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PK logs: Xane vs nightshade/wildsoul

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Xane vs nightshade/wildsoul Xane 2009-09-27 08:51 am 1047

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Wildsoul takes a page of parchment from Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][SAFE]<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> hold tourm
You do not have that item.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][SAFE]<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> You are carrying:
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
a page of parchment titled 'take me off ignore xane'
( 3) a small flash bomb
a faint yellow herbal mixture (100%)
( 5) a glittering black herbal mixture (high explosive) (100%)
( 4) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (blind) (100%)
a heavy, mahogany key
a giant seashell-covered axe (100%)
a bag embroidered with silver runes (100%)
( 2) a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (100%)
a woven silver bag (100%)
)-Water-( (100%)
Hole in the Earth.. (100%)
a mahogany puzzle box (100%)
A BrOkEn hEaRT. (100%)
)-Fire-( (100%)
)-Earth-( (100%)
A total of 26 items weighing 15 stones, 95 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][SAFE]<3224hp 3109sp 2095st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul takes a quill pen from Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][SAFE]<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> s

 Main Street                                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      #      -

You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
A vassal of Lord Agrippa is here, putting on noble airs.
You sense a hidden life form in the area.
*A Minx is here, sniffing about for truffles.
A janitor is walking around, cleaning up.
A landless serf seeks employment here in town.
Raksann the Captain of the City Guards is here, patrolling the streets.
Thanak the fey doorman is here, guarding the entrance to the Laughing Fey.
An alley cat hisses at you.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa smiles happily. Things must be going well for him.
(Mount: 2418st)
<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> w

 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
( 2) A large acorn lies here in the dust.
An oil can the color of cherries has been left here to dangerously expel fumes.
( 3) A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
A quirkly-looking old man trots along, mumbling something about treasure.
(Mount: 2417st)
<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> i
You are carrying:
a page of parchment titled 'take me off ignore xane'
( 3) a small flash bomb
a faint yellow herbal mixture (100%)
( 5) a glittering black herbal mixture (high explosive) (100%)
( 4) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (blind) (100%)
a heavy, mahogany key
a giant seashell-covered axe (100%)
a bag embroidered with silver runes (100%)
( 2) a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (100%)
a woven silver bag (100%)
)-Water-( (100%)
Hole in the Earth.. (100%)
a mahogany puzzle box (100%)
A BrOkEn hEaRT. (100%)
)-Fire-( (100%)
)-Earth-( (100%)
A total of 26 items weighing 15 stones, 95 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2417st)
<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> d
You can't go there while mounted.
(Mount: 2417st)
<3224hp 3109sp 2095st> w

 Main Street                                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north, you can see the Weapon's Shoppe, and to the south
is Dirgial's Armory. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square
to the east.
( 5) A small pile of gold coins is here.
A gold tiara has been dropped here.
( 2) A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A stray dog is here, wandering about forlornly.
*A Minx is here, sniffing about for truffles.
A janitor is walking around, cleaning up.
A janitor is walking around, cleaning up.
A city guard stands ready to serve and protect the citizens of Rune.
A stray dog is here, wandering about forlornly.
(Mount: 2420st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st>
{+0hp -23sp +12st}
The janitor turns white with fear at the sight of you!
The janitor panics, and attempts to flee.
The janitor leaves west.
The janitor has fled for his life!
(Mount: 2420st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> get tourm trunk
You take a sharp tourmaline lance from Hole in the Earth...
(Mount: 2420st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> hold tourm
You wield a sharp tourmaline lance in your right hand.
(Mount: 2420st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> e

