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PK logs: How enigma rolls, 5v3? I think not.

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How enigma rolls, 5v3? I think not. Nobadii 2009-06-05 08:12 pm 909

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[*][SAFE]<2118hp 2743sp 1801st>
say you're such a bitch, brim.
You say, 'You're such a bitch, brim.'

[*][SAFE]<2118hp 2743sp 1801st>

 A Dark Antechamber                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-#-(M)-D-> -
                                                        -      -      -

The room is darkened and has an eerie feel to it. Sometimes you think
you hear laughter or even the sound of combat near you as you timidly stand
here. Other times you think you might have just heard the echo of a meeting
of the minds or a intimate conversation. Sometimes you hear nothing but the
haunting quiet that abounds here. Your mind begins to wander and you wonder
if you really heard anything at all. As you brush your hand along the walls
trying to get a feel for the room, you can actually feel the carved markings
in the walls. A chill runs down your spine as you get the feeling that this
room leads to something very important.
[Clan 30] **Lillith ::Brace for Impact:: is here.
[Clan 2] **Sabon who is like time itself and will kill you inevitably is here.
[Clan 2] *Brimstone is currently in: sloth mode is here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus.

[*][SAFE]<2118hp 2743sp 1801st>
Brimstone says, ':('

[*][SAFE]<2118hp 2743sp 1801st>
A prophet falls to the ground laughing hysterically. Must have been something funny.

[*][SAFE]<2118hp 2743sp 1801st>
Sabon seems to disappear as he steps into the shadows.

[*][SAFE]<2118hp 2743sp 1801st>
Brimstone seems to have adopted a less aggressive stance.

[*][SAFE]<2123hp 2746sp 1801st>
Sabon asks Brimstone if he can join his formation.

[*][SAFE]<2123hp 2746sp 1801st>
Sabon joins Brimstone's formation.

[*][SAFE]<2123hp 2746sp 1801st>
Sabon holds very still... concentrating...
Sabon's form shifts and wavers.
Sabon transforms into a psychotic tiger!

[*][SAFE]<2123hp 2746sp 1801st>
Brimstone says, 'Form nobby you slut'

[*][SAFE]<2123hp 2746sp 1801st>
fo fo brim
You ask Brimstone if you can join his formation.

[*][SAFE]<2128hp 2749sp 1801st>
You join Brimstone's formation.

[*][SAFE]<2128hp 2749sp 1801st>
who min

MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[108:241 M Archon Clanhl] Kabaal [{Old Mofos}][A]
[16 :16 M Mintr Barba Novice] Armilian [<Combat>]
[60 :60 M Mintr Caval Towne ] Blackravin [---,-->{@][A]
[106:241 F Archon Social] Fides [::xXx::]
[60 :120 M Mintr Barba Clanhl] Tostapane [---,-->{@]
[60 :120 F Mintr Shama Social] Mountainman [-Perdition-]
[45 :45 M Mintr Wizrd Social] Mowcow [.:Mercs:.]
[60 :180 M Mintr Barba Dungn ] Aggression [---,-->{@]
[45 :105 F Mintr Shama ] Sonia [Legacy][A]
[60 :60 F Mintr Psion Towne ] Rajani [-+<-!->+-]
[40 :40 M Mintr Barba Towne ] Toekin
[60 :60 M Mintr Rogue Social] Grolsh [.relentless.]
[50 :110 F Mintr Range Towne ] Moreena [.relentless.](Quest)
[72 :241 N Archon Clanhl] Kuwabara [::xXx::][A]
[60 :240 M Hero Home ] Darkmagic [{Old Mofos}]
[132:241 M Archon Social] Dragonburner [AntiSocial]
Total matches: 16.

[*][SAFE]<2128hp 2749sp 1801st>
Brimstone looks at a prophet.

[*][SAFE]<2128hp 2749sp 1801st>
cons asdflkjads
There is no one here by that name.

[*][SAFE]<2128hp 2749sp 1801st>
Chromatus shouts 'wtb magical coins, send tells chromatus'

