General logs: spooked just in time
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spooked just in time | Bougie | 2010-03-08 01:53 am | 811 |
<3387hp 2591sp 2065st>
A jingling, bell-like sound issues from somewhere nearby.
<3387hp 2652sp 2065st>
Your fireshield sputters and goes out.
<3387hp 2674sp 2065st> look north
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2674sp 2065st> n
You jiggle and move about, alerting anyone watching to your presence.
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2674sp 2063st>
A field mouse looks at you.
<3387hp 2674sp 2063st> look mouse
This tiny creature scurries through the underbrush, looking for seeds to
eat. The mouse has light grey fur and long pink tail, and it is a very cute
little animal. However, it squeaks nervously when it sees you, and hides
under a pile of leaves. Mice in the forest must be careful in order to
avoid becoming a meal for a passing cat or owl.
She is a young rodent approximately 5'11" tall.
A field mouse has several minor scratches.
<used as light> a glowing halo of light (new) (lit) glows blue!
<worn on finger> a gift from Pyrian (new)
<worn on finger> the Ring of Lord Agrippa (new) glows blue!
<worn around neck> (Invisible) a holy symbol of Vandyne (new) glows blue!
<worn around neck> an amulet of wealth (new)
<worn around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on body> an admantite breastplate (new) glows blue!
<worn on head> a seashell-covered helm (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn over face> the Mask of Lord Bloodbane (new) glows blue!
<worn on legs> (Invisible) the leggings of an elder dragon (used) glow
s blue!
<worn on feet> the sabots of Sir Adroit and Cunning (new) glows blue!
<worn on hands> Veldra's silken gloves (used) glows blue!
<worn on arms> mithril armplates (new) glows blue!
<worn as shield> a typhoon shield (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn on left wing> a piece of mithril wing armor (used) glows blue!
<worn on right wing> a piece of mithril wing armor (slightly worn) glows blu
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
<worn about body> neverwhen mail (damaged) glows blue!
<worn around body> glows blue!
<worn about waist> the belt of the master craftsman (heavily worn) glows b
<worn around wrist> (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (used) glo
ws blue!
<worn around wrist> a fetish of a glows blue!
<right hand> a twisted holly wood wand (new) glows blue!
<left hand> a well-crafted violin (new) glows blue!
You peek at the inventory:
a tightly-rolled scroll
a powder blue buckskin scroll (new)
a gnomish miner's bag (used)
a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (new)
( 3) a gnomish miner's bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
<3387hp 2674sp 2063st> You turn white with fear at the sight of a field mouse!
An unreasonable, uncontrollable fear grips you!
You panic, and attempt to flee.
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north, you can see the Weapon's Shoppe, and to the south
is Dirgial's Armory. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square
to the east.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 5) A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A wandering minstrel is passing through this area.
A salesman is here, peddling his wares.
Raksann the Captain of the City Guards is here, patrolling the streets.
A stray dog is here, wandering about forlornly.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
<3387hp 2674sp 2061st> w
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- # -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north is the fortress-like building of the Bank of Rune.
To the south you see a sturdy little brick house. Main Street continues to
the east and west.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
*A young pegasus is here, hitched to a weathered hitching post.
<3387hp 2674sp 2059st> e
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north, you can see the Weapon's Shoppe, and to the south
is Dirgial's Armory. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square
to the east.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 5) A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A wandering minstrel is passing through this area.
A salesman is here, peddling his wares.
Raksann the Captain of the City Guards is here, patrolling the streets.
A stray dog is here, wandering about forlornly.
<3387hp 2727sp 2063st> e
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit:
a field mouse tells you 'its u'
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2727sp 2061st>
A field mouse looks at you.