 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
( 2) A large acorn lies here in the dust.
An oil can the color of cherries has been left here to dangerously expel fumes.
( 3) A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
A quirkly-looking old man trots along, mumbling something about treasure.
(Mount: 2419st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> csan
You need to reword your request.
(Mount: 2419st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Hint: Travel outside the city can be quite dangerous, be sure you are properly prepared for any trips into the wilds. Those who stay on the roads will find less hazards than those who brave the forests and plains.
(Mount: 2419st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> scan
The Music Man is close by to the north.
The Minx is close by to the north.
A filthy beggar is close by to the north.
The Minx is not far off to the north.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is not far off to the north.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is not far off to the north.
The vagabond is not far off to the north.
The wandering minstrel is not far off to the north.
A deer is not far off to the north.
A deer is not far off to the north.
The drunk is not far off to the north.
A very sexy woman is a brief walk away to the north.
A deer is rather far off to the north.
A deer is rather far off to the north.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is right here to the east.
A young thief is right here to the east.
The Minx is right here to the east.
The janitor is right here to the east.
The landless serf is right here to the east.
Raksann is right here to the east.
Thanak is right here to the east.
An alley cat is right here to the east.
The wandering minstrel is close by to the east.
The drunk is close by to the east.
The janitor is close by to the east.
A Rune city guard is close by to the east.
The salesman is not far off to the east.
The indentured servant is not far off to the east.
A young thief is not far off to the east.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is not far off to the east.
An alley cat is a brief walk away to the east.
The janitor is a brief walk away to the east.
The Minx is rather far off to the east.
The runaway child is right here to the south.
A Rune city guard is right here to the south.
The drunk is right here to the south.
The drunk is right here to the south.
A Rune city guard is close by to the south.
A Rune city guard is close by to the south.
The salesman is close by to the south.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is close by to the south.
A filthy beggar is close by to the south.
The janitor is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is close by to the south.
The Great Stone Gargoyle is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
A bag lady is close by to the south.
The indentured servant is not far off to the south.
The wandering minstrel is not far off to the south.
An angel is not far off to the south.
The vagabond is not far off to the south.
The wandering minstrel is not far off to the south.
The landless serf is not far off to the south.
A bag lady is not far off to the south.
A bag lady is not far off to the south.
The salesman is a brief walk away to the south.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa is a brief walk away to the south.
The indentured servant is a brief walk away to the south.
A Rune city guard is a brief walk away to the south.
The runaway child is rather far off to the south.
A stray dog is right here to the west.
The Minx is right here to the west.
The janitor is right here to the west.
A Rune city guard is right here to the west.
A stray dog is right here to the west.
The janitor is close by to the west.
The runaway child is not far off to the west.
The runaway child is not far off to the west.
An alley cat is a brief walk away to the west.
An alley cat is a brief walk away to the west.
A very sexy woman is rather far off to the west.
A young thief is rather far off to the west.
The runaway child is rather far off to the west.
A very sexy woman is rather far off to the west.
A small green frog is rather far off to the west.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: i
(Mount: 2419st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> i
You are carrying:
a page of parchment titled 'take me off ignore xane'
( 3) a small flash bomb
a faint yellow herbal mixture (100%)
( 5) a glittering black herbal mixture (high explosive) (100%)
( 4) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (blind) (100%)
a heavy, mahogany key
a giant seashell-covered axe (100%)
a bag embroidered with silver runes (100%)
( 2) a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (100%)
a woven silver bag (100%)
)-Water-( (100%)
Hole in the Earth.. (100%)
a mahogany puzzle box (100%)
A BrOkEn hEaRT. (100%)
)-Fire-( (100%)
)-Earth-( (100%)
A total of 26 items weighing 16 stones, 98 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2419st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2419st)
<3224hp 3086sp 2107st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp -20sp +7st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You pull out a cigarette and light it up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3066sp 2114st> b wild
b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp -18sp +6st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> b wild
b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> b wild
b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> b wild
b wild
You don't see that target here.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> You don't see that target here.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st> b wild

Nightshade begins attacking you!
Nightshade fades into existence.
Nightshade is in perfect health.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3224hp 3048sp 2120st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing insignificant damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3056hp 3048sp 2110st> You don't see that target here.
{-168hp +0sp -10st}
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3056hp 3048sp 2110st> b

Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3056hp 3048sp 2110st> A shimmering copper herbal mixture (blind) strikes Nightshade!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Nightshade's eyes!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture (blind) flares brightly and vanishes.
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3056hp 3048sp 2073st>
{+0hp +0sp -37st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3056hp 3048sp 2073st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade fails to hit you with her first attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her second attack.
You catch a giant seashell-covered axe on a broadshield of the crusader.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Nightshade parries your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st> ff

PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike Nightshade!
Nightshade is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing paltry damage.
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st>
{-56hp +0sp -10st}
Nightshade quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Nightshade seems to be less impaired.
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade panics, and attempts to flee.
Nightshade leaves north.
Nightshade has fled for her life!
(Mount: 2421st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
(Mount: 2421st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st> n