[*][SAFE]<2128hp 2749sp 1801st>
AUCTION: Sabon has put the Dragon Lord helm up for auction. Minimum bid is 5,000,000 gp.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
You hear a faint *click* from the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
The up door opens from the other side.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
A prophet has arrived from the above.
Alyce drifts in from the above.
A scottish terrier rides in from the above.
A prophet drifts in from the above.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
auc info
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp shows you a tablet upon which is written:
This item is up for auction from Sabon.
Item 'the Dragon Lord helm' is type armor, alignment -950, made of steel,
has keywords 'dragon lord helm ancient', equipped over the head.
This item weighs 0 stones and 54 pebbles, and is valued at 55,100 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: insulated unbreakable nodecay no-dispel no-repair bind-on-take always-equipment-index
The Dragon Lord helm is in excellent condition.
This item has a default lifespan of 180 days and will expire on Wed Dec 2 13:06:11 2009.
Armor resistance is 68 pierce, 65 bash, 67 slash, and 66 exotic.
Affects sanity by -4.
Affects fire-prcnt by 9.
Affects accuracy by 3.
Affects damage by 4.
Affects personality by -5.
*Your alignment must be less than or equal to -300 to use this item. (Enforced)
*Your archon-level must be greater than or equal to 160 to use this item.
*Your Mark of Dragon must be equal to True to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 4 times and renewed 4 times.
This is part of the 'Artifacts of the Dragon Lords' set.
- Item 'the Dragon Lord helm'
- Item 'the Dragon Lord armor'
- Item 'a massive set of wing extenders'
Affects damage-fire-breath by 50 (Requires 3 items).
Affects damage-gas-breath by 50 (Requires 3 items).
Affects damage-ice-breath by 50 (Requires 3 items).
Affects damage-acid-breath by 50 (Requires 3 items).
Affects damage-lightning-breath by 50 (Requires 3 items).
Affects ar-torso by 7 (Requires 3 items).
Affects sp-regen by -6 (Requires 2 items).
Affects hp-regen by 4 (Requires 2 items).
This ancient helmet, constructed from lava-forged steel, is rumored to have
once been worn by one of the Dragon Lords. There are many unfamiliar runes
engraved upon it, inscribed in a language unknown to you. As you put it on,
a multitude of voices can be heard in your mind, whispering words of comfort
and protection. While you do feel more confident, it detracts from your
ability to focus on the tasks at hand.

+++ the Dragon Lord helm has a chance, when used in combat by a winged
creature to fight a formed PC, to blow a gust of air at its wielder's
opponent's formation, at a rate of 7% per each additional formation member
in the opponent's formation than its wielder's formation, or twice that if
its wielder is unformed.
The minimum bid on this item is [5,000,000] gp.
No bids on this item have been received.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st> A prophet closes the door.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
AUCTION: The sale of the Dragon Lord helm has been stopped by Sabon.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
Brimstone opens the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2133hp 2752sp 1801st>
A prophet drifts up.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet closes the door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Brimstone opens the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet closes the door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet says, 'Lock'

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Brimstone opens the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet says, 'Lock'

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
'Close' Lillith says.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A psychotic tiger tells the formation 'come north'

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet says, 'Close'

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet closes the door.
Brimstone opens the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Lillith closes the door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Brimstone opens the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
'Close' a prophet says.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Lillith closes the door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A psychotic tiger tells the formation 'lets kill them'

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Brimstone opens the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
'Close' a prophet says.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
'Close' a prophet says.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
A prophet leaves up.
A prophet rides up.
Alyce drifts up.
A scottish terrier rides up.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
op up
It's already open.
Brimstone scans intensely all around.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
Lillith closes the door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2754sp 1801st>
You are already standing.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2756sp 1801st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: sense-life detect-hidden
* You are resistant to: charm necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: holy.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 119, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 177, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 118, modifies none by 0.
Spell: levitation - Level 95, modifies none by 0 for 50 minutes.
Spell: shield - Level 211, modifies ar by 9 for 60 minutes.
Total of 5 magical affects.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2756sp 1801st>
Lillith says, 'Close'
You hear a faint *click* from the up door.

[*][SAFE]<2136hp 2756sp 1801st>
You follow Brimstone.

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

[Clan 2] *Brimstone is currently in: sloth mode is here.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<2136hp 2756sp 1800st>
c shield
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2136hp 2756sp 1800st>
Brimstone stops using a red, glowing mist.
Brimstone holds the Stone of Alyria in his left hand.

[*]<2136hp 2756sp 1800st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
You have increased the duration of the spell 'shield'.

[*]<2136hp 2720sp 1800st>
c stone
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2136hp 2720sp 1800st>
Brimstone holds very still... concentrating...
Brimstone's form shifts and wavers.
Brimstone transforms into a psychotic tiger!

[*]<2136hp 2720sp 1800st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as your skin hardens.

[*]<2136hp 2648sp 1800st>
c arm
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2136hp 2648sp 1800st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: sense-life detect-hidden
* You are resistant to: charm necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: holy.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 119, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 177, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 118, modifies none by 0.
Spell: levitation - Level 95, modifies none by 0 for 50 minutes.
Spell: shield - Level 211, modifies ar by 9 for 90 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 64 minutes.
Total of 6 magical affects.

[*]<2136hp 2648sp 1800st>
A psychotic tiger stops using the Stone of Alyria.
A psychotic tiger holds magical bagpipes in his left hand.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as a psychotic tiger's skin hardens.

[*]<2136hp 2648sp 1800st>
You have completed your casting.
You hear a high-pitched shriek as the air hardens around you.

[*]<2136hp 2633sp 1800st>
c bless
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2136hp 2633sp 1800st>
You have completed your casting.
You glow briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.

[*]<2136hp 2613sp 1800st>
c haste
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2136hp 2637sp 1801st>
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.

[*]<2136hp 2622sp 1801st>
c haste
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A psychotic tiger tells the formation 'brim vegito first?'

