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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Slay Glamdrung!

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This quest [400] is called 'Slay Glamdrung!',
for Adventurers levels 83 to 113.
Lady Undya [The Towne of Xaventry] is the master in charge of this quest.
Greetings Adventurer! Off to the northeast of Xaventry lies the woods of
Mandrake, it is there I want you to go and seek out the troll leader
Glamdrung. Glamdrung and his tribe have been known to often raid Xaventry
and the merchants traveling on the north road. To punish him, I ask for his
head. Please kill Glamdrung and return to me for your reward. Good Luck!

- Lady Undya, Mistress of Xaventry.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 45 quest points, 4 practice points, 20,000 experience points,
 0 build points, 0 piety, and 10,000 gold pieces.
You have 120 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Slay Glamdrung! consists of: