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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: requested

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requested Notorious 2010-08-23 10:36 pm 1842
Tagged in this log: Ezekail, Gulin, Ladykiama, Pointyhat, Santino, Tamlin
me vs 4 or 5 members of clan 139 depending how you look at it. in no form at focault's balrog room.

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Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[AWAY] (Red Aura) ***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) **Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2814sp 1691st> 

Zyros@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2814sp 1691st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> +0hp -85sp +0st
wear vio
put grim tru
You stop using a copy of the Grimoirium Magica.
You hold Voice of ChaoS in your left hand.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> 
You put a copy of the Grimoirium Magica in Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> 
who nowhere

 MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
 [103:241 M   Archon          ] Pointyhat [jabberwocky][<Combat>]
 [108:241 F   Archon          ] Gulin [jabberwocky]
 [60 :240 F    Hero           ] Katran [/>Annwn<\]
 [158:241 M   Legend          ] Santino [jabberwocky][A]
 [140:241 M   Archon          ] Storrm [AbnOrmal]
 [85 :241 M   Archon          ] Ezekail [ChaoS]
 [60 :240 F    Hero           ] Ladykiama [jabberwocky]
 [60 :240 M    Hero           ] Thaen [ChaoS]
 [60 :240 M    Hero           ] Severen [-+[T]wilight+-]
 [83 :241 M   Legend          ] Tamlin [jabberwocky]
 [57 :57  M Gnome Palad       ] Regite
 [51 :231 F Gnome Rogue       ] Warrick [Diversity]
 [121:241 F   Archon          ] Illyria [{Old Mofos}]
 [27 :27  M Ogre  Barba       ] Grunak
 [132:241 M   Archon          ] Enbringer [jabberwocky]
 Total matches: 15.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> 

the shade of Phaustix tells you 'and hurry it up if you can please.'

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> 

A drunken fat man looks at Enbringer.

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> 

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1691st> 
reply erm
You tell Phaustix 'erm'

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1681st> +0hp +0sp -10st
reply can't
You tell Phaustix 'can't'

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1671st> +0hp +0sp -10st

Phaustix tells you 'up'

(Mount: 2473st)
<3255hp 2729sp 1671st> 
reply no ress book
You tell Phaustix 'no ress book'

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> +0hp +136sp +298st
AUCTION: A crimson scroll: going once for 1,000 gp to Orune.

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

[CLAN] Thaen disguised as a drunken fat man: '[o/~] enby is unformed'

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 
l west

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[AWAY] (Red Aura) ***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ****A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) **Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 
l west

Enbringer takes the Mask of Lord Bloodbane from The hollow space where Enbringer's Brain was..

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[AWAY] (Red Aura) ***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ****A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) **Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

The room's shield HUMS and brightens as something runs into it close by.

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

Enbringer wears the Mask of Lord Bloodbane over his face.

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

[CLAN] Thaen disguised as a drunken fat man: '[o/~] and so is tamlin'

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

Enbringer sits down and rests.

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 
ct go kill lady
[8] clan members heard you say, 'go kill lady'

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 
ct i'll get tamlin
[8] clan members heard you say, 'i'll get tamlin'

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 
ct going now
[8] clan members heard you say, 'going now'

(Mount: 2480st)
<3255hp 2865sp 1969st> 

You turn white with fear at the sight of Enbringer!
An unreasonable, uncontrollable fear grips you!
You panic, and attempt to flee.
You pass through the shimmering shield, creating a tear which seamlessly fills up again.

 Elegantly Paneled Hallway                              -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      S      -

  You have entered a well-lit hallway that stretches to the north and
south, elegantly paneled in wood trim on either side.  A octarine-colored
rug stretches the length of the hall, and narrow white doorways beckon on
either side of the walls.  
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.

(Mount: 2484st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> +0hp +34sp +225st

AUCTION: A crimson scroll: going twice for 1,000 gp to Orune.

(Mount: 2484st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
You pass through a shimmering shield, creating a tear which seamlessly fills up again.

 Elegantly Paneled Hallway                              -      #      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      S      -

  You have reached the end of a brightly-lit hallway, elegantly decorated
with wood paneling on either side of the wall.  A dirty window sits to the
north, leading out to what looks to be a narrow ledge.  You can see the top
of the Runic Temple from this height.  
Surrounding the area is a shimmering shield, distorting everything you see.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is resting here.
A drunken fat man passes through the shimmering shield, creating a tear which seamlessly fills up again.

(Mount: 2483st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
k tam
You pass through the shimmering shield, creating a tear which seamlessly fills up again.

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[AWAY] (Red Aura) ***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ****A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) **Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.

(Mount: 2482st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
Not while you're riding a tame dragon.

(Mount: 2482st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
An irritating seagull wakes and stands up.

(Mount: 2482st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2482st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
A drunken fat man enters into combat with Ladykiama.

(Mount: 2482st)
<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
k tam

Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A warm, gold aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
You join the melee opposing Ladykiama.
Ladykiama has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2482st)
([97%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
Not while you're riding a tame dragon.
Ladykiama has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2482st)
([97%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2482st)
([97%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A small bomb thrown by a horrifying, demonic Blarg hits Pointyhat on the head and explodes, causing moderate damage.
Ladykiama has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2482st)
([97%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2482st)
([97%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A drunken fat man's fingertips brush Ladykiama, causing her to shriek in pain.
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2899sp 2194st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Ladykiama!
Ladykiama manages to brush the spiders off her just in time!
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2825sp 2194st> +0hp -74sp +0st
cast 'harm'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2825sp 2194st> 

Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2825sp 2194st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2825sp 2194st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2825sp 2194st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2825sp 2194st> 

Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing middling damage.
Ladykiama begins attacking you!
You skillfully parry Ladykiama's first attack.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
A drunken fat man joins the melee opposing Ladykiama.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2762sp 2182st> +0hp -63sp -12st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2762sp 2182st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
*** Ladykiama's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2762sp 2182st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2482st)
([98%]Thaen)<3255hp 2762sp 2182st> 

A sudden, strong gust of wind causes a drunken fat man to spin about erratically.
A drunken fat man stops following you.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Ladykiama!
*** Ladykiama IS WEBBED ***
You skillfully parry Ladykiama's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by Ladykiama's pierce causing trivial damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Ladykiama's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Ladykiama's pierce causing trifling damage.
Ladykiama dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Ladykiama!
Ladykiama is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the wing with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> -61hp +16sp +13st

AUCTION: A crimson scroll has been sold to Orune for 1,000 gp.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 
cast 'harm'

Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 
Kanis drifts in from the east.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 

A prophet enters into combat with a drunken fat man.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A drunken fat man's fingertips brush Ladykiama, causing her to shriek in pain.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 

An irritating seagull looks at a drunken fat man.
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3194hp 2778sp 2195st> 

Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing moderate damage.
Ladykiama begins attacking you!
Ladykiama's the elder vampire's wing brushes you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the arm by Ladykiama's negative energy causing minimal damage.
Ladykiama fails to hit you with her first attack.
You catch an unknown object on the shield of war.
You are jabbed on the arm by Ladykiama's pierce causing trifling damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Ladykiama!
Ladykiama is struck on the wing with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Ladykiama has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3119hp 2715sp 2183st> -75hp -63sp -12st

