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Cwn Annwn


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BUNNNNNNY D: Foxglove 2009-02-05 04:00 pm 1116

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A small bunny begins to rapidly grow!

<1963hp 1838sp 1448st>
A large disfigured bunny screams loudly!
A large disfigured bunny begins attacking you!
A large disfigured bunny fails to hit you with his first attack.
A large disfigured bunny fails to hit you with his second attack.
A large disfigured bunny is cut on the tail with your slash causing incredible damage.
A large disfigured bunny is cut on the head with your slash causing lethal damage.
A large disfigured bunny has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a large disfigured bunny's death cry.
You recieve 0 experience points.
A large disfigured bunny collapses lifeless to the ground.
The Powers give you one gold coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of a large disfigured bunny.
Kaelin I can't believe such a nice and cuddly bunny would turn on you like that! :(
Dublew thats just mean :D
Supernac this is why doctor Jekyll shouldn't have pets