[*]<2136hp 2622sp 1801st>
A prophet has arrived from the south.
A prophet rides in from the south.
Alyce drifts in from the south.
A scottish terrier rides in from the south.

[*]<2136hp 2622sp 1801st>
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc flares brightly and vanishes!
You begin moving much faster, almost seeming to blur.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1801st>
A prophet begins attacking you!
A psychotic tiger tells the formation 'yep'
A prophet is in perfect health.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1801st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: sense-life detect-hidden
* You are resistant to: charm necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: holy.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 119, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 177, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 118, modifies none by 0.
Spell: levitation - Level 94, modifies none by 0 for 49 minutes.
Spell: shield - Level 210, modifies ar by 9 for 89 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 240, modifies ar by 7 for 63 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 240, modifies ar by 3 for 89 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 240, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 127 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 241, modifies accuracy by 7 for 64 minutes.
Total of 9 magical affects.
A prophet is in perfect health.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1801st>
You fail to hit a prophet with your first attack.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet joins the melee opposing you.
A scottish terrier joins the melee opposing you.
Alyce joins the melee opposing you.
A prophet joins the melee opposing you.
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing a prophet.
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing a prophet.
A prophet has several minor scratches.

([98%]Brimstone)[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1798st>
fle n
You panic, and attempt to flee.

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S      SE

You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1795st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here, fighting a psychotic tiger.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a psychotic tiger.
**A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
A prophet panics, and attempts to flee.
A prophet rides north.
A prophet has fled for its life!

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
k veg
That creature is not present.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
Alyce panics, and attempts to flee.
Alyce drifts north.
Alyce has fled for her life!

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A psychotic tiger makes a curious gesture with his hand, and a strong wind blasts from nowhere!
A prophet stops following a prophet.
A prophet's formation has been disbanded.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
A prophet rides in from the north.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
**A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st> A prophet seems to relax.
A prophet tries to make eye contact with a psychotic tiger, but a psychotic tiger avoids a prophet's stare.
You join the melee opposing a prophet.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
A prophet panics, and attempts to flee.
A prophet struggles vainly against the webs which hold him in place.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2562sp 1792st>
Alyce drifts in from the north.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1793st>
Alyce drifts south.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1793st>

Alyce drifts in from the south.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1793st>
 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
**A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1793st>
A prophet drifts south.
A prophet has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1793st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit a prophet with your third attack.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet has some significant wounds.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1791st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet has some significant wounds.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1791st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A prophet turns white and shudders momentarily.
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1788st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1788st>

A prophet begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2582sp 1788st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2548sp 1788st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a prophet's eyes!
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a prophet for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is smashed on the arm with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([72%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2548sp 1785st>
cc sabon
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with bathing ape.
A prophet looks pretty beaten up.

([72%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2548sp 1785st>
A prophet begins casting a spell...
A prophet looks pretty beaten up.

([72%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2548sp 1785st>
A prophet asks Alyce if it can join her formation.
A prophet looks pretty beaten up.

([72%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2548sp 1785st>
A prophet joins Alyce's formation.
A prophet looks pretty beaten up.

([72%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2548sp 1785st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a prophet for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a psychotic tiger for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
A prophet dodges out of the way of your third attack.
A prophet is smashed on the leg with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([74%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2499sp 1782st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with a minotaur-leather buckler.
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([74%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2499sp 1782st>
cc sabon
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with bathing ape.
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([74%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2499sp 1782st>
A prophet begins casting a spell...
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([74%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2499sp 1782st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([74%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2499sp 1782st>
A prophet has completed his casting.
A prophet is no longer blinded.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a psychotic tiger for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
A prophet dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit a prophet with your third attack.
A prophet is smashed on the torso with your bash causing modest damage.
A prophet screams in agony.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2450sp 1780st>
cc sabon

A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with bathing ape.
A prophet screams in agony.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2450sp 1780st>
A prophet begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet screams in agony.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2450sp 1780st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with a minotaur-leather buckler.
A prophet pales visibly as death nears.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2450sp 1780st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: sense-life detect-hidden
* You are resistant to: charm necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: holy.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 119, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 177, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 118, modifies none by 0.
Spell: levitation - Level 92, modifies none by 0 for 47 minutes.
Spell: shield - Level 208, modifies ar by 9 for 87 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 238, modifies ar by 7 for 61 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 238, modifies ar by 3 for 87 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 238, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 125 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 239, modifies accuracy by 7 for 62 minutes.
Total of 9 magical affects.
A prophet screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2482sp 1782st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with bathing ape.
A prophet screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2482sp 1782st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with a minotaur-leather buckler.
A prophet pales visibly as death nears.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2482sp 1782st>
A prophet drifts in from the south.
A scottish terrier rides in from the south.
A prophet pales visibly as death nears.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2482sp 1782st>
A prophet has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a psychotic tiger for a moment, then softly fades.

[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with bathing ape.
A psychotic tiger enters into combat with a prophet.

