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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Explore the Wilds!

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This quest [9] is called 'Explore the Wilds!',
for Adventurers levels 25 to 50.
Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle] is the master in charge of this quest.
There are rumors of many strange animals in the wilderness around Rune,
Lord Agrippa wishes to know more of these creatures. Your mission is to
journey to the wilderness areas surrounding the town and seek out these
creatures as well as those who may have some knowledge of them. Once you
have explored and gathered information, or even a few creatures for his
viewing, return for your reward. If you are speedy and make good time you
will be well compensated indeed for your service. Be wary however of the
creatures in the wilderness that would prey on you so that they could feast
on your bones.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 25 quest points, 4 practice points, 18,000 experience points,
 0 build points, 0 piety, and 1,900 gold pieces.
You have 300 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Explore the Wilds! consists of:
Phase 1: Rescue A gnome goat herder.
Phase 2: Rescue A lost sheep.
Phase 3: Defeat A stampeding wildebeest. [ Hidden ]