 Southern Courtyard                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

You are at the southern end of a beautiful garden courtyard, which is
enclosed by a white iron fence. Flowers of every kind and description grow
in small plots here, their delicious aroma filling your nostrils. You can
make out an immense, black stone castle on a hill far to the north. The
town square is to the south, while the courtyard stretches off to the north.
( 3) A large acorn lies here in the dust.
A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
[Clan 99] *Nightshade I Can Make Yer Heart Beat Fast, Or Not At All is here.
(Mount: 2420st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st> k n

Nightshade quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Nightshade is no longer blinded.
(Mount: 2420st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st> You enter into combat with Nightshade.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2420st)
<3000hp 3048sp 2063st> wa

Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
You catch a giant seashell-covered axe on a broadshield of the crusader.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing superficial damage.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are cut on the leg by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing insignificant damage.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
<2909hp 3048sp 2053st>
{-91hp +0sp -10st}
A rift appears in time and space, glowing brilliantly!
Gristna, the Archon Hunter steps through the rift, which closes quietly afterwards.
'I shall conquer!' Gristna, the Archon Hunter exclaims. 'I shall win!'
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
<2909hp 3048sp 2053st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
<2909hp 3048sp 2053st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding Nightshade partially absorbs your magic!
The rainbow aura surrounding Nightshade flickers and vanishes.
Two cyclonic columns of water rise and swirl about Nightshade, tossing her about.
Nightshade is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing modest damage.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
The spell shield surrounding you partially absorbs Nightshade's magic.
The shimmering bands of light surrounding you fade and vanish.
Nightshade parries your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's second attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2827hp 2927sp 2057st>
{-82hp -121sp +4st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2827hp 2927sp 2057st> web
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2827hp 2927sp 2057st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
You are outlined by a faint pink glow.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2827hp 2927sp 2057st> cs

You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Nightshade dodges out of the way of your vines!
Nightshade dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
You skillfully parry Nightshade's first attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are cut on the leg by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing mild damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing superficial damage.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2908sp 2047st>
{-103hp -19sp -10st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2908sp 2047st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Alexah has arrived from the south.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2908sp 2047st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2047st>
{+0hp -70sp +0st}
PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike Nightshade!
Nightshade is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing minimal damage.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2047st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Alexah leaves north.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2047st> web

Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2047st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2035st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
{+0hp +0sp -12st}
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2035st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Nightshade turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
Xane dodges out of the way of your vines!
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2035st> cs
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2724hp 2838sp 2035st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You are cut on the arm by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing insignificant damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the arm by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing insignificant damage.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2838sp 2035st>
{-168hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2838sp 2035st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Nightshade's magic against her!
Nightshade's spell backfires!
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st>
{+0hp -70sp +0st}
Gristna, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Wildsoul.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st> wa
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Gristna, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul panics, and attempts to flee.
Wildsoul drifts north.
Wildsoul has fled for his life!
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st> You aren't in a formation.
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2556hp 2768sp 2035st> web
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2791sp 2052st>
{+59hp +23sp +17st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2791sp 2052st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips 'bless' off of Nightshade.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2791sp 2052st> You can't do that while casting a spell!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2791sp 2052st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter drifts north.
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2791sp 2052st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Nightshade!
Nightshade has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2052st> slow

PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A streak of light shooting from your PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Nightshade is burned on the leg with your flames causing mild damage.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2052st>
{+0hp -19sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2052st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2040st> You begin to play a tune on SChECTeR C-1 ClAsSiC ElEcTRiC GuItAR...
{+0hp +0sp -12st}
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2040st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul drifts in from the north.
Wildsoul pants and gasps, trying to catch his breath.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2040st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2772sp 2040st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your song.
Nightshade is moving in slow motion.
KABLAM!@# Your magically enhanced weapon slashes viciously through Nightshade!
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing minimal damage.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her first attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her second attack.
You skillfully parry Nightshade's third attack.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2685sp 1914st>
{+0hp -87sp -126st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2685sp 1914st> ff
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2685sp 1914st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul drifts south.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2685sp 1914st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur flares brightly and vanishes!
Nightshade is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Nightshade has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2615hp 2667sp 1914st>
{+0hp -18sp +0st}
Nightshade parries your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing trifling damage.
You are cut on the leg by Nightshade's slash causing mild damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing trivial damage.
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2476hp 2667sp 1904st> cu