[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

[AWAY] **a scottish terrier is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
**A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
You join the melee opposing a prophet.
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing a prophet.
A prophet is barely clinging to life.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
A prophet begins casting a spell...
A prophet is barely clinging to life.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with bathing ape.
A prophet is barely clinging to life.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
You aren't wearing a shield.
A prophet is barely clinging to life.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with a minotaur-leather buckler.
A prophet has been slain!
A psychotic tiger's bash slams a prophet's head into a rock with such force that it kills him.
Your blood freezes as you hear a prophet's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
Kazmo looks more like himself again.
Kazmo's disembodied spirit rises from his ravaged corpse.
The head of Kazmo falls to the ground.
Kazmo's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kazmo turns translucent.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kazmo's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kazmo blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Kazmo vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
[PKTALK C] Anagon: having whats the max on +dmg-breath duey?'

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
A scottish terrier begins attacking you!
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
Alyce drifts north.
A prophet rides north.
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

[*]<2136hp 2433sp 1782st>
You dodge out of the way of a scottish terrier's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing minimal damage.
A scottish terrier dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A scottish terrier is smashed on the head with your bash causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your third attack.
A scottish terrier is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A prophet joins the melee opposing you.
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing a scottish terrier.
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing a scottish terrier.
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2016hp 2433sp 1780st>
A scottish terrier begins casting a spell...
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<2016hp 2433sp 1780st>
fle w
You panic, and attempt to flee.

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     -      -

You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.

[*]<2016hp 2433sp 1777st>
You are using:
<used as light> a banner displaying a lolstika (slightly worn) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (new)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (used)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) a holy symbol of Vandyne (used)
<worn around neck> a beautiful amulet made of white marble (new)
<worn on body> a witch's cloak (falling apart)
<worn on head> a seashell-covered helm (worn)
<worn on legs> a set of splinted cuisses (worn)
<worn on feet> the boots of the fish (slightly worn)
<worn on hands> the gloves of alchemy (slightly worn)
<worn on arms> a baldric band (used)
<worn about body> the cape of terror (damaged)
<worn about waist> the belt of pain (slightly worn)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (used)
<worn around wrist> (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (new)
<left hand> a spellbook bound in blue leather (new)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 94 Bash: 91 Slash: 93 Exotic: 92
(Torso ) Pierce: 81 Bash: 80 Slash: 82 Exotic: 80
(Arms ) Pierce: 86 Bash: 85 Slash: 87 Exotic: 85
(Legs ) Pierce: 88 Bash: 84 Slash: 87 Exotic: 86

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'hand to hand', you may cause up to 195 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 82% of the time.

[*]<2016hp 2433sp 1777st>
 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here.
[AWAY] **a scottish terrier is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting someone who just left (?)
***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<2016hp 2433sp 1774st>
A scottish terrier has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
You join the melee opposing a scottish terrier.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your first attack.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your second attack.
A scottish terrier is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A scottish terrier dodges out of the way of your fourth attack.
A prophet fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of a prophet's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by a prophet's slash causing mild damage.
A prophet fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing mild damage.
A scottish terrier fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing mild damage.
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1843hp 2433sp 1773st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over a scottish terrier!
A scottish terrier is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1843hp 2433sp 1773st>
a GiantfoamFinger UofM#1 a prophet is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from a prophet's hand to you.
You are harmed on the torso by a prophet's energy causing minimal damage.
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1816hp 2433sp 1773st>
hold sea
A giant seashell-covered axe: You must have both hands free in order to wield a two-handed weapon.
A scottish terrier has several minor scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1816hp 2433sp 1773st>
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your first attack.
A scottish terrier is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
A scottish terrier dodges out of the way of your third attack.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your fourth attack.
You dodge out of the way of a scottish terrier's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing mild damage.
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1736hp 2433sp 1772st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1736hp 2433sp 1772st>

A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1736hp 2433sp 1772st> Awwww... what's making you so unhappy?
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1736hp 2433sp 1772st>
You are using:
<used as light> a banner displaying a lolstika (slightly worn) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (new)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (used)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) a holy symbol of Vandyne (used)
<worn around neck> a beautiful amulet made of white marble (new)
<worn on body> a witch's cloak (falling apart)
<worn on head> a seashell-covered helm (worn)
<worn on legs> a set of splinted cuisses (worn)
<worn on feet> the boots of the fish (slightly worn)
<worn on hands> the gloves of alchemy (slightly worn)
<worn on arms> a baldric band (used)
<worn about body> the cape of terror (damaged)
<worn about waist> the belt of pain (slightly worn)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (used)
<worn around wrist> (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (new)
<left hand> a spellbook bound in blue leather (new)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 94 Bash: 91 Slash: 93 Exotic: 92
(Torso ) Pierce: 81 Bash: 80 Slash: 82 Exotic: 80
(Arms ) Pierce: 86 Bash: 85 Slash: 87 Exotic: 85
(Legs ) Pierce: 88 Bash: 84 Slash: 87 Exotic: 86

