PK logs: Supernac vs Lewd, for posterity.
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Supernac vs Lewd, for posterity. | Lewd | 2008-12-01 07:35 am | 840 |
A Green Square - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1673st> {+0hp +0sp -4st}
Supernac [Player] is right here to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the southeast.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1673st> s
A White Square - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Treading carefully into the room, you notice it to be a slightly more
peaceful looking area than the others. The ground is a simple grassy plain,
a few random, yet trampled daisies here and there. You stop and rest a
moment before moving on, taking a few deep breaths and stretching your tired
muscles. Regretting even stopping for a moment for fear of feeling a dagger
in your back, you quickly realize your place and move on to the next room.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1671st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}
web sup
A Green Square - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1669st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}
A Purple Room - - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.
[Clan 135] ***Supernac Revenge is a meal best served cold is here.
You trip over an unnoticed coil of rope, triggering a snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above you, entangling you with sticky ropes.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1667st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1667st>
Supernac begins attacking you!
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1667st>
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2129hp 2090sp 1667st> {-140hp +0sp +0st}
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2129hp 2090sp 1667st>
Supernac stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2129hp 2015sp 1667st> {+0hp -75sp +0st}
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing minimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing insignificant damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor scratches.
[*]<2022hp 2015sp 1659st> {-107hp +0sp -8st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac has several minor scratches.
[*]<2022hp 2015sp 1659st>
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur flares brightly and vanishes!
Supernac is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Supernac has several minor scratches.
[*]<2022hp 1994sp 1659st> {+0hp -21sp +0st}
You catch a butcher's axe on a circular mirror shield.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1945hp 1994sp 1651st> {-77hp +0sp -8st}
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1945hp 1994sp 1651st> curse
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1945hp 1994sp 1651st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
You have completed your casting.
Supernac glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You brush Supernac with the elder vampire's wing, causing him to shriek in pain.
Supernac is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing middling damage.
You feel better!
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2101hp 1932sp 1643st> {+156hp -62sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2101hp 1932sp 1643st>
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2101hp 1932sp 1643st>
AUCTION: An ancient book of astronomy: going twice (no bid received yet).
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2108hp 1949sp 1648st> {+7hp +17sp +5st}
Supernac has completed his casting.
You are outlined by a faint pink glow.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2108hp 1949sp 1648st>
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Supernac's body as you inflict irritation upon him!
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<2060hp 1915sp 1640st> {-48hp -34sp -8st}
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<2060hp 1915sp 1640st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<2060hp 1915sp 1640st>
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, obscuring your vision.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing minimal damage.
You skillfully parry someone's fourth attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing superficial damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1930hp 1915sp 1636st> {-130hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1930hp 1915sp 1636st>
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1930hp 1915sp 1636st>
Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st> {-39hp +0sp -2st}
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Your vision returns!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
A noxious cloud of green gas pours from Supernac's fingertips, swirling about you.
You have been poisoned!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st>
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the tail by Supernac's slash causing paltry damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1835hp 1915sp 1630st> {-56hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1835hp 1915sp 1630st>
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1835hp 1915sp 1630st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as Supernac inflicts the plague upon you!
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1835hp 1847sp 1624st> {+0hp -68sp -6st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1835hp 1847sp 1624st>
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1835hp 1847sp 1624st>
AUCTION: No bids received for an ancient book of astronomy. Item has been removed.
Supernac struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1803hp 1851sp 1624st> {-32hp +4sp +0st}
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, obscuring your vision.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the wing by someone's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing minimal damage.
You brush someone with something, causing him to shriek in pain.
Someone is drained on the arm with your negative energy causing middling damage.
You feel better!
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> {+39hp +0sp -2st}
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> bash
You can't move your arms enough!
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Your vision returns!
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the leg by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1736hp 1851sp 1618st> {-106hp +0sp -4st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1736hp 1851sp 1618st> bash
You bash Supernac over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Supernac is smashed on the head with your bash causing middling damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1736hp 1851sp 1368st> {+0hp +0sp -250st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1735hp 1851sp 1364st> {-1hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1735hp 1851sp 1364st>
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1735hp 1851sp 1364st>
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, obscuring your vision.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of someone's second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
You have increased the duration of the spell 'levitation'.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1692hp 1851sp 1364st> {-43hp +0sp +0st}
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1692hp 1851sp 1364st>
Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of someone's first attack.
