PK logs: the lizard is obviously cheating.
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the lizard is obviously cheating. | Lonar | 2009-05-12 06:07 pm | 1072 |
([57%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1873sp 1718st>
You have completed your song.
Raum, the Archon Hunter Master is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Raum, the Archon Hunter Master is smashed on the torso with your bash causing incredible damage.
Raum, the Archon Hunter Master has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Raum, the Archon Hunter Master's death cry.
You recieve 57 archon points.
Raum, the Archon Hunter Master collapses lifeless to the ground.
The sliced leg of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master falls to the ground.
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st> play A A A B G A
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st> Izayoi sacrifices the leg of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master to the Powers.
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st> l
A General Trade Store - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
- S -
This place sells the basic food and supplies that everyone needs, not
just adventurers. You can find your basic water skins and iron rations
stocked in the back room and a helpful clerk who is willing to give you a
good deal on buying supplies in his shop. There are many general stores
around town, shopping around for the best price could be worthwile.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master is lying here.
A flame grilled dragon steak lies here.
[Clan 81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here.
[Clan 81] (Gold Aura) **Izayoi Kageharu, 16th Ronin of Alyria is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
[Clan 18] (Gold Aura) *Darkk all my sins, remember. all my faith, forgotten.+ is here.
A female halfling store clerk awaits your arrival.
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Darkk for a moment, then softly fades.
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st>
Izayoi sits down and rests.
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1830sp 1585st>
You have completed your song.
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1787sp 1452st> look in cor
The corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master contains:
a hexagonal silver token
an admantite token
a copper token
an orb of Vandemaar (new)
an Ithrix warding amulet (new)
a spellbook bound in sunburst leather (new)
a translucent azure scroll (new)
an enchanted onionskin scroll (new)
a smeared green spell scroll (new)
a dirty white scroll (new)
a tiger's eye gemstone
a circular mirror shield (new)
14,878 gold coins
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1787sp 1452st>
Darkk tells the formation 'ooo'
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1787sp 1452st> ft orb.
You tell the formation 'orb.'
[AWAY][*]<1878hp 1787sp 1452st>
[CLAN] Izayoi: '-}Kensei- master.'
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
[CLAN] Lewd: 'mine or yours? D:'
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
Darkk begins casting a spell...
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
Hint: If you are hungry, make sure to eat until you are full, as some food will fill you up more than others.
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Summoned from your attraction.'
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
Darkk has completed his casting.
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
The Insignia of the 16th Moon Izayoi is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Izayoi glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
Izayoi pokes Lewd in the ribs.
[AWAY][*]<2020hp 1962sp 1727st>
Darkk begins casting a spell...
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Lewd takes 14,878 gold coins.
Lewd splits 14,878 gold coins. Your share is 3,719 gold coins.
Lewd takes a hexagonal silver token from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes an admantite token from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a copper token from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes an orb of Vandemaar from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes an Ithrix warding amulet from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a spellbook bound in sunburst leather from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a translucent azure scroll from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes an enchanted onionskin scroll from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a smeared green spell scroll from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a dirty white scroll from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a tiger's eye gemstone from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
Lewd takes a circular mirror shield from the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Darkk has completed his casting.
Darkk looks relieved as his disease is cured.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi sacrifices the corpse of Raum, the Archon Hunter Master to the Powers.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi points his katana at Raum, the Archon Hunter Master and shadowy flames completely immolate the remains.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi stands up.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Izayoi for a moment, then softly fades.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st> get all.tok trunk
You take 2 of a copper token from The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
You take 2 of a platinum token from The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
You take a golden token from The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Darkk falls to the ground laughing hysterically. Must have been something funny.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st> set autoloot on
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Izayoi has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Izayoi for a moment, then softly fades.
[AWAY][*]<2144hp 2121sp 2002st>
Darkk stops using a baldric band.
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st> {+86hp +336sp}
Darkk wears a baldric band on his arms.
Darkk stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st>
Darkk stops using a holy symbol of Vandyne.
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st>
Darkk wears a holy symbol of Vandyne around his neck.
Darkk glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
Darkk begins glowing with a bright light!
