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Cwn Annwn

Clan #13: Spiritwalk

Members Clanhall location Alliance
25 (643, 481) Blue Rose


Clan member Joined Hours this month Last seen
1 Gothnor (141:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2019-04-02 02:40 am
2 Azurerain (100:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2011-03-20 01:05 am
3 Niky (114:241) Unknown 1048869 291.4 hours 2023-07-16 02:03 pm
4 Chemisse (84:241) 1024235501 2002-06-16 01:51 pm 0 0.0 hours 2018-02-07 04:36 pm
5 Ukyo (32:212) 1072810363 2003-12-30 06:52 pm 0 0.0 hours 2017-01-04 10:24 pm
6 Chik (135:241) 1093094301 2004-08-21 01:18 pm 0 0.0 hours 2015-03-18 09:43 pm
7 Kandar (97:241) 1109450955 2005-02-26 08:49 pm 2468013 685.6 hours 2023-07-20 12:42 am
8 Cantilenae (57:237) 1124456857 2005-08-19 01:07 pm 89939 25.0 hours 2021-05-10 11:05 am
9 Greenbrigade (60:240) 1151114865 2006-06-24 02:07 am 0 0.0 hours 2010-09-07 01:27 am
10 Mortefa (28:148) 1163556189 2006-11-15 02:03 am 0 0.0 hours 2012-09-22 08:16 pm
11 Thassen (112:241) 1189362434 2007-09-09 06:27 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-11-01 05:15 pm
12 Chanal (131:241) 1211544495 2008-05-23 12:08 pm 10435093 2898.6 hours 2023-04-19 12:36 am
13 Larien (55:175) 1214229151 2008-06-23 01:52 pm 0 0.0 hours 2013-10-24 03:13 am
14 Tiralak (35:215) 1220716020 2008-09-06 03:47 pm 0 0.0 hours 2016-05-05 09:04 pm
15 Fwendaar (60:240) 1235175660 2009-02-21 12:21 am 0 0.0 hours 2012-11-06 05:42 am
16 Krybo (57:237) 1254279180 2009-09-30 02:53 am 0 0.0 hours 2014-01-19 08:13 pm
17 Finder (54:174) 1335012840 2012-04-21 12:54 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-09-03 07:03 pm
18 Windfire (48:108) 1342600920 2012-07-18 08:42 am 11986 3.3 hours 2019-06-11 09:22 pm
19 Zayia (30:90) 1378059660 2013-09-01 06:21 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-02-04 02:46 pm
20 Annon (60:120) 1380344280 2013-09-28 04:58 am 1263551 351.0 hours 2023-07-17 04:00 am
21 Dagnabbit (30:90) 1385766360 2013-11-29 11:06 pm 0 0.0 hours 2018-07-13 02:33 pm
22 Tonen (68:241) 1388412240 2013-12-30 02:04 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-11-03 11:07 pm
23 Cannik (60:60) 1389753720 2014-01-15 02:42 am 0 0.0 hours 2019-03-11 01:34 am
24 Cuvet (49:49) 1391221140 2014-02-01 02:19 am 0 0.0 hours 2017-11-30 12:34 am
25 Nesseth (60:60) 1391474580 2014-02-04 12:43 am 0 0.0 hours 2014-03-18 12:50 am

Recent clan activity

Time Event
2015-01-09 10:10 pm Chunji has left clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-09-13 10:34 pm Asurien has been removed from clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-09-13 10:33 pm Chunji has joined clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-09 01:13 pm Imagino has been removed from clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-09 01:13 pm Toven has been removed from clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-09 01:13 pm Zayla has been removed from clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-09 01:12 pm Kivan has been removed from clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-09 12:44 pm Ethylene has been removed from clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-04 12:43 am Nesseth has joined clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-02-01 02:19 am Cuvet has joined clan Spiritwalk [13].
2014-01-15 02:42 am Cannik has joined clan Spiritwalk [13].
2013-12-30 02:04 pm Tonen has joined clan Spiritwalk [13].

Recent alliance activity

2010-07-09 11:52 pm Clan Spiritwalk [13] has joined Blue Rose [9].
2010-03-30 12:17 am Clan Spiritwalk [13] has been removed from Navigators of Dawn [6] by Nemori of clan Northstar [47].
2007-11-19 03:20 pm Clan Spiritwalk [13] has joined Navigators of Dawn [6].
2007-11-19 03:19 pm Clan Spiritwalk [13] has left The Iron Crown [4].
2006-10-09 07:05 pm Clan Spiritwalk [13] has joined The Iron Crown [4].