Someone's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1576hp 1851sp 1362st> {-116hp +0sp -2st}
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1576hp 1851sp 1362st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1576hp 1851sp 1362st> dri pot
AUCTION: Lechango has put a vial of runestone powder up for auction. Minimum bid is 100 gp.
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1544hp 1855sp 1113st> {-32hp +4sp -249st}
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Your vision returns!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1544hp 1855sp 1113st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1855sp 1109st> {-117hp +0sp -4st}
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1855sp 1109st> p
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1855sp 1109st>
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, delivering a mental punch.
Supernac is struck on the head with your mental lash causing modest damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1819sp 1109st> {+0hp -36sp +0st}
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st> {-1hp +0sp -6st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st> blind
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st> l
A Purple Room - - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.
[Clan 135] (Pink Aura) ***Supernac Revenge is a meal best served cold is here, fighting YOU! [77%]
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac staggers suddenly as his vision is clouded by your mind control.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your fourth attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1345hp 1768sp 1095st> {-81hp -51sp -8st}
AUCTION: Cymbeline bids 200 gp on a vial of runestone powder.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1345hp 1768sp 1095st> bash
You can't move your arms enough!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1345hp 1768sp 1095st>
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's third attack.
Supernac's face contorts with rage as he lashes out at you.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1271hp 1768sp 1091st> {-74hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1271hp 1768sp 1091st>
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1224hp 1700sp 1087st> {-47hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1224hp 1700sp 1087st>
AUCTION: A vial of runestone powder: going once for 200 gp to Cymbeline.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1209hp 1704sp 1088st> {-15hp +4sp +1st}
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac has some very significant wounds and scratches.
[*]<1139hp 1636sp 1082st> {-70hp -68sp -6st}
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has some very significant wounds and scratches.
[*]<1139hp 1636sp 1082st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some very significant wounds and scratches.
[*]<1139hp 1636sp 1082st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
Supernac is no longer blinded.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1139hp 1568sp 1078st> {+0hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1139hp 1568sp 1078st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing twice across his form.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1068hp 1500sp 1070st> {-71hp -68sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1068hp 1500sp 1070st>
Supernac staggers suddenly.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your fourth attack.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<990hp 1449sp 1064st> {-78hp -51sp -6st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<990hp 1449sp 1064st>
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing twice across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<990hp 1381sp 1060st> {+0hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<990hp 1381sp 1060st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<990hp 1381sp 1060st>
AUCTION: A vial of runestone powder: going twice for 200 gp to Cymbeline.
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<975hp 1386sp 812st> {-15hp +5sp -248st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac staggers suddenly as his vision is clouded by your mind control.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<939hp 1335sp 804st> {-36hp -51sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<939hp 1335sp 804st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<939hp 1335sp 804st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing heavy damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing slight damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<938hp 1267sp 796st> {-1hp -68sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<938hp 1267sp 796st>
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<938hp 1267sp 796st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
Supernac is no longer blinded.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing enormous damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing slight damage.