Pointyhat attempts to bash a horrifying, demonic Blarg over the head with neverwhen void, but misses.
Ladykiama has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3119hp 2715sp 2183st> 
cast 'harm'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3119hp 2715sp 2183st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3119hp 2715sp 2183st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Ladykiama has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3119hp 2715sp 2183st> 

An irritating seagull enters into combat with a drunken fat man.
Ladykiama has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3119hp 2715sp 2183st> 

You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the wing with your magic causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Ladykiama's first attack.
Ladykiama's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are jabbed on the leg by Ladykiama's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by Ladykiama's pierce causing trivial damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Ladykiama's pierce causing trifling damage.
Ladykiama phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> -56hp -63sp -10st

A puddle of blood is drawn into the depths of the ground.
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 
cast 'harm'

[PKTALK C] Sedell: selling 314 roots...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 

Pointyhat bashes a horrifying, demonic Blarg over the head with neverwhen void.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 
A prophet has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over a drunken fat man!
*** A drunken fat man IS WEBBED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 
A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns a drunken fat man's magic against him!
An aura of red light surrounds a drunken fat man as his spell surges!
A brilliant wall of flames surrounds the area!
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<3063hp 2652sp 2173st> 

You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing moderate damage.
Ladykiama's the elder vampire's wing brushes you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the arm by Ladykiama's negative energy causing paltry damage.
You skillfully parry Ladykiama's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by Ladykiama's pierce causing trivial damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by Ladykiama's pierce causing trivial damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by Ladykiama's pierce causing trivial damage.
Ladykiama parries your first attack.
Ladykiama phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Ladykiama is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2992hp 2589sp 2165st> -71hp -63sp -8st
cast 'harm'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2992hp 2589sp 2165st> 
An irritating seagull slobbers all over herself. What a mess!
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2992hp 2589sp 2165st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
The rainbow aura surrounding Kanis absorbs Tamlin's magic!
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2992hp 2589sp 2165st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2992hp 2589sp 2165st> 

You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing middling damage.
Ladykiama fails to hit you with her first attack.
You skillfully parry Ladykiama's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Ladykiama's pierce causing paltry damage.
Ladykiama fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Ladykiama dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Ladykiama is struck on the wing with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the wing with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2966hp 2526sp 2155st> -26hp -63sp -10st
cast 'harm'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2966hp 2526sp 2155st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2966hp 2526sp 2155st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
An alley cat appears suddenly, looking somewhat confused.
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2966hp 2526sp 2155st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a drunken fat man for a moment, then softly fades.
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2966hp 2526sp 2155st> 
You are using:
<used as light>      the crystal of power (worn) (lit) glows blue!
<worn on finger>     a ring of spell turning (new) glows blue!
<worn on finger>     Band of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn on finger>     a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (new) glows blue!
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn around neck>   Protection of ChaoS (new)
<worn around neck>   Gift of ChaoS (new)
<worn on body>       a seashell breastplate (heavily worn) glows blue!
<worn on head>       (Red Aura) the helm of Divusmors (damaged) glows blue!
<worn over face>     Mask of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn on legs>       neverwhen shinguards (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn on feet>       (Red Aura) boots of heightened resistance (new) glows blue!
<worn on hands>      (Red Aura) the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn) glows blue!
<worn on arms>       (Gold Aura) Mights of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn as shield>     (Gold Aura) the shield of war (new)
<worn on left wing>  neverwhen wingguards (used) glows blue!
<worn on right wing> Wing of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn over shoulder> a black leather quiver
<worn over shoulder> a black leather quiver
<worn about body>    (Invisible) (Red Aura) Jhepp's palpitating soul (new) glows blue!
<worn around body>   Guard of glows blue!
<worn about waist>   neverwhen wrapping (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn around wrist>  a tooth bracelet (heavily worn) glows blue!
<worn around wrist>  a tooth bracelet (slightly worn) glows blue!
<right hand>         (Gold Aura) the seraphic lance of Decara (heavily damaged)
<left hand>          (Gold Aura) Voice of ChaoS (new)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 99   Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Torso   ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 99   Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Arms    ) Pierce: 94   Bash: 94   Slash: 95   Exotic: 94
(Legs    ) Pierce: 99   Bash: 95   Slash: 98   Exotic: 96
(Wings   ) Pierce: 95   Bash: 92   Slash: 95   Exotic: 93

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'lance', the seraphic lance of Decara can cause up to 368 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 98% of the time.
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2486st)
<2966hp 2526sp 2155st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
Pointyhat's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into a horrifying, demonic Blarg!
You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing middling damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Ladykiama's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Ladykiama's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Ladykiama's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Ladykiama's pierce causing slight damage.
Ladykiama catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
Ladykiama is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Ladykiama parries your fourth attack.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2553sp 2180st> -35hp +27sp +25st
cast 'harm'

An irritating seagull begins to play a tune on a well-crafted violin...
A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2553sp 2180st> 

AUCTION: Example has put a small pouch of lich bone dust up for auction. Minimum bid is 20,000 gp.
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2553sp 2180st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2553sp 2180st> 

The head of Ladykiama crumbles into dust.
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2553sp 2180st> 

Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2553sp 2180st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
*** An irritating seagull IS CURSED ***
An irritating seagull has completed her song.
*** A drunken fat man IS SLOWED ***
You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing great damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Ladykiama!
Ladykiama is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing great damage.
Ladykiama screams in agony.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2490sp 2168st> +0hp -63sp -12st

An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
Ladykiama screams in agony.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2490sp 2168st> 
cast 'harm'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Ladykiama screams in agony.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2490sp 2168st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Ladykiama screams in agony.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2490sp 2168st> 

Ladykiama has completed her casting.
Ladykiama screams in agony.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2931hp 2490sp 2168st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
You have completed your casting.
Ladykiama seems to age before your eyes as your deadly touch drains raw life force from her body.
Ladykiama is zapped on the torso with your magic causing extensive damage.
Ladykiama fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Ladykiama's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Ladykiama's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Ladykiama's pierce causing trifling damage.
Ladykiama dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing giant damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing extensive damage.
Ladykiama is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing tremendous damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Ladykiama is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 2158st> -42hp -63sp -10st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Ladykiama is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 2158st> 
You bash Ladykiama over the head with the shield of war.
Ladykiama is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage.
Ladykiama has been slain!
Your bash knocks Ladykiama's head against a rock so hard that it kills her.
Your blood freezes as you hear Ladykiama's death cry.
Ladykiama's disembodied spirit rises from her ravaged corpse.
The head of Ladykiama falls to the ground.
Ladykiama's corpse crumbles into dust.
Ladykiama turns translucent.
Ladykiama stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Ladykiama stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Ladykiama's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Ladykiama stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Ladykiama blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Ladykiama vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 1908st> +0hp +0sp -250st

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 1908st> 
k tam
Not while you're riding a tame dragon.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 1908st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 1908st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 1908st> 

Tamlin begins attacking you!
Tamlin is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2889hp 2427sp 1908st> 
k poi

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the arm by Tamlin's energy causing paltry damage.
You skillfully parry Tamlin's second attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing trifling damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Tamlin's energy causing slight damage.
Tamlin catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trivial damage.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> -69hp +0sp -12st
Wait until Pointyhat is done fighting.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 
cast 'counterspell'

