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General logs: Why bing multid...

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Why bing multid... Deminix 2009-12-12 01:33 am 1733

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[PKTALK B] Bing: you know whats sad...'

[PKTALK B] Volus: whats sad'

[PKTALK B] Bing: how does it take someone 13 rounds to kill a lvl 137 ? I have no defenses or anything'

[PKTALK B] Bing: with my 60's armor'

[PKTALK B] Deminix: i was usin mace which is 80% and you have like 1800 hp + i'm only 165..lolz' [14]

[PKTALK B] Nayuki: i wont even have 1800 hp at 240 :<'

[PKTALK B] Bing: I have 1700hp... and armor at 40-60... with 2 attacks thanks to haste... no saves... you just fail'

[PKTALK B] Deminix: check pklogs and you'll see that i've succeeded 5x in the past two days actually' [14]

[PKTALK B] Bing: ... only cuz I kept coming at you'

[PKTALK B] Deminix: hey i never claimed you were smart' [14]

[PKTALK B] Bing: I was determined :< but not commited enough to switch to a hardline so I didnt lag :<'

[PKTALK B] Kulda: oh grats bing on multi... did you just do it??'

[PKTALK B] Bing: last night after dying 4 times to dorkus there'

[PKTALK B] Kulda: well grats :D'

[PKTALK B] Bing: actually, I think our first fight was the best last night :<'

[PKTALK B] Deminix: )' [14]

Chaosfire Bing is a dracon, so by default: Bing > you.
Wildsoul Redacted.

-- Zazou
Lewd Congratulations, you can kill second class players as a 165 with the second most broken path in the game. Want a cookie?
Deminix Lewd, what a typical non-pk chump who thinks life is always fair. This is big boy business here. If you aren't in a PK clan, your input is invalid. I was killing him when I was 120, and I'll be killin him whenever the opportunity arises.
Chaosfire If you aren't in a PK clan? I'm not in a PK clan and I'm pretty sure I can kill everyone.
Deminix If you don't have the balls to make yourself vulnerable to being PKd at all times, then you get no respect. And unlike real life, you have the choice in this game of what our genetics are going to be (race/path.) So complaining about an OP path just makes you look like a fool. Not to mention, this is my first and only character ever, so to assume I picked it because it was "the second most OP path" is lolz.
Chaosfire If you don't have an archon you don't have any room to talk to begin with. Continue your sucking.
Deminix If you leveled your archon character in a non-pk clan, you have no room to talk. Must have been real tough getting those levels against that NPC competition, eh? Chump.
Defiance Must be really hard to level in a PK clan when PK clans are practically dead.
Defiance Also when they now have the 60 level difference rule.
Chaosfire Maybe I will toggle PK when you hit 180.
Deminix Awesome. More people in the PK clan scene is exactly what I want.
Chaosfire Why, it isn't even a decent fight, it's just a matter of jumping people with forms.
Deminix Sure, that happens. But it isn't all about that. It's about having to worry about people at all times, not just when you choose to venture into designated areas fully spelled up.
Clan pk is why I still play... though the competition is gone now. It is thee best fights in the game hands down. Usually players do not full prep, or are not full gear because clan pk can happen anywhere, at anytime. So its not just who has the most svs/or svp. Its tactics. resourcefulness, strategy, not just running around in a form. Which i can understand why some people who arent in clan pk would perceive clan pk is all form combat. Thats not the case, most clan pk fights happen suddenly and end quickly. If you're in a good clan, of course there will be retaliation. But, players will not fight to fight, they'll camp safe if they're outnumbered, thus formation fights just dont really happen often anymore.

I'd love to see 114 toggle, it'll never happen though and if it does, it'll be just to say i told you so and then chaos will untoggle it. When realistically its the best thing that could happen to 114.
deminix, all the good pkers... are high levels. You did what you were told to do and you think your shit doesnt stink right now. Startin to get alittle bit of an attitude.

You're in for a rude awakening once you get on our level. When i say "our" i'm implying chaosfire and me, just archons in general. Until then keep throwing up "pat me on the back" logs to make you feel better hotshot.
Klaus Is clan pk synonymous with taking this game way too seriously?

Seems so.
Dublew i still waiting for an pc arena with you klaus you faggy!
Deminix Uh, lol? I've put up one log, and it was because Bing admitted to me making him multi after he had been second class for ages. You're right. I did what was recommended to me as far as class/path goes. If you think I'm in for a rude awakening, then you are. I spent over 10 years on my last mud getting over level 100. That was in a game where, without PC prevention, I could have leveled to 100 in a week. And that was with the entire game being full-gear CPK drop upon death, with no level restrictions on who you can kill. I'm sure I'll die my fair amount leveling to 240. I don't doubt it.

