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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: fun in keep

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fun in keep Bougie 2009-10-13 09:53 pm 771

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<1663hp 2492sp 1836st>
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
A fuzzy koala gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A fuzzy koala is harmed on the torso with your energy causing extensive damage.
A fuzzy koala seems to relax.
A fuzzy koala's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of bl
ue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the head by a fuzzy koala's lightning causing heavy dama
A fuzzy koala dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A fuzzy koala is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
You fail to hit a fuzzy koala with your third attack.
A fuzzy koala is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by a fuzzy koala's flames causing trifling damage.
KABLAM!@# Lewd's magically enhanced weapon slashes viciously through you!
Lewd's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You skillfully parry a fuzzy koala's first attack.
You are struck on the head by a fuzzy koala's mental lash causing mild damage.
You are struck on the head by a fuzzy koala's mental lash causing mild damage.
You are struck on the leg by a fuzzy koala's mental lash causing minimal damage.
A fuzzy koala is vomiting blood.

<1247hp 2310sp 1831st>
::FiVE FiNGeR DEaTh PunCh:: a demon is wearing hums softly for a moment, then qu
iets down.
Flames explode around a demon's body, but he appears to be unscathed.
a GiantfoamFinger UofM#1 hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from your hand to a fuzzy koala.
A fuzzy koala catches your energy on a minotaur-leather buckler.
A fuzzy koala is vomiting blood.

<1247hp 2310sp 1831st> wave
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
A fuzzy koala is vomiting blood.

<1247hp 2310sp 1831st>
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
A fuzzy koala gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A fuzzy koala is harmed on the torso with your energy causing tremendous damage.
A fuzzy koala seems to relax.
A fuzzy koala's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of bl
ue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the arm by a fuzzy koala's lightning causing enormous da
A fuzzy koala parries your first attack.
A fuzzy koala is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit a fuzzy koala with your third attack.
A fuzzy koala is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading a fuzzy koala's first attack.
You are struck on the wing by a fuzzy koala's mental lash causing minimal damage
You are struck on the head by a fuzzy koala's mental lash causing mild damage.
You are struck on the arm by a fuzzy koala's mental lash causing minimal damage.
A fuzzy koala pales visibly as death nears.

<1026hp 2141sp 1817st> ex
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
A fuzzy koala pales visibly as death nears.

<1026hp 2141sp 1817st> A fuzzy koala breathes a bolt of lightning at you!
You are electrocuted on the head by a fuzzy koala's lightning causing heavy dama
A fuzzy koala pales visibly as death nears.

<900hp 2141sp 1817st>
A fuzzy koala breathes a bolt of lightning at you!
You are electrocuted on the head by a fuzzy koala's lightning causing great dama
A fuzzy koala pales visibly as death nears.

<774hp 2141sp 1817st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into a fuzzy koala!
A fuzzy koala is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing lethal da
A fuzzy koala has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a fuzzy koala's death cry.
Lewd looks more like himself again.
Lewd's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Lewd.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Lewd falls to the ground.
Lewd's corpse crumbles into dust.
Lewd blinks rapidly, several times.
Lewd stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Lewd's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Lewd stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Lewd stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Lewd turns translucent.
Lewd's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

<774hp 1996sp 1817st> bas
Whom do you wish to bash?

<774hp 1996sp 1817st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<774hp 1996sp 1817st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<1170hp 1926sp 1817st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<1170hp 1926sp 1817st>
'Why are you killing 81?' a demon asks.

<1170hp 1926sp 1817st>
Bling Bling hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<1350hp 1926sp 1817st> ch me
You can't do that while casting a spell!

<1350hp 1926sp 1817st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st>
'Did he attack you?' a demon asks.

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st>
Brimstone is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
A snare trap kit ignites and burns!

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st>
A demon enters into combat with Brimstone.

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st> say he attcked me
'He attcked me' you say.

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st>
A demon begins reciting an evocation...

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st>
Brimstone seems to relax.
You are entranced by Brimstone's eyes... You feel as if your entire body is enta
ngled by sticky webs.

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<1746hp 1856sp 1817st>
A demon has completed his evocation.
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls about Brimstone, tossing him about.

<1828hp 1886sp 1828st>
Brimstone panics, and attempts to flee.
Brimstone is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
Brimstone drifts west.
Brimstone has fled for his life!

<1828hp 1886sp 1828st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st> l

 Lord Maldra's Throne Room                              -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

This is the throne room where Lord Maldra holds audience. It is a bit
larger than the other rooms in this section of the keep and is decorated
almost completely in marble. The throne he sits upon is a marvelous work of
art which has been created from various different shades of marble. A
smaller throne room for the Lady of the Keep is to the west.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
Surrounding the area is an intense wall of flames, smoking and sparking.
The bloody, severed head of Lewd is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Deedee is lying here.
( 2) A burnished brass androsphinx sits obediently at Lord Maldra's feet.
Lord Maldra's marble throne sits against the northern wall.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing h
***A demon is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
**Lord Maldra is sitting on a highly-polished marble throne.

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st>
Brimstone drifts in from the west.
Brimstone is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st>
Brimstone lunges towards you, but you dodge out of the way.

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st>
A demon attack him

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st>
Brimstone is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
Brimstone drifts west.

<2224hp 1816sp 1828st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<2620hp 1746sp 1828st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<2620hp 1746sp 1828st>
Brimstone is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.