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns a drunken fat man's magic against him!
A drunken fat man's spell backfires!
*** A drunken fat man IS FATIGUED ***
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

A drunken fat man looks at an irritating seagull.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg breathes out a cloud of poisonous gas!
*** Pointyhat IS POISONED ***
A blueberry danish has been tainted.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

AUCTION: Hullu bids 20,000 gp on a small pouch of lich bone dust.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2820hp 2427sp 1896st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's second attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Tamlin's energy causing slight damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Tamlin's energy causing slight damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Tamlin nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
<2776hp 2358sp 1886st> -44hp -69sp -10st
play G C B G Cb A
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
[o/~]<2776hp 2358sp 1886st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2490st)
[o/~]<2776hp 2358sp 1886st> 

A drunken fat man struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2825hp 2418sp 2033st> +49hp +60sp +147st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2825hp 2418sp 2033st> 

AUCTION: A small pouch of lich bone dust: going once for 20,000 gp to Hullu.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2825hp 2418sp 2033st> 
A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2825hp 2418sp 2033st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
*** you ARE BLINDED ***
You have completed your song.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Something has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds something for a moment, then softly fades.
Something slowly fades and silently vanishes.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing trifling damage.
You are harmed on the arm by someone's energy causing slight damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing trifling damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing trifling damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2762hp 2418sp 2023st> -63hp +0sp -10st

Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2762hp 2418sp 2023st> 
play G A A A C B
You begin to play a tune on something...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2762hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
The spell shield surrounding someone absorbs someone's magic!
The shimmering bands of light surrounding someone fade and vanish.
Someone has completed her casting.
*** Someone IS CURSED ***
Something begins muttering an incantation...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2762hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Growling audibly, Tamlin's legendary timepiece 'Animexedon' smacks its lips expectantly, as if craving brains.
Something crumbles into dust.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2762hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2762hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing trifling damage.
You are harmed on the arm by someone's energy causing slight damage.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> -73hp +0sp +0st
cast 'cure blind'
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone has completed her casting.
*** Someone IS FAERIE FIRED ***
You have completed your song.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> 
cast 'cure blind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Something has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds something for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2418sp 2023st> 

Someone has completed her casting.
Someone turns someone's magic against him!
Someone's spell backfires!
*** Someone IS WEAKENED ***
Someone has completed his evocation.
The ground beneath you becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
You slip in the muck and fall down!
You join the melee opposing someone.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2364sp 2023st> +0hp -54sp +0st

Something begins muttering an incantation...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2364sp 2023st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2689hp 2364sp 2023st> 
cast 'cure blind'

You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your fourth attack.
You are harmed on the arm by someone's energy causing slight damage.
You dodge out of the way of someone's second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing paltry damage.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> -42hp +0sp -1st

Someone has completed her casting.
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> 

Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2647hp 2364sp 2022st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg fades out of existence.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trifling damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2642hp 2310sp 2010st> -5hp -54sp -12st
play G A A A C B
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2642hp 2310sp 2010st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
A prophet has completed his casting.
Kanis is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Kanis staggers and steps back a foot.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2642hp 2310sp 2010st> 

An irritating seagull stops using an admantite breastplate.
An irritating seagull wears a powder blue bridesmaid's dress on her body.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2642hp 2310sp 2010st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2642hp 2310sp 2010st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
*** an irritating seagull's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
You resist the effects of Tamlin's magic!
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg fades into existence.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2704hp 2400sp 2105st> +62hp +90sp +95st

Pointyhat stops using -=?Aarons?=-.
Pointyhat holds a decayed werewolf canine in his left hand.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2704hp 2400sp 2105st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2704hp 2400sp 2105st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2704hp 2400sp 2105st> 
AUCTION: A small pouch of lich bone dust: going twice for 20,000 gp to Hullu.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2704hp 2400sp 2105st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2704hp 2400sp 2105st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
You have completed your song.
You create a very small temporospatial claudication directly around Tamlin's body, and Tamlin's time field becomes slightly out of sync with everyone else.
A prophet has completed his casting.
Kanis is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Kanis's grip on his weapon loosens.
Kanis slowly settles back to the ground.
Kanis seems to have adopted a less aggressive stance.
Kanis staggers and steps back a foot.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> +0hp -105sp -126st
remo weap
wear holly
You stop using the seraphic lance of Decara.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 
You wield Epitome of ChaoS in your right hand.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 
A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A drunken fat man's fingertips brush an irritating seagull, causing her to shriek in pain.
Tamlin has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 

An irritating seagull begins reciting an invocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2704hp 2295sp 1979st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your first attack.
Tamlin is harmed on the head with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trifling damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the head with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's second attack.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> -40hp +0sp -3st
play G C B G Cb A

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her invocation.
An irritating seagull stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
A prophet has completed his casting.
Kanis is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
The white aura surrounding Kanis fades away.
Kanis staggers and steps back a foot.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A drunken fat man's fingertips brush an irritating seagull, causing her to shriek in pain.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 
A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2664hp 2295sp 1976st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
You have completed your song.
*** Tamlin IS SLOWED ***
Tamlin catches Epitome of ChaoS on neverwhen void.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the leg with your energy causing slight damage.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing trifling damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> -43hp -86sp -119st
cast 'curse'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns a drunken fat man's magic against him!
An aura of red light surrounds a drunken fat man as his spell surges!
Smoke trickles from a drunken fat man's ears for awhile, then stops.
A prophet has completed his casting.
Kanis is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Kanis fades into visibility.
The shield of flames surrounding Kanis sputters and goes out.
Kanis staggers and steps back a foot.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 
Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 
A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2209sp 1857st> 

You have completed your casting.
*** Tamlin IS CURSED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> +0hp -54sp -4st
play A A# B B# E E#
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
A prophet has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Kanis!
*** Kanis IS WEBBED ***
Kanis enters into combat with a prophet.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 

A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A drunken fat man's fingertips brush an irritating seagull, causing her to shriek in pain.
Tamlin has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 
An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 

A drunken fat man begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2621hp 2155sp 1853st> 

You have completed your song.
*** Tamlin IS WEAKENED ***
Tamlin catches Epitome of ChaoS on neverwhen void.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing slight damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the leg with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trivial damage.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing slight damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2560hp 2131sp 1787st> -61hp -24sp -66st
cast 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2560hp 2131sp 1787st> 

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2560hp 2131sp 1787st> 

A prophet has completed his casting.
Kanis is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
The pink glow surrounding Kanis slowly fades away.
The rainbow aura surrounding Kanis flickers and vanishes.
Kanis is no longer moving quickly.
Kanis staggers and steps back a foot.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2560hp 2131sp 1787st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
A drunken fat man has completed his casting.
A drunken fat man's fingertips brush an irritating seagull, causing her to shriek in pain.
An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
*** a drunken fat man IS BLINDED ***
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** Tamlin RESISTED POISON ***
Kanis seems to relax.
*** A prophet IS WEBBED ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
AUCTION: Exeas bids 20,500 gp on a small pouch of lich bone dust.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2629hp 2154sp 1976st> +69hp +23sp +189st

AUCTION: A small pouch of lich bone dust: going once for 20,500 gp to Exeas.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2629hp 2154sp 1976st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2629hp 2154sp 1976st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
*** you ARE PLAGUED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin is harmed on the leg with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the head with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2154sp 1972st> -35hp +0sp -4st