You talk about attitude. Who was the one saying how clan 30 has no competition anymore? I'm just trying to prove that you guys aren't nearly what you think you are.
Lewd Looool. Don't talk about shit you have literally no knowledge of. But hey, if you really want to flex that e-peen of yours, I'd be glad to wreck you on my third classer I don't play, billy badass.

I'd be even more glad to wreck you archon to archon if you ever progress that far, but let's face it. You won't.
Deminix Blah blah. Join a PK clan or shut up.
Lewd I would, but the only pk clan I'd be remotely interested in seems to have some annoying little faggot named Deminix in it. Weird.
Deminix Awww. You poor baby. Don't worry. You wouldn't have a chance at getting in this clan anyways.
Chaosfire Subjecting yourself to clan pk as you level isn't impressive, it's stupid.
Faezyl Lol@Lewd.

Is this guy all there?
Brimstone you all need to shut the fuck up. if you havent experienced clan pk at end game then you havent experienced it at all. deminix, you sound a lot like disruption. all talk but when he archoned he sucked as bad as anyone i know, even with all his relic'd equipment. when you reach archon and start clan pking with the big dogs, then you can say something until then shut the fuck up. and as for chaosfire not being in a pk clan, chaosfire is probably the best pk'er in the game right now, we've had good fights between us and some in clan 30 are noticeable in pk (xane, krim). you have no experience of clan pk at the highest level so stop acting like a faggot and start acting like what you are, a mid third class newbie full of himself
Deminix Thank you, Brimstone, for probably the most ignorant statement that has been posted here. Thank you also for your speculation on how I'll perform at 240. Here's something that isn't speculation. You left a PK clan recently for a non PK clan. Puss out much?
Deminix Thank you, Brimstone, for probably the most ignorant statement that has been posted here. Thank you also for your speculation on how I'll perform at 240. Here's something that isn't speculation. You left a PK clan recently for a non PK clan. Puss out much?
Brimstone i didnt puss out, i left due to inactivity. ive been one of the most active pk'ers for the last several years. i have my critics who will say i suck, but there's no doubting im one of the few people left that try to keep pk alive. as far as pk clans go, whats the point of me running around trying to clan pk a bunch of heros and crappy archons who run to safe at the sight of me? the only people who sought me out were krim/xane or a form of 2/3 clan 30 hero/archons trying to gank me.
Dublew chaosfire the best pker? why he never have balls to fight lasse?..always those exuses..even with all HIS fucking awsome gear..and get real brimstone..lasse fuck you 24/7 if u dont form or shit on him..
Brimstone i never said lasse doesnt kill me smile, but you seem to be missing the point to choke on lasses dick every chance you get. why dont you stay out of conversations that you cant understand and go back to drinking heavily and fucking your sister you mongoloid.
Klaus Yjou ccjant chckjoke on lasse's dick like lassje cjan chcjoke on his ojwn dick!!!!!11 lololol brjjrimball fljee
Brimstone i never said lasse doesnt kill me smile, but you seem to be missing the point to choke on lasses dick every chance you get. why dont you stay out of conversations that you cant understand and go back to drinking heavily and fucking your sister you mongoloid.
Brimstone why not fight me pc arena klaus you faggy swede own you!!
Klaus Yjou ccjant chckjoke on lasse's dick like lassje cjan chcjoke on his ojwn dick!!!!!11 lololol brjjrimball fljee
Klaus Ljet mje mjixxxx herbjs fat ugly fajgg!!! run run jhide fjrom me all u do.
ojk yjou tjwo, cjalm djown.
Brimstone you cjant beat swede 1 on 1 cjocksocker!! run safe when lasse comtes all you do!
Klaus ljol!!!! 24/7 I own yjou please back up talk!!!
Brimstone kljaus yohu pig fucker!¬! never fighted me fair i no have gear or health and still own you haha keep talk fucjker
Klaus ljol!!!! all u do is memo drjain x 10082 then sjtill die. You are pahttherhtitc!! Ijf yjou wnat fighthed come keep run smoke flee.
ljlololol u cjant tjalk bjack itup pc arena? yjousuck.
Brimstone cjanyt fighted wjitout your clan ljolol!!"23 yhou no smile fighted you 24/7 rape yhou go fjuck yhourt sisterrf fat ugly focker
Klaus allj you djo ois sjit behhind annwn alt pjosted faggy messgaes!! ljog in game fighted c jwho yjou really are. Pahthtehtitittic.
Defiance shut the fuck up
Supernac Posted by Chaosfire on 12-12-2009 03:54 pm
If you aren't in a PK clan? I'm not in a PK clan and I'm pretty sure I can kill everyone.
(I love it lolz)

Posted by Xane on 12-13-2009 07:36 am
deminix, all the good pkers... are high levels. You did what you were told to do and you think your shit doesnt stink right now. Startin to get alittle bit of an attitude.