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Alright.'
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st> ft nice
You tell the formation 'nice'
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st>
Darkk begins casting a spell...
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2101st> s
Market Street at Towne Square - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
Market Street can only be described as the lifeline of the entire city,
the backbone of all trade. It runs east and west for several furlongs in a
giant clearing in the middle of the forest. Most of the houses and shops
are built out of several types of wood. Rarely do you see a stone building.
To the north is a general store, and to the south is the Towne Square.
A foot soldier is hanging around here, with nothing important to do.
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2100st> w
Market Street at Towne Square - # -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
Market Street can only be described as the lifeline of the entire city,
the backbone of all trade. It runs east and west for several furlongs in a
giant clearing in the middle of the forest. Most of the houses and shops
are built out of several types of wood. Rarely do you see a stone building.
To the north is Galfien's traveler store and to the south you can see the
Fountain of Life.
A tall clocktower stands in the center of the street.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A child runs around your feet, playing a game of tag.
A field mouse scavenges for some food.
[AWAY][*]<2252hp 2265sp 2099st> s
Before the Mighty Fountain of Life - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You now stand before the massive fountain of life. This giant statue,
constructed from the finest of all marble stone, was dedicated by the temple
of Maradas long ago. Priests from all deities came from thousands of miles
around when it had been finished to sanctify and celebrate such a marvelous
accomplishment. Water coming out from this fountain shoots many rods into
the air and comes gloriously splashing down into the basin.
(Red Aura) A tall clear crystal filled with a pure black mist stands here, absorbing all light.
A giant fountain is here blessing the glory of life.
[LOST LINK] [Novice Guild #7] Eirdis the Adventuress is sleeping here.
(Gold Aura) A wizened old monk is here offering help to those he sees fit.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2252hp 2265sp 2098st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Decently done.'
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2252hp 2265sp 2098st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Sorry about the mishap. Forgive and forget.'
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2252hp 2265sp 2098st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Thanks everyone.'
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2347hp 2405sp 2125st> {+95hp +140sp}
ft nod.
You tell the formation 'nod.'
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2347hp 2405sp 2125st>
Lewd tells the formation 'Hmmhmm. yep, thanks guys.'
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2347hp 2405sp 2125st> inv
You are carrying:
( 2) a platinum token
a golden token
( 2) a copper token
a dream cloud (100%)
( 3) a bag of [ChaoS] (100%)
a blue silk bag (100%)
( 2) The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS] (100%)
A total of 12 items weighing 15 stones, 62 pebbles (11pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2347hp 2405sp 2125st>
Izayoi rides in from the east.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2347hp 2405sp 2125st> look tok
You focus your powers of observation on a platinum token:
Item 'a platinum token' is type archon-token, alignment 0, made of platinum,
has keywords 'platinum token disc disk'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 54,800 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: identified enforce-level nodrop no-sac insulated nouncurse unbreakable nodecay will-float no-steal no-give
A platinum token is in excellent condition.
There is an elaborate 'R' stamped on one side of the token. It looks to
be quite valuable.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> {+83hp +127sp}
put tok trunk'
You see no trunk' here.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> put tok trunk
You put a platinum token in The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> inv
You are carrying:
a golden token
( 2) a copper token
a platinum token
a dream cloud (100%)
( 3) a bag of [ChaoS] (100%)
a blue silk bag (100%)
( 2) The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS] (100%)
A total of 11 items weighing 15 stones, 61 pebbles (11pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> get tok trunk
You take a platinum token from The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> inv
You are carrying:
( 2) a platinum token
a golden token
( 2) a copper token
a dream cloud (100%)
( 3) a bag of [ChaoS] (100%)
a blue silk bag (100%)
( 2) The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS] (100%)
A total of 12 items weighing 15 stones, 62 pebbles (11pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> put all.tok trunk
You put 2 of a platinum token in The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
You put a golden token in The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
You put 2 of a copper token in The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st> go
[CLAN] Lonar has recalled to the clan hall!
You hear a peal of thunder from afar...