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2154sp 1972st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2154sp 1972st> 
cast 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2154sp 1972st> 
An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2154sp 1972st> 

You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** Tamlin RESISTED POISON ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto Thaen!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2087sp 1972st> +0hp -67sp +0st

Pointyhat raises a decayed werewolf canine and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2087sp 1972st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2087sp 1972st> 

A prophet's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes Kanis!
*** Kanis's IS BLINDED ***
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2594hp 2087sp 1972st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
*** you ARE BLINDED ***
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Something bursts into flame!
Someone is harmed on the head with your energy causing minimal damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading someone's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> -59hp +0sp -1st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 

Someone has completed her casting.
Someone turns someone's magic against him!
An aura of red light surrounds someone as his spell surges!
Someone struggles to keep the magical field together, but the forces crackle and whip around him!
There is a deafening BOOM, and someone turns into a pillar of flames!
Your blood freezes as you hear someone's death cry.
[CLAN] Thaen has been slain!
Someone looks more like himself again.
Someone's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, someone.' something says. 'I've been looking for you.'
Something swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
Something falls to the ground.
Someone's corpse crumbles into dust.
Someone turns translucent.
Someone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Someone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Someone's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Someone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Someone blinks rapidly, several times.
Someone's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
Someone seems to relax.
Santino's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips Bougie's magic away.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 

Someone quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Someone seems to be less impaired.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 

Someone quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Someone is no longer blinded.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2535hp 2087sp 1971st> 

Someone has completed his evocation.
You have completed your casting.
Your target doesn't appear to be available anymore.
Something has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds something for a moment, then softly fades.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone catches Epitome of ChaoS on something.
Someone is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing trivial damage.
Someone is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing trifling damage.
You dodge out of the way of someone's second attack.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> -51hp +0sp -3st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 
cast 'cure blind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

[CLAN] An awe-inspiring voice: '+minase+ supersecret run info here *edited*'
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
*** Someone IS CURSED ***
Bougie's the legendary timepiece 'Nexxador' glows brightly as it strips Santino magic away.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

Someone's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes someone!
*** someone's IS BLINDED ***
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

Someone stops using something.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
Something begins muttering an incantation...
Something thrown by something hits someone on the torso and explodes, causing moderate damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2484hp 2087sp 1968st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
Kanis has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Tamlin is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your first attack.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trivial damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trivial damage.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Tamlin's energy causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> -53hp -54sp -3st

Pointyhat holds -=?Aarons?=- in his left hand.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 
cast 'cure blind'

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 

Kanis quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Kanis seems to be less impaired.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 

Kanis quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Kanis is no longer blinded.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 

Pointyhat stops using -=?Aarons?=-.
Pointyhat holds a spellbook bound in octarine leather in his left hand.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 

An irritating seagull begins reciting an invocation...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 
A prophet enters into combat with the incarnation of death.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2431hp 2033sp 1965st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
You aren't blind.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
An elderly goat appears suddenly, looking somewhat confused.
The incarnation of death's dark power stops a prophet's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!
The incarnation of death begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Tamlin is harmed on the leg with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trifling damage.
You fail to hit Tamlin with your second attack.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
You catch a twisted holly wood wand on the shield of war.
You are harmed on the leg by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2402hp 1979sp 1962st> -29hp -54sp -3st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2402hp 1979sp 1962st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2402hp 1979sp 1962st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2402hp 1979sp 1962st> 

(Mount: 2493st)
<2402hp 1979sp 1962st> 

Kanis begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2402hp 1979sp 1962st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
An irritating seagull has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds an irritating seagull for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet has completed his casting.
*** The incarnation of death IS FAERIE FIRED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2420hp 1994sp 1981st> +18hp +15sp +19st

AUCTION: A small pouch of lich bone dust: going twice for 20,500 gp to Exeas.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2420hp 1994sp 1981st> 

A prophet begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2420hp 1994sp 1981st> 

An irritating seagull begins reciting an invocation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2420hp 1994sp 1981st> 

The incarnation of death has completed his casting.
A prophet turns white and shudders momentarily.
Tamlin has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Tamlin!
*** Tamlin IS WEBBED ***
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the leg with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trifling damage.
You catch a twisted holly wood wand on the shield of war.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing slight damage.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> -20hp -74sp -3st

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 

Kanis has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Kanis for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 
play A A# B B# E E#
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds an irritating seagull for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet has completed his song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
*** A horrifying, demonic Blarg IS CURSED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 

[CLAN] The shade of Thaen: '[o/~] You struggle to keep the magical field together, but the forces crackle and whip around you! There is a deafening BOOM, and you turn into a pillar of flames!'
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 
Kanis stops using a holy symbol of Vandyne.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 
A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2400hp 1920sp 1978st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your song.
*** Tamlin IS WEAKENED ***
You have increased the duration of the spell 'weaken' on Tamlin.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1896sp 1916st> +0hp -24sp -62st

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1896sp 1916st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1896sp 1916st> 

Bling Bling Kanis is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2400hp 1896sp 1916st> 

A prophet has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a prophet for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing slight damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the arm with your energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> -5hp +0sp -4st

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
You can no longer detect auras.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
Tamlin's the Book of Eight surrounds him with a white aura.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
*** A horrifying, demonic Blarg IS WEBBED ***
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> 
remo weap
wear staff
You stop using Epitome of ChaoS.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> 

Kanis wears a holy symbol of Vandyne around his neck.
Kanis begins glowing with a bright light!
Kanis glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> 
You wield a poison green Magus staff in your right hand.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2395hp 1896sp 1912st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is smashed on the head with your bash causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is smashed on the head with your bash causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2296hp 1896sp 1907st> -99hp +0sp -5st

A prophet has completed his casting.
A prophet is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2296hp 1896sp 1907st> 
use staff
You bang a poison green Magus staff on the ground, and a bolt of lightning arcs up the side of the staff to discharge overhead in a wide array of forks.
A stinking cloud of poisonous, greenish vapors billows into the area.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2296hp 1896sp 1907st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
[CLAN] Nayuki: '+minase+ least they didnt kill you'
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2296hp 1896sp 1907st> 

Pointyhat bashes a horrifying, demonic Blarg over the head with neverwhen void.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2296hp 1896sp 1907st> 

Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is smashed on the torso with your bash causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is smashed on the head with your bash causing minimal damage.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's second attack.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2261hp 1896sp 1900st> -35hp +0sp -7st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2261hp 1896sp 1900st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2261hp 1896sp 1900st> 
Kanis stops using magical bagpipes.
Kanis holds a chipped orb of Vandemaar in his left hand.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2261hp 1896sp 1900st> 
remo weap
wear hol
You stop using a poison green Magus staff.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2261hp 1896sp 1900st> 
You wield the seraphic lance of Decara in your right hand.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2261hp 1896sp 1900st> 

Pointyhat's force shield dissipates.
*** Pointyhat LOST POISON ****
Tamlin struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg struggles mightily against the webs which hold it in place.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1923st> +20hp +22sp +23st

AUCTION: A small pouch of lich bone dust has been sold to Exeas for 20,500 gp.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1923st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1923st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull looks less afflicted.
An irritating seagull looks more relaxed.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body, but nothing else seems to happen.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Tamlin's first attack.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his second attack.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1913st> +0hp +0sp -10st

