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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Pyralis

Pyralis (60:240) (#1107)
Race: gnome
Gender: male
Classes: [skills]
Clan: Circle of Power
First Seen: 2002-07-16 09:16 am
Last Login: 2018-01-07 01:33 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1216 (peak: 1274)

PK statistics

1 Jan 031 May 031 Sep 031 Jan 041 May 041 Sep 041 Jan 051 May 051 Sep 051 Jan 061 May 069001,0001,1001,2001,300Rating
Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK 1 50% 1 50% 120 (+0.0) 241 (+1.0)
LPK 14 52% 13 48% 106 (-19.3) 179 (+59.2)
LPKA 212 84% 39 16% 69 (-82.6) 165 (+53.4)
NPK 42 66% 22 34% 100 (-51.0) 179 (+32.4)
PK 54 45% 66 55% 108 (-48.1) 231 (+105.6)

Recent PK activity

Page 12 of 16 « First « 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 »
Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-03-21 02:45 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Geobog (60:60) 1031 +0 LPKA
2003-03-20 05:50 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Magog (27:27) 1000 +0 LPKA
2003-03-20 01:27 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Syara (32:32) 1002 +0 LPKA
2003-03-19 03:35 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Gloin (56:56) 1009 +0 LPKA
2003-03-18 10:30 pm Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Godric (38:38) 992 +0 LPKA
2003-03-18 07:31 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Gloin (56:56) 997 +0 LPKA
2003-03-18 06:58 am Flyingnite (100:241) 1278 +0 Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 PK
2003-03-18 05:11 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Redguard (47:47) 1000 +0 LPKA
2003-03-18 03:58 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Caylan (44:44) 978 +0 LPKA
2003-03-18 03:23 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Bosely (38:38) 990 +0 LPKA
2003-02-15 10:20 am Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 Hagane (25:25) 1000 +0 LPKA
2003-02-06 01:18 pm Vail (60:180) 1418 +0 Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 PK
2003-01-28 05:47 am Mitspieler (85:241) 1086 +0 Pyralis (59:119) 1008 +0 PK
2003-01-15 12:05 am Flyingnite (100:241) 1270 +0 Pyralis (58:118) 1008 +0 PK
2003-01-12 06:12 am Pyralis (58:118) 1008 +0 Nenya (21:141) 943 +0 LPKA
2002-12-27 01:30 pm Pyralis (58:118) 997 +10.6 Nenya (60:120) 957 -10.6 LPKA
2002-12-09 08:46 pm Solus (60:120) 1319 +3.3 Pyralis (58:118) 1000 -3.3 NPK
2002-12-09 08:20 pm Solus (60:120) 1302 +3.7 Pyralis (58:118) 1004 -3.7 NPK
2002-12-09 12:50 am Jaden (101:241) 1370 +0 Pyralis (58:118) 1004 +0 PK
2002-12-01 10:50 am Smile (65:241) 987 +0 Pyralis (58:118) 1004 +0 LPK
2002-12-01 10:26 am Prefix (56:116) 1295 +3.9 Pyralis (58:118) 1008 -3.9 LPK
2002-12-01 10:24 am Pyralis (58:118) 1008 +0 Executioner (21:141) 1074 +0 LPK
2002-12-01 10:22 am Pyralis (58:118) 1008 +0 Executioner (21:141) 1074 +0 LPK
2002-12-01 10:21 am Pyralis (58:118) 1008 +0 Executioner (21:141) 1074 +0 LPK
2002-12-01 10:19 am Pyralis (58:118) 1008 +0 Executioner (21:141) 1074 +0 LPK
2002-12-01 10:15 am Arucard (60:120) 1108 +8.9 Pyralis (58:118) 1017 -8.9 LPK
2002-12-01 10:12 am Arucard (60:120) 1098 +9.6 Pyralis (58:118) 1026 -9.6 LPK
2002-11-29 02:33 am Balor (60:240) 1060 +0 Pyralis (57:117) 1026 +0 PK
2002-11-29 01:53 am Balor (60:240) 1060 +0 Pyralis (57:117) 1026 +0 PK
2002-11-27 06:34 pm Smile (65:241) 1046 +0 Pyralis (57:117) 1026 +0 PK

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