Nightshade begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2476hp 2667sp 1904st> oo

You have completed your casting.
Nightshade glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Nightshade parries your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2340hp 2613sp 1894st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
{-275hp -54sp -20st}
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2340hp 2613sp 1894st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike Nightshade!
Nightshade is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing modest damage.
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2650sp 1938st>
{+77hp +37sp +44st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2650sp 1938st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your evocation.
The ground beneath Nightshade becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
Nightshade slips in the muck and falls down!
Nightshade joins the melee opposing you.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her attack.
You change the focus of your attack to Nightshade.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2513sp 1926st>
{+0hp -137sp -12st}
A filthy beggar has arrived from the north.
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2513sp 1926st> rf
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2513sp 1926st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Wildsoul for a moment, then softly fades.
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2513sp 1926st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2513sp 1926st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Nightshade!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing heavy damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2345sp 1917st> oo

Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2345sp 1917st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
{+0hp -168sp -9st}
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2345sp 1917st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2345sp 1917st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Wildsoul for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your evocation.
The ground beneath Nightshade becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
Nightshade slips in the muck and falls down!
Nightshade joins the melee opposing you.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her attack.
You change the focus of your attack to Nightshade.
KABLAM!@# Your magically enhanced weapon slashes viciously through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the tail with your boulder causing mild damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2208sp 1905st> rf
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2208sp 1905st>
{+0hp -137sp -12st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2208sp 1905st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade stops using a giant seashell-covered axe.
Nightshade looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2417hp 2208sp 1905st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Nightshade!
Nightshade is burned on the head with your flames causing heavy damage.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's second attack.
You are smashed on the arm by Nightshade's bash causing paltry damage.
KABLAM!@# Your magically enhanced weapon slashes viciously through Nightshade!
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the tail with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2397hp 2040sp 1895st> throw gli
You can't move your arms enough to throw that!
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2397hp 2040sp 1895st>
{-20hp -168sp -10st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Wildsoul for a moment, then softly fades.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2397hp 2040sp 1895st> You can't move your arms enough!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2397hp 2040sp 1895st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade wields a giant seashell-covered axe in her right hand.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2397hp 2040sp 1895st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You catch a giant seashell-covered axe on a broadshield of the crusader.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Nightshade's slash causing mild damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
Nightshade dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the head with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2245hp 2040sp 1885st> oo
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2245hp 2040sp 1885st>
{-152hp +0sp -10st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2245hp 2040sp 1885st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2245hp 2040sp 1885st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
Nightshade struggles mightily against the webs which hold her in place.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 2129sp 1680st>
{+85hp +89sp -205st}
You have completed your evocation.
The ground beneath Nightshade becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
Nightshade slips in the muck and falls down!
Nightshade joins the melee opposing you.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
You change the focus of your attack to Nightshade.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the tail with your boulder causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1668st> rf
You cannot perform the somatic movements necessary to cast that spell.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1668st>
{+0hp -137sp -12st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Wildsoul for a moment, then softly fades.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1668st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1668st> rf

Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1656st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+0hp +0sp -12st}
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1656st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade rofl
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1656st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2330hp 1992sp 1656st> throw gli

