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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: Volvo vs Disterix - last of 4 fights

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Volvo vs Disterix - last of 4 fights Volvo 2008-11-25 01:30 pm 867

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(Mount: 2542st)
[*][SAFE]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st>
Disterix [Level 60:180] has challenged you to combat in the Arena!
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Disterix has challenged Volvo to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'

Do you accept the challenge (y/N)? You accept the challenge.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Volvo has accepted Disterix's challenge for Arena combat!'
There is a deafening POP as you blink out of existence.

 A Yellow Square                                        NW     N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      -      -

Stumbling into the room, evading your foe's attack you fall facefirst
into warm sand. Raising your head to look around, spitting the sand out of
your mouth, you notice this area of the arena seems to be a desert, barren,
dry and incredibly sandy. Rising to your feet and brushing yourself off,
you trudge through the deep sand, eager to get out of this arid part of the
arena and find your battle partner once again.

(Mount: 2542st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the northwest.

(Mount: 2542st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st>
 An Orange Square                                       -      N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

This is a spacious room covered with a dome crafted of crisscrossing
metal beams, far above your head. The floor tiles are broken and covered
with overgrown orange moss, and is very slippery due to a recent
thunderstorm that seems to have occured in the room. Large puddles of water
are situated precariously amongst the broken floor tiles, making it
difficult to traverse.

(Mount: 2539st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the northeast.

(Mount: 2539st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> You are currently in: Challenge Arenas
Visible player(s) near you:
Disterix (An Orange Square)

(Mount: 2539st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st>
 A Deeper Part of the Arena                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

The room here is very dark, and it almost has a menacing aura about it.
You can just about feel the tension in the air. The walls here are made of
a black brick, like the darkest, deepest parts of any dungeon, and a very
odd form of lichen is growing in between the cracks of the bricks along the
walls. The floor is made of a sold brick as well, but it is very uneven,
almost dangerous in some places.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st>
 A Black Square                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Half running, half jogging, checking behind your back as you wander into
this area, you stop short, glancing around you in awe. The floor you are
standing on, reflects your image back at you. The whole floor is paneled
with mirrors here, almost to scare a warrior with images that may be there
or may not. You stare at the floor, glancing behind you slightly, just far
enough back to view another's sword just behind a corner. Shivering and
feeling a slight adrenaline rush, you jog to the next part of the arena.

(Mount: 2535st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.

(Mount: 2535st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st>
 A White Square                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Treading carefully into the room, you notice it to be a slightly more
peaceful looking area than the others. The ground is a simple grassy plain,
a few random, yet trampled daisies here and there. You stop and rest a
moment before moving on, taking a few deep breaths and stretching your tired
muscles. Regretting even stopping for a moment for fear of feeling a dagger
in your back, you quickly realize your place and move on to the next room.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> A tangle vine is [1] room away to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st>
 A Green Square                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.
A thorny, red-veined vine twines its way around your feet.

(Mount: 2531st)
[*]<1469hp 1751sp 1267st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.

(Mount: 2535st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.

(Mount: 2531st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
A tangle vine is [1] room away to the west.

(Mount: 2531st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Yellow Square                                        -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      SE

Stumbling into the room, evading your foe's attack you fall facefirst
into warm sand. Raising your head to look around, spitting the sand out of
your mouth, you notice this area of the arena seems to be a desert, barren,
dry and incredibly sandy. Rising to your feet and brushing yourself off,
you trudge through the deep sand, eager to get out of this arid part of the
arena and find your battle partner once again.

(Mount: 2526st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
[CLAN] Hysteria has recalled to the clan hall!

(Mount: 2526st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the southeast.

(Mount: 2526st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You will be able to check for nearby players again in 2 seconds.

(Mount: 2526st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You will be able to check for nearby players again in 1 second.

