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Cwn Annwn

Clan rules

Clan Rules:
{1}  Treat your clannies with respect.
{2}  If you wish to advance in this clan, be active and loyal.
{3}  Be sociable.  Talk.  Participate.
{4}  This is a GAME.  Try to have fun!  But not at someone else's expense.
{5}  Do not talk about real-life politics or religion.  People _will_
     disagree with each other.
{6}  If you have a disagreement or problem concerning the clan, consult a
{7}  If you have problems with another member, try to either settle it
     with him or her via tells (NOT on clan talk) or consult a leader.
{8}  Do your share of the PG work.  We are rather lax about this, but we
     do expect at least some effort from every level 120 and above.
{9}  If you are going to be away from the game for more than a few days,
     please inform a leader or leave a note in clan chatlog.  This applies
     especially if you are on a trial membership and we do not really know
     you yet.
{10} Do not spam clan talk.  Do not be overzealous when using colours on
     clan talk.  Tags must be approved by Katran.  (Or I shall beat you.)
{11} Do not ever, EVER, make Kirby dance on my CT.  EVER.  (Or I shall
     beat you.)
{12} Just Humor Vanny. <-- Like I'm doing by keeping this American
     spelling here.
{13} The game rules don't apply to us, only the clan rules! so break them
     if it benefits you!
Kill on Sight:
[Clan 7] - The Novice Adventurer's Guild
[Clan 102] - The Chosen
[Clan 118] - Saresyn's Revenge
Bladecalibur Corinix Deathsmasher Divarigo Dvs Haley Hykou Lexium
Morphling Snyder Varimathras Tiamat Yourmom

Alliance Interaction:

{1}  Treat your alliance members with respect.
{2}  This is a GAME.  Try to have fun!  But not at someone else's expense.
{3}  If you have problems with another member of the alliance, try to either
     settle it with him or her via tells (NOT on alliance talk) or consult a 
     clan owner.


Alliance Talk Rules:

Alliance Talk is a privilege, not a right; failure to follow these rules will
result in the loss of your ability to use alliance talk.

{1}  Absolutely no racism whatsoever on alliance talk.  This will not be
{2}  Do not talk about real-life politics or religion.  People _will_ disagree
     with each other.
{3}  No spamming on alliance talk.
{4}  We're adults and can handle profanity, but please keep it under control.
