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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Dont do fun round here.

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Dont do fun round here. Notorious 2009-09-01 02:10 am 1247

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<2915hp 3543sp 2854st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep

Visible player(s) near you:
Neutrino (Sanctuary)
Perem (Lord Maldra's Throne Room)
Dopul (Sanctuary)
Kaczia (Sanctuary)
Galen (Lord Maldra's Throne Room)
Dralox (Sanctuary)

<2915hp 3543sp 2854st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<3274hp 3473sp 2854st>
A frighteningly powerful voice yells 'Handing out hugs of death in the throne room.'

<3274hp 3473sp 2854st>
ct and i get a hunter
[6] clan members heard you say, 'and i get a hunter'

<3274hp 3473sp 2854st>
ct yay
[6] clan members heard you say, 'yay'

<3274hp 3473sp 2854st>

 Blood-Red Carpeted Hallway                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

Three old ladies bicker and argue so loudly over to the west that you
notice them across the hall. Not far to the south is the kitchen, past that
the double doors that lead away from the inner castle. Just a short way to
the north is the audience room and the entrance to the open market.

<3274hp 3507sp 2853st>

 End of a Long Line                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

There are quite a few people here waiting their turn for an audience with
the Lord of the Keep. Unfortunately the open market is located
distressingly near to the throne rooms, causing those who wish to purchase
things to add to the crowd. It is rather noisy with some people talking and
others shouting greetings to people across the room.

<3274hp 3507sp 2852st>

 Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall                      -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S      -

There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.

<3274hp 3507sp 2851st>
You pass through a wall of intense flames, scorching yourself!

 Lord Maldra's Throne Room                              -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

This is the throne room where Lord Maldra holds audience. It is a bit
larger than the other rooms in this section of the keep and is decorated
almost completely in marble. The throne he sits upon is a marvelous work of
art which has been created from various different shades of marble. A
smaller throne room for the Lady of the Keep is to the west.
Surrounding the area is an intense wall of flames, smoking and sparking.
The bloody, severed head of Dralox is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Dopul is lying here.
A large wooden cosmetic box filled with makeup is sitting here.
( 2) A burnished brass androsphinx sits obediently at Lord Maldra's feet.
Lord Maldra's marble throne sits against the northern wall.
**Lord Maldra is sitting on a highly-polished marble throne.
*Galen practitioner to the stars is here.

<3110hp 3507sp 2850st>
get blue tru
You take a spellbook bound in blue leather from Vandemaar's Trunk.

<3128hp 3517sp 2871st>
wear blue
You stop using a copy of the Grimoirium Magica.
You hold a spellbook bound in blue leather in your left hand.

<3128hp 3517sp 2871st>
c sil galen
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<3128hp 3517sp 2871st>
'Better not do it' Perem says.

<3128hp 3517sp 2871st>

 Lord Maldra's Throne Room                              -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

This is the throne room where Lord Maldra holds audience. It is a bit
larger than the other rooms in this section of the keep and is decorated
almost completely in marble. The throne he sits upon is a marvelous work of
art which has been created from various different shades of marble. A
smaller throne room for the Lady of the Keep is to the west.
Surrounding the area is an intense wall of flames, smoking and sparking.
The bloody, severed head of Dralox is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Dopul is lying here.
A large wooden cosmetic box filled with makeup is sitting here.
( 2) A burnished brass androsphinx sits obediently at Lord Maldra's feet.
Lord Maldra's marble throne sits against the northern wall.
[Clan 18] ***Perem Memento Vivere is here, mounted on a tame dragon.
**Lord Maldra is sitting on a highly-polished marble throne.
*Galen practitioner to the stars is here.

<3128hp 3517sp 2871st>
[CLAN] Cristina: 'killing riruela's master first'

<3128hp 3517sp 2871st>
You have completed your casting.
Galen is now silenced!

<3128hp 3381sp 2871st>
'shut it.
You say, 'Shut it.'

<3128hp 3381sp 2871st>
Lewd Immortals should know their place.
I told you not to do it, but you went and did it anyway
Rayvanne Where were you when I was getting Imm'd at earlier?! D:<