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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: I lolled.

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I lolled. Nobadii 2009-07-17 11:28 pm 976

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<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Duende: what if we made people not receive usage betters at class level 60?'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira is no longer away.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Chaosfire: rofl.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cupcake: 'Cupcake: ...'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Duende: what if we made people not receive usage betters at class level 60?''

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Perem: I like it'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
You slowly settle back to the ground.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
A masculine voice yells 'The Riddenmast Ferry is now docked at Sigil! Departure in twenty minutes for Rune!'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Adraya: '[a d d y] we would all suck.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
pk best idea ever.
[PKTALK C] Thaen: best idea ever.' [46]

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Alvah: What about if they don't receive usage betters above class level 60? That's a better idea.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: Nister has put a charred cobalt scroll up for auction. Minimum bid is 20,000 gp.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: Egoful bids 20,000 gp on a charred cobalt scroll.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Duende: uh huh.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Wabbit: how about no one gets usage betters any more'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira: '.[Cosi]. Yeah, great idea.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: A charred cobalt scroll: going once for 20,000 gp to Egoful.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
pk I agree. The only source of betters should come from archon leveling.
[PKTALK C] Thaen: I agree. The only source of betters should come from archon leveling.' [46]

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
cons alkdfjadfklsaj
There is no one here by that name.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Alvah: I meant equally crappy, mistype.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: A charred cobalt scroll: going twice for 20,000 gp to Egoful.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Wabbit: YES'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- So Krawl shows up right as I finish gearing down'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- and still dies.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- I kinda feel bad.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: A charred cobalt scroll has been sold to Egoful for 20,000 gp.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Wabbit: 99% bull, 1% genius, go Thaen.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira has recalled to the clan hall!

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Calastion asks Lord Vendredi for a quest.
Lord Vendredi exclaims, 'May your journey be a successful one, Calastion!'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: Kedewan has put a dagger of the Red Hand up for auction. Minimum bid is 10,000 gp.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira: '.[Cosi]. fucking nexus'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira: '.[Cosi]. I tried you, you cocksucker'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira: '.[Cosi]. NOW CAST'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: A dagger of the Red Hand: going once (no bid received yet).

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Cosira has left Materia Magica.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: A dagger of the Red Hand: going twice (no bid received yet).

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Calastion drifts south.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
AUCTION: No bids received for a dagger of the Red Hand. Item has been removed.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- man'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- (Head ) Pierce: 89 Bash: 87 Slash: 90 Exotic: 87 (Torso ) Pierce: 83 Bash: 81 Slash: 84 Exotic: 81 '

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Iolous drifts in from the south.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- That's me cursed/ff'd in my non-pk gear. :('

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Iolous asks Lord Vendredi for a quest.
Lord Vendredi exclaims, 'May your journey be a successful one, Iolous!'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Iolous informs Lord Vendredi he has completed his quest.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Iolous drifts south.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
l fro

You focus your powers of observation on some frozen legplates:
Item 'some frozen legplates' is type armor, alignment -99, made of steel,
has keywords 'frozen legplates', equipped on the legs.
This item weighs 0 stones and 38 pebbles, and is valued at 6,750 gp.
This level 85 item has the attributes: identified
Some frozen legplates looks well used.
Armor resistance is 21 pierce, 18 bash, 17 slash, and 14 exotic.
Affects hp by -10.
Affects agility by 1.
Affects ar by 2.
*This item may be repaired 7 times.
These icy-cold pieces of armor give you chills as you pick them up.
However, once they are on your body you no longer feel the freezing effect.
You wonder for a moment why this could be, until you brush a hand against
your face and notice that it is cold as ice! Apparently the frost on these
legplates is meant to be transmitted to their wearer.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Prothis has challenged Yankee to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Yankee has accepted Prothis's challenge for Arena combat!'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
Player Information for: Thaen Garek, Templar of Ithrilis
Hours Played: 2,933 Age: 17 years (Born 3/22/1434)
Class Level: 30 Total Level: 210
Race: human Gender: male
Class: witch Alignment: 890 (saintly)
Hit Points: 2312/2312 Practices: 221
Spell Points: 1647/1647 Quest Points: 2,076 (1102 quests)
Stamina: 1428/1428 Reputation: 100 (Saint)
Strength: 19/19 Vitality: 19/19
Knowledge: 21/21 Luck: 15/19
Wisdom: 19/21 Courage: 19/21
Agility: 22/22 Sanity: 19/19
Personality: 14/19
Spell Complexity Comprehension: 48%
Proficiency Complexity Comprehension:
Wea: 41% Def: 56% Com: 41% Tek: 70% Mys: 85%
* You have 47,145,128 experience points and need 854,872 to advance.
* You have killed 11,093 creatures and 9 players in combat.
* You have been killed 55 times, 5 in player kill combat.
* You have defeated 3 players and lost 8 times in arena combat.
* You are carrying 14 items weighing 15 stones and 98 pebbles.
* You have attained 75 marks, 0 honors, and 1 relationship.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
You are carrying:
a snare trap kit (new)
hook of the phantasmagor (new)
the spear of the dead (worn)
a small smoke bomb
steel boots (new)
a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
( 3) a dream cloud (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
Thaen's big bag of booze (new)
A total of 14 items weighing 15 stones, 98 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 19 st, 0 pb.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Alvah: Wait, were you actually serious?'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
put hook tru
You put hook of the phantasmagor in Thaen's big bag of booze.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
You are carrying:
a snare trap kit (new)
the spear of the dead (worn)
a small smoke bomb
steel boots (new)
a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
( 3) a dream cloud (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
Thaen's big bag of booze (new)
A total of 13 items weighing 15 stones, 48 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 19 st, 0 pb.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
put spea tru
You put the spear of the dead in Thaen's big bag of booze.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
put smoke tru
You put a small smoke bomb in Thaen's big bag of booze.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
put boot tru
You put steel boots in Thaen's big bag of booze.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
take krak tru
You take an eye of a Kraken from Thaen's big bag of booze.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>

