General logs: Sandoval, you tease!
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Sandoval, you tease! | Ovelia | 2009-05-20 07:46 am | 1037 |
Between a Wide and a Lofty Hallway NW N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S SE
This hallway is over three stories tall, and the masonry here is
beautiful. Along the walls are many old weapons on display, demonstrating
the great strength of the Sidhe race. The ceiling high above has many
skylights, and the illumination casts unusual shadows across the room. This
hall continues to the east and west, and a wider, darker hallway runs to the
north and south. To the northwest and southeast is another hallway, smaller
than the other two that intersect here.
A luxurious wooden bench is set against the wall.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1138st> [0hp 0sp -1st]
A castle hostess 4 north.
King Sandoval 3 east.
You don't see anything to the south.
A docile castle boy 2 west.
A docile castle boy 2 west.
You don't see anything to the northwest.
You don't see anything to the southeast.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1138st> [0hp 0sp 0st]
A Lofty Hallway - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- # -
This hallway is over three stories tall, and the masonry here is
beautiful. Along the walls are many old weapons on display, demonstrating
the great strength of the Sidhe race. The ceiling high above has many
skylights, and the illumination casts unusual shadows across the room. The
hall continues to the east and west, and a large guest suite is to the
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1137st> [0hp 0sp -1st]
Between a Wide and a Lofty Hallway NW N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S SE
This hallway is over three stories tall, and the masonry here is
beautiful. Along the walls are many old weapons on display, demonstrating
the great strength of the Sidhe race. The ceiling high above has many
skylights, and the illumination casts unusual shadows across the room. This
hall continues to the east and west, and a wider, darker hallway runs to the
north and south. To the northwest and southeast is another hallway, smaller
than the other two that intersect here.
A luxurious wooden bench is set against the wall.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1136st> [0hp 0sp -1st]
A Lofty Hallway - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- - -
This hallway is over three stories tall, and the masonry here is
beautiful. Along the walls are many old weapons on display, demonstrating
the great strength of the Sidhe race. The ceiling high above has many
skylights, and the illumination casts unusual shadows across the room. The
hall continues to the east and west.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1135st> [0hp 0sp -1st]
A Lofty Hallway - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- # -
This hallway is over three stories tall, and the masonry here is
beautiful. Along the walls are many old weapons on display, demonstrating
the great strength of the Sidhe race. The ceiling high above has many
skylights, and the illumination casts unusual shadows across the room. The
hall continues to the east and west, and the armory is to the south.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1134st> [0hp 0sp -1st]
A Lofty Hallway - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- - -
This hallway is over three stories tall, and the masonry here is
beautiful. Along the walls are many old weapons on display, demonstrating
the great strength of the Sidhe race. The ceiling high above has many
skylights, and the illumination casts unusual shadows across the room. The
hall continues to the east and west.
(Gold Aura) [S][F]King Sandoval stands here, watching over his castle.
'For shame, Ovelia!' King Sandoval exclaims. 'To so waste the gift of physical form that has been bestowed upon thee!'
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1133st> [0hp 0sp -1st]
What do you mean by that?
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1133st> [0hp 0sp 0st]
You need to reword your request.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1148st> [0hp 0sp 15st]
'Aroint with thee!' King Sandoval exclaims.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1148st> [0hp 0sp 0st]
King Sandoval leaves west.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1148st> [0hp 0sp 0st]
I am unable to comprehend what you ask.
[AWAY][*]<1850hp 2150sp 1148st> [0hp 0sp 0st]
Player Information for: Ovelia. is here. Ovelia? is here. Ovelia! is here. Ovelia?!
Hours Played: 20,783 Age: 50 years (Born 11/26/1400)
Class Level: 59 Total Level: 179
Race: sidhe Gender: female
Class: monk Alignment: 988 (angelic)
Hit Points: 1850/1075 Practices: 0
Spell Points: 2150/1382 Quest Points: 5,636 (317 quests)
Stamina: 1148/1183 Reputation: 100 (Saint)
Strength: 19/19 Vitality: 19/19
Knowledge: 23/23 Luck: 23/23
Wisdom: 22/22 Courage: 20/20
Agility: 15/19 Sanity: 10/20
Personality: 13/22
Spell Complexity Comprehension: 92%
Proficiency Complexity Comprehension:
Wea: 85% Def: 100% Com: 100% Tek: 100% Mys: 100%
* You have 282,045,364 experience points and need 3,704,640 to advance.
* You have killed 62,828 creatures and 38 players in combat.
* You have been killed 957 times, 250 in player kill combat.
* You have defeated 55 players and lost 129 times in arena combat.
* You are carrying 3 items weighing 40 stones and 45 pebbles.
* You have attained 51 marks, 0 honors, and 3 relationships.
* Crystal Guild quests completed: 57
* You are currently encumbered. You may move slower than normal.
* You are currently marked as 'away'. Message: AFK AFK AFK AFK AFK AFK AFK
* You have less than a minute remaining until you are reincarnated.
Kritos | It's better when he wanders off and relocates mid res. |