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'hand to hand', you may cause up to 195 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 79% of the time.
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1736hp 2433sp 1772st>
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
A prophet seems to relax.
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1758hp 2467sp 1525st>
A scottish terrier panics, and attempts to flee.
A scottish terrier struggles vainly against the webs which hold him in place.
A scottish terrier has several minor wounds and bruises.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1758hp 2467sp 1525st>
rem blue

A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A scottish terrier glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A scottish terrier glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
A scottish terrier is smashed on the torso with your bash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your second attack.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your third attack.
A scottish terrier is smashed on the arm with your bash causing minimal damage.
You dodge out of the way of a scottish terrier's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing mild damage.
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1718hp 2467sp 1523st> You stop using a spellbook bound in blue leather.
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1718hp 2467sp 1523st>
A psychotic tiger stops using You lose.
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1718hp 2467sp 1523st>
A psychotic tiger wields the broadaxe of ultimate evil in his right hand.
The broadaxe of ultimate evil darkens Sabon as he wears it.
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1718hp 2467sp 1523st>
A scottish terrier begins reciting an invocation...
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1718hp 2467sp 1523st>
hold sea
You wield a giant seashell-covered axe in your right hand.
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<1718hp 2467sp 1523st>
A prophet seems to relax.
A prophet's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by a prophet's lightning causing middling damage.
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into a psychotic tiger!
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1626hp 2467sp 1523st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1626hp 2467sp 1523st>
A prophet rides in from the south.
A scottish terrier has some significant wounds.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1626hp 2467sp 1523st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A scottish terrier gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by a prophet's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by a prophet's slash causing modest damage.
A prophet fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the torso by a prophet's slash causing modest damage.
A scottish terrier looks pretty beaten up.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1453hp 2467sp 1523st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a scottish terrier over the head with bathing ape.
A scottish terrier is in terrible condition.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1453hp 2467sp 1523st>
A scottish terrier has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds a scottish terrier for a moment, then softly fades.
A scottish terrier looks pretty beaten up.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1453hp 2467sp 1523st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here.
[AWAY] **a scottish terrier is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting YOU! [42%]
***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
A scottish terrier looks pretty beaten up.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1453hp 2467sp 1523st>
[PKTALK C] Anagon: 250?'

A scottish terrier looks pretty beaten up.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1453hp 2467sp 1523st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A scottish terrier looks pretty beaten up.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1579hp 2418sp 1523st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A scottish terrier gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet seems to relax.
A prophet's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by a prophet's lightning causing heavy damage.
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into a psychotic tiger!
A scottish terrier dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A scottish terrier is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your third attack.
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your fourth attack.
You dodge out of the way of a prophet's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a prophet's slash causing modest damage.
A prophet fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the head by a prophet's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by a scottish terrier's slash causing modest damage.
A scottish terrier is vomiting blood.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1150hp 2418sp 1517st>

A psychotic tiger bashes a scottish terrier over the head with bathing ape.
A scottish terrier screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1150hp 2418sp 1517st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A scottish terrier screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1150hp 2418sp 1517st>
A scottish terrier begins reciting an invocation...
A scottish terrier screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1150hp 2418sp 1517st>
[PKTALK C] Perem: selling mirrored shield'

A scottish terrier screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1150hp 2418sp 1517st>
a GiantfoamFinger UofM#1 a prophet is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A streak of light shooting from a prophet's a GiantfoamFinger UofM#1 turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You are burned on the torso by a prophet's flames causing moderate damage.
A scottish terrier screams in agony.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1048hp 2418sp 1517st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a scottish terrier over the head with bathing ape.
A scottish terrier pales visibly as death nears.

([76%]Sabon)[*]<1048hp 2418sp 1517st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A scottish terrier gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A scottish terrier has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds a scottish terrier for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A prophet seems to relax.
A prophet's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by a prophet's lightning causing great damage.
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into a psychotic tiger!
You fail to hit a scottish terrier with your first attack.
A scottish terrier is cut on the torso with your slash causing huge damage.
You are burned on the torso by a scottish terrier's flames causing minimal damage.
A scottish terrier dodges out of the way of your third attack.
A scottish terrier is cut on the torso with your slash causing tremendous damage.
A scottish terrier falls from a young pegasus.
A scottish terrier has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a scottish terrier's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
A scottish terrier stops following a prophet.
Vegito looks more like himself again.
Vegito's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Vegito.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Vegito falls to the ground.
Vegito's corpse crumbles into dust.
Vegito turns translucent.
Vegito stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Vegito stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Vegito's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Vegito stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Vegito blinks rapidly, several times.
Vegito's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
A prophet fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of a prophet's second attack.
A prophet fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the leg by a prophet's slash causing modest damage.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

([75%]Sabon)[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with a minotaur-leather buckler.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>
A prophet panics, and attempts to flee.
A prophet drifts south.
A prophet has fled for his life!

([75%]Sabon)[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Vegito is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>
A prophet rides south.

