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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Ryshad

Ryshad (74:241) (#585)
Race: half-elf
Gender: male
Classes: Wizard, Paladin, Druid, Rogue [skills]
Clan: Mercenaries of War
First Seen: 1970-01-01 12:00 am
Last Login: 2010-09-11 03:07 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1036 (peak: 1167)

PK statistics

1 Jan 051 Jul 051 Jan 061 Jul 061 Jan 071 Jul 071 Jan 081 Jul 081 Jan 091 Jul 091 Jan 108009001,0001,1001,200Rating
Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK 0 0% 9 100% N/A 230 (+70.8)
CTFLPK 6 14% 36 86% 140 (+1.8) 133 (+1.0)
CTFNPK 21 37% 36 63% 116 (+0.4) 119 (+2.9)
LPK 48 52% 44 48% 191 (-2.0) 184 (+7.2)
LPKA 17 21% 63 79% 167 (-8.5) 132 (+11.8)
NPK 8 12% 59 88% 210 (-19.4) 230 (+37.2)
PK None

Recent PK activity

Page 4 of 12 « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 » Last »
Time Winner Loser PK type
2008-02-01 09:40 pm Cazzira (60:240) 1402 +2.4 Ryshad (60:240) 1019 -2.4 NPK
2008-02-01 09:01 pm Cazzira (60:240) 1399 +2.4 Ryshad (60:240) 1022 -2.4 LPKA
2008-02-01 08:48 pm Cazzira (60:240) 1397 +2.5 Ryshad (60:240) 1024 -2.5 LPKA
2007-08-27 01:32 pm Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +14.9 Caem (60:240) 1094 -14.9 NPK
2007-08-05 08:07 pm Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 Cazzira (60:180) 1463 +0 LPK
2007-05-23 06:40 pm Blarfy (71:241) 1051 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 LPK
2007-05-23 06:32 pm Blarfy (71:241) 1051 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 LPK
2007-05-23 06:22 pm Blarfy (71:241) 1051 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 LPK
2007-05-23 06:12 pm Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 Blarfy (71:241) 1051 +0 LPK
2007-05-22 11:11 pm Kaser (84:241) 1338 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 NPK
2007-05-22 06:03 pm Santino (70:241) 1069 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 LPKA
2007-05-22 05:59 pm Santino (70:241) 1069 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 LPKA
2007-05-18 03:27 pm Darkmist (91:241) 1567 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 1009 +0 CPK
2007-05-18 01:28 pm Ryshad (60:240) 990 +19.5 Lixue (60:240) 1244 -19.5 LPKA
2007-05-17 12:42 pm Ryshad (60:240) 983 +7.1 Blitzen (60:240) 831 -7.1 LPK
2007-05-16 05:27 pm Ryshad (60:240) 962 +20.8 Vanadia (55:235) 1285 -20.8 LPKA
2007-05-16 01:06 pm Ryshad (60:240) 948 +13.7 Waylander (60:240) 999 -13.7 LPK
2007-05-14 06:22 pm Ryshad (60:240) 948 +0 Anagon (99:241) 1345 +0 NPK
2007-05-08 06:08 pm Thax (62:241) 1197 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 948 +0 LPKA
2007-05-08 05:56 pm Thax (62:241) 1197 +0 Ryshad (60:240) 948 +0 LPKA
2007-05-07 07:47 pm Ryshad (60:240) 939 +9.2 Blitzen (60:240) 855 -9.2 LPK
2007-05-06 08:07 am Ryshad (60:240) 925 +14.2 Drek (44:224) 988 -14.2 LPKA
2007-04-23 07:50 pm Ryshad (60:240) 911 +14.1 Xirote (58:238) 971 -14.1 LPKA
2007-02-15 03:34 pm Synn (103:241) 1510 +0 Ryshad (50:230) 911 +0 NPK
2007-02-13 04:26 pm Drahylin (52:232) 1047 +7.8 Ryshad (47:227) 918 -7.8 LPKA
2007-02-13 04:22 pm Drahylin (52:232) 1038 +8.3 Ryshad (47:227) 927 -8.3 LPKA
2007-01-20 08:57 pm Bladerunner (60:240) 1010 +0 Ryshad (25:205) 927 +0 LPK
2007-01-16 06:40 pm Bladerunner (60:240) 1025 +0 Ryshad (22:202) 927 +0 LPK
2007-01-09 05:29 pm Zerophyre (60:180) 1476 +1.0 Ryshad (60:180) 928 -1.0 LPKA
2007-01-07 08:21 pm Ryshad (60:180) 928 +0 Cazzira (60:120) 1330 +0 LPK

Most PK

Wins Losses
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Cazzira (3)
Birger (3)
Dirtydozen (22)
Highhill (18)
Raged (17)
Perem (15)
Haedon (8)
Waylander (7)
Tonen (7)
Minotorious (7)
Kever (7)
Vexis (6)