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PK logs: Fight the system

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Fight the system Perem 2010-05-06 02:52 am 1308
Never give up, don't let them cover the change up, speak out loud against them.

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 MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
 [26 :206 M Sidhe Bard  Clanhl] Starchild [+Fallen+]
 Total matches: 1.

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1972st> 
AUCTION: A moldy green scroll has been sold to Starchild for 80,000 gp.
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 74,000. The bank has charged you a 6,000 gp transaction fee.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1972st> 
AUCTION: Deathsmasher has put a mitre made of white marble up for auction. Minimum bid is 5,000 gp.

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1972st> tell starchild 2967 05-03-10 Duende Nerfed usage betters at class level 50+; it is several times more dif
ficult to get usage betters for the last 10 levels of a class than it was previously. this is an old change, at least 3+ months old.
You tell Starchild '2967 05-03-10 Duende Nerfed usage betters at class level 50+; it is several times more difficult to get usage bett
ers for the last 10 levels of a class than it was previously. this is an old change, at least 3+ months old.'

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1962st> 
Starchild SHOUTS '2967 is Nerfed usage betters at class level 50+ it is several times more difficult to get usage betters for the last
 10 levels of a class than it was previously. this is an old change, at least 3+ months old.'

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1962st> 
Starchild tells you 'nod'

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1962st> 
The white aura surrounding you fades away.

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1968st> 
AUCTION: A mitre made of white marble: going once (no bid received yet).

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1968st> rewardunit transfer 10 starchild .
You transfer [10] ru to Starchild. Your new balance is [0] ru.

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1968st> 
[PKTALK C] Marvelle: lolol

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1968st> 
[PKTALK C] Sotano: pwnd

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1968st> 
You have been frozen by Duende for 3 days. Reason: whoopsy.

[AWAY]<2835hp 3024sp 1968st> 
[CLAN] Perem has left Materia Magica (idle).
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Farewell, Adventurer.

Returning you to reality...
%%% Disconnected from server.