(Mount: 2526st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You are currently in: Challenge Arenas
Visible player(s) near you:
Disterix (A White Square)

(Mount: 2526st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A White Square                                         NW     N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Treading carefully into the room, you notice it to be a slightly more
peaceful looking area than the others. The ground is a simple grassy plain,
a few random, yet trampled daisies here and there. You stop and rest a
moment before moving on, taking a few deep breaths and stretching your tired
muscles. Regretting even stopping for a moment for fear of feeling a dagger
in your back, you quickly realize your place and move on to the next room.

(Mount: 2523st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the northwest.

(Mount: 2523st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Yellow Square                                        NW     N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Stumbling into the room, evading your foe's attack you fall facefirst
into warm sand. Raising your head to look around, spitting the sand out of
your mouth, you notice this area of the arena seems to be a desert, barren,
dry and incredibly sandy. Rising to your feet and brushing yourself off,
you trudge through the deep sand, eager to get out of this arid part of the
arena and find your battle partner once again.

(Mount: 2520st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the northwest.

(Mount: 2520st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Green Square                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.

(Mount: 2517st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.

(Mount: 2517st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Purple Room                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      -      -

Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!

(Mount: 2515st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the west.

(Mount: 2515st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Black Square                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Half running, half jogging, checking behind your back as you wander into
this area, you stop short, glancing around you in awe. The floor you are
standing on, reflects your image back at you. The whole floor is paneled
with mirrors here, almost to scare a warrior with images that may be there
or may not. You stare at the floor, glancing behind you slightly, just far
enough back to view another's sword just behind a corner. Shivering and
feeling a slight adrenaline rush, you jog to the next part of the arena.

(Mount: 2513st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
 A Blue Square                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Running into this room, panting heavily before coming to a stop, you
realize your footsteps have been making loud splashes. Looking around you
notice that the floor here is not merely just ground, but a small pool of
water, maybe a foot to two foot deep. You glance around a little closer,
wondering if there could possibly be some kind of life form in these dark
waters, but you quickly move on to another room, not really wanting to find

(Mount: 2509st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
A tangle vine is [1] room away to the west.

(Mount: 2509st)
[*]<1469hp 1725sp 1269st>
AUCTION: Rigan has put a pet rock named Jade up for auction. Minimum bid is 50,000 gp.

(Mount: 2522st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Deeper Part of the Arena                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      SW     S      -

The room here is very dark, and it almost has a menacing aura about it.
You can just about feel the tension in the air. The walls here are made of
a black brick, like the darkest, deepest parts of any dungeon, and a very
odd form of lichen is growing in between the cracks of the bricks along the
walls. The floor is made of a sold brick as well, but it is very uneven,
almost dangerous in some places.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You don't see anything to the south.
A tangle vine is [1] room away to the southwest.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Blue Square                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Running into this room, panting heavily before coming to a stop, you
realize your footsteps have been making loud splashes. Looking around you
notice that the floor here is not merely just ground, but a small pool of
water, maybe a foot to two foot deep. You glance around a little closer,
wondering if there could possibly be some kind of life form in these dark
waters, but you quickly move on to another room, not really wanting to find

(Mount: 2514st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Green Square                                         -      N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      -      -

Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.
A thorny, red-veined vine twines its way around your feet.

(Mount: 2510st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Black Square                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Half running, half jogging, checking behind your back as you wander into
this area, you stop short, glancing around you in awe. The floor you are
standing on, reflects your image back at you. The whole floor is paneled
with mirrors here, almost to scare a warrior with images that may be there
or may not. You stare at the floor, glancing behind you slightly, just far
enough back to view another's sword just behind a corner. Shivering and
feeling a slight adrenaline rush, you jog to the next part of the arena.

(Mount: 2508st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      SE

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.

(Mount: 2504st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the southeast.