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1913st> 

Kanis stops using a chipped orb of Vandemaar.
Kanis holds Some Hidden Shrubbery in his left hand.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1913st> 
eat bright
You eat a bright yellow herbal mixture.
The disease affecting your body seems to lessen somewhat.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1913st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2281hp 1918sp 1913st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
A prophet has completed his casting.
A prophet is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Tamlin!
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Tamlin's energy causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1918sp 1906st> -86hp +0sp -7st

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
Surrounding the area is an intense wall of flames, smoking and sparking.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
An elderly goat is here, chewing some grass.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
(Red Aura) *Kanis the fey assassin is here, resting his head upon the bar.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting YOU! [65%]
[AWAY] (Red Aura) ***A red robed prophet is here attempting to look all knowing.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ****A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1918sp 1906st> 
cast 'counterspell'

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1918sp 1906st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1918sp 1906st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1918sp 1906st> 

Kanis stops using an admantite breastplate.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1918sp 1906st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Tamlin's magic against him!
Tamlin's spell backfires!
*** Tamlin IS BLINDED ***
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1849sp 1906st> +0hp -69sp +0st
eat bright

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
You eat a bright yellow herbal mixture.
You feel relieved as your disease is cured.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2195hp 1849sp 1906st> 

A prophet has completed his casting.
Kanis is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Kanis's force shield dissipates.
Bougie's form shimmers and returns to his normal shape.
The white aura surrounding Bougie fades away.
Bougie staggers and steps back a foot.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing paltry damage.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2119hp 1849sp 1897st> -76hp +0sp -9st

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2119hp 1849sp 1897st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2119hp 1849sp 1897st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2119hp 1849sp 1897st> 

Bougie wears an admantite breastplate on his body.
Bougie stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2119hp 1849sp 1897st> 
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2119hp 1849sp 1897st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing paltry damage.
You skillfully parry Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> +55hp -30sp -10st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> 

A prophet has completed his casting.
A prophet is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> 

An irritating seagull begins to play a tune on a well-crafted violin...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> 

A prophet enters into combat with Bougie.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2174hp 1819sp 1887st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her song.
A warm, gold aura surrounds an irritating seagull for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin seems to be less impaired.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Tamlin is struck by a shard of ice!
Tamlin is frozen on the torso with your frost causing mild damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
A small cloud forms above a horrifying, demonic Blarg's head, ominously shooting out a small lightning bolt before disappearing.
Tamlin nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Tamlin with your second attack.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing paltry damage.
You skillfully parry Tamlin's first attack.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his second attack.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1745sp 1880st> -7hp -74sp -7st

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1745sp 1880st> 

An irritating seagull begins to play a tune on a well-crafted violin...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1745sp 1880st> 

Bougie stops using a holy symbol of Vandyne.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1745sp 1880st> 
You bash Tamlin over the head with the shield of war.
Tamlin is smashed on the head with your bash causing modest damage.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1745sp 1630st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Tamlin struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
Bougie struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg struggles mightily against the webs which hold it in place.
A prophet has completed his casting.
Bougie is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
*** Bougie LOST WEB ***
Bougie staggers and steps back a foot.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg throws a small poison bomb at Pointyhat!
A cloud of noxious green gas streams from a small poison bomb.
*** Pointyhat IS POISONED ***
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2273hp 1835sp 1885st> +106hp +90sp +255st

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2273hp 1835sp 1885st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her song.
A warm, gold aura surrounds an irritating seagull for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has completed his evocation.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing paltry damage.
Tamlin nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> -66hp +0sp -7st
play G C B G Cb A
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> 

Bougie quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> 

A prophet has completed his casting.
Bougie is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Bougie looks less afflicted.
Bougie looks less afflicted.
Bougie staggers and steps back a foot.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> 

A prophet begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> 

Bougie quaffs a black liquid from a swirling black potion.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2207hp 1835sp 1878st> 

You have completed your song.
Tamlin is already moving slowly.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Tamlin!
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trifling damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing paltry damage.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2189hp 1749sp 1751st> -18hp -86sp -127st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2189hp 1749sp 1751st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is no longer blinded.
An elderly goat slowly fades and silently vanishes.
Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2189hp 1749sp 1751st> 

A prophet has completed his casting.
*** Bougie IS CURSED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2189hp 1749sp 1751st> 

A prophet's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes Bougie!
*** Bougie's RESISTED BLIND ***.
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2189hp 1749sp 1751st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2189hp 1749sp 1751st> 
c haste

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Tamlin is struck by a shard of ice!
Tamlin is frozen on the torso with your frost causing middling damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing trifling damage.
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> -10hp -74sp -12st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> 

Bougie's a jar full of angry bees goes 'buzz, buzz'.
The head of Phaustix crumbles into dust.
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> 

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1675sp 1739st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc flares brightly and vanishes!
You have increased the duration of the spell 'haste'.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
You fail to hit Tamlin with your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> +0hp -54sp -9st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

A prophet enters into combat with the incarnation of death.
Tamlin looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
The incarnation of death's dark power stops a prophet's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from Band of ChaoS.
You turn white with fear at the sight of Bougie!
The Ring of Lord Agrippa Tamlin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

A prophet panics, and attempts to flee.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1621sp 1730st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Bougie is struck by a shard of ice!
Bougie is frozen on the torso with your frost causing middling damage.
Bougie begins attacking you!
Bougie is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Bougie is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Bougie is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Bougie is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1547sp 1718st> +0hp -74sp -12st

A prophet begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1547sp 1718st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
Bougie seems to relax.
A scarcely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy radiates from Bougie in concentric circles, permeating the area.
The incarnation of death's dark power stops a prophet's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!
The incarnation of death begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2179hp 1547sp 1718st> 
play G C B G G Db
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2179hp 1547sp 1718st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
The shield of flames surrounding Tamlin sputters and goes out.
Tamlin struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg struggles mightily against the webs which hold it in place.
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2284hp 1637sp 1936st> +105hp +90sp +218st

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2284hp 1637sp 1936st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
A prophet has completed his song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the head by Bougie's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Bougie's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Bougie's energy causing minimal damage.
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2167hp 1637sp 1936st> -117hp +0sp +0st
ct k tamlin

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2167hp 1637sp 1936st> 
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2167hp 1637sp 1936st> 
[8] clan members heard you say, 'k tamlin'
Bougie has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2167hp 1637sp 1936st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 
A prophet begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> +0hp -43sp -106st
cast 'bathe'

A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

An irritating seagull delivers a roundhouse kick to the incarnation of death, connecting solidly.
The incarnation of death enters into combat with an irritating seagull.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

The incarnation of death has completed his casting.
The incarnation of death's dark power stops a prophet's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!
A prophet has been slain!
The incarnation of death grabs a prophet about the throat and he turns a deathly white and falls to the ground, dead.
Your blood freezes as you hear a prophet's death cry.
Santino looks more like himself again.
Santino's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Santino.' the incarnation of death says. 'Your time is at hand.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Santino falls to the ground.
Santino's corpse crumbles into dust.
Santino turns translucent.
Santino stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Santino stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Santino's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Santino stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Santino blinks rapidly, several times.
Santino's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

