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Cwn Annwn

The Cwn Annwn Herbalism Calculator

This calculator will calculate the product of a herbalism mixture. It is based off in-game research as well as the mixture power ranges given on PKzone. As always, use of this page and its associated scripts are subject to the Cwn Annwn Terms-of-Use Agreement

Sprig 1 Sprig 2 Sprig 3 Sprig 4
Mix Power: Spell effect: Mix color:
SP to mix: String: Use graphic:

Sample mixes

Awaken Cause light Detect Invisibility
Reveal Cure Light Refresh
Levitation Sense Life Calm
Cure Poison Blindness Death Grip
Fatigue Cure Disease Charm
Flame Wind High Explosive Magic Bomb
Awaken Cause light Detect Invisibility Reveal Cure Light Refresh Levitation Sense Life Calm Cure Poison Blindness Death Grip Fatigue Cure Disease Charm Flame Wind High Explosive Magic Bomb scale