You're in for a rude awakening once you get on our level. When i say "our" i'm implying chaosfire and me, just archons in general. Until then keep throwing up "pat me on the back" logs to make you feel better hotshot.
(He's Right)

Posted by Deminix on 12-13-2009 02:29 pm
Uh, lol? I've put up one log, and it was because Bing admitted to me making him multi after he had been second class for ages. You're right. I did what was recommended to me as far as class/path goes. If you think I'm in for a rude awakening, then you are. "I SPENT OVER 10 YEARS ON MY LAST MUD GETTING OVER LEVEL 100." That was in a game where, without PC prevention, I could have leveled to 100 in a week. And that was with the entire game being full-gear CPK drop upon death, with no level restrictions on who you can kill. I'm sure I'll die my fair amount leveling to 240. I don't doubt it.
(You make me feel better about myself)
Deminix Grats:P Some people, like me, enjoy a challenge. My last mud was all politics in getting high level. If you died, you lost 10% of your stats, which would take higher levels months to reaquire. So no one let people they didn't trust get high level. People killed me at low levels so I added them to my shitlist and wouldn't take them off. I refused to be nice to people just to get high level. In the end I got high level and killed the shit outta people with no remorse. This mud is a complete joke compared to my last mud as far as dying in PK is concerned. It's also a lot easier to avoid people here, as the wilds are a pretty huge amount of the mud. I'm in for no rude awakening. I'm in for having people on my nuts 24/7 while I'm trying to level. Nothing new to me. If I do die a couple times, I'll shrug it off. Dying to a 240+ and losing nothing isn't going to affect me at all:P
Supernac Posted by Xane on 12-13-2009 07:36 am
You're in for a rude awakening once you get on our level. When i say "our" i'm implying chaosfire and me, just archons in general. Until then keep throwing up "pat me on the back" logs to make you feel better hotshot.

"once you get on our level"

you missed the point entirely. i don't give a shit about you levling in a pk clan, guess what? i spent my entire 4th class in a pk clan...and hey look...i'm an archon...funny how that works out...but you don't hear me bragging..know why? cuz it doesn't mean shit. thats like bragging about how my lungs breathe oxygen and not H20.
Deminix Who said it was worth bragging over getting high level in this game? I find it funny that people come here and say how I'm looking for a pat on the back when this is the first log I've ever posted. I don't give a shit about a pat on the back. People post logs all the time for whatever reason they have in mind. What people don't see in this log is what is being ignored.

Bing didn't just multi cause I killed him a few times at 165. He multid because his character was 120 for ages before my character was even created. He watched me level to 120 and then watched me get stronger than him. It got to the point where he wouldn't fight me outside of no-magic at 120. I was hunting Bing for a while at 120 before I ever multid. Once I hit 165 and fought him enough to where he realized he no longer even believed he had a chance at killing me, he multid to try to remedy the situation. I just thought it was funny and logworthy.

If you think once I hit 241 that I will suck, well then you're retarded. I haven't spent endless hours of my life playing every competitive PK game for nothing. I'm sure I'll have a few things to learn, and some gear to acquire before I can compete fully. Every game is that way. I learn well from my mistakes and have more drive to be the best at games than any of you here.
Notorious I will destroy you all, now shut up. NOW. syrsly
Hysteria you know the comments are longer than the log i didnt even finish ready this shit but good job on killin bing my ninja... purple/sanguine like a penguin
Kingkong lol Why does Smile always talk shit about pk?
Bluelight kingkong should you even be posting comments about pk seeing as you die to a 180 contantly
Notorious Im so cool.
Kingkong Which 180? Oh wait.. None.
Darum oh my. silly archons, being all archon-y. leave the foolishness to deminix and myself.
We're hot shit.
Seriously, archons hold your shit until this crop reaches archon, then destroy us or be destroyed.
Till then, let us be fools =]
Primus Sanguine owns this zone.
I just have to say, quite belatedly, that this is the stupidest comment wall on Annwn.