<3387hp 2727sp 2061st> reply :P
You tell Rivulet ':P'
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st> l
Hint: If you are in trouble and need assistance, type GUIDE to see what player g
uides are available to assist you. Just send them a tell and they will be happy
to help you.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
a field mouse tells you 'eee'
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st> in
You are carrying:
the head of Soulcatcher
a circular mirror shield (new) glows blue!
a black fur hat (new) glows blue!
a portable glassware armoire (new)
A 5th of Jager
Some Hidden Shrubbery (new)
( 4) a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (new)
a stamp collector's book (new)
( 2) a dream cloud (new)
Vandemaar's Magic Forge (new)
a Crown Royal bag (new)
a [Crab Pot] (new)
Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
A total of 17 items weighing 17 stones, 26 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 23 st, 0 pb.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
A field mouse looks at you.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st> sn sn
You do not seem to be carrying a trap kit with that name.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
You turn white with fear at the sight of a field mouse!
An unreasonable, uncontrollable fear grips you!
You panic, and attempt to flee.
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A heavy leather-bound book lays here.
A gold tiara has been dropped glows blue!
A long bola with specks of glass and metal instead of stones in it is here.
Someone has dropped a tarnished brass key here.
The bloody, severed head of the vassal of Lord Agrippa is lying here.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 2) A loaf of bread is here. It doesn't look too stale.
A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 2) A peanut butter cookie has been left here.
A tall sombrero with wide brims has been set on the ground here.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: w
<3387hp 2727sp 2049st>
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: e
<3387hp 2727sp 2047st> e
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A heavy leather-bound book lays here.
A gold tiara has been dropped glows blue!
A long bola with specks of glass and metal instead of stones in it is here.
Someone has dropped a tarnished brass key here.
The bloody, severed head of the vassal of Lord Agrippa is lying here.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 2) A loaf of bread is here. It doesn't look too stale.
A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 2) A peanut butter cookie has been left here.
A tall sombrero with wide brims has been set on the ground here.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A dead frog lies here.
( 9) A delicious looking chocolate truffle has been left here.
( 2) A large acorn lies here in the dust.
( 2) A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A small glass vial of lamp oil has been dropped here.
<3387hp 2727sp 2045st> get book
You take a manual of sanity.
<3387hp 2775sp 2054st> reply rofl
You tell Rivulet 'rofl'
<3387hp 2775sp 2044st> reply wth
You tell Rivulet 'wth'
<3387hp 2775sp 2034st> reply You take a manual of sanity.
You tell Rivulet 'You take a manual of sanity.'
<3387hp 2819sp 2036st> l
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A gold tiara has been dropped glows blue!
A long bola with specks of glass and metal instead of stones in it is here.
Someone has dropped a tarnished brass key here.
The bloody, severed head of the vassal of Lord Agrippa is lying here.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 2) A loaf of bread is here. It doesn't look too stale.
A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 2) A peanut butter cookie has been left here.
A tall sombrero with wide brims has been set on the ground here.
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: e
<3387hp 2819sp 2036st>
The door to the south slowly creaks closed.
Thanak has arrived.
<3387hp 2831sp 2046st>
a field mouse tells you '?'
<3387hp 2831sp 2046st>
[PKTALK C] Synn: selling st rings 50ru
<3387hp 2831sp 2046st>
a field mouse tells you 'u got a maually wtf'
<3387hp 2842sp 2055st> reply yeah 1 east of ts
You tell Rivulet 'yeah 1 east of ts'
<3387hp 2842sp 2045st> reply rofl
You tell Rivulet 'rofl'
<3387hp 2853sp 2044st>
Bling Bling hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
<3387hp 2853sp 2044st> reply just chilling on the ground
You tell Rivulet 'just chilling on the ground'
A jingling, bell-like sound issues from somewhere nearby.
<3387hp 2652sp 2065st>
Your fireshield sputters and goes out.
<3387hp 2674sp 2065st> look north
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2674sp 2065st> n
You jiggle and move about, alerting anyone watching to your presence.
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2674sp 2063st>
A field mouse looks at you.
