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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Sueno rocks! <3 really, he does! no joke!

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Sueno rocks! <3 really, he does! no joke! Salith 2009-04-08 04:47 am 1016

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Sueno has given you the 'channels' restriction for the duration of 999 days.
Reason: Stop No Channeling!

[*][SAFE]<3131hp 2222sp 2023st>
[CLAN] Sinbad: '<Clyde> i thought he did anyway'

[*][SAFE]<3131hp 2222sp 2023st>
Sueno tells you 'happy?'

[*][SAFE]<3131hp 2222sp 2023st>
You tell Sueno 'ty!'


* You have the 'channels' restriction, placed on Tue Apr 7 23:40:01 2009
by Sueno. Expires in approximately 23976 hour(s).
Reason: Stop No Channeling!
Salith Sueno has removed your 'channels' restriction.

he teases me :(