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Cwn Annwn

General logs: The long-awaited end of the bag.

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The long-awaited end of the bag. Lewd 2009-05-15 07:55 am 1111

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AUCTION: Wildsoul has put a bag embroidered with silver runes up for auction. Minimum bid is 20,000,000 gp.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: A bag embroidered with silver runes: going once (no bid received yet).

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[ARCHON] Wildsoul: is that from southpark

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: A bag embroidered with silver runes: going twice (no bid received yet).

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Aerii: no one is going to buy your bag Wildsoul. :/'

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: The sale of a bag embroidered with silver runes has been stopped by the Immortals.
Item confiscated by Duende.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Wildsoul: i'll prove you wrong'

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: Duende has put a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide up for auction. Minimum bid is 100 gp.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Wabbit: burn.'

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Duende: hey look, a pretty bag.'

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: Dragish bids 100 gp on a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Vlidash: ha'

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Wildsoul: :('

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: A Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide: going once for 100 gp to Dragish.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Aerii: haha '

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: Jhaero bids 10,000 gp on a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Jhaero: Duende, you're my hero.'

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: A Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide: going once for 10,000 gp to Jhaero.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: Aerii bids 10,100 gp on a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
AUCTION: Jhaero bids 10,200 gp on a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide.

[AWAY][*]<2482hp 3074sp 1906st>
[PKTALK C] Jhaero: Officially.'

Existance Lmao
Jhaero LTB 200 capacity runestone bag. Willing to pay 20 million!
Existance I'm ltb a 200 capacity rune bag as well, 21 mil.
Rayvanne Rofl
<3 Duende