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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Mystral

Mystral (54:114) (#717)
Race: half-elf
Gender: female
Classes: Druid, Valkyrie [skills]
Clan: Knights of Chaos
First Seen: 2003-07-30 07:35 pm
Last Login: 2021-10-30 06:27 pm
Time played this month: 20 min
PK rating 540 (peak: 833)

PK statistics

1 Sep 031 Nov 031 Jan 041 Mar 041 May 041 Jul 041 Sep 041 Nov 041 Jan 054005006007008009001,0001,100Rating
Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK None
CTFLPK 2 4% 47 96% 110 (+9.0) 109 (+15.4)
CTFNPK 7 9% 68 91% 95 (+4.6) 103 (+9.4)
LPK 1 8% 11 92% 161 (+58.0) 115 (+14.0)
LPKA 16 13% 111 87% 74 (-15.8) 132 (+49.1)
NPK 1 20% 4 80% 119 (+23.0) 102 (+29.5)
PK None

Recent PK activity

Page 3 of 9 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 »
Time Winner Loser PK type
2004-11-10 04:28 am Toddtodd (50:110) 778 +7.8 Mystral (39:99) 650 -7.8 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 04:24 am Toddtodd (50:110) 770 +8.3 Mystral (39:99) 659 -8.3 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:54 am Glap (49:109) 799 +7.6 Mystral (39:99) 666 -7.6 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:52 am Toddtodd (50:110) 760 +9.1 Mystral (39:99) 675 -9.1 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:49 am Glap (49:109) 794 +8.3 Mystral (39:99) 684 -8.3 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:48 am Mystral (39:99) 668 +15.6 Toddtodd (50:110) 776 -15.6 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:37 am Toddtodd (50:110) 767 +9.0 Mystral (39:99) 677 -9.0 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:36 am Toddtodd (50:110) 757 +9.6 Mystral (39:99) 687 -9.6 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:35 am Toddtodd (50:110) 747 +10.3 Mystral (39:99) 697 -10.3 CTFNPK
2004-11-10 03:00 am Glap (49:109) 732 +11.2 Mystral (39:99) 708 -11.2 CTFLPK
2004-11-10 02:57 am Glap (49:109) 738 +11.4 Mystral (39:99) 719 -11.4 CTFLPK
2004-11-10 02:50 am Dank (60:120) 1144 +0 Mystral (39:99) 719 +0 CTFLPK
2004-11-10 02:46 am Glap (49:109) 724 +12.3 Mystral (39:99) 732 -12.3 CTFLPK
2004-11-10 02:43 am Dank (60:120) 1144 +0 Mystral (39:99) 732 +0 CTFLPK
2004-11-07 10:38 pm Pyrales (41:101) 1074 +3.0 Mystral (39:99) 735 -3.0 LPKA
2004-10-26 09:44 pm Neostar (60:120) 1386 +0 Mystral (39:99) 735 +0 LPKA
2004-10-26 09:23 pm Pyrales (40:100) 1095 +2.7 Mystral (39:99) 737 -2.7 LPKA
2004-10-26 09:19 pm Swylan (60:120) 1060 +0 Mystral (39:99) 737 +0 LPKA
2004-10-26 09:14 pm Swylan (60:120) 1060 +0 Mystral (39:99) 737 +0 LPKA
2004-10-26 08:59 pm Pyrales (40:100) 1092 +2.8 Mystral (39:99) 740 -2.8 LPKA
2004-10-26 12:43 am Gobru (60:180) 1262 +0 Mystral (39:99) 740 +0 LPKA
2004-10-25 10:04 pm Mink (60:240) 1203 +0 Mystral (39:99) 740 +0 NPK
2004-10-23 08:53 pm Frix (60:60) 1359 +0 Mystral (38:98) 740 +0 LPKA
2004-10-23 08:44 pm Pyrales (40:100) 1102 +2.7 Mystral (38:98) 743 -2.7 LPKA
2004-10-23 08:40 pm Pyrales (40:100) 1099 +2.8 Mystral (38:98) 746 -2.8 LPKA
2004-10-10 10:10 pm Swylan (60:120) 1111 +0 Mystral (38:98) 746 +0 LPKA
2004-10-10 10:06 pm Swylan (60:120) 1111 +0 Mystral (38:98) 746 +0 LPKA
2004-10-06 01:41 am Etoa (54:114) 1000 +4.6 Mystral (38:98) 750 -4.6 CTFLPK
2004-10-06 01:38 am Jeahan (55:115) 960 +5.7 Mystral (38:98) 756 -5.7 CTFLPK
2004-10-06 01:37 am Jeahan (55:115) 954 +6.0 Mystral (38:98) 762 -6.0 CTFLPK

Most PK

Wins Losses
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Pyrales (1)
Toddtodd (36)
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Tycondrius (19)
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Angell (10)
Swylan (9)
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