<3387hp 2674sp 2063st> look mouse
This tiny creature scurries through the underbrush, looking for seeds to
eat. The mouse has light grey fur and long pink tail, and it is a very cute
little animal. However, it squeaks nervously when it sees you, and hides
under a pile of leaves. Mice in the forest must be careful in order to
avoid becoming a meal for a passing cat or owl.
She is a young rodent approximately 5'11" tall.
A field mouse has several minor scratches.
<used as light> a glowing halo of light (new) (lit) glows blue!
<worn on finger> a gift from Pyrian (new)
<worn on finger> the Ring of Lord Agrippa (new) glows blue!
<worn around neck> (Invisible) a holy symbol of Vandyne (new) glows blue!
<worn around neck> an amulet of wealth (new)
<worn around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on body> an admantite breastplate (new) glows blue!
<worn on head> a seashell-covered helm (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn over face> the Mask of Lord Bloodbane (new) glows blue!
<worn on legs> (Invisible) the leggings of an elder dragon (used) glow
s blue!
<worn on feet> the sabots of Sir Adroit and Cunning (new) glows blue!
<worn on hands> Veldra's silken gloves (used) glows blue!
<worn on arms> mithril armplates (new) glows blue!
<worn as shield> a typhoon shield (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn on left wing> a piece of mithril wing armor (used) glows blue!
<worn on right wing> a piece of mithril wing armor (slightly worn) glows blu
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
<worn about body> neverwhen mail (damaged) glows blue!
<worn around body> glows blue!
<worn about waist> the belt of the master craftsman (heavily worn) glows b
<worn around wrist> (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (used) glo
ws blue!
<worn around wrist> a fetish of a glows blue!
<right hand> a twisted holly wood wand (new) glows blue!
<left hand> a well-crafted violin (new) glows blue!
You peek at the inventory:
a tightly-rolled scroll
a powder blue buckskin scroll (new)
a gnomish miner's bag (used)
a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (new)
( 3) a gnomish miner's bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
<3387hp 2674sp 2063st> You turn white with fear at the sight of a field mouse!
An unreasonable, uncontrollable fear grips you!
You panic, and attempt to flee.
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north, you can see the Weapon's Shoppe, and to the south
is Dirgial's Armory. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square
to the east.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 5) A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A wandering minstrel is passing through this area.
A salesman is here, peddling his wares.
Raksann the Captain of the City Guards is here, patrolling the streets.
A stray dog is here, wandering about forlornly.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
<3387hp 2674sp 2061st> w
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- # -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north is the fortress-like building of the Bank of Rune.
To the south you see a sturdy little brick house. Main Street continues to
the east and west.
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
*A young pegasus is here, hitched to a weathered hitching post.
<3387hp 2674sp 2059st> e
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. To the north, you can see the Weapon's Shoppe, and to the south
is Dirgial's Armory. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square
to the east.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 5) A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A wandering minstrel is passing through this area.
A salesman is here, peddling his wares.
Raksann the Captain of the City Guards is here, patrolling the streets.
A stray dog is here, wandering about forlornly.
<3387hp 2727sp 2063st> e
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit:
a field mouse tells you 'its u'
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2727sp 2061st>
A field mouse looks at you.
<3387hp 2727sp 2061st> reply :P
You tell Rivulet ':P'
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st> l
Hint: If you are in trouble and need assistance, type GUIDE to see what player g
uides are available to assist you. Just send them a tell and they will be happy
to help you.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
(Q) ***A field mouse scrounges through some bushes for a bite to eat.
**The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
a field mouse tells you 'eee'
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st> in
You are carrying:
the head of Soulcatcher
a circular mirror shield (new) glows blue!
a black fur hat (new) glows blue!
a portable glassware armoire (new)
A 5th of Jager
Some Hidden Shrubbery (new)
( 4) a bag embroidered with a sunburst insignia (new)
a stamp collector's book (new)
( 2) a dream cloud (new)
Vandemaar's Magic Forge (new)
a Crown Royal bag (new)
a [Crab Pot] (new)
Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
A total of 17 items weighing 17 stones, 26 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 23 st, 0 pb.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
A field mouse looks at you.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st> sn sn
You do not seem to be carrying a trap kit with that name.
