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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Ixlone's plight.

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Ixlone's plight. Klaus 2010-05-24 11:31 pm 1185
Tagged in this log: Ixlone

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[AWAY]<3437hp 2853sp 3178st> 
INVERTZ LOL hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Flames explode around your body, yet you feel no heat or pain.

[AWAY]<3437hp 2883sp 3188st> look

 Drakan Tundra Plains                                   NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S     SE

A tangle tree is here, dangerously waving about in the wind.

[AWAY]<3437hp 2883sp 3188st> 
AUCTION: No bids received for a swamp green scroll. Item has been removed.

[AWAY]<3437hp 2883sp 3188st> give ixlone tang
You give an action figure of the legendary Ixlone to a tangle tree.

[AWAY]<3437hp 2883sp 3188st> say heyo
'Heyo' you say.

[AWAY]<3437hp 2883sp 3188st> 
[PKTALK C] Marvelle: There is no command 'asdf'. You may have meant: auction, lightbulb <- orly

[AWAY]<3437hp 2883sp 3188st> 
AUCTION: Duende has put an enchanted steel pick-axe up for auction. Minimum bid is 100 gp.

Saker This:

[PKTALK C] Marvelle: There is no command 'asdf'. You may have meant: auction, lightbulb <- orly