An Angelic Waterfall - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
- - -
Small puddles of ice cold water are laying around this room in small
dints in the deep emerald tile flooring of this room. A large pond has been
forced into the center of this room from many years of falling water. A
huge angel shines brightly with an aura, illuminating this room allowing you
to see freely about. There is a large waterfall falling behind the angel
causing a soft spray of mist to rise over the room. Two small creeks
trickle through the southeast and southwest wall flowing out of the sides of
the large pond. A variety of runes have been carved all about the room and
a soft sound gives pleasure to the ear. Crystals placed neatly and
precisely in place along the walls cause reflections of all different colors
streaming about the room.
(Gold Aura) A long, gnarled, crimson-colored wood staff has been left here.
A small, gem encrusted key lies here forgotten.
A shimmering sliver of metal is here.
A small, grey twig lies here.
(Red Aura) A shield of wood, charred black, has been dropped here.
(Red Aura) A halberd of a strange alloy has been left here.
(Gold Aura) An Angel shining with a blue and gold aura stands here peacefully.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2430hp 2532sp 2131st>
[CLAN] Lewd has recalled to the clan hall!
KABLAM! Lewd appears with a peal of thunder!
[AWAY][*][SAFE]<2503hp 2638sp 2135st> {+73hp +106sp}
Lewd fumbles about the southwest wall, opening a small passage.
You follow Lewd.
You run your hands over the wall trying to find a hidden rune to open the southeast passage.
The passage opens with a loud bang and you hurry through before the passage slams shut.
Ancient Amethyst Alcove NW - -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
- - SE
This Alcove has been worn into this room from many years of water washing
against the sandstone and has revealed an abundance of Amethysts, although
its been changed by someone, it still has a very natural feeling. Several
large holes have been carved into the west and north walls, with freely
draped Amethyst cloth and soft white material placed neatly in each one
looking comfortable enough to sleep in. Centered in this room is a large
table with eight snakes, two on each table intertwined to hold this large
plate up. There are four wooden stools placed around the table for people
to eat and rest on. A small creek flowing in from the northeast wall leads
into the southeast. Aligning the sandstone roof is a line of thumb sized
Amethysts intertwining to creating intricate patterns. Several large runes
have been carved on each of the four corners of the room giving a feel of
(Gold Aura) A feather from the wing of an angel lies here.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here.
[AWAY][*]<2503hp 2638sp 2133st>
Lewd walks into the corridor heading southeast, looking ready for battle.
You follow Lewd.
You stroll along the corridor to the southeast, feeling refreshed and relaxed.
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here.
[AWAY][*]<2503hp 2638sp 2132st>
A rift appears in time and space, glowing brilliantly!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter steps through the rift, which closes quietly afterwards.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Lewd.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter attempts to bash Lewd over the head with a circular mirror shield, but misses.
[AWAY][*]<2503hp 2638sp 2132st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock a giant seashell-covered axe from Lewd's grip, but fails.
You join the melee opposing Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([80%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2503hp 2638sp 2132st>
Lewd tells the formation 'D:'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([80%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2503hp 2638sp 2132st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing unnoticeable damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Lewd, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([79%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2500hp 2638sp 2128st> {-3hp +0sp}
cast 'faerie fire'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([79%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2500hp 2638sp 2128st> ft haha
You tell the formation 'haha'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2702sp 2130st> {+42hp +64sp}
Lewd seems to relax.
You have completed your casting.
*** Rifraf, the Archon Hunter IS FAERIE FIRED ***
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> {+0hp -20sp}
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> get toy trunk
You take an iron toy soldier from The clan-hall chest of [ChaoS].
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> l
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [97%]
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [81%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> 2
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
*** Rifraf, the Archon Hunter RESISTED CURSE ***
Lewd tells the formation 'lol sup n atural'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> form
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
A small, furry creature appears from thin air, looking quite surprised.
The creature scurries away.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> Lewd's Formation Consists of:
Izayoi Lewd [----------] Lonar [----------]
[----------] [----------] [----------]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([84%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> play A A A A A F
An iron toy soldier begins glowing with a brilliant magenta light.
An iron toy soldier gets bigger and bigger, finally transforming into a soldier in a blue and grey uniform.
