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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Piru

Piru (58:178) (#911)
Race: halfling
Gender: male
Classes: Barbarian, Ranger, Priest [skills]
Clan: The Lions Den
First Seen: 2005-12-24 10:30 pm
Last Login: 2019-11-30 07:59 pm
Time played this month: 4 hours 14 min
PK rating 1252 (peak: 1269)

PK statistics

1 Jan 081 Jul 081 Jan 091 Jul 091 Jan 101 Jul 101 Jan 111 Jul 111 Jan 121 Jul 121 Jan 131 Jul 131 Jan 141 Jul 141 Jan 159001,0001,1001,2001,300Rating
Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK None
CTFLPK 9 60% 6 40% 119 (+14.1) 119 (+14.3)
LPK 1 33% 2 67% 136 (+16.0) 241 (+66.0)
LPKA 73 86% 12 14% 137 (-18.7) 195 (+50.9)
NPK 8 32% 17 68% 127 (-34.4) 225 (+87.5)
PK 74 78% 21 22% 132 (-26.8) 158 (+9.5)

Recent PK activity

Page 3 of 8 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 »
Time Winner Loser PK type
2012-08-04 06:01 pm Piru (54:174) 1233 +0 Bangz (60:120) 904 +0 PK
2012-07-23 10:11 pm Piru (54:174) 1228 +5.1 Slingblade (44:164) 1000 -5.1 PK
2012-05-23 09:01 pm Eible (50:170) 698 +23.0 Piru (54:174) 1251 -23.0 PK (3 vs 2)
2012-05-23 08:54 pm Piru (54:174) 1250 +1.0 Eible (50:170) 698 -1.0 PK (2 vs 2)
2012-05-23 08:45 pm Duece (46:226) 759 +0 Piru (54:174) 1250 +0 PK
2012-05-23 08:44 pm Piru (54:174) 1249 +1.0 Eible (50:170) 699 -1.0 PK
2012-05-23 08:35 pm Duece (46:226) 759 +0 Piru (54:174) 1249 +0 PK
2012-05-20 11:55 pm Piru (54:174) 1246 +3.5 Shiino (44:164) 941 -3.5 PK
2012-05-08 04:12 am Piru (54:174) 1246 +0 Kaayni (60:120) 1032 +0 LPKA
2012-05-08 03:39 am Xash (54:174) 1000 +19.7 Piru (54:174) 1266 -19.7 PK
2012-05-08 03:36 am Piru (54:174) 1266 +0 Shiino (30:150) 955 +0 PK
2012-04-28 12:05 pm Piru (54:174) 1261 +4.4 Malkavien (57:177) 1002 -4.4 PK
2012-04-28 11:59 am Piru (54:174) 1257 +4.6 Malkavien (57:177) 1007 -4.6 PK (2 vs 4)
2012-04-15 05:57 pm Piru (53:173) 1252 +4.5 Zelik (36:156) 998 -4.5 PK
2012-02-21 12:00 am Piru (53:173) 1250 +2.0 Stellina (49:169) 834 -2.0 LPKA
2012-02-20 11:40 pm Piru (53:173) 1248 +2.1 Stellina (49:169) 836 -2.1 LPKA
2012-02-12 05:31 pm Piru (53:173) 1248 +0 Cane (60:120) 965 +0 LPKA
2012-02-12 05:08 pm Piru (53:173) 1248 +0 Nicky (55:115) 946 +0 LPKA
2012-02-12 04:23 pm Piru (53:173) 1248 +0 Willowfly (12:132) 1000 +0 LPKA
2012-02-04 11:03 pm Piru (53:173) 1242 +6.3 Duece (57:177) 1061 -6.3 PK
2012-01-23 09:13 am Duece (57:177) 1055 +18.4 Piru (53:173) 1260 -18.4 LPKA
2012-01-11 03:19 pm Piru (53:173) 1260 +0 Goldlily (39:99) 989 +0 LPKA
2011-12-31 02:02 pm Piru (53:173) 1257 +2.7 Porbag (35:155) 901 -2.7 LPKA
2011-12-31 01:57 pm Piru (53:173) 1255 +2.8 Porbag (35:155) 904 -2.8 LPKA
2011-12-31 01:56 pm Piru (53:173) 1252 +2.9 Porbag (35:155) 907 -2.9 LPKA
2011-12-28 01:47 pm Piru (53:173) 1252 +0 Lirka (60:60) 1000 +0 LPKA
2011-12-15 10:51 pm Piru (53:173) 1252 +0 Phantum (60:120) 908 +0 LPKA
2011-12-15 10:31 pm Piru (53:173) 1252 +0 Phantum (60:120) 908 +0 LPKA
2011-11-19 10:34 pm Piru (53:173) 1246 +5.4 Duece (53:173) 1031 -5.4 PK
2011-11-16 02:09 pm Piru (53:173) 1246 +0 Xyoranzu (25:145) 907 +0 LPKA

Most PK

Wins Losses
Bangz (16)
Duece (14)
Snowlily (10)
Dbangz (9)
Jaina (6)
Stellina (4)
Schnibblet (4)
Rumyr (4)
Perrin (4)
Mirres (4)
Sprat (4)
Waylander (3)
Vid (3)
Duece (3)
Bing (3)
Spellfire (2)
Schnibblet (2)
Nahway (2)
Minitaur (2)
Lasse (2)