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Cwn Annwn

Clan #11: Knighthood

Members Clanhall location Alliance
11 (1370, 1235) None


Clan member Joined Hours this month Last seen
1 Diablo (77:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2018-03-31 10:00 pm
2 Darrod (100:241) 1243756200 2009-05-31 07:50 am 6780 1.9 hours 2021-12-17 08:28 am
3 Ragate (102:241) 1244746920 2009-06-11 07:02 pm 0 0.0 hours 2018-09-12 03:43 am
4 Windforce (71:241) 1245695100 2009-06-22 06:25 pm 0 0.0 hours 2013-07-07 01:40 am
5 Matanzae (44:164) 1246484160 2009-07-01 09:36 pm 0 0.0 hours 2012-05-22 01:18 pm
6 Jadefox (60:120) 1246498860 2009-07-02 01:41 am 0 0.0 hours 2015-04-23 06:03 pm
7 Sampson (60:60) 1247008020 2009-07-07 11:07 pm 0 0.0 hours 2009-08-06 02:21 pm
8 Gatera (46:166) 1247230320 2009-07-10 12:52 pm 0 0.0 hours 2013-09-19 05:08 pm
9 Caraniel (60:60) 1247303700 2009-07-11 09:15 am 0 0.0 hours 2011-01-05 12:49 am
10 Rainstar (45:45) 1247706120 2009-07-16 01:02 am 0 0.0 hours 2013-04-20 04:03 am
11 Kickaha (42:102) 1278633540 2010-07-08 11:59 pm 0 0.0 hours 2015-03-24 02:51 am

Recent clan activity

Time Event
2014-11-16 09:56 pm Clan Knighthood [11] has not paid its taxes in 4 months and has been removed from the clan roster.
2014-05-27 02:34 am Fayth has left clan Knighthood [11].
2013-12-22 12:35 pm Apocalypse has left clan Knighthood [11].
2012-12-18 12:07 am Gali has been removed from clan Knighthood [11].
2012-11-14 08:18 am Zeek has left clan Knighthood [11].
2011-10-18 12:55 am Cuna has left clan Knighthood [11].
2010-12-19 09:57 pm Cuna has joined clan Knighthood [11].
2010-09-14 09:08 pm Archie has left clan Knighthood [11].
2010-09-12 10:22 pm Kuwabara has left clan Knighthood [11].
2010-09-12 06:34 pm Insanity has left clan Knighthood [11].
2010-09-08 02:53 am Fayth has joined clan Knighthood [11].
2010-08-27 06:40 pm Goku has been removed from clan Knighthood [11].

Recent alliance activity

2014-11-16 09:56 pm Clan Knighthood [11] has left The Ivory Tower [7].
2006-10-08 08:49 pm Clan Knighthood [11] has joined The Ivory Tower [7].