Bougie stops using the crystal of power.
Bougie stops using the ring of the serpent.
Bougie stops using Bling Bling.
Bougie stops using a faceted garnet pendant.
Bougie stops using an admantite breastplate.
Bougie stops using neverwhen millinery.
Bougie stops using neverwhen shinguards.
Bougie stops using the boots of shame.
Bougie stops using the claws of a dracolich.
Bougie stops using neverwhen elbowpads.
Bougie stops using a seashell-covered shield.
Bougie stops using a sturdy steel codpiece.
Bougie stops using the legendary timepiece 'Nexxador'.
Bougie stops using a bracelet of the elements.
Bougie stops using the wand of the dark.
Bougie stops using Some Hidden Shrubbery.
Bougie stops using neverwhen wingguards.
Bougie stops using Red Bull Gave me these.
Bougie stops using an amulet of reinforcement.
Bougie stops using an Enormously HUGE tacky Clock.
Bougie stops using a spectral aura.
Bougie stops using a green leather quiver.
Bougie stops using a green leather quiver.
Bougie stops using a gold wedding band.
Bougie stops using Boogie Woogie.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

Bougie holds a small flash bomb in his left hand.
Bougie holds a small flash bomb in his right hand.
Bougie wears Boogie Woogie over his face.
Bougie wears the ring of the serpent on his left finger.
Bougie begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
Bougie wears the legendary timepiece 'Nexxador' around his left wrist.
Bougie wears a faceted garnet pendant around his neck.
Bougie wears neverwhen millinery on his head.
Bougie wears a seashell-covered shield as a shield.
Bougie turns translucent.
Bougie wears a sturdy steel codpiece about his waist.
Bougie wears an admantite breastplate on his body.
Bougie stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Bougie wears the boots of shame on his feet.
Bougie is briefly surrounded by a faint blue aura.
Bougie wears a holy symbol of Vandyne around his neck.
Bougie begins glowing with a bright light!
Bougie glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
Bougie wears neverwhen wingguards on his left wing.
Bougie wears the claws of a dracolich on his hands.
Bougie's hands seem to shimmer for a moment.
Bougie wears Bling Bling on his right finger.
Bougie wears a gold wedding band on his finger.
Bougie holds the crystal of power.
Bougie wears a bracelet of the elements around his right wrist.
Bougie dissolves before your eyes.
Bougie wears a green leather quiver around his left shoulder.
Bougie wears neverwhen elbowpads on his arms.
Bougie glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around Bougie.
Bougie wears a green leather quiver around his right shoulder.
Bougie wears neverwhen shinguards on his legs.
Bougie wears an amulet of reinforcement around his neck.
Bougie wears Red Bull Gave me these on his right wing.
Bougie's muscles surge with increased strength.
Bougie wears a spectral aura about his body.
Bougie wears an Enormously HUGE tacky Clock around his neck.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 
k tam

An irritating seagull begins to play a tune on a well-crafted violin...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 
You can't do that while casting a spell!

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1594sp 1830st> 

You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A bluish glow emanates from an Ithrilis warrior's being, regenerating his constitution.

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> +0hp -64sp +0st
k tam
Not while you're riding a tame dragon.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 
[CLAN] Nayuki: '+minase+ thos there is like 3 of them in combat in there'

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

Siege@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 
k tam
Not while you're riding a tame dragon.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

Bougie stops using a small flash bomb.
Bougie stops using a small flash bomb.
Bougie wields the wand of the dark in his right hand.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 
Bougie turns white with fear at the sight of you!
Bougie panics, and attempts to flee.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 
k tamlin
You lunge towards Tamlin, but he dodges out of the way.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

Bougie holds magical bagpipes in his left hand.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as Bougie's skin hardens.
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 
k tamlin
You lunge towards Tamlin, but he dodges out of the way.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

An irritating seagull begins attacking you!
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 
k tamlin
Wait until you are done with your current battle.
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2167hp 1530sp 1830st> 

Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull disappears with a BANG and reappears a few feet away, out of the range of your holy wrath.
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> -175hp +0sp -6st

[PKTALK C] Chaosfire: selling: (Gold Aura) the gnarled root of an evergreen
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 
An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 
play G C B G Cb A
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg's skin suddenly turns bright yellow; then fades back to normal.
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
*** An Ithrilis warrior SLOW RESISTED ***
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 

(Mount: 2493st)
<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 

Tamlin struggles vainly against the webs which hold him in place.
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1992hp 1530sp 1824st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
*** Tamlin LOST SLOW ***
The power of Ithrilis moves through your being.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg struggles mightily against the webs which hold it in place.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your second attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> +345hp +60sp +165st
cast 'counterspell'

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
Nothing happens.
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> 

[CLAN] Thaen: '[o/~] I was in combat with gulin'
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> 
Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2337hp 1590sp 1989st> 

The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You skillfully parry an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through an irritating seagull!
An irritating seagull is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2191hp 1590sp 1981st> -146hp +0sp -8st
cast 'counterspell'

An irritating seagull begins to play a tune on a well-crafted violin...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2191hp 1590sp 1981st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2191hp 1590sp 1981st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2191hp 1590sp 1981st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn an irritating seagull's magic against her!
An irritating seagull's spell backfires!
*** An irritating seagull IS SLOWED ***
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2191hp 1521sp 1981st> +0hp -69sp +0st

Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2191hp 1521sp 1981st> 

Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
An irritating seagull fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull parries your second attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> -60hp +0sp -8st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> 

[ALLIED 81] Nayuki: 'Santino delayed at 21:15. I have delayed Santino 64 time(s). Total delays: 354.'
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> 
remo weap
wea rhol
You stop using the seraphic lance of Decara.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> 
You can't see the weather indoors.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2131hp 1521sp 1973st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
A bluish glow emanates from Bougie's being, regenerating his constitution.

Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2014hp 1521sp 1973st> -117hp +0sp +0st

An irritating seagull begins to play a tune on a well-crafted violin...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2014hp 1521sp 1973st> 
tell seagull .
You tell Gulin '.'
She is currently in combat and may not see your tell.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2014hp 1521sp 1963st> +0hp +0sp -10st

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over an irritating seagull!
*** An irritating seagull IS WEBBED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2014hp 1447sp 1963st> +0hp -74sp +0st

Pointyhat bashes a horrifying, demonic Blarg over the head with neverwhen void.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2014hp 1447sp 1963st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Some blood and guts are on the ground.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
Surrounding the area is an intense wall of flames, smoking and sparking.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 30] (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ****A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2014hp 1447sp 1963st> 
cast 'poison'

An irritating seagull has completed her song.
*** an irritating seagull's SLOW RESISTED ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your second attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the torso with your bash causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the arm with your bash causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing superficial damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1941hp 1447sp 1961st> -73hp +0sp -2st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1941hp 1447sp 1961st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1941hp 1447sp 1961st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1941hp 1447sp 1961st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
*** an Ithrilis warrior RESISTED POISON ***
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1941hp 1447sp 1961st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
The power of Ithrilis moves through your being.
*** A horrifying, demonic Blarg LOST WEB ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your third attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the torso with your bash causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trivial damage.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> +374hp +60sp +114st
cast 'poison'

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 
Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 

Tamlin struggles vainly against the webs which hold him in place.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
A small cloud forms above your head, ominously shooting out a small lightning bolt before disappearing.
Bougie has completed his casting.
A swirling rainbow aura silently shimmers into being around Bougie.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2315hp 1507sp 2075st> 