(Mount: 2504st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You are currently in: Challenge Arenas
Visible player(s) near you:
Disterix (A White Square)

(Mount: 2504st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Yellow Square                                        NW     N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Stumbling into the room, evading your foe's attack you fall facefirst
into warm sand. Raising your head to look around, spitting the sand out of
your mouth, you notice this area of the arena seems to be a desert, barren,
dry and incredibly sandy. Rising to your feet and brushing yourself off,
you trudge through the deep sand, eager to get out of this arid part of the
arena and find your battle partner once again.

(Mount: 2499st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.

(Mount: 2494st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.

(Mount: 2494st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Purple Room                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      -      -

Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.

(Mount: 2490st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the west.

(Mount: 2490st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.

(Mount: 2486st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.

(Mount: 2479st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
 A Purple Room                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, but a young pegasus dodges out of the way just in time!

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You don't see anything to the north.
Disterix [Player] is [1] room away to the south.
A young pegasus is [1] room away to the south.

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st>
Disterix rides in from the south.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, but Disterix dodges out of the way just in time!

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You enter into combat with Disterix.
Disterix is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> Disterix's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1469hp 1700sp 1271st> You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing mild damage.
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1376hp 1700sp 1271st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2475st)
[*]<1376hp 1700sp 1271st>
AUCTION: A pet rock named Jade: going once (no bid received yet).
You have completed your casting.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1377hp 1675sp 1272st>
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1377hp 1675sp 1272st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1377hp 1675sp 1272st>
Someone has completed her casting.
The spell shield surrounding you partially absorbs someone's magic.
The shimmering bands of light surrounding you fade and vanish.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs.
Someone is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1377hp 1675sp 1272st>
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
Disterix parries your first attack.
Disterix parries your second attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix is smashed on the leg with your bash causing minimal damage.
You catch the spear of the dead on a typhoon shield.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Disterix's pierce causing minimal damage.
Disterix has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1331hp 1610sp 1266st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1331hp 1610sp 1266st> Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1331hp 1610sp 1266st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, a feather from a roc, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Disterix!
Disterix manages to brush the spiders off her just in time!
Disterix has completed her casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix parries your second attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry Disterix's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Disterix's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Disterix's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1271hp 1521sp 1259st>
Disterix begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1271hp 1521sp 1259st>
You deliver a roundhouse kick to Disterix, connecting solidly.
Disterix is smashed on the leg with your bash causing minimal damage.
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1271hp 1521sp 1239st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Disterix glows with a malevolent fuchsia aura, but it fades quickly.
Disterix has completed her casting.
Disterix is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
Disterix parries your first attack.
Disterix dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1215hp 1462sp 1233st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1215hp 1462sp 1233st> Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1215hp 1462sp 1233st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, a feather from a roc, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Disterix!
Disterix is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Disterix has completed her casting.
Disterix has increased the length of time you will be affected by 'curse'.
Disterix dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1131hp 1373sp 1226st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2503st)
[*]<1131hp 1373sp 1226st>
AUCTION: A pet rock named Jade: going twice (no bid received yet).
Disterix has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1138hp 1400sp 1230st>
You have completed your casting.
Disterix glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Disterix parries your first attack.
Disterix parries your second attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1335sp 1224st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1335sp 1224st>
Disterix's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in time!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1335sp 1224st>
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Disterix shudders, staggers, and almost falls.
Disterix dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
Disterix is smashed on the leg with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
Disterix fails to hit you with her first attack.
Disterix fails to hit you with her second attack.
Disterix fails to hit you with her third attack.
You skillfully parry Disterix's fourth attack.
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1306sp 1217st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1306sp 1217st>
Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1306sp 1217st>
You deliver a roundhouse kick to Disterix, connecting solidly.
Disterix is smashed on the leg with your bash causing mild damage.
Disterix has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1075hp 1306sp 1197st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Disterix glows with a malevolent fuchsia aura, but it fades quickly.
Disterix has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