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<832hp 1199sp 790st> {-106hp -68sp -6st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<832hp 1199sp 790st> tks
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<832hp 1199sp 790st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lose your concentration.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<752hp 1182sp 782st> {-80hp -17sp -8st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<752hp 1182sp 782st> tks
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<752hp 1182sp 782st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
Supernac is distracted by something, and fumbles his invocation.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing giant damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<717hp 1114sp 778st> {-35hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<717hp 1114sp 778st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<717hp 1114sp 778st>
AUCTION: A vial of runestone powder has been sold to Cymbeline for 200 gp.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<703hp 1120sp 780st> {-14hp +6sp +2st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing heavy damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
A white-hot rage flashes through you as you lash out at Supernac.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing huge damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing giant damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<700hp 1052sp 768st> {-3hp -68sp -12st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<700hp 1052sp 768st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<700hp 1052sp 768st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing giant damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<630hp 984sp 768st> {-70hp -68sp +0st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<630hp 984sp 768st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<630hp 984sp 768st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing twice across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing extensive damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing slight damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<592hp 916sp 760st> {-38hp -68sp -8st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<592hp 916sp 760st> bash
You bash Supernac over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Supernac is smashed on the head with your bash causing extensive damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<592hp 916sp 510st> {+0hp +0sp -250st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<474hp 916sp 504st> {-118hp +0sp -6st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<474hp 916sp 504st> c calm
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<474hp 916sp 504st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a petrified seed, and dried silverthorn leaves flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
[*]<474hp 867sp 504st> {+0hp -49sp +0st}
c cancel elemental
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
[*]<474hp 867sp 504st>
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
[*]<445hp 877sp 511st> {-29hp +10sp +7st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
[*]<445hp 877sp 511st>
Supernac begins attacking you!
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<445hp 877sp 511st>
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing heavy damage.
You have increased the duration of the spell 'levitation'.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<305hp 877sp 511st> {-140hp +0sp +0st}
You lose your concentration.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<305hp 839sp 511st> {+0hp -38sp +0st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<305hp 839sp 511st>
You are cut on the tail by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing great damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing great damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<171hp 839sp 511st> {-134hp +0sp +0st}
Supernac bashes you over the head with a battered iron shield.
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
You glow with a sickly green light for a moment, then fade.
You are smashed on the head by Supernac's bash causing huge damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<122hp 839sp 511st> {-49hp +0sp +0st}
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing extensive damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing tremendous damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing great damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<43hp 839sp 507st> {-79hp +0sp -4st}
c heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<43hp 839sp 507st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing modest damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<196hp 758sp 501st> {+153hp -81sp -6st}
c heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<196hp 758sp 501st>
The webs binding Supernac dissolve.
The webs binding you dissolve.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<320hp 685sp 496st> {+124hp -73sp -5st}
Supernac attempts to bash you over the head with a battered iron shield, but misses.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<320hp 685sp 496st> cl
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<320hp 685sp 496st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Illyria has been slain by Santino in Arena combat!'
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<410hp 649sp 496st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the tail by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<391hp 649sp 490st> {-19hp +0sp -6st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<391hp 649sp 490st>
Supernac bashes you over the head with a battered iron shield.
You are smashed on the head by Supernac's bash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<342hp 649sp 490st> {-49hp +0sp +0st}
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<342hp 649sp 490st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<432hp 613sp 490st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<396hp 613sp 482st> {-36hp +0sp -8st}
c heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<396hp 613sp 482st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<396hp 613sp 482st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You catch a butcher's axe on a circular mirror shield.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<469hp 532sp 476st> {+73hp -81sp -6st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<469hp 532sp 476st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<469hp 532sp 476st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
More sores start cropping up on Supernac's body as you empower the plague upon him!
You have increased the duration of the spell 'plague' on Supernac.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You catch a butcher's axe on a circular mirror shield.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<468hp 498sp 470st> {-1hp -34sp -6st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<468hp 498sp 470st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<558hp 462sp 470st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
Supernac attempts to bash you over the head with a battered iron shield, but misses.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<558hp 462sp 470st>
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<502hp 471sp 467st> {-56hp +9sp -3st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<502hp 471sp 467st>
Supernac bashes you over the head with a battered iron shield.
You are smashed on the head by Supernac's bash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<453hp 471sp 467st> {-49hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<543hp 435sp 467st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<508hp 435sp 463st> {-35hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<508hp 435sp 463st>
Supernac attempts to bash you over the head with a battered iron shield, but misses.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<508hp 435sp 463st>
Supernac staggers suddenly.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A white-hot rage flashes through you as you lash out at Supernac.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing huge damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing extensive damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing incredible damage.
Supernac is barely clinging to life.
[*]<504hp 384sp 439st> {-4hp -51sp -24st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is barely clinging to life.