A soldier in a blue and grey uniform joins your formation.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([84%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st> You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([84%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter bares his teeth and growls.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock a giant seashell-covered axe from Lewd's grip, but fails.
Lewd's a Dracon Commander's Wingguard brushes Rifraf, the Archon Hunter, causing him to shriek in pain.
A soldier in a blue and grey uniform joins the melee opposing Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([86%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([86%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2682sp 2126st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your song.
*** Rifraf, the Archon Hunter SLOW RESISTED ***
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([90%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2587sp 2007st> {+0hp -95sp}
Izayoi tells the formation 'Huh?'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([90%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2542hp 2587sp 2007st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the head with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the arm with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([90%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2541hp 2587sp 2003st> {-1hp +0sp}
cast curse
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([90%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2541hp 2587sp 2003st> Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([90%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2541hp 2587sp 2003st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2541hp 2587sp 2003st> ft natural in hall
You tell the formation 'natural in hall'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2541hp 2587sp 2003st> You have completed your casting.
*** Rifraf, the Archon Hunter RESISTED CURSE ***
Your the legendary timepiece 'Resugulon' glows brightly as it strips 'armor' off of Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
ft |Xdispelled |I|Warmor|X off of Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Lewd, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2539hp 2527sp 1999st> {-2hp -60sp}
You tell the formation 'dispelled armor off of Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2539hp 2527sp 1999st> play A A A A A F
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2539hp 2527sp 1999st>
Lewd tells the formation 'right after I gohalled'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2539hp 2527sp 1999st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
away silenced :(
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2578hp 2598sp 2050st> {+39hp +71sp}
You are no longer marked away.
[CLAN] Lonar is no longer away.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[*]<2578hp 2598sp 2050st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the head with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[*]<2578hp 2598sp 2046st> cast curse
You cannot speak the words of the spell, you have been silenced!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[*]<2578hp 2598sp 2046st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([93%]Lewd)[*]<2578hp 2598sp 2046st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([96%]Lewd)[*]<2578hp 2598sp 2046st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Lolz.'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([96%]Lewd)[*]<2578hp 2598sp 2046st> a silenced
You have been marked away.
Message: silenced
[CLAN] Lonar is now away. Message: silenced
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
([96%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2578hp 2598sp 2046st> Rifraf, the Archon Hunter catches IMBETTERTHENYOUIMBETTERTHENYOUIMBETTERTHENYOUIMBETTERTHENYOU on a circular mirror shield.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Lewd, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2578hp 2598sp 2042st> l
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [88%]
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [92%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2578hp 2598sp 2042st>
[CLAN] Izayoi has recalled to the clan hall!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2578hp 2598sp 2042st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2572hp 2598sp 2038st> {-6hp +0sp}
play A A A A A F
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Lonar?'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2572hp 2598sp 2038st>
Lewd tells the formation 'Rifraf shows up wanting to throw down'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2572hp 2598sp 2038st>
You have completed your song.
*** Rifraf, the Archon Hunter IS SLOWED ***
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the head with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([88%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2566hp 2503sp 1916st> {-6hp -95sp}
play A A A A A F
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
[CLAN] Kirri: '-=[Kirri]=- Fun.'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([88%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2566hp 2503sp 1916st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
You glow with a sickly green light for a moment, then fade.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([88%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2566hp 2503sp 1916st> set autoloot off
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([88%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2566hp 2503sp 1916st> Lewd seems to relax.
Lewd lashes out at Rifraf, the Archon Hunter with his mind, slashing across his form.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([88%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2564hp 2503sp 1915st> {-2hp +0sp}
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [82%]
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [88%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([88%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2564hp 2503sp 1915st>
Lewd seems to relax.
Lewd lashes out at Rifraf, the Archon Hunter with his mind, slashing across his form.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1993st> {+37hp +72sp}
[CLAN] Izayoi has recalled to the clan hall!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1993st> ct |B-|Wlonar|B-|W what u ip to?
[7] clan members heard you say, '-lonar- what u ip to?'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1993st> ct |Y-|Wlonar|Y-|W up
[7] clan members heard you say, '-lonar- up'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([89%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1993st>
Lewd seems to relax.