Disterix parries your second attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's third attack.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1023hp 1247sp 1190st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<1023hp 1247sp 1190st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, a feather from a roc, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Disterix is moving more lethargically.
Disterix parries your first attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix fails to hit you with her first attack.
You skillfully parry Disterix's second attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing modest damage.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<989hp 1177sp 1183st> You cannot perform the somatic movements necessary to cast that spell.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<989hp 1177sp 1183st>
Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<989hp 1177sp 1183st> You cannot perform the somatic movements necessary to cast that spell.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<989hp 1177sp 1183st>
Disterix has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Disterix for a moment, then softly fades.
Disterix catches Archibold's staff of wisdom on a white shield of the holy.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Disterix's pierce causing minimal damage.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<910hp 1177sp 1175st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<910hp 1177sp 1175st>
Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<910hp 1177sp 1175st>
AUCTION: No bids received for a pet rock named Jade. Item has been removed.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<921hp 1217sp 1184st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Disterix stumbles and staggers under the additional weight you have bestowed upon her.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing moderate damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing moderate damage.
Disterix looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<921hp 1113sp 1176st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<921hp 1113sp 1176st>
Disterix has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Disterix for a moment, then softly fades.
Disterix has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<921hp 1113sp 1176st>
You have completed your casting.
Your fingertips brush Disterix, causing her to shriek in pain.
Disterix is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
You feel better!
Disterix catches Archibold's staff of wisdom on a white shield of the holy.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing moderate damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing moderate damage.
Disterix dodges out of the way of your fourth attack.
Disterix fails to hit you with her first attack.
Disterix fails to hit you with her second attack.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's third attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1023hp 1048sp 1169st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1023hp 1048sp 1169st>
Disterix's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in time!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Disterix looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1023hp 1048sp 1169st>
You have completed your casting.
Your fingertips brush Disterix, causing her to shriek in pain.
Disterix is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing heavy damage.
You feel better!
Disterix is smashed on the arm with your bash causing middling damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing heavy damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing heavy damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing great damage.
You skillfully parry Disterix's first attack.
Disterix fails to hit you with her second attack.
Disterix fails to hit you with her third attack.
Disterix is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1148hp 983sp 1161st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1148hp 983sp 1161st>
Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1148hp 983sp 1161st>
You have completed your casting.
Your fingertips brush Disterix, causing her to shriek in pain.
Disterix is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing tremendous damage.
You feel better!
Disterix has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Disterix for a moment, then softly fades.
Disterix dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing great damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing enormous damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing giant damage.
Disterix fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Disterix's second attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix screams in agony.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1217hp 918sp 1154st>
Disterix begins casting a spell...
Disterix screams in agony.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1217hp 918sp 1154st> You cannot perform the somatic movements necessary to cast that spell.
Disterix screams in agony.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1217hp 918sp 1154st>
Disterix has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Disterix for a moment, then softly fades.
Disterix parries your first attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing great damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing great damage.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing enormous damage.
You skillfully parry Disterix's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Disterix's pierce causing mild damage.
Disterix fails to hit you with her third attack.
Disterix screams in agony.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1189hp 918sp 1147st>
Disterix's a glittering black herbal mixture strikes you!
There is a great explosion, and you are thrown to the ground!
You are burned on the torso by Disterix's flames causing great damage.
A glittering black herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Disterix screams in agony.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<1027hp 918sp 1147st>
Disterix struggles mightily against the webs which hold her in place.
Disterix screams in agony.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<1036hp 976sp 1159st>
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Disterix turns white and shudders momentarily.
Disterix is drained on the torso with your necromancy causing incredible damage.
Disterix parries your first attack.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing tremendous damage.
Disterix is smashed on the arm with your bash causing incredible damage.
Disterix falls from a young pegasus.
Disterix is smashed on the torso with your bash causing lethal damage.
Disterix has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Disterix's death cry.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Disterix has been slain by Volvo in Arena combat!'
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
Lewd How do you suck that much. :/