[*]<504hp 384sp 439st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is barely clinging to life.
[*]<594hp 348sp 439st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You bash Supernac over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Supernac is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage.
Supernac has been slain!
Your bash knocks Supernac's head against a rock so hard that it kills him.
Your blood freezes as you hear Supernac's death cry.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Supernac has been slain by Lewd in Arena combat!'
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
Temple Courtyard - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
The square before the temple has a large circle of inlaid wood in the
center. The oak depicted is a mesh of various woods, with leaves of green
pine, golden teak and red sequoia. The tree looks real, as the various
shades blend together, and the traffic has not diminished the beauty of the
carving. Suddenly, a being materializes and walks from the tree toward the
druids standing off to one side.
[Clan 120] (Q) Vilhelmina the Adventuress is resting here.
[AWAY] Rayvanne the -Soul Crusher- is resting here, mounted on a mighty stallion.
[Clan 136] [AWAY] Angelina, Aingeal dar Cathu; ~*{ floating free in a sea of misguided apathy }*~ is here.
[AWAY] *Primus :] tender surrender [: is here.
There is a thunderous POP as Supernac appears from nowhere.
[*][SAFE]<594hp 348sp 189st> {+0hp +0sp -250st}
PHEW! That was just way too close for words!
[*][SAFE]<594hp 348sp 189st>
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st> {+10hp +36sp +28st}
Rayvanne lets out a big yawn. Wow, she must really be getting tired!
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'Niceway to calm' Supernac says.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'Fewl' Supernac says.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st> say Lot rougher than I expected :p
'Lot rougher than I expected :p' you say.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'I had you' Supernac says.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
Supernac wears a bracer of destruction around his left wrist.
Supernac wears a sigil of restraint around his neck.
Supernac wears a sigil of restraint around his neck.
Supernac holds a snare trap kit in his left hand.
Supernac wields a butcher's axe in his right hand.
Supernac wears an admantite breastplate on his body.
Supernac stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Supernac wears a battered iron shield as a shield.
Supernac holds the crystal of power.
Supernac wears mithril armplates on his arms.
Supernac wears a fetish of a fey around his right wrist.
Supernac begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
Supernac wears a dragon jaw helmet on his head.
Supernac wears the belt of pain about his waist.
Supernac wears -=(.A.)=- Stupid Restrung Soul about his body.
Supernac wears a ring of wizardry on his left finger.
Supernac wears a ring of protection on his right finger.
Supernac wears the gauntlets of Odin on his hands.
Supernac wears the boots of the fish on his feet.
Supernac wears a pair of yeti hide leggings on his legs.
Supernac turns translucent.
Supernac wears a silver torque ring on his finger.
Supernac wears A Satanic Pentagram around his neck.
Supernac wears Aloen's Tender Embrace about his body.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st> say Lol.
You say, 'Lol.'
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'He had you, boy.' Primus says.
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1673st> {+0hp +0sp -4st}
Supernac [Player] is right here to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the southeast.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1673st> s
A White Square - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Treading carefully into the room, you notice it to be a slightly more
peaceful looking area than the others. The ground is a simple grassy plain,
a few random, yet trampled daisies here and there. You stop and rest a
moment before moving on, taking a few deep breaths and stretching your tired
muscles. Regretting even stopping for a moment for fear of feeling a dagger
in your back, you quickly realize your place and move on to the next room.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1671st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}
web sup
A Green Square - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Panting and gasping, you stumble into this room and almost automatically
fall flat on your face, catching yourself quickly, then looking for what
made you fall. Covering the ground here are hundreds of vines and plant
life, seeming to grow rampant and wild, their sole purpose in life just to
be a menace to you as you are fleeing your opponent. Now stepping somewhat
carefully among the shrubbery, you decide it best to move on before another
dagger is placed in your side.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1669st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}
A Purple Room - - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.
[Clan 135] ***Supernac Revenge is a meal best served cold is here.
You trip over an unnoticed coil of rope, triggering a snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above you, entangling you with sticky ropes.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1667st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1667st>
Supernac begins attacking you!
