CTF match
Red team | Blue team |
The red team won the match. | |
Dirtydozen Rifty |
Securis Coldice |
PK activity for this CTF match | |||
Time | Winner | Loser | PK type |
2006-04-05 03:56 am | Securis (60:120) 928 +11.5 | Rifty (60:120) 912 -11.5 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 03:57 am | Coldice (60:120) 1219 +3.3 | Rifty (60:120) 901 -3.3 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 03:57 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1509 +0.9 | Securis (60:120) 939 -0.9 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:00 am | Coldice (60:120) 1223 +3.2 | Rifty (60:120) 897 -3.2 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:01 am | Coldice (60:120) 1226 +3.1 | Rifty (60:120) 894 -3.1 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:01 am | Coldice (60:120) 1229 +3.0 | Rifty (60:120) 891 -3.0 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:02 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1510 +0.9 | Securis (60:120) 939 -0.9 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:02 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1511 +4.0 | Coldice (60:120) 1232 -4.0 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:03 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1515 +3.9 | Coldice (60:120) 1228 -3.9 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:05 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1519 +3.7 | Coldice (60:120) 1224 -3.7 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:06 am | Securis (60:120) 938 +10.3 | Rifty (60:120) 888 -10.3 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:06 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1522 +0.8 | Securis (60:120) 948 -0.8 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:06 am | Coldice (60:120) 1220 +2.9 | Rifty (60:120) 878 -2.9 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:07 am | Coldice (60:120) 1223 +2.8 | Rifty (60:120) 875 -2.8 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:09 am | Securis (60:120) 947 +9.4 | Rifty (60:120) 872 -9.4 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:10 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1523 +0.9 | Securis (60:120) 957 -0.9 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:11 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1524 +0.9 | Securis (60:120) 956 -0.9 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:12 am | Rifty (60:120) 863 +21.4 | Coldice (60:120) 1226 -21.4 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:15 am | Coldice (60:120) 1205 +3.3 | Rifty (60:120) 884 -3.3 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:15 am | Coldice (60:120) 1208 +3.2 | Rifty (60:120) 881 -3.2 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:21 am | Coldice (60:120) 1211 +3.1 | Rifty (60:120) 877 -3.1 | CTFNPK |
2006-04-05 04:21 am | Dirtydozen (60:120) 1525 +0.9 | Securis (60:120) 955 -0.9 | CTFNPK |