Lewd lashes out at Rifraf, the Archon Hunter with his mind, slashing across his form.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
*** Lewd's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([85%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1989st> l
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [77%]
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [85%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([85%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1989st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Lewd, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has several minor wounds and bruises.
([84%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2601hp 2575sp 1987st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the arm with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([82%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2594hp 2575sp 1983st> {-7hp +0sp}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([82%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2594hp 2575sp 1983st>
Lewd takes an Ithrix warding amulet from a box within a box that contains another box.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([82%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2594hp 2575sp 1983st>
Lewd puts an orb of Vandemaar in a box within a box that contains another box.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([82%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2594hp 2575sp 1983st>
You have completed your casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is zapped on the torso with your magic causing trifling damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the arm with your energy causing infinitesimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2591hp 2505sp 1979st> {-3hp -70sp}
Izayoi strolls in from the northwest refreshed and ready for battle.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2591hp 2505sp 1979st> harm
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2591hp 2505sp 1979st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([81%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2591hp 2505sp 1979st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is zapped on the torso with your magic causing slight damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Izayoi joins the melee opposing Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([91%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2507sp 2033st> {+33hp +2sp}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([91%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2507sp 2033st>
'BRING IT ON.' Izayoi says.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([91%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2507sp 2033st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([91%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2507sp 2033st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
A field of shimmering golden energy silently appears, coalescing into a fire elemental.
A fire elemental joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([91%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2507sp 2033st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is zapped on the torso with your magic causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter restructures his formation.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Lewd.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2437sp 2029st> {+0hp -70sp}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2437sp 2029st> look
Izayoi tells the formation 'Whose?'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2437sp 2029st>
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
*A fire elemental is here, fighting Lewd.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Gold Aura) ***Izayoi Kageharu, 16th Ronin of Alyria is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [99%]
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [67%]
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [92%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2437sp 2029st> Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
A waybread suddenly appears.
Several juicy clams suddenly appears.
A tender turnip suddenly appears.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2624hp 2437sp 2029st>
Lewd seems to relax.
A fire elemental turns white with fear at the thought of Lewd!
A fire elemental panics, and attempts to flee.
A fire elemental ascends the small vine and suddenly get sucked upwards.
A fire elemental has fled for his life!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the arm with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock a giant seashell-covered axe from Lewd's grip, but fails.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st> {-4hp +0sp}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st>
Lewd tells the formation 'mine'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
3,137 gold coins appears in a puff of smoke.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st>
The Eroding Bane Izayoi is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
One small, flaming dart shoots from Izayoi's hand to Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Izayoi delivers a roundhouse kick to Rifraf, the Archon Hunter, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st>
Izayoi nods to all in the room.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2620hp 2437sp 2025st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock a giant seashell-covered axe from Lewd's grip, but fails.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2021st> {-4hp +0sp}
Lewd has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2021st> ft what lewd is gonna die with the die
You tell the formation 'what lewd is gonna die with the die'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([92%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2021st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the head with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Lewd's a Dracon Commander's Wingguard brushes Rifraf, the Archon Hunter, causing him to shriek in pain.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([95%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2018st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([95%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2018st> ft orb
You tell the formation 'orb'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([95%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2018st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([95%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2018st> l
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
A large pile of gold coins is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Gold Aura) ***Izayoi Kageharu, 16th Ronin of Alyria is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [99%]
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [60%]
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [95%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([95%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2616hp 2437sp 2018st>
The feeling of cotton stuffing your mouth finally leaves you.
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some significant wounds.
([99%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2649hp 2513sp 2061st> {+33hp +76sp}
Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing insignificant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([98%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2643hp 2513sp 2058st> {-6hp +0sp}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([98%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2643hp 2513sp 2058st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([98%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2643hp 2513sp 2058st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's hand towards Lewd!
A tiger's eye gemstone is fused into a worthless lump.
The lightning arcs from Lewd to a soldier in a blue and grey uniform!
The lightning arcs from a soldier in a blue and grey uniform to you!