[*]<947hp 2369sp 1507st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce begins attacking you!
Alyce is in perfect health.

[*]<1199hp 2320sp 1507st>
A psychotic tiger leaves south.
Alyce is in perfect health.

[*]<1199hp 2320sp 1507st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce is in perfect health.

[*]<1199hp 2320sp 1507st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce is in perfect health.

[*]<1199hp 2320sp 1507st>
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing Alyce.
Alyce is in perfect health.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1199hp 2320sp 1507st>
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce is in perfect health.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1341hp 2331sp 1293st>
AUCTION: Nognus has put a Darkland shield up for auction. Minimum bid is 100 gp.
Alyce is in perfect health.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1341hp 2331sp 1293st>
fo rep
a psychotic tiger's Formation's Status:
[119:241 Archn] [A psychotic tige] [3721/3742hp] [1669/3141sp] [1103/1965st]
[150:241 Legnd] [A psychotic tige] [2630/3356hp] [1834/3438sp] [1608/3325st]
[70 :241 Archn] [Nobadii ] [1341/2136hp] [2331/2773sp] [1293/1801st]
Alyce is in perfect health.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1341hp 2331sp 1293st>
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce is in perfect health.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1341hp 2331sp 1293st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
Alyce stares deeply into a psychotic tiger's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Alyce fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Alyce's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Alyce with your first attack.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing trifling damage.
Alyce is cut on the arm with your slash causing paltry damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>

A psychotic tiger has arrived from the south.
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Vegito is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[Clan 30] ****Alyce I'm a renegade of FUNK is here, fighting YOU! [95%]
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([99%]Brimstone)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing Alyce.
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1237hp 2331sp 1281st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has several minor scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1327hp 2297sp 1281st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
Alyce glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Alyce has completed her casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
You dodge out of the way of Alyce's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Alyce's pierce causing modest damage.
Alyce fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Alyce with your first attack.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Alyce has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1209hp 2297sp 1269st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1209hp 2297sp 1269st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
Alyce has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1209hp 2297sp 1269st>
c call
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Alyce has several minor wounds and bruises.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1209hp 2297sp 1269st> A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
Alyce staggers suddenly, struck blind by a psychotic tiger's mind control.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has completed her casting.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Alyce's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
Alyce fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing paltry damage.
Alyce has some significant wounds.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1160hp 2248sp 1257st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce has some significant wounds.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1160hp 2248sp 1257st>
A prophet rides in from the south.
Alyce has some significant wounds.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1160hp 2248sp 1257st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce has some significant wounds.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1160hp 2248sp 1257st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet begins casting a spell...
Alyce has some significant wounds.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1160hp 2248sp 1257st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
Alyce gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through it.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce is no longer blinded.
Alyce's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Alyce's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Alyce with your first attack.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing paltry damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
A prophet joins the melee opposing you.
Alyce has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1036hp 2214sp 1245st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1036hp 2214sp 1245st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1036hp 2214sp 1245st>
c call
You are not holding a spellbook that contains the spell 'call lightning'.
Alyce has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1036hp 2214sp 1245st>
A prophet has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
Alyce has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1036hp 2214sp 1245st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<1036hp 2214sp 1245st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over a prophet!
A prophet is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You dodge out of the way of a prophet's first attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by a prophet's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by a prophet's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing paltry damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing paltry damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Alyce looks pretty beaten up.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<872hp 2180sp 1229st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce looks pretty beaten up.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<872hp 2180sp 1229st>
A prophet begins casting a spell...
Alyce looks pretty beaten up.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<872hp 2180sp 1229st>
For a list of acceptable commands, type ?.
Alyce looks pretty beaten up.

([78%]Sabon)[*]<872hp 2180sp 1229st>

AUCTION: A Darkland shield: going once (no bid received yet).
Alyce looks pretty beaten up.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<942hp 2239sp 1300st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce looks pretty beaten up.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<942hp 2239sp 1300st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
Alyce gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through it.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of a prophet's first attack.
A prophet's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are jabbed on the torso by a prophet's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by a prophet's pierce causing moderate damage.
A psychotic tiger's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
Alyce fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
You fail to hit Alyce with your first attack.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing minimal damage.
Alyce is cut on the leg with your slash causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing minimal damage.
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce is in terrible condition.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<668hp 2205sp 1288st>
A psychotic tiger bashes Alyce over the head with bathing ape.
Alyce is in terrible condition.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<668hp 2205sp 1288st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet begins casting a spell...
Alyce is in terrible condition.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<668hp 2205sp 1288st>
The Ring of Lord Agrippa Alyce is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
Alyce is in terrible condition.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<668hp 2205sp 1288st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
Alyce gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
A prophet stops following Alyce.
Alyce's formation has been disbanded.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
Alyce fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Alyce's second attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Alyce's pierce causing middling damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Alyce with your fourth attack.
Alyce is in terrible condition.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<747hp 2156sp 1276st>