You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your second attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the leg with your bash causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the leg with your bash causing trifling damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2276hp 1507sp 2073st> -39hp +0sp -2st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2276hp 1507sp 2073st> 
cast 'poison'

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2276hp 1507sp 2073st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2276hp 1507sp 2073st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around Bougie.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2276hp 1507sp 2073st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
*** an Ithrilis warrior RESISTED POISON ***
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2276hp 1507sp 2073st> 

Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You catch a vitriolic naginata on the shield of war.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your third attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the arm with your bash causing trivial damage.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2188hp 1507sp 2072st> -88hp +0sp -1st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2188hp 1507sp 2072st> 
cast 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2188hp 1507sp 2072st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his invocation.
Bougie seems to relax.
Bougie stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2188hp 1507sp 2072st> 
cast 'poison'

You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** an irritating seagull IS POISONED ***
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2188hp 1440sp 2072st> 
An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
With a flick of her wrist, an irritating seagull produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards an Ithrilis warrior!
With a flick of her wrist, an irritating seagull produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards you!
The fist-sized ember caroms off your leg!
You are smashed on the leg by an irritating seagull's bash causing mild damage.
The flying ember careens off into the distance!
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading an irritating seagull's second attack.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your third attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the arm with your bash causing trifling damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2021hp 1440sp 2071st> 
An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2021hp 1440sp 2071st> 
An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
Bougie seems to relax.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2021hp 1440sp 2071st> 
*** Tamlin IS POISONED ***
*** A horrifying, demonic Blarg IS POISONED ***
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2021hp 1440sp 2071st> 
Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2021hp 1440sp 2071st> 
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your third attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the head with your bash causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1936hp 1440sp 2070st> 
An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1936hp 1440sp 2070st> 
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
*** Pointyhat IS SILENCED ***
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1936hp 1440sp 2070st> -252hp -67sp -2st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1936hp 1440sp 2070st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Bougie seems to relax.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as a circular patch of air is hardened in front of Bougie.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1936hp 1440sp 2070st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1936hp 1440sp 2070st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
An irritating seagull struggles mightily against the webs which hold her in place.
The rippling effect in the space about Tamlin seems to dissipate.
Tamlin shivers and suffers.
The power of Ithrilis moves through your being.
Burning embers sear into your body!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg shivers and suffers.
An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
An irritating seagull is distracted by something, and fumbles her evocation.
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** an irritating seagull RESISTED POISON ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the leg with your bash causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the torso with your bash causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the arm with your bash causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing superficial damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg lashes Pointyhat with its tail.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2306hp 1463sp 2137st> +370hp +23sp +67st
cast 'poison'

An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2306hp 1463sp 2137st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2306hp 1463sp 2137st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin looks less afflicted.
Tamlin looks less afflicted.
Tamlin looks more relaxed.
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** an irritating seagull IS POISONED ***
You have increased the duration of the spell 'poison' on an irritating seagull.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2306hp 1396sp 2137st> +0hp -67sp +0st

An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading an irritating seagull's second attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the torso with your bash causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the head with your bash causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trivial damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the head with your bash causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trivial damage.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1396sp 2134st> -87hp +0sp -3st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1396sp 2134st> 
An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1396sp 2134st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1396sp 2134st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over an Ithrilis warrior!
An Ithrilis warrior manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1396sp 2134st> 

You slip between planes for a moment, evading an irritating seagull's first attack.
An irritating seagull fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your second attack.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the arm with your bash causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull is smashed on the torso with your bash causing slight damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2187hp 1396sp 2132st> -32hp +0sp -2st

An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2187hp 1396sp 2132st> 

Bougie enters into combat with Tamlin.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2187hp 1396sp 2132st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2187hp 1396sp 2132st> 

A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around Bougie's form.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2187hp 1396sp 2132st> 

Pointyhat takes the Stone of Alyria from Vandemaar's Trunk.
Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2187hp 1396sp 2132st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2277hp 1366sp 2132st> +90hp -30sp +0st

An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
An irritating seagull fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your first attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your second attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your third attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your fourth attack.
Pointyhat takes a moonstone cabochon from Vandemaar's Trunk.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> -73hp +0sp +0st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 
wear lance

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
Tamlin seems to be suffering less.
Bougie seems to relax.
Bougie's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Tamlin!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
Pointyhat is surrounded by a pink outline.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 
You wield the seraphic lance of Decara in your right hand.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 

Pointyhat stops using a spellbook bound in octarine leather.
Pointyhat holds a moonstone cabochon in his left hand.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 
You are using:
<used as light>      the crystal of power (worn) (lit) glows blue!
<worn on finger>     a ring of spell turning (new) glows blue!
<worn on finger>     Band of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn on finger>     a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (new) glows blue!
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn around neck>   Protection of ChaoS (new)
<worn around neck>   Gift of ChaoS (new)
<worn on body>       a seashell breastplate (heavily worn) glows blue!
<worn on head>       (Red Aura) the helm of Divusmors (damaged) glows blue!
<worn over face>     Mask of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn on legs>       neverwhen shinguards (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn on feet>       (Red Aura) boots of heightened resistance (new) glows blue!
<worn on hands>      (Red Aura) the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn) glows blue!
<worn on arms>       (Gold Aura) Mights of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn as shield>     (Gold Aura) the shield of war (new)
<worn on left wing>  neverwhen wingguards (used) glows blue!
<worn on right wing> Wing of ChaoS (new) glows blue!
<worn over shoulder> a black leather quiver
<worn over shoulder> a black leather quiver
<worn about body>    (Invisible) (Red Aura) Jhepp's palpitating soul (new) glows blue!
<worn around body>   Guard of glows blue!
<worn about waist>   neverwhen wrapping (slightly worn) glows blue!
<worn around wrist>  a tooth bracelet (heavily worn) glows blue!
<worn around wrist>  a tooth bracelet (slightly worn) glows blue!
<right hand>         (Gold Aura) the seraphic lance of Decara (heavily damaged)
<left hand>          (Gold Aura) Voice of ChaoS (new)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 99   Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Torso   ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 99   Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Arms    ) Pierce: 94   Bash: 94   Slash: 95   Exotic: 94
(Legs    ) Pierce: 99   Bash: 95   Slash: 98   Exotic: 96
(Wings   ) Pierce: 95   Bash: 92   Slash: 95   Exotic: 93

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'lance', the seraphic lance of Decara can cause up to 368 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 98% of the time.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2204hp 1366sp 2132st> 

You slip between planes for a moment, evading an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2130hp 1366sp 2122st> -74hp +0sp -10st

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2130hp 1366sp 2122st> 
cast 'poison'

Tamlin has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Bougie seems to relax.
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2130hp 1366sp 2122st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2130hp 1366sp 2122st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
The magic backfires on you!
*** an Ithrilis warrior RESISTED POISON ***
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
An irritating seagull has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2130hp 1366sp 2122st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
*** Tamlin LOST WEB ***
Tamlin shivers and suffers.
The power of Ithrilis moves through your being.
Burning embers sear into your body!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg shivers and suffers.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through an irritating seagull!
An irritating seagull is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> +307hp +60sp +38st