<3387hp 2727sp 2051st>
You turn white with fear at the sight of a field mouse!
An unreasonable, uncontrollable fear grips you!
You panic, and attempt to flee.
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A heavy leather-bound book lays here.
A gold tiara has been dropped glows blue!
A long bola with specks of glass and metal instead of stones in it is here.
Someone has dropped a tarnished brass key here.
The bloody, severed head of the vassal of Lord Agrippa is lying here.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 2) A loaf of bread is here. It doesn't look too stale.
A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 2) A peanut butter cookie has been left here.
A tall sombrero with wide brims has been set on the ground here.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: w
<3387hp 2727sp 2049st>
Towne Square North - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune. A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet. Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard. A crossroads is to the south. In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The corpse of a very sexy woman is lying here.
The sliced-off leg of a beautiful horse is lying here.
The corpse of the landless serf is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the janitor is lying here.
The corpse of the Minx is lying here.
A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A brass lantern has been left here.
A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: e
<3387hp 2727sp 2047st> e
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A heavy leather-bound book lays here.
A gold tiara has been dropped glows blue!
A long bola with specks of glass and metal instead of stones in it is here.
Someone has dropped a tarnished brass key here.
The bloody, severed head of the vassal of Lord Agrippa is lying here.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 2) A loaf of bread is here. It doesn't look too stale.
A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 2) A peanut butter cookie has been left here.
A tall sombrero with wide brims has been set on the ground here.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: c
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
A dead frog lies here.
( 9) A delicious looking chocolate truffle has been left here.
( 2) A large acorn lies here in the dust.
( 2) A war banner is on the floor glows blue!
A small glass vial of lamp oil has been dropped here.
<3387hp 2727sp 2045st> get book
You take a manual of sanity.
<3387hp 2775sp 2054st> reply rofl
You tell Rivulet 'rofl'
<3387hp 2775sp 2044st> reply wth
You tell Rivulet 'wth'
<3387hp 2775sp 2034st> reply You take a manual of sanity.
You tell Rivulet 'You take a manual of sanity.'
<3387hp 2819sp 2036st> l
Main Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
- S -
You are walking along Main Street in the Towne of Rune. The warm, red
cobblestones vibrate delightfully beneath your feet, almost as if the towne
were alive. From the north, you can hear the clang of the Blacksmith about
his work. You hear the sounds of revelry coming from the Laughing Fey to
the south. You can see the paved brilliance of the Towne Square to the
west. Main Street continues to the east.
A gold tiara has been dropped glows blue!
A long bola with specks of glass and metal instead of stones in it is here.
Someone has dropped a tarnished brass key here.
The bloody, severed head of the vassal of Lord Agrippa is lying here.
A map of the town of Rune has been carelessly left here.
( 2) A loaf of bread is here. It doesn't look too stale.
A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
A tender young turnip has been left here.
A waybread has been left here.
( 2) A peanut butter cookie has been left here.
A tall sombrero with wide brims has been set on the ground here.
A silvery harmonica made of iron is lying here.
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit: e
<3387hp 2819sp 2036st>
The door to the south slowly creaks closed.
Thanak has arrived.
<3387hp 2831sp 2046st>
a field mouse tells you '?'
<3387hp 2831sp 2046st>
[PKTALK C] Synn: selling st rings 50ru
<3387hp 2831sp 2046st>
a field mouse tells you 'u got a maually wtf'
<3387hp 2842sp 2055st> reply yeah 1 east of ts
You tell Rivulet 'yeah 1 east of ts'
<3387hp 2842sp 2045st> reply rofl
You tell Rivulet 'rofl'
<3387hp 2853sp 2044st>
Bling Bling hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
<3387hp 2853sp 2044st> reply just chilling on the ground
You tell Rivulet 'just chilling on the ground'