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Cwn Annwn

General logs: me 120 vs solitude 180 fleeing so sad :<

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me 120 vs solitude 180 fleeing so sad :< Necrofire 2009-07-29 08:19 pm 964

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 Smokey Room                                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

Several prophets sit atop high pedestals smoking some sort of plant out
of a community pipe. They claim to see visions and scribe down sketches on
paper and attempt to tell the future. You figure this must be the easiest
job in the world, and look for an application.
A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
Piles of bones are scattered across the ground.
*A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
*A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.

<1622hp 1212sp 980st> alias k kill solitude
You have aliased 'k' to perform action 'kill solitude'.

<1624hp 1212sp 986st> {+2hp +0sp +6st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker triggers a hidden snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above Kezathin, the mad tinker, but he dodges out of the way just in time.

<1624hp 1212sp 986st>
A dancer has arrived from the east.

<1624hp 1212sp 986st> k
You enter into combat with Kezathin, the mad tinker.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor scratches.

<1624hp 1212sp 986st>
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker parries your second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the wing with your slash causing minimal damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor scratches.

<1469hp 1212sp 981st> {-155hp +0sp -5st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor scratches.

<1469hp 1212sp 981st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker throws a small flash bomb at you!
A brilliant flash of light erupts from a small flash bomb!
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor scratches.

<1469hp 1212sp 981st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor scratches.

<1469hp 1105sp 981st> {+0hp -107sp +0st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1363hp 1105sp 976st> {-106hp +0sp -5st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1363hp 1105sp 976st>
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1363hp 1079sp 976st> {+0hp -26sp +0st}

A fragmentation bomb thrown by Kezathin, the mad tinker hits you on the leg and explodes, causing paltry damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1351hp 1079sp 976st> {-12hp +0sp +0st}

You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your first attack.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing mild damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1266hp 1079sp 972st> {-85hp +0sp -4st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1266hp 1079sp 972st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1266hp 1079sp 972st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing minimal damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
Your bones ache and your skin shrivels at Kezathin, the mad tinker's touch!
You are zapped on the leg by Kezathin, the mad tinker's magic causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Kezathin, the mad tinker's pierce causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<987hp 1024sp 967st> {-279hp -55sp -5st}

A sparkly pair of mittens Kezathin, the mad tinker is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A streak of light shooting from Kezathin, the mad tinker's a sparkly pair of mittens turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You are burned on the torso by Kezathin, the mad tinker's flames causing great damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<841hp 1024sp 967st> {-146hp +0sp +0st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker stops using the dagger of death.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<841hp 1024sp 967st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<841hp 1024sp 967st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker wields a solid steel battleaxe in his right hand.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<841hp 1024sp 967st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<841hp 1024sp 967st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker has been blinded!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kezathin, the mad tinker for a moment, then softly fades.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker nimbly backflips out of the way of your fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<875hp 981sp 966st> {+34hp -43sp -1st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<875hp 981sp 966st> v
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some significant wounds.

<875hp 981sp 966st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
Kezathin, the mad tinker phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<795hp 926sp 963st> {-80hp -55sp -3st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<795hp 926sp 963st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker bashes you over the head with a buckler of the flaming wing.
You are smashed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's bash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<724hp 926sp 963st> {-71hp +0sp +0st}

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker nimbly backflips out of the way of your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<724hp 871sp 960st> {+0hp -55sp -3st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker attempts to bash you over the head with a buckler of the flaming wing, but misses.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<724hp 871sp 960st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing middling damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker parries your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<724hp 816sp 955st> {+0hp -55sp -5st}

_-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Kezathin, the mad tinker is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kezathin, the mad tinker for a moment, then softly fades.
A sparkly pair of mittens Kezathin, the mad tinker is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from Kezathin, the mad tinker's hand to you.
You are harmed on the leg by Kezathin, the mad tinker's energy causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<695hp 816sp 955st> {-29hp +0sp +0st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<695hp 816sp 955st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker bashes you over the head with a buckler of the flaming wing.
You are smashed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's bash causing heavy damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<624hp 816sp 955st> {-71hp +0sp +0st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<624hp 816sp 955st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing middling damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<624hp 761sp 951st> {+0hp -55sp -4st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<624hp 761sp 951st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kezathin, the mad tinker for a moment, then softly fades.
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<624hp 761sp 951st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<624hp 761sp 951st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kezathin, the mad tinker for a moment, then softly fades.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker nimbly backflips out of the way of your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his second attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<667hp 736sp 950st> {+43hp -25sp -1st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<667hp 736sp 950st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker attempts to bash you over the head with a buckler of the flaming wing, but misses.
Kezathin, the mad tinker looks pretty beaten up.

<667hp 736sp 950st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing modest damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his third attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kezathin, the mad tinker's fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is vomiting blood.

<667hp 681sp 942st> {+0hp -55sp -8st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker bashes you over the head with a buckler of the flaming wing.
You are smashed on the head by Kezathin, the mad tinker's bash causing heavy damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is vomiting blood.

<596hp 681sp 942st> {-71hp +0sp +0st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker is vomiting blood.

<596hp 681sp 942st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing middling damage.
A white-hot rage flashes through you as you lash out at Kezathin, the mad tinker.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the wing with your slash causing great damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing extensive damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your fourth attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker pales visibly as death nears.

<596hp 626sp 930st> {+0hp -55sp -12st}

A sparkly pair of mittens Kezathin, the mad tinker is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Kezathin, the mad tinker's hand to strike you!
You are electrocuted on the leg by Kezathin, the mad tinker's lightning causing enormous damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker pales visibly as death nears.

<484hp 626sp 930st> {-112hp +0sp +0st}
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker pales visibly as death nears.

<484hp 626sp 930st>
Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kezathin, the mad tinker for a moment, then softly fades.
Kezathin, the mad tinker screams in agony.

<484hp 626sp 930st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A prismatic arc of pure light streams from your fingertips, bursting in front of Kezathin, the mad tinker!
Kezathin, the mad tinker is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing enormous damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing huge damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing extensive damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker panics, and attempts to flee.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his first attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the arm by Kezathin, the mad tinker's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kezathin, the mad tinker's slash causing great damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker pales visibly as death nears.

<377hp 571sp 926st> {-107hp -55sp -4st}
You bash Kezathin, the mad tinker over the head with a dented shield.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is smashed on the head with your bash causing unbelievable damage.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is barely clinging to life.

<377hp 571sp 738st> {+0hp +0sp -188st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker begins casting a spell...
Kezathin, the mad tinker is barely clinging to life.

<377hp 571sp 738st> bash
You attempt to bash Kezathin, the mad tinker over the head with a dented shield, but miss.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is barely clinging to life.

<377hp 571sp 644st> {+0hp +0sp -94st}

Kezathin, the mad tinker has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kezathin, the mad tinker for a moment, then softly fades.
Kezathin, the mad tinker is cut on the torso with your slash causing incredible damage.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your second attack.
You fail to hit Kezathin, the mad tinker with your third attack.
Kezathin, the mad tinker panics, and attempts to flee.
Kezathin, the mad tinker drifts north.
Kezathin, the mad tinker has fled for his life!

<377hp 571sp 642st> {+0hp +0sp -2st}

Nobadii Yes, but you had to have sex with Haley to get to that point. You're the loser here.
Necrofire please get frozen some more thaen, i have never had sex with haley which is besides the point can you actually talk when you have to form with all of your characters to kill one of mine?
Nobadii You died to Krawl. Shut up.
Necrofire i died to krawl with no-mems/no reagents and no spellups lmao get frozen more plz =(