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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Recently-Paved Road

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This room is within The Mountain Village of Teolaven.

Center map on A Recently-Paved Road

 A Recently-Paved Road                                  -      -     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

A path that leads deeper into the village, goes from a rough rugged path,
to a fresh newly constructed road.  A large signpost is driven into the
ground, welcoming visitors to Teolaven, home in the (self-professed)
greatest thinkers in the world.  Merchants and locals flow in and out in the
village, too involved in their own affairs to pay much attention to anything
else.  The busiest part of Teolaven is off to the east where the aromas of
burning lumber and baking breads waft from.  From the northeast comes the
smell of freshly-harvested wheat and cotton.