A psychotic tiger bashes Alyce over the head with bathing ape.
Alyce is vomiting blood.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<747hp 2156sp 1276st> You cannot perform the somatic movements necessary to cast that spell.
Alyce is vomiting blood.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<747hp 2156sp 1276st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce is vomiting blood.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<747hp 2156sp 1276st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce is vomiting blood.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<747hp 2156sp 1276st>
A prophet struggles vainly against the webs which hold it in place.
Alyce is vomiting blood.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<747hp 2156sp 1276st>
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
Alyce gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Alyce has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing heavy damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing heavy damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing great damage.
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<463hp 2156sp 1276st>

A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce begins casting a spell...
A psychotic tiger bashes Alyce over the head with bathing ape.
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<463hp 2156sp 1276st> You can't do that while casting a spell!
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<463hp 2156sp 1276st>

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Shadows around the area collect into a swirling black portal, and the incarnation of death steps through.
The portal vanishes with a flash of blue light.
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<553hp 2122sp 1276st>
You watch, horrified, as a pool of blood sinks into the ground.
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<553hp 2122sp 1276st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<553hp 2122sp 1276st>
A prophet takes a textured indigo scroll from o/s [-=LK=-] .
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<553hp 2122sp 1276st>
A prophet stops using an arcane spellbook.
A prophet holds a textured indigo scroll in its left hand.
Alyce screams in agony.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<553hp 2122sp 1276st>
A psychotic tiger bashes Alyce over the head with bathing ape.
Alyce pales visibly as death nears.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<553hp 2122sp 1276st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
Alyce fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Alyce's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Alyce's pierce causing moderate damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing giant damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing minimal damage.
Alyce is cut on the torso with your slash causing extensive damage.
You are burned on the torso by Alyce's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Alyce with your third attack.
You fail to hit Alyce with your fourth attack.
Alyce is barely clinging to life.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<691hp 2088sp 1268st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
Alyce is barely clinging to life.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<691hp 2088sp 1268st>
[PKTALK C] Anagon: selling mirrored amulets!'

Alyce is barely clinging to life.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<691hp 2088sp 1268st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
Alyce is barely clinging to life.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<691hp 2088sp 1268st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet begins reciting a spell from a textured indigo scroll...
Alyce is barely clinging to life.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<691hp 2088sp 1268st>
A psychotic tiger bashes Alyce over the head with bathing ape.
Alyce is barely clinging to life.

([79%]Sabon)[*]<691hp 2088sp 1268st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Alyce has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Alyce for a moment, then softly fades.
Alyce has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Alyce's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
Alyce's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Alyce.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Alyce falls to the ground.
Alyce's corpse crumbles into dust.
Alyce turns translucent.
Alyce stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Alyce stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Alyce's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Alyce stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Alyce blinks rapidly, several times.
Alyce's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
A psychotic tiger enters into combat with a prophet.

[*]<1015hp 2039sp 1268st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Alyce is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Vegito is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a psychotic tiger.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<1015hp 2039sp 1268st>
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
A prophet struggles mightily against the webs which hold it in place.
You join the melee opposing a prophet.
A psychotic tiger joins the melee opposing a prophet.
A prophet has several minor scratches.

([81%]Sabon)[*]<1108hp 2149sp 1150st>

A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet has several minor scratches.

([81%]Sabon)[*]<1108hp 2149sp 1150st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet has several minor scratches.

([81%]Sabon)[*]<1108hp 2149sp 1150st>
AUCTION: A Darkland shield: going twice (no bid received yet).
A prophet has several minor scratches.

([81%]Sabon)[*]<1108hp 2149sp 1150st>
A prophet has completed its casting.
A textured indigo scroll flares brightly and vanishes.
A prophet has several minor scratches.

([81%]Sabon)[*]<1108hp 2149sp 1150st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A prophet turns white and shudders momentarily.
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
A prophet catches a giant seashell-covered axe on a seashell-covered shield.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
A prophet has some significant wounds.

([80%]Sabon)[*]<1234hp 2100sp 1134st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet has some significant wounds.

([80%]Sabon)[*]<1234hp 2100sp 1134st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet has some significant wounds.

([80%]Sabon)[*]<1234hp 2100sp 1134st>
A psychotic tiger takes a spellbook bound in violet leather from Vandemaar's Trunk.
A prophet has some significant wounds.

