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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Down on the Farm

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This quest [717] is called 'Down on the Farm',
for Adventurers levels 40 to 80.
Lord Vendredi [Sigil] is the master in charge of this quest.
A critical component of Sigil's economy is related to its farmland. The
commercial sector within the city limits is entirely dependent on the
agricultural work that is done outside. The city of Sigil could not survive
without the vast farmlands that encompass the city. Thus, you can imagine
the terrible repercussions if Sigil lost even a percentage of its produce.
Recently, it has come to my attention that a group of farmers has conspired
to steal and hoard the most critical of agricultural products - wheat. To
accomplish this, they have used ancient spells to control the mind of a
simple donkey, which then provides them with all the wheat they require for
their nefarious deeds. These farmers must be stopped. Find those
responsible, and deal with them. When you have finished, inform their
overseer. You will be rewarded well for your service.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 32 quest points, 3 practice points, 14,000 experience points,
 0 build points, 0 piety, and 3,000 gold pieces.
You have 120 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Down on the Farm consists of:
Phase 1: Journey to Before the Gates of Sigil.
Phase 2: Visit A donkey.
Phase 3: Defeat An idle farm hand.
Phase 4: Defeat A peasant farmer.
Phase 5: Visit A peasant overseer. [ Hidden ]