 The Audience Chamber                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

The large audience chamber of Vendredi Castle seems to have been designed
to intimidate those who seek audience with Vendredi. The throne at the
north end of the chamber has been placed on a high wooden platform, and
there are many finely crafted weapons hanging from the walls.

<2312hp 1647sp 1427st>

 The Audience Chamber                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

The large audience chamber of Vendredi Castle seems to have been designed
to intimidate those who seek audience with Vendredi. The throne at the
north end of the chamber has been placed on a high wooden platform, and
there are many finely crafted weapons hanging from the walls.

<2312hp 1647sp 1426st>

 The Audience Chamber                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

The large audience chamber of Vendredi Castle seems to have been designed
to intimidate those who seek audience with Vendredi. The throne at the
north end of the chamber has been placed on a high wooden platform, and
there are many finely crafted weapons hanging from the walls.

<2312hp 1647sp 1425st>

 Lord Vendredi's Audience Chamber                       -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

The large audience chamber of Vendredi Castle seems to have been designed
to intimidate those who seek audience with Vendredi. The throne at the
north end of the chamber has been placed on a high wooden platform, and
there are many finely crafted weapons hanging from the walls.

<2312hp 1647sp 1424st>

 The Central Hallway                                    -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

The central hallway of Vendredi Castle has been finely decorated, with
many paintings and coats of arms hanging upon the walls. The floor beneath
you is marble, although a crimson rug running from the south end of the
hallway to the north end covers the floor.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
hold krak
You stop using a war banner.
You hold an eye of a Kraken.
You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
You are carrying:
a snare trap kit (new)
a war banner (new) (unlit)
a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
( 3) a dream cloud (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
Thaen's big bag of booze (new)
A total of 11 items weighing 14 stones, 44 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 19 st, 0 pb.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
put bann tru
You put a war banner in Thaen's big bag of booze.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
l snar

You focus your powers of observation on a snare trap kit:
Item 'a snare trap kit' is type trap-kit, alignment 0, made of silk,
has keywords 'snare trap kit'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 40 pebbles, and is valued at 1,250 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: identified no-mimic wont-fuse
A snare trap kit is in excellent condition.
This is a rope-snare trap kit, with enough materials for 2 uses.
*Your level must be greater than or equal to 25 to use this item.
The trap kit contains a strong hemp rope and some meshy webbing that has
been compressed into a small square. A label on the back of the kit reads:

Dark's Rope Snare Trap
For Use By Experienced Professionals Only.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
locker store snar
You put a snare trap kit in your locker.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
You are carrying:
a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
( 3) a dream cloud (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
Thaen's big bag of booze (new)
A total of 9 items weighing 14 stones, 3 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 19 st, 0 pb.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
You are using:
<used as light> an eye of a Kraken (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> the ring of the dead (used)
<worn on finger> a ring of wizardry (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck> a beautiful amulet made of white marble (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) a holy symbol of Vandyne (new)
<worn around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn around neck> Mina's loving embrace (new)
<worn on body> a breastplate of life (used)
<worn on head> a death mask (used)
<worn on legs> some frozen legplates (worn)
<worn on feet> the sabots of Sir Adroit and Cunning (new)
<worn on hands> the gauntlets of Odin (used)
<worn on arms> some frosted armplates (used)
<worn as shield> a typhoon shield (worn)
<worn about body> Yourban's soul (slightly worn)
<worn around body> a spectral aura
<worn about waist> the belt of pain (new)
<worn on hip> a Ghryzhrymydyon fanny pack (new)
<worn around wrist> a tooth bracelet (new)
<worn around wrist> a Chaosmancer's Guild pin (new)
<right hand> Archibold's staff of wisdom (slightly worn)
<left hand> the history of the lollercaust (slightly worn)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 85 Bash: 84 Slash: 87 Exotic: 85
(Torso ) Pierce: 77 Bash: 75 Slash: 77 Exotic: 76
(Arms ) Pierce: 56 Bash: 52 Slash: 51 Exotic: 48
(Legs ) Pierce: 54 Bash: 51 Slash: 50 Exotic: 47