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Nightshade!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing huge damage.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by Nightshade's slash causing minimal damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2286hp 1824sp 1644st> A glittering black herbal mixture (high explosive) strikes Nightshade!
{-44hp -168sp -12st}
There is a great explosion, and Nightshade is thrown to the ground!
Nightshade is burned on the tail with your flames causing great damage.
A glittering black herbal mixture (high explosive) flares brightly and vanishes.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2286hp 1824sp 1607st> You can't move your arms enough!
{+0hp +0sp -37st}
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2286hp 1824sp 1607st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A streak of light shooting from your PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Nightshade is burned on the leg with your flames causing great damage.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2286hp 1824sp 1607st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
Nightshade parries your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the arm with your boulder causing heavy damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the head with your boulder causing enormous damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing enormous damage.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2207hp 1824sp 1597st>
{-79hp +0sp -10st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2207hp 1824sp 1597st> rf
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2207hp 1824sp 1597st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter drifts in from the north.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2207hp 1824sp 1597st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade my gear isnt out
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2207hp 1824sp 1597st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her third attack.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2033hp 1824sp 1597st>
{-174hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2033hp 1824sp 1597st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2033hp 1782sp 1597st> throw gli
You can't move your arms enough to throw that!
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2033hp 1782sp 1597st>
{+0hp -42sp +0st}
Nightshade struggles mightily against the webs which hold her in place.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Wildsoul.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock a whip called 'Evensong' from Wildsoul's grip, but fails.
Nightshade screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2136hp 1894sp 1696st> You bash Nightshade over the head with a broadshield of the crusader.
{+103hp +112sp +99st}
Nightshade is smashed on the head with your bash causing great damage.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<2136hp 1894sp 1446st> Nightshade has completed her casting.
{+0hp +0sp -250st}
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1978hp 1894sp 1440st>
{-158hp +0sp -6st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1978hp 1894sp 1440st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul panics, and attempts to flee.
Wildsoul drifts south.
Wildsoul has fled for his life!
Nightshade screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1978hp 1894sp 1440st> rf
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Gristna, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Xane?'
Nightshade screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1978hp 1894sp 1440st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the leg by Nightshade's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her third attack.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips 'detect invisibility' off of Nightshade.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1852hp 1894sp 1440st>
{-126hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1852hp 1894sp 1440st> You can't do that while casting a spell!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1852hp 1894sp 1440st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1852hp 1852sp 1440st>
{+0hp -42sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1793hp 1852sp 1430st> throw gli

Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1793hp 1852sp 1430st> You can't move your arms enough to throw that!
{-59hp +0sp -10st}
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1793hp 1852sp 1430st> You can't move your arms enough!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1793hp 1852sp 1430st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Nightshade's first attack.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Nightshade's slash causing modest damage.
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1852sp 1420st>
{-152hp +0sp -10st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1852sp 1420st> rf
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1852sp 1420st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul drifts in from the south.
Wildsoul pants and gasps, trying to catch his breath.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1852sp 1420st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Nightshade!
A bright green herbal mixture (cure poison) crackles and burns!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing huge damage.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Nightshade for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Nightshade's first attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her second attack.
Nightshade fails to hit you with her third attack.
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the head with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1684sp 1410st> rf

Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1684sp 1410st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+0hp -168sp -10st}
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1684sp 1410st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul stops using an onyx dragonfly pendant.
Wildsoul wears a strand of pubes around his neck.
Wildsoul's hands seem to shimmer for a moment.
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1641hp 1684sp 1410st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
The bluish field at the edge of your vision dissipates.
Nightshade struggles mightily against the webs which hold her in place.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Wildsoul.
Nightshade has completed her casting.
A noxious cloud of green gas pours from Nightshade's fingertips, swirling about you.
You have been poisoned!
Gristna, the Archon Hunter sighs.
'Where is a torthubian pinnaud when you need one?' Gristna, the Archon Hunter asks.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Nightshade is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1776hp 1837sp 1545st>
{+135hp +153sp +135st}
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Nightshade!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing huge damage.
You skillfully parry Nightshade's first attack.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing middling damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by Nightshade's slash causing middling damage.
KABLAM!@# Your magically enhanced weapon slashes viciously through Nightshade!
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing great damage.
Nightshade nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing great damage.
Nightshade is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing enormous damage.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1578hp 1669sp 1535st> rf