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2269hp 2090sp 1667st>
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2129hp 2090sp 1667st> {-140hp +0sp +0st}
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2129hp 2090sp 1667st>
Supernac stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Supernac is in perfect health.
[*]<2129hp 2015sp 1667st> {+0hp -75sp +0st}
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing minimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing insignificant damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor scratches.
[*]<2022hp 2015sp 1659st> {-107hp +0sp -8st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac has several minor scratches.
[*]<2022hp 2015sp 1659st>
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur flares brightly and vanishes!
Supernac is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Supernac has several minor scratches.
[*]<2022hp 1994sp 1659st> {+0hp -21sp +0st}
You catch a butcher's axe on a circular mirror shield.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1945hp 1994sp 1651st> {-77hp +0sp -8st}
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1945hp 1994sp 1651st> curse
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1945hp 1994sp 1651st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
You have completed your casting.
Supernac glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You brush Supernac with the elder vampire's wing, causing him to shriek in pain.
Supernac is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing middling damage.
You feel better!
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2101hp 1932sp 1643st> {+156hp -62sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2101hp 1932sp 1643st>
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2101hp 1932sp 1643st>
AUCTION: An ancient book of astronomy: going twice (no bid received yet).
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2108hp 1949sp 1648st> {+7hp +17sp +5st}
Supernac has completed his casting.
You are outlined by a faint pink glow.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<2108hp 1949sp 1648st>
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Supernac's body as you inflict irritation upon him!
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<2060hp 1915sp 1640st> {-48hp -34sp -8st}
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<2060hp 1915sp 1640st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<2060hp 1915sp 1640st>
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, obscuring your vision.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing minimal damage.
You skillfully parry someone's fourth attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing superficial damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1930hp 1915sp 1636st> {-130hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1930hp 1915sp 1636st>
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1930hp 1915sp 1636st>
Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st> {-39hp +0sp -2st}
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Your vision returns!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
A noxious cloud of green gas pours from Supernac's fingertips, swirling about you.
You have been poisoned!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1891hp 1915sp 1634st>
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the tail by Supernac's slash causing paltry damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1835hp 1915sp 1630st> {-56hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1835hp 1915sp 1630st>
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1835hp 1915sp 1630st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as Supernac inflicts the plague upon you!
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1835hp 1847sp 1624st> {+0hp -68sp -6st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1835hp 1847sp 1624st>
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1835hp 1847sp 1624st>
AUCTION: No bids received for an ancient book of astronomy. Item has been removed.
Supernac struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1803hp 1851sp 1624st> {-32hp +4sp +0st}
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, obscuring your vision.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the wing by someone's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing minimal damage.
You brush someone with something, causing him to shriek in pain.
Someone is drained on the arm with your negative energy causing middling damage.
You feel better!
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> {+39hp +0sp -2st}
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> bash
You can't move your arms enough!
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Your vision returns!
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1842hp 1851sp 1622st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the leg by Supernac's slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1736hp 1851sp 1618st> {-106hp +0sp -4st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1736hp 1851sp 1618st> bash
You bash Supernac over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Supernac is smashed on the head with your bash causing middling damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1736hp 1851sp 1368st> {+0hp +0sp -250st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing superficial damage.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1735hp 1851sp 1364st> {-1hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1735hp 1851sp 1364st>
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1735hp 1851sp 1364st>
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, obscuring your vision.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of someone's second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
You have increased the duration of the spell 'levitation'.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1692hp 1851sp 1364st> {-43hp +0sp +0st}
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.
[*]<1692hp 1851sp 1364st>
Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of someone's first attack.
Someone's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1576hp 1851sp 1362st> {-116hp +0sp -2st}
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1576hp 1851sp 1362st> dri pot
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1576hp 1851sp 1362st> dri pot
AUCTION: Lechango has put a vial of runestone powder up for auction. Minimum bid is 100 gp.
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1544hp 1855sp 1113st> {-32hp +4sp -249st}
You quaff a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Your vision returns!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1544hp 1855sp 1113st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1855sp 1109st> {-117hp +0sp -4st}
Supernac begins reciting an evocation...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1855sp 1109st> p
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1855sp 1109st>
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, delivering a mental punch.