You are electrocuted on the head by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's lightning causing giant damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Izayoi!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2051hp 2513sp 2058st> {-592hp +0sp}
ft :[
You tell the formation ':['
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2051hp 2513sp 2058st> Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
You have completed your casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is zapped on the torso with your magic causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter bares his teeth and growls.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2047hp 2443sp 2054st> {-4hp -70sp}
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2047hp 2443sp 2054st>
Lewd tells the formation 'fuck you, I don't die :('
[CLAN] Kirri: '-=[Kirri]=- Me? Nothing.'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2047hp 2443sp 2054st>
Izayoi delivers a roundhouse kick to Rifraf, the Archon Hunter, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2047hp 2443sp 2054st>
Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
*** Lewd IS WEAKENED ***
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2041hp 2443sp 2050st> {-6hp +0sp}
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2041hp 2443sp 2050st> harm
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2041hp 2443sp 2050st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([75%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2041hp 2443sp 2050st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
You have completed your casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is zapped on the torso with your magic causing paltry damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2037hp 2373sp 2046st> {-4hp -70sp}
Izayoi slams the flat of the blade into his foe's face, burning them horribly!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2037hp 2373sp 2046st> harm
Lewd begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2037hp 2373sp 2046st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2037hp 2373sp 2046st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
With the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
A host of snakes slither through the portal, swarming closely about Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
A shrieking, howling sound, as if a doorway to a nether region had been opened, reverberates throughout the area.
A deadly rattlesnake joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A deadly rattlesnake joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A deadly rattlesnake joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A deadly rattlesnake joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A deadly rattlesnake joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A deadly rattlesnake joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
The portal closes with an ear-splitting BANG!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2037hp 2373sp 2046st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
You have completed your casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is zapped on the torso with your magic causing paltry damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2035hp 2303sp 2042st> {-2hp -70sp}
ft i dont see how people die
You tell the formation 'i dont see how people die'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([80%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2035hp 2303sp 2042st>
Lewd tells the formation 'well'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([82%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2116hp 2387sp 2076st> {+81hp +84sp}
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the arm with your energy causing insignificant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([66%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2116hp 2387sp 2072st>
Izayoi slams the flat of the blade into his foe's face, burning them horribly!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([66%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2116hp 2387sp 2072st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([66%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2116hp 2387sp 2072st>
Lewd begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([66%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2116hp 2387sp 2072st>
Izayoi delivers a roundhouse kick to Rifraf, the Archon Hunter, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has some very significant wounds and scratches.
([66%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2116hp 2387sp 2072st>
Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks his fangs into Lewd's flesh.
Lewd staggers and steps back, seemingly winded.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
You are burned on the torso by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([45%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2112hp 2387sp 2069st> {-4hp +0sp}
ft its so easy to type flee
You tell the formation 'its so easy to type flee'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([45%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2112hp 2387sp 2069st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([45%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<2112hp 2387sp 2069st>
Lewd has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Lewd for a moment, then softly fades.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's hand towards Lewd!
The lightning arcs from Lewd to a soldier in a blue and grey uniform!
The lightning arcs from a soldier in a blue and grey uniform to you!
You are electrocuted on the head by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's lightning causing huge damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Izayoi!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([28%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st> {-592hp +0sp}
heal lewd
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([28%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st>
Lewd tells the formation 'this is how'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([28%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st>
Lewd panics, and attempts to flee.
Lewd walks lazily to the northwest looking exhausted and ready for
some rest.
Lewd has fled for his life!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([72%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st>
Izayoi has completed his casting.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks his fangs into Izayoi's flesh.
Izayoi staggers and steps back, seemingly winded.
Izayoi's the legendary timepiece 'Resugulon' glows brightly as it strips Rifraf, the Archon Hunter magic away.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Izayoi, connecting solidly.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([56%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st>
You have completed your casting.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([56%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st> heal lewd
They aren't here.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([56%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st>
Izayoi tells the formation 'Resugulon has dispelled 'fireshield' off Rifraf, the Archon Hunter!'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([56%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2069st>
A deadly rattlesnake sinks his fangs into Izayoi's flesh.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([36%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2066st>
Izayoi panics, and attempts to flee.