([80%]Sabon)[*]<1234hp 2100sp 1134st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A prophet glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You fail to hit a prophet with your first attack.
A prophet is cut on the arm with your slash causing mild damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1360hp 2051sp 1122st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1360hp 2051sp 1122st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1360hp 2051sp 1122st>
You are using:
<used as light> a banner displaying a lolstika (slightly worn) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (new)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (used)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) a holy symbol of Vandyne (used)
<worn around neck> a beautiful amulet made of white marble (new)
<worn on body> a witch's cloak (falling apart)
<worn on head> a seashell-covered helm (worn)
<worn on legs> a set of splinted cuisses (worn)
<worn on feet> the boots of the fish (slightly worn)
<worn on hands> the gloves of alchemy (slightly worn)
<worn on arms> a baldric band (used)
<worn about body> the cape of terror (damaged)
<worn about waist> the belt of pain (slightly worn)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (used)
<worn around wrist> (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (new)
<right hand> a giant seashell-covered axe (slightly worn)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 81 Bash: 78 Slash: 80 Exotic: 79
(Torso ) Pierce: 68 Bash: 67 Slash: 69 Exotic: 67
(Arms ) Pierce: 73 Bash: 72 Slash: 74 Exotic: 72
(Legs ) Pierce: 75 Bash: 71 Slash: 74 Exotic: 73

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'two-handed axe', a giant seashell-covered axe can cause up to 367 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 82% of the time.
A prophet has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([77%]Sabon)[*]<1360hp 2051sp 1122st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A prophet glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
A psychotic tiger seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from a psychotic tiger's mind.
A prophet gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through it.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A prophet is cut on the arm with your slash causing modest damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1106st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...
A prophet is in terrible condition.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1106st>
A psychotic tiger bashes a prophet over the head with a minotaur-leather buckler.
A prophet is vomiting blood.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1106st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Alyce is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Vegito is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[AWAY] **a prophet is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a psychotic tiger. [22%]
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
A prophet is vomiting blood.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1106st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
A prophet is outlined by a faint pink glow.
A prophet is vomiting blood.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1106st>
A prophet begins casting a spell...
A prophet is vomiting blood.

([75%]Sabon)[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1106st>
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing enormous damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing giant damage.
A prophet is cut on the torso with your slash causing huge damage.
A prophet falls from a young pegasus.
A prophet has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a prophet's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
Kuwabara looks more like itself again.
Kuwabara's disembodied soul rises from its ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Kuwabara.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Kuwabara falls to the ground.
Kuwabara's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kuwabara turns translucent.
Kuwabara stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kuwabara stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kuwabara's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Kuwabara stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kuwabara blinks rapidly, several times.
Kuwabara's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1090st>
A psychotic tiger stops using the spellbook of the wizard of Focault.
A psychotic tiger holds a spellbook bound in violet leather in his left hand.

[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1090st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Some blood and guts are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kuwabara is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Alyce is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Vegito is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<1486hp 2002sp 1090st>
You break free from the webs holding you in place!

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
AUCTION: No bids received for a Darkland shield. Item has been removed.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
A psychotic tiger begins casting a spell...

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: sense-life detect-hidden
* You are resistant to: charm necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: holy.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 119, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 177, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 118, modifies none by 0.
Spell: levitation - Level 87, modifies none by 0 for 42 minutes.
Spell: shield - Level 203, modifies ar by 9 for 82 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 233, modifies ar by 7 for 56 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 233, modifies ar by 3 for 82 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 233, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 120 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 234, modifies accuracy by 7 for 57 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 238, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 29 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 238, modifies ar by -13 for 29 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
[CLAN] a psychotic tiger: '<Ad> raped'

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
A psychotic tiger has completed his casting.
Kazmo arrives suddenly, in a flash of ethereal light.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
pk that's how we roll
[PKTALK C] Nobadii: that's how we roll' [62]

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
'HAHAHAHA' a psychotic tiger says.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
take serp tru
You take a serpent wand from Vandemaar's Trunk.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
A psychotic tiger stops using a spellbook bound in violet leather.
A psychotic tiger holds the spellbook of the wizard of Focault in his left hand.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>

 Light Part of Ghaaz Jungle                             NW     N      NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Some blood and guts are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kuwabara is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Alyce is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Vegito is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
[Clan 30] *The shade of Kazmo is floating here...
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
**A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
*A beautiful tiger is here with a funny look in its eyes.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
A psychotic tiger puts a spellbook bound in violet leather in Vandemaar's Trunk.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
A psychotic tiger seems to disappear as he steps into the shadows.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
A psychotic tiger scans intensely all around.

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<1540hp 2117sp 1017st>
AUCTION: Anagon has put a mirrored amulet up for auction. Minimum bid is 600,000 gp.

[*]<1589hp 2215sp 1212st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
Anagon shouts 'selling a love that cannot be'

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
pk down a hill, with extra velocity.
You will be able to speak over the PK channel in 2 seconds.

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
a psychotic tiger tells you 'log that shit'

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
pk down a hill, with extra velocity.
[PKTALK C] Nobadii: down a hill, with extra velocity.' [62]

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
[CLAN] a psychotic tiger: '<Ad> log that nobby'

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
A young pegasus drifts north.

[*]<1841hp 2166sp 1212st>
[CLAN] a psychotic tiger: '<Ad> 5 vs3'

[*]<1865hp 2218sp 1359st>
AUCTION: A mirrored amulet: going once (no bid received yet).

[*]<1865hp 2218sp 1359st>
Kazmo spits on the ground. Be careful where you step!
[CLAN] a psychotic tiger: '<Ad> rapeage'