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Cwn Annwn

Clan #5: Prophecy

Members Clanhall location Alliance
27 (1180, 233) Navigators of Dawn


Clan member Joined Hours this month Last seen
1 Soran (115:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2017-07-05 11:54 pm
2 Leigh (108:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2018-10-03 05:16 am
3 Alias (82:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2013-09-15 04:13 am
4 Maya (101:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2012-05-15 12:47 pm
5 Pantusu (141:241) Unknown 33240 9.2 hours 2020-03-30 07:26 am
6 Locutus (60:240) Unknown 600 0.2 hours 2021-01-17 01:28 am
7 Executor (105:241) Unknown 181380 50.4 hours 2021-11-03 07:30 pm
8 Karen (60:240) 1093403301 2004-08-25 03:08 am 672297 186.7 hours 2021-09-22 11:13 pm
9 Kanstryner (44:224) 1123850911 2005-08-12 12:48 pm 57239 15.9 hours 2021-08-09 08:24 pm
10 Thralk (94:241) 1123922503 2005-08-13 08:41 am 5256 1.5 hours 2020-08-17 07:06 am
11 Selig (107:241) 1124711211 2005-08-22 11:46 am 0 0.0 hours 2009-08-09 12:05 pm
12 Nyr (88:241) 1127927292 2005-09-28 05:08 pm 0 0.0 hours 2016-09-28 07:40 pm
13 Serena (100:241) 1151963479 2006-07-03 09:51 pm 3060 0.8 hours 2019-09-06 04:19 am
14 Ryouken (80:241) 1188939594 2007-09-04 08:59 pm 34799 9.7 hours 2023-04-07 04:22 pm
15 Elowin (60:60) 1203703221 2008-02-22 06:00 pm 0 0.0 hours 2018-01-23 05:16 am
16 Dyalot (102:241) 1234919340 2009-02-18 01:09 am 0 0.0 hours 2017-11-23 04:32 pm
17 Willowfly (60:240) 1386711300 2013-12-10 09:35 pm 41368 11.5 hours 2022-10-09 08:14 pm
18 Ryechaser (97:241) 1409448780 2014-08-31 01:33 am 0 0.0 hours 2019-04-07 07:53 am
19 Seylin (60:180) 1409449440 2014-08-31 01:44 am 681008 189.2 hours 2023-07-15 01:24 am
20 Thoram (45:105) 1409450280 2014-08-31 01:58 am 0 0.0 hours 2015-04-07 08:54 pm
21 Blanx (60:240) 1409689440 2014-09-02 08:24 pm 0 0.0 hours 2018-08-23 06:28 pm
22 Xozes (60:240) 1412125020 2014-10-01 12:57 am 1378159 382.8 hours 2021-08-23 05:15 pm
23 Naglfar (31:211) 1420425840 2015-01-05 02:44 am 3959 1.1 hours 2022-09-12 11:11 am
24 Schuller (35:215) 1423864200 2015-02-13 09:50 pm 3373339 937.0 hours 2022-12-13 05:42 pm
25 Bullybeef (38:98) 1425603540 2015-03-06 12:59 am 0 0.0 hours 2016-05-13 11:11 pm
26 Rubedo (60:60) 1425606360 2015-03-06 01:46 am 0 0.0 hours 2017-10-30 05:13 am
27 Tabytha (60:60) 1425606360 2015-03-06 01:46 am 22200 6.2 hours 2022-01-21 11:05 am

Recent clan activity

Time Event
2015-04-08 02:38 am Starbury has been removed from clan Prophecy [5].
2015-03-13 02:03 am Starbury has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2015-03-06 01:46 am Tabytha has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2015-03-06 01:46 am Rubedo has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2015-03-06 12:59 am Bullybeef has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2015-02-13 09:50 pm Schuller has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2015-01-05 02:44 am Naglfar has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2014-11-12 10:19 am Birahsa has been removed from clan Prophecy [5].
2014-10-29 02:10 am Birahsa has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2014-10-29 02:10 am Birasa has been removed from clan Prophecy [5].
2014-10-21 10:43 pm Birasa has joined clan Prophecy [5].
2014-10-01 12:57 am Xozes has joined clan Prophecy [5].

Recent alliance activity

2006-10-11 03:56 am Clan Prophecy [5] has joined Navigators of Dawn [6].