Spellbook builder
- abjure 75
- acid blast 32
- acid mist 88
- aegis 5
- animate dead 78
- antimagic sphere 82
- armor 0
- augment aura 72
- awaken 6
- beacon 22
- bless 5
- blindness 35
- blink 35
- bubble cluster 25
- call lightning 28
- calm 28
- camouflage 37
- cancellation 92
- cause critical 25
- cause light 8
- cause serious 20
- chain lightning 90
- change sex 50
- channel faith 15
- charm 30
- chill touch 5
- circle of fire 75
- circle of thorns 75
- color spray 20
- combat blink 58
- concealment 20
- condemn 40
- confusion 65
- consecrate armor 60
- consecrate food 8
- consecrate weapon 64
- control winds 75
- convocation 16
- counterspell 54
- create food 23
- create spring 30
- create water 10
- cure blindness 40
- cure critical 30
- cure disease 25
- cure light 17
- cure poison 20
- cure serious 20
- curse 40
- cursed fog 83
- deafen 15
- death grip 35
- delay reincarnation 99
- desecrate armor 44
- detect alignment 5
- detect illusion 59
- detect invisibility 15
- detect magic 0
- diseased cloud 88
- disjunction 99
- dispel area 75
- dispel magic 50
- displacement 50
- electrogenic growth 27
- elemental shield 80
- energy drain 55
- enervation 67
- enhanced strength 10
- erase 50
- evil eye 7
- excommunicate 40
- faerie fire 5
- famine 45
- fatigue 35
- find familiar 5
- fireball 25
- flame wind 62
- flintstrike 32
- fountain 32
- frost 50
- frostborne 35
- fungal growth 27
- gate travel 75
- guise of nature 50
- hands of wind 61
- harm 32
- haste 40
- heal 55
- hex 45
- ice storm 82
- ice whip 80
- ice wind 60
- iceball 25
- identify 0
- immobilize 38
- impede movement 34
- infravision 30
- insanity 68
- invisibility 25
- jinx 10
- kill 62
- lava walk 65
- leech 25
- leech conduit 78
- levitation 12
- light 0
- lightning bolt 20
- lightning shroud 75
- magic bomb 72
- magic carpet 52
- magic dart 0
- magic lock 20
- magic message 44
- magic unlock 25
- malediction 34
- malignancy 68
- mental clarity 50
- momentary darkness 75
- multiply magic 94
- mutilate 30
- negation 42
- nexus 85
- nullification field 91
- otolithic growth 65
- overpressurize 50
- pass door 50
- pentacle 22
- phalanx 25
- plague 45
- plane travel 90
- poison 30
- poison gas 69
- protection from evil 8
- protection from good 8
- Rabid Mount 40
- read aura 54
- reanimate 90
- recharge item 61
- reflective fireball 90
- refresh 20
- remote sensing 30
- remove curse 65
- repulsion 82
- requiem 100
- resurrect 92
- room shield 70
- sanctify 65
- sanctuary 65
- searing touch 40
- sense life 25
- shadow armor 15
- shadow door 42
- shadow golem 70
- shadow imp 58
- shadow light 14
- shield 19
- shocking grasp 5
- silence 80
- sleep 20
- slow 90
- slow magic 90
- spark 0
- spell shield 70
- stone skin 50
- summon 93
- summon elemental 85
- summon mount 75
- summon shade 85
- swarm 94
- teleport 60
- thunderclap 55
- thunderstorm 78
- tinnitus 50
- totem 75
- tremor 25
- underwater breathing 50
- unnatural strength 10
- warp 89
- weaken 10
- web 60
- whirlwind 30
- wind walk 50
- wizard eye 50
- word of recall 35