Izayoi stumbles wearily through the dense mist coming from the northeast.
Izayoi has fled for his life!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2066st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2062st>
Lewd strolls in from the northwest refreshed and ready for battle.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<1520hp 2387sp 2062st>
Lewd shivers and suffers.
*** Rifraf, the Archon Hunter LOST SLOW ***
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2089st> {+124hp +79sp}
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the arm with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Lewd joins the melee opposing Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([62%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2085st> ct |R-|Wlonar|R-|W |I|Wlewd is webbed!
[7] clan members heard you say, '-lonar- lewd is webbed!'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([62%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2085st>
Lewd tells the formation 'calm'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([62%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2085st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
*** A soldier in a blue and grey uniform IS SLOWED ***
A deadly rattlesnake sinks her fangs into a soldier in a blue and grey uniform's flesh.
A soldier in a blue and grey uniform staggers and steps back, seemingly winded.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([62%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2083st> play A A A A B Cb
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([62%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2083st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([62%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2466sp 2083st>
You have completed your song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2419sp 1977st> {+0hp -47sp}
[CLAN] Kirri: '-=[Kirri]=- Kirri is blind..'
[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2419sp 1977st> w
You cannot move in that direction.
[AWAY][*]<1644hp 2419sp 1977st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
A streak of light shooting from Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards a soldier in a blue and grey uniform!
The fireball's path arcs from a soldier in a blue and grey uniform to Lewd!
The fireball's path arcs from Lewd to you!
You are burned on the head by Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's flames causing tremendous damage.
A soldier in a blue and grey uniform enters into combat with Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
[AWAY][*]<930hp 2419sp 1977st> {-714hp +0sp}
Lewd tells the formation 'your soldier'
[AWAY][*]<930hp 2419sp 1977st> play A A A A B Cb
You begin to play a tune on Dyna's heartstrings...
[AWAY][*]<930hp 2419sp 1977st>
Lewd tells the formation 'lol'
[AWAY][*]<930hp 2419sp 1977st>
Lewd shivers and suffers.
A soldier in a blue and grey uniform shivers and suffers.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Lewd.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Rifraf, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
You have completed your song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
A soldier in a blue and grey uniform joins the melee opposing Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
You join the melee opposing Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([46%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1130hp 2488sp 1988st> {+200hp +69sp}
Lewd breathes forth a cone of fire.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([46%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1130hp 2488sp 1988st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([46%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1130hp 2488sp 1988st>
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
A large pile of gold coins is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [46%]
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting Lewd.
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake slithers ominously in a circle.
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting Lewd.
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting Lewd.
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting Lewd.
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting Lewd.
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [10%]
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) *Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Lewd. [39%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([46%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1130hp 2488sp 1988st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing trivial damage.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks his fangs into Lewd's flesh.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks her fangs into Lewd's flesh.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A deadly rattlesnake joins the melee opposing Lewd.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
([22%]Lewd)[AWAY][*]<1130hp 2488sp 1987st>
Lewd panics, and attempts to flee.
Lewd walks lazily to the northwest looking exhausted and ready for
some rest.
Lewd has fled for his life!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<1130hp 2488sp 1987st>
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading a deadly rattlesnake's second attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing mild damage.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks her fangs into your flesh.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing middling damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<723hp 2488sp 1984st> {-407hp +0sp}
heal toy
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<723hp 2488sp 1984st> l
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has completed his casting.
With the piercing shriek of warped air, a shimmering, transluscent portal opens before Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
A host of rats skitter through the portal, swarming closely about Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
A large black rat joins Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation.
The portal closes with an ear-splitting BANG!
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<723hp 2488sp 1984st>
An Underwater Cavern NW - NE
(-------------------------------------------------) - <-U-(M)-D-> -
Strangely, the sand beneath your feet is perfectly dry. You can see
small crustaceans that have been dried up and down here for quite a while.
Above is a small shining light that just makes its way through the deep lake
being held up by an unseen force. There is a small dried seaweed ladder set
firmly on the south wall, which seems to be the only way to get back up into
the lake. Two small paths lead off in the northwest and northeast, gusts of
wind and mist spray into you from the northeast and a strange pinkish glow
shines in from the northwest. Several small bronze seats have been placed
in a circle around the center of this room and lined with soft pieces of
cloth for comfort.
