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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: Owning Arcadork

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Owning Arcadork Nobadii 2010-07-22 01:04 am 1257
Tagged in this log: Arcadin, Lol
Eze always shifts as "An Ithrilis Warrior" so I decided to toy with Arcadin's emotions.

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The Commons                                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

  People from all over town come here to talk to the leaders of town and to
talk of problems or to discuss current news issues.  Travelers from far
away lands may tell of their travels.  You also might find a few of the
local merchants peddling their goods.  
(  3) (Invisible) A large silver key lies here.
     A sparkling burnished silver collar lies here reflecting light.
[AWAY] Nyan lol@u is resting here, mounted on a young pegasus.

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1520st> 
Player Information for: Thaen Garek, templar of Ithrilis
  Hours Played:      8,317      Age:            21 years (Born 3/22/1434)
  Class Level:        49        Total Level:    229
  Race:               human     Gender:         male
  Class:           witch        Alignment:      944 (+angelic)
  Hit Points:       2112/2112   Practices:      155
  Spell Points:     2271/2271   Quest Points:   6,727 (1252 quests, 216 failed)
  Stamina:          1520/1523   Reputation:     100 (Saint)
  Strength:           19/19     Vitality:       19/19
  Knowledge:          21/21     Luck:           14/19
  Wisdom:             19/21     Courage:        19/21
  Agility:            22/22     Sanity:         19/19
  Personality:        14/19
  Spell Complexity Comprehension (SCC):  79%
  Proficiency Complexity Comprehension (PCC):
    Wea:  66%  Def:  91%  Com:  66%  Tek: 100%  Mys: 100%
* You have 209,736,372 experience points and need 10,263,628 to advance.
* You have killed 12,882 creatures and 15 players in combat.
* You have been killed 93 times, 22 in player kill combat.
* You have defeated 8 players and lost 17 times in arena combat.
* You are carrying 12 items weighing 13 stones and 4 pebbles.
* You have attained 83 marks, 0 honors, and 1 relationship.
* You are a follower of Selvicia, the Dark Lady. (1 Piety)
* You have 160 building points and 48 reward units.
* Crystal Guild quests completed: 103
* Your PK rating is: 967
* You are currently disguised as: King Cronus
  Appearing as: King Cronus sits proudly on his throne.
* You have the 'nomsgpost' restriction, placed on Wed Jul  7 01:12:01 2010
  by Duende. Expires in approximately 365 hour(s).
  Reason: Trolling -

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1520st> 
[PKTALK C] Ezekail: beans don't burn ont he grill

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 
all talk sup, cholo.
[38] alliance members heard you say, 'sup, cholo.'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 
[ALLIED 30] Nebula: '>>Nebbie<<  cholo.. rofl'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 
all talk what you laugin' at homie, you wanna fight?
[38] alliance members heard you say, 'what you laugin' at homie, you wanna fight?'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 
You are already standing.

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 
hold inh
You stop using the december issue of play gnome.
You hold an inherited Stone of Alyria in your left hand.

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2271sp 1523st> 
You hold very still... concentrating...
Your form shifts and wavers.
You feel normal again.

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2213sp 1465st> 
shift ithril

[ALLIED 30] a covert ops squad leader: 'DoZo. sure'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2215sp 1495st> You hold very still... concentrating...
Your form shifts and wavers.
You transform into an Ithrilis warrior!

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2157sp 1437st> 
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Bougie has challenged Krim to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2157sp 1437st> 
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Krim has accepted Bougie's challenge for Arena combat!'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2157sp 1437st> 
[ALLIED 30] Nebula: '>>Nebbie<<  i would be a chola..'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2162sp 1484st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'I am like passing out'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2162sp 1484st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'why'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2162sp 1484st> 
[ALLIED 30] Nebula: '>>Nebbie<<  i mean, if i were a gangster..'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2167sp 1504st> 

[CLAN] Arcadin: 'I got up at 6'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2167sp 1504st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'ah'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2167sp 1504st> 
all talk I don't speak mexican very well. :[
[38] alliance members heard you say, 'I don't speak mexican very well. :['

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2172sp 1514st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'i woke up around 2:30'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2172sp 1514st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'and my sleep schedule has been so wack'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2172sp 1514st> 
[ALLIED 81] an Ithrilis warrior: '[BUZZKILL]  hey an imposter'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2172sp 1514st> 
ct screw it im skipping work
[11] clan members heard you say, 'screw it im skipping work'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2176sp 1519st> 
[ALLIED 81] Arcadin: 'you're a manly gangster, cholo'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2176sp 1519st> 
[ALLIED 75] Kaczia: 'K|Z You take an oilcloth travel cot.  yay! <3 krim!'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2176sp 1519st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'you bout to come drink with me?'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2176sp 1519st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: ':('

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2176sp 1519st> 
ct sure
[11] clan members heard you say, 'sure'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2176sp 1519st> 
ct ill brt
[11] clan members heard you say, 'ill brt'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[ALLIED 30] Nebula: '>>Nebbie<<  rofl'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'lol'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'haha serious?'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'or fuckin with me'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'asshole'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
ct lets do it
[11] clan members heard you say, 'lets do it'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'thaen is shifted as me'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[PKTALK C] Nyan: Anyone have any advice on getting hugely fat? I eat 30 little debbies per day and can't make it past 185.

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
ct meet you at the gaybar in 20
[11] clan members heard you say, 'meet you at the gaybar in 20'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2180sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'oh fuck you'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2184sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] Arcadin: 'really though, that was a dick move'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[PKTALK C] Tamlin: lol amen

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[PKTALK C] Kuwabara: news flash... 185 is obese now

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[PKTALK C] Garok: thaen is the man

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[PKTALK C] Tuck: you want helthy fatt or unhealthy?

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[PKTALK C] Gulin: Keep the boxes near a chair and sleep in that same spot and never move when possible

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'lololol'

[*][SAFE]<2112hp 2187sp 1523st> 
[CLAN] an Ithrilis warrior: 'he got ur hopes up'