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Cwn Annwn

Clan #109: Legacy

Members Clanhall location Alliance
26 (739, 499) Brothers in arms


Clan member Joined Hours this month Last seen
1 Sarok (49:229) 1234139460 2009-02-09 12:31 am 2160 0.6 hours 2019-08-25 03:43 pm
2 Alacazam (48:108) 1234416900 2009-02-12 05:35 am 5759 1.6 hours 2021-04-30 06:20 am
3 Jaina (18:138) 1234700700 2009-02-15 12:25 pm 5507 1.5 hours 2019-08-05 02:05 pm
4 Lotta (28:88) 1241105580 2009-04-30 03:33 pm 55139 15.3 hours 2020-05-16 10:45 pm
5 Vidomina (60:60) 1241108040 2009-04-30 04:14 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-01-29 10:04 am
6 Chejop (60:60) 1241638020 2009-05-06 07:27 pm 0 0.0 hours 2009-05-19 03:00 pm
7 Ironsong (60:120) 1242574740 2009-05-17 03:39 pm 1026600 285.2 hours 2023-02-03 01:14 am
8 Erirt (60:60) 1243523880 2009-05-28 03:18 pm 0 0.0 hours 2009-06-23 01:05 pm
9 Glilir (45:165) 1243876560 2009-06-01 05:16 pm 300 0.1 hours 2020-01-18 06:24 pm
10 Phineous (37:97) 1247767680 2009-07-16 06:08 pm 0 0.0 hours 2016-06-10 03:46 am
11 Xumand (43:223) 1256600820 2009-10-26 11:47 pm 0 0.0 hours 2010-06-05 07:15 pm
12 Alexah (60:240) 1261659480 2009-12-24 12:58 pm 989704 274.9 hours 2021-07-21 02:28 pm
13 Venix (50:170) 1270152060 2010-04-01 08:01 pm 10160 2.8 hours 2022-09-24 09:10 pm
14 Phaizar (50:110) 1270835340 2010-04-09 05:49 pm 0 0.0 hours 2010-06-04 12:16 pm
15 Lancejr (52:172) 1271582580 2010-04-18 09:23 am 49390 13.7 hours 2022-06-20 11:33 pm
16 Dyri (13:73) 1271582580 2010-04-18 09:23 am 0 0.0 hours 2011-03-09 06:23 pm
17 Trief (60:60) 1271582580 2010-04-18 09:23 am 0 0.0 hours 2014-08-30 07:52 pm
18 Tranzor (39:159) 1330870680 2012-03-04 02:18 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-01-16 06:21 pm
19 Driftwood (60:60) 1331032560 2012-03-06 11:16 am 0 0.0 hours 2013-03-06 04:39 am
20 Loekii (42:162) 1331082000 2012-03-07 01:00 am 300 0.1 hours 2020-06-25 05:19 am
21 Tunry (57:177) 1331444580 2012-03-11 05:43 am 0 0.0 hours 2017-10-31 06:20 am
22 Madger (60:120) 1333431960 2012-04-03 05:46 am 0 0.0 hours 2012-06-17 04:19 pm
23 Alterium (60:180) 1333525980 2012-04-04 07:53 am 0 0.0 hours 2013-05-18 04:25 pm
24 Quilue (58:118) 1333659000 2012-04-05 08:50 pm 0 0.0 hours 2012-05-04 08:37 pm
25 Seabubble (34:94) 1347831480 2012-09-16 09:38 pm 0 0.0 hours 2019-03-28 09:46 pm
26 Dritz (60:240) 1403724360 2014-06-25 07:26 pm 294096 81.7 hours 2023-02-13 12:13 am

Recent clan activity

Time Event
2014-06-25 07:26 pm Dritz has joined clan Legacy [109].
2013-09-07 11:22 am Bashnak has left clan Legacy [109].
2013-03-25 03:19 pm Dicon has left clan Legacy [109].
2012-10-23 04:05 pm Rixen has left clan Legacy [109].
2012-09-16 09:38 pm Seabubble has joined clan Legacy [109].
2012-08-12 05:12 pm Minitaur has left clan Legacy [109].
2012-07-15 05:45 pm Shakuir has left clan Legacy [109].
2012-06-05 06:44 pm Rixen has joined clan Legacy [109].
2012-04-05 08:50 pm Quilue has joined clan Legacy [109].
2012-04-04 07:55 am Simi has been removed from clan Legacy [109].
2012-04-04 07:53 am Alterium has joined clan Legacy [109].
2012-04-03 05:46 am Madger has joined clan Legacy [109].

Recent alliance activity

2009-05-21 09:02 am Clan Legacy [109] has joined Brothers in arms [19].
2007-05-04 10:38 pm Clan Legacy [109] has left Navigators of Dawn [6].
2006-12-11 03:54 am Clan Legacy [109] has joined Navigators of Dawn [6].
2006-12-06 08:40 pm Clan Legacy [109] has left The Iron Crown [4].
2006-10-09 07:23 pm Clan Legacy [109] has joined The Iron Crown [4].