A large pile of gold coins is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 6) (Red Aura) A small colored block is here.
( 2) A badge of the Volcanus militia.
Wrapping that has never existed is here.
A strange black rock has been left here.
A key made of polished mahogany lies on the ground.
The key to the lair of the Ash Dragon lies here.
( 5) A red stick filled with caked mud has been dropped here.
( 2) A greenish stone pendant with flecks of red has been left here.
(Red Aura) Rippling in the corner of the room is a small pool of water.
A large black rat chitters ominously here.
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting YOU!
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting YOU!
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting YOU!
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting YOU!
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting YOU!
(Red Aura) A deadly rattlesnake is here, fighting YOU!
(Gold Aura) *A soldier in a blue and grey uniform is here, fighting Rifraf, the Archon Hunter. [10%]
(Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) *Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting YOU! [37%]
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.
[AWAY][*]<723hp 2488sp 1984st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a soldier in a blue and grey uniform for a moment, then softly fades.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing superficial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks his fangs into your flesh.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing moderate damage.
A deadly rattlesnake sinks her fangs into your flesh.
You are jabbed on the wing by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the head by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by a deadly rattlesnake's pierce causing middling damage.
alot of log
([70%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2018st> {+0hp -70sp}
ft jk
You tell the formation 'jk'
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is barely clinging to life.
([70%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2018st>
Izayoi begins casting a spell...
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is barely clinging to life.
([70%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2018st>
Lewd breathes a bolt of lightning at Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is barely clinging to life.
([70%]Izayoi)[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2018st>
Izayoi has completed his casting.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter seems to age before your eyes as Izayoi's deadly touch drains raw life force from his body.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing giant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the leg with your energy causing giant damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is harmed on the torso with your energy causing extensive damage.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's death cry.
You recieve 8 archon points.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter collapses lifeless to the ground.
Rifraf, the Archon Hunter's formation has been disbanded.
[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2015st>
Izayoi gestures and a conjures forth a brilliant magic circle, entrapping the Ithrix's soul and banishing it to the ether.
Ancient Amethyst Alcove NW - -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
- - SE
This Alcove has been worn into this room from many years of water washing
against the sandstone and has revealed an abundance of Amethysts, although
its been changed by someone, it still has a very natural feeling. Several
large holes have been carved into the west and north walls, with freely
draped Amethyst cloth and soft white material placed neatly in each one
looking comfortable enough to sleep in. Centered in this room is a large
table with eight snakes, two on each table intertwined to hold this large
plate up. There are four wooden stools placed around the table for people
to eat and rest on. A small creek flowing in from the northeast wall leads
into the southeast. Aligning the sandstone roof is a line of thumb sized
Amethysts intertwining to creating intricate patterns. Several large runes
have been carved on each of the four corners of the room giving a feel of
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of Rifraf, the Archon Hunter is lying here.
(Gold Aura) A feather from the wing of an angel lies here.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Gold Aura) ***Izayoi Kageharu, 16th Ronin of Alyria is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
[Knights of Chaos #81] (Red Aura) *Lewd :] NSFW [: is here.
[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2015st> harm
Cast the spell on whom?
[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2015st>
Lewd tells the formation 'roflmao'
[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2015st> look in cor
The corpse of Rifraf, the Archon Hunter contains:
an admantite token
a beautiful crystal prism
an orb of Vandemaar (new)
a boomerang of the sun (new)
a circular mirror shield (new)
13,043 gold coins
[AWAY][*]<2050hp 2422sp 2015st>
Lewd takes an orb of Vandemaar from the corpse of Rifraf, the Archon Hunter.
[AWAY][*]<2170hp 2538sp 2105st> {+120hp +116sp}
ft okay
You tell the formation 'okay'
[AWAY][*]<2170hp 2538sp 2105st>
Lewd found a hidden item, an orb of Vandemaar!
Lonar | 2 orbs in 5min is clearly a hack |
Izayoi | You put both that shit back right now! |