<2620hp 1746sp 1828st>
Brimstone bashes you over the head with a seashell-covered shield.
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
A demon is surrounded by a pink outline.
You are smashed on the head by Brimstone's bash causing moderate damage.
Brimstone begins attacking you!
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2413hp 1746sp 1828st> fee b

You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Brimstone's energy causing slight damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2320hp 1746sp 1822st> web
You are moving around too much for you to be able to do that.
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2320hp 1746sp 1822st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2320hp 1746sp 1822st>
You try to make eye contact with Brimstone, but Brimstone avoids your stare.
You dodge out of the way of Brimstone's first attack.
Brimstone fails to hit you with his second attack.
A swirling black potion bubbles and boils!
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2239hp 1681sp 1815st> ex
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2239hp 1681sp 1815st>
Your blood freezes as you hear someone's death cry from the south.
Brimstone has some significant wounds.

<2239hp 1681sp 1815st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing moderate dama
Brimstone seems to relax.
You stagger suddenly, but nothing else happens.
A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around Brimstone's form.
Brimstone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You dodge out of the way of Brimstone's third attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your second attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<2199hp 1575sp 1803st> ex
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<2199hp 1575sp 1803st>
[CLAN] a demon: '::xXx:: calm'
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<2199hp 1575sp 1803st>
a GiantfoamFinger UofM#1 hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand to strike Brimstone
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing moderate dama
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<2199hp 1575sp 1803st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing moderate dama
Brimstone seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Brimstone's
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing moderate damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Brimstone's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is cut on the wing with your slash causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your third attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1926hp 1430sp 1798st> web
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1926hp 1430sp 1798st>
Brimstone stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Brimstone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Brimstone's second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your third attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1858hp 1365sp 1793st> ex
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1858hp 1365sp 1793st> ex

Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing heavy damage.
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone stares fixedly at the broadaxe of ultimate evil, but nothing seems to
Brimstone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You skillfully parry Brimstone's second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone catches the broadaxe of ultimate evil on a seashell-covered shield.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Brimstone is cut on the wing with your slash causing minimal damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing mild damage.
Brimstone looks pretty beaten up.

<1785hp 1220sp 1785st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone looks pretty beaten up.

<1785hp 1220sp 1785st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing giant damage.
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue l
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by Brimstone's lightning causing enormous dama
You skillfully parry Brimstone's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing mild damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Brimstone is in terrible condition.

<1394hp 1075sp 1777st> ex

[CLAN] a demon: '::xXx:: calm'
Brimstone is in terrible condition.

<1394hp 1075sp 1777st>
[CLAN] a demon: '::xXx:: calm'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone is in terrible condition.

<1394hp 1075sp 1777st>
You break free from the webs holding you in place!
Brimstone is in terrible condition.

<1463hp 1107sp 1523st>
A demon looks at you.
Brimstone is in terrible condition.

<1463hp 1107sp 1523st>
The Ring of Lord Agrippa Brimstone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then qui
ets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.
a GiantfoamFinger UofM#1 hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant, orange-red spark arcs from your fingertips to Brimstone.
Brimstone is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
Bling Bling hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Brimstone is in terrible condition.

<1571hp 1107sp 1523st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing extensive dam
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Brimstone is vomiting blood.

<1571hp 962sp 1515st> ex
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone is vomiting blood.

<1571hp 962sp 1515st>
Brimstone shuda used axe
Brimstone is vomiting blood.

<1571hp 962sp 1515st>
A demon looks at Brimstone.
Brimstone is vomiting blood.

<1571hp 962sp 1515st>
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue l
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by Brimstone's lightning causing giant damage.
Brimstone is vomiting blood.

<1214hp 962sp 1515st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Brimstone is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing huge damage.
[CLAN] Lillith has been slain!
Shadows around the area collect into a swirling black portal, and the incarnatio
n of death steps through.
The portal vanishes with a flash of blue light.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Brimstone's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing mild damage.
Brimstone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1112hp 817sp 1508st>
Brimstone begins casting a spell...
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1112hp 817sp 1508st> wave
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1112hp 817sp 1508st>
[CLAN] a demon: '::xXx:: nevermind'
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1112hp 817sp 1508st> wave

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Brimstone gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Brimstone is harmed on the torso with your energy causing massive damage.
Brimstone has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Brimstone's first attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Brimstone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Brimstone's energy causing modest damage.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
Brimstone is cut on the torso with your slash causing great damage.
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1027hp 635sp 1501st> You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1027hp 635sp 1501st>
Brimstone begins casting a spell...
Brimstone pales visibly as death nears.

<1027hp 635sp 1501st>
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Brimstone gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Brimstone is harmed on the torso with your energy causing lethal damage.
Brimstone has been slain!
Brimstone screams as he is crushed from your wave of force.
Your blood freezes as you hear Brimstone's death cry.
Brimstone's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Brimstone.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Brimstone falls to the ground.
Brimstone's corpse crumbles into dust.
Brimstone blinks rapidly, several times.
Brimstone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Brimstone's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Brimstone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Brimstone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Brimstone turns translucent.
Brimstone's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

<1027hp 453sp 1501st> wave
Cast the spell on whom?

<1027hp 453sp 1501st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<1027hp 453sp 1501st>
Bling Bling hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A demon turns white with fear at the sight of you!
A demon panics, and attempts to flee.
A demon is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
A demon rides south.
A demon has fled for his life!

<1207hp 453sp 1501st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<1603hp 383sp 1501st>
A demon rides in from the south.
A demon is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.

<1603hp 383sp 1501st> ct :P
[6] clan members heard you say, '{B} :P'

[*][SAFE]<2470hp 941sp 1985st>
[PKTALK C] Brimstone: you at full health in DD, hardly matters whether it was b

ack to back'

Brimstone i like the edited part at the end of the log to just show my pktalk and nothing else said. we should arena so i can kick your ass and end this masquerade