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'staff', Archibold's staff of wisdom can cause up to 177 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 73% of the time.

<2312hp 1647sp 1423st>
pk Nobody could be serious about something as stupid as that.
[PKTALK C] Thaen: Nobody could be serious about something as stupid as that.' [47]

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
You are carrying:
a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
( 3) a dream cloud (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
Thaen's big bag of booze (new)
A total of 9 items weighing 14 stones, 3 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 19 st, 0 pb.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
You are affected by the following:
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 89, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 114, modifies none by 0.
Spell: bless - Level 121, modifies saving-spell by 3.
Spell: stone skin - Level 155, modifies ar by 5.
Spell: sense life - Level 95, modifies none by 0.
Total of 5 magical affects.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
l in tru
Thaen's big bag of booze contains:
a war banner (new) (unlit)
steel boots (new)
a small smoke bomb
the spear of the dead (worn)
hook of the phantasmagor (new)
Sadiri's luscious lips
a pair of Sadiri's panties (new)
a small pocketwatch (new)
a cupcake (fresh)
a Darkland belt (slightly worn)
a manual of summon shade (new)
a fey soldier doll (worn)
a sandstone water glyph (new)
a wizard's cloak (slightly worn)
a wizard's cloak (new)
an intertwined snake medallion (new)
( 2) a small prismatic medallion (new)
(Invisible) a holy symbol of Dira (new)
a manual of shadow golem (new)
( 2) a manual of shadow imp (new)
a manual of delay reincarnation (new)
the blade of fury (new)
( 2) a ring of wizardry (new)
the yo-yo of darkness (worn)
a merchant's necklace (new)
an iron toy soldier
a Conjurer's Guild pin (new)
a tiny needle (new)
a steel sextant (new)
a janitor's patch (new)
a militia badge (new)
a stick of dynamite
( 2) a vial of exploding oil
Yourban's claw (new)
a Decara house key
a dented shield (worn)
a set of overlord armor (falling apart)
( 3) the Legends of Vospire (new)
the egg of the phoenix (new)
an ice covered key
( 20) a textured indigo scroll (new)
( 2) a stone key
a tooth bracelet (new)
the rainbow colored wings of a couatl (new)
a spotted melanic scroll (new)
the dagger of death (new)
some frosted armplates (new)
the scythe of war (damaged)
an oilcloth travel cot (new)
the game of Fnargh
a pair of dice
( 4) a teal rawhide scroll (new)
( 2) a javelin named 'Osymyso' (new)
an alchemical canister (new)
a pair of mage's leggings (worn)
the breastplate of the fox (used)
( 3) an Atlantian sponge (new) (unlit)
a spellbook bound in nightblue leather (new)
(Invisible) a holy symbol of Ithrilis (worn)
a wood and iron spade (heavily worn)
an iron pick axe (slightly worn)
( 7) an Eldmarian Slayer (new)
( 3) a cloth hat of magic (new)
an octarine ermine
a length of rope (new)
a dragon's tooth on a necklace (new)
( 2) a vial of unblessed water (new)
a luminescent silver scroll (new)
the heart of Kraken
a cleverly-made lockpick (new)
a spooky ghost plush
Fendawyr's Soul
( 5) a small piece of hematite
( 2) a Sigil axe (new)
a staff of ice storm (new)
an obsidian staff (used)
( 3) a jasper gemstone
a typhoon shield (new)
a typhoon shield (heavily worn)
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit:

