics, and attempts to flee.
Kuwabara rides west.
Kuwabara has fled for his life!

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<375hp 119sp 620st> 

You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Whom do you wish to bash?

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<555hp 69sp 620st> 
Kuwabara rides in from the west.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<555hp 69sp 620st> 

Kuwabara begins casting a spell...
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<555hp 69sp 620st> 
bash kuwa

You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Kuwabara has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kuwabara for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<916hp 19sp 620st> You bash Kuwabara over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Kuwabara is smashed on the head with your bash causing great damage.
You enter into combat with Kuwabara.
Kuwabara is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<916hp 19sp 120st> 
bash kuwa

You turn pale and shudder as dark magic burns away some of your life force.
Kuwabara's neverwhen plates is yanked off by your magnetic field!
Kuwabara's boots of heightened resistance is yanked off by your magnetic field!
A fire elemental appears to look much better.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing great damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Kuwabara is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing enormous damage.
Kuwabara's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kuwabara's flames causing middling damage.
You are struck on the torso by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing moderate damage.
You are struck on the leg by Kuwabara's holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kuwabara strikes you! Kuwabara is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Kuwabara.
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<362hp 110sp 410st> You are too tired to do that.
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<362hp 110sp 410st> 

Kuwabara begins casting a spell...
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<362hp 110sp 410st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Kuwabara screams in agony.

(Mount: 1502st)
[*]<362hp 110sp 410st> 
A streak of light shooting from a fire elemental's fingertips turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Kuwabara falls from a young pegasus.
Kuwabara has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Kuwabara's death cry.
You receive 0 archon points.
Kuwabara stops following Archie.
Kuwabara's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Kuwabara.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Kuwabara falls to the ground.
Kuwabara's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kuwabara blinks rapidly, several times.
Kuwabara stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kuwabara's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Kuwabara stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kuwabara stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kuwabara turns translucent.
Kuwabara's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!