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Cwn Annwn

Quest database

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Last ten submitted quests
Quest Questmaster Levels PP QP
Budding Forests [31572] Lord Vendredi 241– 241 7 87
Everyday Tinkergnomes [31101] Lady Undya 121– 180 6 55
Don't Drink And Ride [31133] Lady Undya 121– 180 7 66
Birthday Party Tutorial [3347] Tutorial 37– 241 0 0
Appeasing The King [3378] Lord Maldra 240– 241 22 220
A Camp Built Atop A Spider Nest [3248] Lord Vendredi 55– 95 2 17
Daily Quest - Mirror Maze [3517] Any Lord or Lady of the Council of Seven 20– 250 0 25
I'm In The Mood For Love [2730] Lord Agrippa 40– 119 1 16
Ong Onk Ong Ooonnkk [3412] The lord emperor penguin 121– 180 0 0
A Barbarian's Best Friend [32115] The Council of Seven's envoy to Lord Telleri 15– 250 2 17

This database contains 3,637 quests with 22,907 phases, for an average of 6.30 phases per quest. There are 19,247 hints in total, giving an average of 0.84 hints per phase.

73.1% of our phases have hints, but that still leaves 6,162 without!