Supernac is struck on the head with your mental lash causing modest damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1427hp 1819sp 1109st> {+0hp -36sp +0st}
Supernac has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st> {-1hp +0sp -6st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st> blind
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st> l
A Purple Room - - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Moving swiftly but quickly into this area of the arena you notice
something oddly different about it. You move to take a step, but you fall
and slip halfway, catching yourself. Looking around, you acknowledge the
whole floor is made of ice, almost casting an eerie violet glow about the
room. You attempt to move again, carefully on the ice, only to have a
stalactite fall from the ceiling and almost strike you. Glancing up, you
view a whole array of different sized artworks of mother nature just waiting
to injure you.
[Clan 135] (Pink Aura) ***Supernac Revenge is a meal best served cold is here, fighting YOU! [77%]
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1426hp 1819sp 1103st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac staggers suddenly as his vision is clouded by your mind control.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your fourth attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1345hp 1768sp 1095st> {-81hp -51sp -8st}
AUCTION: Cymbeline bids 200 gp on a vial of runestone powder.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1345hp 1768sp 1095st> bash
You can't move your arms enough!
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1345hp 1768sp 1095st>
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's third attack.
Supernac's face contorts with rage as he lashes out at you.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1271hp 1768sp 1091st> {-74hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has several minor wounds and bruises.
[*]<1271hp 1768sp 1091st>
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1224hp 1700sp 1087st> {-47hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1224hp 1700sp 1087st>
AUCTION: A vial of runestone powder: going once for 200 gp to Cymbeline.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac has some significant wounds.
[*]<1209hp 1704sp 1088st> {-15hp +4sp +1st}
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac has some very significant wounds and scratches.
[*]<1139hp 1636sp 1082st> {-70hp -68sp -6st}
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac has some very significant wounds and scratches.
[*]<1139hp 1636sp 1082st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac has some very significant wounds and scratches.
[*]<1139hp 1636sp 1082st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
Supernac is no longer blinded.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1139hp 1568sp 1078st> {+0hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1139hp 1568sp 1078st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing twice across his form.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trifling damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1068hp 1500sp 1070st> {-71hp -68sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<1068hp 1500sp 1070st>
Supernac staggers suddenly.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your fourth attack.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<990hp 1449sp 1064st> {-78hp -51sp -6st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<990hp 1449sp 1064st>
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing twice across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<990hp 1381sp 1060st> {+0hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<990hp 1381sp 1060st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<990hp 1381sp 1060st>
AUCTION: A vial of runestone powder: going twice for 200 gp to Cymbeline.
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<975hp 1386sp 812st> {-15hp +5sp -248st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac staggers suddenly as his vision is clouded by your mind control.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing trivial damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<939hp 1335sp 804st> {-36hp -51sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<939hp 1335sp 804st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<939hp 1335sp 804st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing heavy damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing slight damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<938hp 1267sp 796st> {-1hp -68sp -8st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<938hp 1267sp 796st>
Supernac begins casting a spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<938hp 1267sp 796st>
Supernac has completed his casting.
Supernac is no longer blinded.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing enormous damage.
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing slight damage.
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<832hp 1199sp 790st> {-106hp -68sp -6st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<832hp 1199sp 790st> tks
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<832hp 1199sp 790st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lose your concentration.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You skillfully parry Supernac's third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<752hp 1182sp 782st> {-80hp -17sp -8st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<752hp 1182sp 782st> tks
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<752hp 1182sp 782st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
Supernac is distracted by something, and fumbles his invocation.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing giant damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<717hp 1114sp 778st> {-35hp -68sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<717hp 1114sp 778st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<717hp 1114sp 778st>
AUCTION: A vial of runestone powder has been sold to Cymbeline for 200 gp.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<703hp 1120sp 780st> {-14hp +6sp +2st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing heavy damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
A white-hot rage flashes through you as you lash out at Supernac.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing huge damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing giant damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<700hp 1052sp 768st> {-3hp -68sp -12st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<700hp 1052sp 768st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<700hp 1052sp 768st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing across his form.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing giant damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your third attack.