( 2) the scythe of war (new)
the spear of the dead (crumbling)
a small silver amulet (new)
( 3) an obsidian lever (new)
a guildmaster's heart (new)
a scale of the Kraken (new)
the whip of death (new)
the Murakumo Katana (new)
a giant helm (used)
a giant helm (new)
( 3) the spear of the dead (new)
a bone throwing spear (slightly worn)
a page of parchment
( 2) the crimson lance (new)
the Holy Solitaire Set of Uath
the Dragon Lord armor (new)
the soul of the unborn (new)
a page of parchment titled 'caem's nochan reason'
a book of enchantment (new)
a pet rock named Fluffy (new)
a shining fuschia scroll (new)
the quickblade (new)
a battered pink mouse
a waxen hodden scroll (new)
a Decara guard's uniform (new)
( 5) an iron pick axe (new)
( 6) a wood and iron spade (new)
a wood and iron spade (falling apart)
an iron pick axe (heavily worn)
the demons claw (heavily worn)
( 5) suit of black platemail (new)
a tiny blue dress (new)
( 3) a book of erotic poetry (new)
Archibold's staff of wisdom (new)
( 2) some frozen legplates (new)
the gauntlets of Odin (new)
( 2) the trident of the royal guard (new)
( 3) a scalpel (new)
a lock of Meslanesh's hair (heavily damaged)
brass knuckledusters (new)
A total of 192 (250 max) items weighing 48 sts, 62 pbs (54 sts, 0 pbs max).

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Duende: you're both so stupid i can't even imagine who either of you is referring to.'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
take necr pou
You take the Necronomicon from a Ghryzhrymydyon fanny pack.

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
[PKTALK C] Alvah: You mad?'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
pk Calm down, nerd.
[PKTALK C] Thaen: Calm down, nerd.' [47]

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Yankee has been slain by Prothis in Arena combat!'

<2312hp 1647sp 1428st>
KABOOM! There is an earth-shattering explosion as a fiery meteor crashes through the ceiling and smites you!
A dancer stops following you.
Your formation has been disbanded.
[CLAN] Thaen has been slain!
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
Your skin feels soft and pliable again.
The white aura surrounding you fades away.
You no longer feel blessed by the Powers.
You feel different as your senses become less heightened.
Your disembodied soul rises from your ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Thaen.' the incarnation of death says. 'Your time is at hand.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
A haze of crimson and gold sparks flit across your field of vision.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You turn translucent.

 Ethereal Void                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------) W U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

You are floating in a featureless gray mist. Sights and sounds from
other dimensions flit about you in a confusing tangle.
A strange-looking flower grows here, seemingly out of nothing.
A nondescript glass vial has been dropped here.
[Clan 7] *The shade of Augustus is floating here...
*The shade of Jolie is floating here...
(Gold Aura) **The undead shade of Mordred is floating here...
The world turns blue as you are temporarily shrouded by a strange nimbus of energy.
The reason for this event: :( :( :(

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Alvah has been slain!
Alvah's spirit coalesces out of thin air.

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[PKTALK C] Duende: chill out, peons.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Cupcake: 'Cupcake: lmao'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[PKTALK C] Zikane: hate is in the air'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| What the hell!'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[PKTALK C] Tuck: peons :('

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
Rezyn's spirit coalesces out of thin air.

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| You're out of social here.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Cupcake: 'Cupcake: that was unneccaru'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Cupcake: 'Cupcake: y'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- Smote.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| How'd you die?'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| rofl'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| In social?'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| Pwned.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Murdoch: 'I don't care, because I'm forced to multiplay.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
An ear-splitting organ chord sounds, and Jolie disappears in a shimmering silver mist.

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Hazy: '||||| What'd they SAY?'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Murdoch: 'no big deal.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
Someone tells you, 'Your soul is ours for eternity..'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
ct KABOOM! There is an earth-shattering explosion as a fiery meteor crashes through the ceiling and smites you!
[7] clan members heard you say, '<RAINBOW SHIRT> KABOOM! There is an earth-shattering explosion as a fiery meteor crashes through the ceiling and smites you!'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
who alv

MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[70 :241 M Archon Planar] Alvah [-<N>-][A][<Deceased>]
Total matches: 1.

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- Stop getting my redemption smote.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[CLAN] Notemo: '//_- Gawl.'

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
pk What a shocking abuse of authority.
[PKTALK C] Thaen: What a shocking abuse of authority.' [46]

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
You are affected by the following:
Spell: detect alignment - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: levitation - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect magic - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: pass door - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: delay reincarnation - Level 244, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Total of 7 magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands: 10

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
[PKTALK C] Alvah: Duende is forcing me to multiplay, isn't that illegal or something :('

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
ct Spell: delay reincarnation - Level 244, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes. :'(((
[7] clan members heard you say, '<RAINBOW SHIRT> Spell: delay reincarnation - Level 244, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes. :'((('

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
cons alkdfjadfklsaj
There is no one here by that name.

<2000hp 2000sp 2000st>
The shade of Rezyn tells you 'he killed me too hes mad'
Aerii haha suckers.
Chaosfire great log, I love the sight of clan 141 getting slain.
Valkry Now if duende could only do that in real life. MM would be much better off without these dumb ass's.
Zellian Calm down nerds.