Wildsoul stops using a strand of pubes.
Wildsoul wears an onyx dragonfly pendant around his neck.
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1578hp 1669sp 1535st>
{-198hp -168sp -10st}
Nightshade begins casting a spell...
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1578hp 1669sp 1535st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1578hp 1669sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul panics, and attempts to flee.
Wildsoul drifts north.
Wildsoul has fled for his life!
Nightshade pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1578hp 1669sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
::FiVE FiNGeR DEaTh PunCh:: hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike Nightshade!
Nightshade is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing enormous damage.
Nightshade is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1669sp 1535st>
{+108hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Nightshade!
Nightshade is burned on the torso with your flames causing lethal damage.
Nightshade has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Nightshade's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
Nightshade's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Nightshade.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Nightshade falls to the ground.
Nightshade's corpse crumbles into dust.
Nightshade blinks rapidly, several times.
Nightshade stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Nightshade's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Nightshade stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Nightshade stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Nightshade turns translucent.
Nightshade's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
Gristna, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st> throw gli
At whom do you want to throw a glittering black herbal mixture (high explosive)?
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st>
{+0hp -168sp +0st}
Wildsoul drifts in from the north.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Wildsoul.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter bashes Wildsoul over the head with her clenched fist.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul panics, and attempts to flee.
Wildsoul drifts south.
Wildsoul has fled for his life!
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st> cl
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
The Music Man has arrived from the north.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st> aff
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: sense-life
* You are resistant to: charm fire disease necromantic steal paralysis.
* You are vulnerable to: water.
change sex - Level 118, >> sex by 1 for 0 min
detect invisibility - Level 105, >> none by 0 for 0 min
stone skin - Level 199, >> ar by 8 for 22 min
shield - Level 199, >> ar by 9 for 48 min
armor - Level 199, >> ar by 3 for 48 min
haste - Level 200, >> accuracy by 7 for 34 min
bless - Level 200, >> saving-spell by 4 for 87 min
sanctuary - Level 200, >> none by 0 for 23 min
enhanced strength - Level 200, >> strength by 3 for 23 min
ash invocation - Level 201, >> none by 0 for 8 min
dust invocation - Level 201, >> none by 0 for 0 min
water invocation - Level 208, >> none by 0 for 31 min
fireshield - Level 214, >> none by 0 for 5 min
levitation - Level 226, >> none by 0 for 113 min
Spell: faerie fire - Level 236, modifies ar by -6 for 49 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 237, modifies saving-spell by -10 for 28 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 237, modifies ar by -13 for 28 minutes.
Spell: web - Level 237, modifies agility by -3 for 5 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 241, modifies strength by -2 for 42 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 241, modifies agility by -1 for 42 minutes.
Total of 20 magical affects.

Missing: invisibility spell shield combat blink
(Mount: 2421st)
<1686hp 1501sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
(Mount: 2421st)
<1866hp 1471sp 1535st>
{+180hp -30sp +0st}
Wildsoul drifts in from the south.
Wildsoul pants and gasps, trying to catch his breath.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1866hp 1471sp 1535st> cl
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
<1866hp 1471sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul begins attacking you!
Wildsoul has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1866hp 1471sp 1535st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You skillfully parry Wildsoul's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trivial damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trivial damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Wildsoul nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Wildsoul!
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing slight damage.
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1746hp 1441sp 1525st>
{-120hp -30sp -10st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1746hp 1441sp 1525st> cs
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1746hp 1441sp 1525st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
Nothing happens.
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1746hp 1441sp 1525st> wa
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1746hp 1441sp 1525st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
The dust cloud whirling about you thins and dissipates.
You struggle mightily against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Dragongem has been slain by Kaine in Arena combat!'
You are harmed on the arm by Wildsoul's energy causing mild damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing superficial damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trivial damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trivial damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1528hp 1484sp 1303st>
{-218hp +43sp -222st}
::FiVE FiNGeR DEaTh PunCh:: hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A streak of light shooting from your PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Wildsoul catches your flames on the shield of war.
The Boxing Gloves of Lady Undya Wildsoul is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Wildsoul's hand to strike you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by Wildsoul's lightning causing middling damage.
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1548hp 1484sp 1303st>
{+20hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1548hp 1484sp 1303st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1318hp 1484sp 1303st>
{-230hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul's "MateriaMagica's" wife beating rolling pin bursts into flame!
You dodge out of the way of Wildsoul's first attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trivial damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
Wildsoul dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing paltry damage.
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1128hp 1484sp 1293st> h
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1128hp 1484sp 1293st>
{-190hp +0sp -10st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1128hp 1484sp 1293st> aff

Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1128hp 1484sp 1293st> You are affected by the following:
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Racial affects: sense-life
* You are resistant to: charm fire disease necromantic steal paralysis.
* You are vulnerable to: water.
change sex - Level 118, >> sex by 1 for 0 min
detect invisibility - Level 105, >> none by 0 for 0 min
stone skin - Level 198, >> ar by 8 for 21 min
shield - Level 198, >> ar by 9 for 47 min
armor - Level 198, >> ar by 3 for 47 min
haste - Level 199, >> accuracy by 7 for 33 min
bless - Level 199, >> saving-spell by 4 for 86 min
sanctuary - Level 199, >> none by 0 for 22 min
enhanced strength - Level 199, >> strength by 3 for 22 min
ash invocation - Level 200, >> none by 0 for 7 min
water invocation - Level 207, >> none by 0 for 30 min
fireshield - Level 213, >> none by 0 for 4 min
levitation - Level 225, >> none by 0 for 112 min
Spell: faerie fire - Level 235, modifies ar by -6 for 48 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 236, modifies saving-spell by -10 for 27 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 236, modifies ar by -13 for 27 minutes.
Spell: web - Level 236, modifies agility by -3 for 3 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 240, modifies strength by -2 for 41 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 240, modifies agility by -1 for 41 minutes.
Total of 19 magical affects.

Missing: invisibility dust invocation spell shield combat blink
Wildsoul has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1128hp 1484sp 1293st> h

You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Wildsoul's the legendary timepiece 'Animexedon' glows brightly in his hand, stripping you of your magics, starting with 'bless'!
You dodge out of the way of Wildsoul's first attack.
Wildsoul fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Wildsoul dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing paltry damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1191hp 1438sp 1283st> h
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1191hp 1438sp 1283st>
{+63hp -46sp -10st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1191hp 1438sp 1283st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1191hp 1438sp 1283st> You can't do that while casting a spell!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1191hp 1438sp 1283st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Wildsoul nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Wildsoul is smashed on the arm with your boulder causing mild damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing trifling damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing modest damage.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1132hp 1392sp 1276st>
{-59hp -46sp -7st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1132hp 1392sp 1276st> web
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1132hp 1392sp 1276st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
A hand punches through the ground and pulls some entrails back into the depths.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1132hp 1392sp 1276st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
You are struck by a shard of ice!
You are frozen on the torso by Wildsoul's frost causing middling damage.
A large acorn freezes and shatters!
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The rainbow aura surrounding Wildsoul absorbs your magic!
Wildsoul fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Wildsoul's second attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
Wildsoul nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing minimal damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing minimal damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<942hp 1373sp 1266st> oo

::FiVE FiNGeR DEaTh PunCh:: hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
PReTTy LiTTlE HaTE MacHiNE... hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike Wildsoul!
Wildsoul catches your lightning on the shield of war.
Harry Vadges Wildsoul is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Wildsoul for a moment, then softly fades.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1050hp 1373sp 1266st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
{-82hp -19sp -10st}
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1050hp 1373sp 1266st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1050hp 1373sp 1266st> wa
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1050hp 1373sp 1266st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
You have completed your evocation.
The rainbow aura surrounding Wildsoul absorbs your magic!
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trifling damage.
Wildsoul fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
Wildsoul nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Wildsoul!
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing minimal damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<904hp 1281sp 1299st> wa

Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<904hp 1281sp 1299st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
{-146hp -92sp +33st}
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<904hp 1281sp 1299st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
<904hp 1281sp 1299st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding Wildsoul partially absorbs your magic!
The rainbow aura surrounding Wildsoul flickers and vanishes.
Two cyclonic columns of water rise and swirl about Wildsoul, tossing him about.
Wildsoul is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Wildsoul's energy causing middling damage.
You catch "MateriaMagica's" wife beating rolling pin on a broadshield of the crusader.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing moderate damage.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips 'enhanced strength' off of Wildsoul.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Wildsoul!
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Wildsoul nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing middling damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
You are burned on the torso by Wildsoul's flames causing minimal damage.
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> web
You aren't in a formation.
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
{-177hp -91sp -10st}
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> Wildsoul begins casting a spell...
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Gristna, the Archon Hunter peers around the room with a devilish gleam in her eye.
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul has completed his casting.
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
A small imp pops out of a wriggling dragon-hide bag and looks directly at Wildsoul!
A small imp screeches as he lobs a flash bomb into the air.
Wildsoul is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul panics, and attempts to flee.
Wildsoul drifts south.
Wildsoul has fled for his life!
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> h