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<630hp 984sp 768st> {-70hp -68sp +0st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<630hp 984sp 768st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac screams in agony.
[*]<630hp 984sp 768st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You lash out at Supernac with your mind, slashing twice across his form.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing extensive damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing slight damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<592hp 916sp 760st> {-38hp -68sp -8st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<592hp 916sp 760st> bash
You bash Supernac over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Supernac is smashed on the head with your bash causing extensive damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<592hp 916sp 510st> {+0hp +0sp -250st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<474hp 916sp 504st> {-118hp +0sp -6st}
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<474hp 916sp 504st> c calm
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac pales visibly as death nears.
[*]<474hp 916sp 504st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a petrified seed, and dried silverthorn leaves flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
[*]<474hp 867sp 504st> {+0hp -49sp +0st}
c cancel elemental
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
[*]<474hp 867sp 504st>
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
[*]<445hp 877sp 511st> {-29hp +10sp +7st}
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
[*]<445hp 877sp 511st>
Supernac begins attacking you!
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<445hp 877sp 511st>
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing heavy damage.
You have increased the duration of the spell 'levitation'.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<305hp 877sp 511st> {-140hp +0sp +0st}
You lose your concentration.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<305hp 839sp 511st> {+0hp -38sp +0st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<305hp 839sp 511st>
You are cut on the tail by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing great damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing great damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<171hp 839sp 511st> {-134hp +0sp +0st}
Supernac bashes you over the head with a battered iron shield.
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
You glow with a sickly green light for a moment, then fade.
You are smashed on the head by Supernac's bash causing huge damage.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<122hp 839sp 511st> {-49hp +0sp +0st}
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing extensive damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing tremendous damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing great damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your fourth attack.
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<43hp 839sp 507st> {-79hp +0sp -4st}
c heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac looks pretty beaten up.
[*]<43hp 839sp 507st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing enormous damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing modest damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<196hp 758sp 501st> {+153hp -81sp -6st}
c heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<196hp 758sp 501st>
The webs binding Supernac dissolve.
The webs binding you dissolve.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<320hp 685sp 496st> {+124hp -73sp -5st}
Supernac attempts to bash you over the head with a battered iron shield, but misses.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<320hp 685sp 496st> cl
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<320hp 685sp 496st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Illyria has been slain by Santino in Arena combat!'
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<410hp 649sp 496st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the tail by Supernac's slash causing modest damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<391hp 649sp 490st> {-19hp +0sp -6st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<391hp 649sp 490st>
Supernac bashes you over the head with a battered iron shield.
You are smashed on the head by Supernac's bash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<342hp 649sp 490st> {-49hp +0sp +0st}
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<342hp 649sp 490st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<432hp 613sp 490st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<396hp 613sp 482st> {-36hp +0sp -8st}
c heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<396hp 613sp 482st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<396hp 613sp 482st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You catch a butcher's axe on a circular mirror shield.
Supernac's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<469hp 532sp 476st> {+73hp -81sp -6st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<469hp 532sp 476st>
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<469hp 532sp 476st>
Supernac has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Supernac for a moment, then softly fades.
More sores start cropping up on Supernac's body as you empower the plague upon him!
You have increased the duration of the spell 'plague' on Supernac.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his second attack.
You catch a butcher's axe on a circular mirror shield.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<468hp 498sp 470st> {-1hp -34sp -6st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<468hp 498sp 470st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<558hp 462sp 470st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
Supernac attempts to bash you over the head with a battered iron shield, but misses.
Supernac is in terrible condition.
[*]<558hp 462sp 470st>
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing moderate damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Supernac!
Supernac is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Supernac is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing paltry damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<502hp 471sp 467st> {-56hp +9sp -3st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<502hp 471sp 467st>
Supernac bashes you over the head with a battered iron shield.
