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Cwn Annwn

General logs: waterspout=nasty

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waterspout=nasty Bougie 2010-06-02 09:12 pm 886
Tagged in this log: Ezekail

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<746hp 1186sp 1373st> ch me
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ezekail is in terrible condition.

<746hp 1186sp 1373st> 
Ezekail has completed his casting.
Ezekail is propelled west by Ithrillic water spouting from beneath his feet!
The water slams into Bougie's torso!
You are scalded on the torso by Ezekail's scalding water causing giant damage.
The water slams into Bougie's torso!
You are scalded on the torso by Ezekail's scalding water causing huge damage.
The water slams into Bougie's torso!
You are scalded on the torso by Ezekail's scalding water causing extensive damag
The water slams into Bougie's torso!
You are scalded on the torso by Ezekail's scalding water causing massive damage.

<114hp 1186sp 1373st> 
Ezekail rides in from the west.

<114hp 1186sp 1373st> 
Ezekail begins attacking you!
Ezekail is in terrible condition.

<114hp 1186sp 1373st> 
You are jabbed on the head by Ezekail's pierce causing massive damage.
You have been slain!
[CLAN] Bougie has been slain!
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Bougie has been slain by Ezekail in Arena combat!
Your disembodied soul rises from your ravaged corpse.
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existen