You have completed your evocation.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
The tossed bomb lands softly, but there is no explosion. Clearly a dud.
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> cl
You can't do that while casting a spell!
(Mount: 2421st)
<727hp 1190sp 1289st> cl

You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1088hp 1144sp 1289st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+361hp -46sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<1088hp 1144sp 1289st> cl
You can't do that while casting a spell!
(Mount: 2421st)
<1088hp 1144sp 1289st> cl

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
(Mount: 2421st)
<1268hp 1114sp 1289st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+180hp -30sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<1268hp 1114sp 1289st> cl

Wildsoul drifts in from the south.
Wildsoul pants and gasps, trying to catch his breath.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1268hp 1114sp 1289st> cl

[PKTALK C] Dragongem: duende got me to 700hp and 0 stamina when u attacked :P'

You can't do that while casting a spell!
(Mount: 2421st)
<1268hp 1114sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
(Mount: 2421st)
<1413hp 1084sp 1289st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
{+145hp -30sp +0st}
(Mount: 2421st)
<1413hp 1084sp 1289st> k w

Wildsoul begins attacking you!
Wildsoul is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1413hp 1084sp 1289st> You can't do that while casting a spell!
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
Wildsoul is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1413hp 1084sp 1289st>
{+0hp +0sp +0st}
You break free from the webs holding you in place!
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Wildsoul's the legendary timepiece 'Animexedon' glows brightly in his hand, stripping you of your magics, starting with 'water invocation'!
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Wildsoul's energy causing modest damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Wildsoul's energy causing mild damage.
Energy rebounds from the flames flickering about you!
Wildsoul is burned on the torso with your flames causing trifling damage.
Wildsoul catches a sharp tourmaline lance on the shield of war.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Wildsoul is smashed on the torso with your boulder causing moderate damage.
Wildsoul is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
<1294hp 1105sp 1069st> web

Wildsoul panics, and attempts to flee.
Wildsoul drifts south.
Wildsoul has fled for his life!
Cast the spell on whom?
(Mount: 2421st)
<1294hp 1105sp 1069st> cl
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Gristna, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Xane?' Gristna, the Archon Hunter asks.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter begins attacking you!
Gristna, the Archon Hunter bashes you over the head with her clenched fist.
You are smashed on the head by Gristna, the Archon Hunter's bash causing massive damage.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<628hp 1105sp 1069st>
{-785hp +21sp -220st}
You are harmed on the head by Gristna, the Archon Hunter's energy causing massive damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Gristna, the Archon Hunter's energy causing shocking damage.
Gristna, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<81hp 1105sp 1069st>
{-547hp +0sp +0st}
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Gristna, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
<171hp 1075sp 1069st> flee n
You panic, and attempt to flee.

 Rune Courtyard                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

You are at the southern end of a beautiful garden courtyard that is
enclosed by a white iron fence. Flowers of every kind and description grow
in small plots here, their delicious aroma filling your nostrils. You can
make out an immense, black stone castle on a hill far to the north. The
courtyard is to the south, while Rowan Road runs west and east from here.
A large acorn lies here in the dust.
A pair of beaded moccasins has been left here.
A white marble fountain gushes forth here.
A vassal of Lord Agrippa is here, putting on noble airs.
A vagabond is here, looking for handouts.
A wandering minstrel is passing through this area.
A vassal of Lord Agrippa is here, putting on noble airs.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa smiles happily. Things must be going well for him.
(Mount: 2420st)
<171hp 1075sp 1069st> n

::FiVE FiNGeR DEaTh PunCh:: hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
The vagabond turns white with fear at the sight of you!
The vagabond panics, and attempts to flee.
The vagabond leaves south.
The vagabond has fled for his life!
(Mount: 2420st)
<351hp 1075sp 1069st>
go ahead nightshade, try to discredit it, i cant believe that you take this game so serious that you have to lie about losing?? who cares?
go ahead nightshade, try to discredit it, i cant believe that you take this game so serious that you have to lie about losing?? who cares?
Nightshade What do I need to lie about?
Kingkong Xane meanz seriouz businezz, k?