You are smashed on the head by Supernac's bash causing moderate damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<453hp 471sp 467st> {-49hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<543hp 435sp 467st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You skillfully parry Supernac's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Supernac's slash causing middling damage.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your first attack.
You fail to hit Supernac with your second attack.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<508hp 435sp 463st> {-35hp +0sp -4st}
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<508hp 435sp 463st>
Supernac attempts to bash you over the head with a battered iron shield, but misses.
Supernac is vomiting blood.
[*]<508hp 435sp 463st>
Supernac staggers suddenly.
Supernac fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Supernac's second attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his third attack.
Supernac fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Supernac dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A white-hot rage flashes through you as you lash out at Supernac.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing huge damage.
You are burned on the torso by Supernac's flames causing mild damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing extensive damage.
Supernac is cut on the head with your slash causing incredible damage.
Supernac is barely clinging to life.
[*]<504hp 384sp 439st> {-4hp -51sp -24st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Supernac begins reciting an invocation...
Supernac is barely clinging to life.
[*]<504hp 384sp 439st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Supernac is barely clinging to life.
[*]<594hp 348sp 439st> {+90hp -36sp +0st}
You bash Supernac over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Supernac is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage.
Supernac has been slain!
Your bash knocks Supernac's head against a rock so hard that it kills him.
Your blood freezes as you hear Supernac's death cry.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Supernac has been slain by Lewd in Arena combat!'
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
Temple Courtyard - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
The square before the temple has a large circle of inlaid wood in the
center. The oak depicted is a mesh of various woods, with leaves of green
pine, golden teak and red sequoia. The tree looks real, as the various
shades blend together, and the traffic has not diminished the beauty of the
carving. Suddenly, a being materializes and walks from the tree toward the
druids standing off to one side.
[Clan 120] (Q) Vilhelmina the Adventuress is resting here.
[AWAY] Rayvanne the -Soul Crusher- is resting here, mounted on a mighty stallion.
[Clan 136] [AWAY] Angelina, Aingeal dar Cathu; ~*{ floating free in a sea of misguided apathy }*~ is here.
[AWAY] *Primus :] tender surrender [: is here.
There is a thunderous POP as Supernac appears from nowhere.
[*][SAFE]<594hp 348sp 189st> {+0hp +0sp -250st}
PHEW! That was just way too close for words!
[*][SAFE]<594hp 348sp 189st>
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st> {+10hp +36sp +28st}
Rayvanne lets out a big yawn. Wow, she must really be getting tired!
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'Niceway to calm' Supernac says.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'Fewl' Supernac says.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st> say Lot rougher than I expected :p
'Lot rougher than I expected :p' you say.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'I had you' Supernac says.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
Supernac wears a bracer of destruction around his left wrist.
Supernac wears a sigil of restraint around his neck.
Supernac wears a sigil of restraint around his neck.
Supernac holds a snare trap kit in his left hand.
Supernac wields a butcher's axe in his right hand.
Supernac wears an admantite breastplate on his body.
Supernac stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Supernac wears a battered iron shield as a shield.
Supernac holds the crystal of power.
Supernac wears mithril armplates on his arms.
Supernac wears a fetish of a fey around his right wrist.
Supernac begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
Supernac wears a dragon jaw helmet on his head.
Supernac wears the belt of pain about his waist.
Supernac wears -=(.A.)=- Stupid Restrung Soul about his body.
Supernac wears a ring of wizardry on his left finger.
Supernac wears a ring of protection on his right finger.
Supernac wears the gauntlets of Odin on his hands.
Supernac wears the boots of the fish on his feet.
Supernac wears a pair of yeti hide leggings on his legs.
Supernac turns translucent.
Supernac wears a silver torque ring on his finger.
Supernac wears A Satanic Pentagram around his neck.
Supernac wears Aloen's Tender Embrace about his body.
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st> say Lol.
You say, 'Lol.'
[*][SAFE]<604hp 384sp 217st>
'He had you, boy.' Primus says.
Supernac |
dude this was a freakin sweet fight!!!!!! its gonna be the rematch of the century!!!!
Brimstone | ... |
k |
Lewd | Your respective mothers, sisters and faces. |