Bougie enters into combat with Tamlin.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> 
An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> 
cast 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg fades out of existence.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Some blood and guts are on the ground.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
Surrounding the area is an intense wall of flames, smoking and sparking.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
(  2) A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 30] (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Tamlin.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting Bougie.
(Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ****A huge, smelly seagull swoops about irritatingly.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
(Red Aura) *A horrifying, demonic Blarg is here, fighting Pointyhat.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> 

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1426sp 2160st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** an irritating seagull IS POISONED ***
You have increased the duration of the spell 'poison' on an irritating seagull.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2437hp 1359sp 2160st> +0hp -67sp +0st

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
A dense black smoke rises from nowhere and swirls in front of you, but nothing else seems to happen.
You skillfully parry an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through an irritating seagull!
An irritating seagull is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg fades into existence.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
A horrifying, demonic Blarg spits acid at Pointyhat.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2366hp 1359sp 2150st> -71hp +0sp -10st
cast 'plague'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2366hp 1359sp 2150st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2366hp 1359sp 2150st> 

Bougie seems to relax.
Bougie's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Tamlin!
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2366hp 1359sp 2150st> 

[CLAN] Nayuki has recalled to the clan hall!
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2366hp 1359sp 2150st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2366hp 1359sp 2150st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
*** an irritating seagull's body IS PLAGUED ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2278hp 1292sp 2140st> -88hp -67sp -10st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2278hp 1292sp 2140st> 
An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2278hp 1292sp 2140st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg glows with a sickly green light for a moment, then fades.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2278hp 1292sp 2140st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2278hp 1292sp 2140st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
An irritating seagull seems to be suffering less.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
An irritating seagull is already webbed!
You skillfully parry an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
An irritating seagull catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trivial damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> -73hp -74sp -10st

An irritating seagull begins reciting an invocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> 
play G C B G Cb A
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> 

Bougie seems to relax.
*** Tamlin's body IS PLAGUED ***
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
The ground beneath Tamlin becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
Tamlin stumbles and almost falls, but regains his balance.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2205hp 1218sp 2130st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her invocation.
An irritating seagull seems to be suffering less.
You have completed your song.
An irritating seagull is already moving slowly.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You skillfully parry an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> -87hp -86sp -125st

The flames surrounding the area die out.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> 
play G A A A C B

An irritating seagull begins reciting an invocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> 
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
*** Tamlin IS CURSED ***
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg fades out of existence.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2118hp 1132sp 2005st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
An irritating seagull shivers and suffers.
Tamlin shivers and suffers.
The power of Ithrilis moves through your being.
Burning embers sear into your body!
A horrifying, demonic Blarg shivers and suffers.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg fades into existence.
An irritating seagull has completed her invocation.
An irritating seagull looks relieved as the disease is burned from her body.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2419hp 1222sp 2102st> +301hp +90sp +97st

An irritating seagull begins reciting an evocation...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2419hp 1222sp 2102st> 

AUCTION: Gunbladee has put a pegakorn tear up for auction. Minimum bid is 20,000 gp.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2419hp 1222sp 2102st> 

You have completed your song.
You create a very small temporospatial claudication directly around an irritating seagull's body, and an irritating seagull's time field becomes slightly out of sync with everyone else.
Bougie seems to relax.
*** Tamlin IS BLINDED ***
A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around Tamlin's form.
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2419hp 1117sp 1976st> +0hp -105sp -126st

Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2419hp 1117sp 1976st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
The ground beneath Tamlin becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
Tamlin slips in the muck and falls down!
An irritating seagull has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2419hp 1117sp 1976st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her evocation.
An irritating seagull seems to be suffering less.
Bougie has completed his casting.
*** Tamlin IS FAERIE FIRED ***
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You skillfully parry an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing slight damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trivial damage.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2328hp 1117sp 1966st> -91hp +0sp -10st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2328hp 1117sp 1966st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2328hp 1117sp 1966st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2328hp 1117sp 1966st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2328hp 1117sp 1966st> 

Bougie enters into combat with Tamlin.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2328hp 1117sp 1966st> 

Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You skillfully parry an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg begins muttering an incantation...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> -109hp +0sp -10st

Olorin@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 
Pointyhat attempts to bash a horrifying, demonic Blarg over the head with neverwhen void, but misses.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 
play G C B G Cb A
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 

Pointyhat delivers a roundhouse kick to a horrifying, demonic Blarg, connecting solidly.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<2219hp 1117sp 1956st> 

You have completed your song.
An irritating seagull is already moving slowly.
Bougie seems to relax.
Bougie's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into the incarnation of death!
The incarnation of death enters into combat with Bougie.
The incarnation of death's dark power stops Bougie's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing slight damage.
An irritating seagull parries your second attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> -105hp -86sp -125st
cast 'ice wind'

AUCTION: Krim bids 20,000 gp on a pegakorn tear.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> 

A horrifying, demonic Blarg has completed its casting.
An aura of red light surrounds a horrifying, demonic Blarg as its spell surges!
*** A horrifying, demonic Blarg IS SILENCED ***
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> 

Pointyhat attempts to kick a horrifying, demonic Blarg, but misses.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
You glow with a sickly green light for a moment, then fade.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2114hp 1031sp 1831st> 

The incarnation of death begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing paltry damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a horrifying, demonic Blarg's death cry.
A horrifying, demonic Blarg collapses lifeless to the ground.
Pointyhat takes a skeleton key from the corpse of a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
Pointyhat takes 3 of a small flash bomb from the corpse of a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
Pointyhat takes a small negation bomb from the corpse of a horrifying, demonic Blarg.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> -99hp +0sp -10st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> 

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> 

The incarnation of death has completed his casting.
One small, flaming dart shoots from the incarnation of death's hand to Bougie.
Bougie has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> 

Pointyhat attempts to move east, but stops suddenly, befuddled.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
An irritating seagull's nose seems to increase in size somewhat.
Bougie lunges towards Tamlin, but he dodges out of the way.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> 

Growling audibly, Bougie's legendary timepiece 'Nexxador' smacks its lips expectantly, as if craving brains.
An irritating seagull has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2015hp 1031sp 1821st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
Tamlin shivers and suffers.
The power of Ithrilis moves through your being.
Burning embers sear into your body!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> +354hp +90sp +164st
cast 'ice wind'

An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 

AUCTION: A pegakorn tear: going once for 20,000 gp to Krim.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 

Bougie lunges towards Tamlin, but he dodges out of the way.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
An irritating seagull turns your magic against you!
There is a surge in the spell's energies!
A breadstick suddenly appears.
A tender turnip suddenly appears.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 

Bougie enters into combat with Tamlin.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2369hp 1121sp 1985st> 
The corpse of a horrifying, demonic Blarg seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by an irritating seagull's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull parries your first attack.
An irritating seagull parries your second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through an irritating seagull!
An irritating seagull is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by an irritating seagull's flames causing trifling damage.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2284hp 1121sp 1977st> -85hp +0sp -8st

The Ring of Lord Agrippa an irritating seagull is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2284hp 1121sp 1977st> 
cast 'ice wind'

Global Hint: When on the Faerie Plane, Sidhe and Fey regenerate 15% more spell power than everyone else.
An irritating seagull begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2284hp 1121sp 1977st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2284hp 1121sp 1977st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2284hp 1121sp 1977st> 

An irritating seagull has completed her casting.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is no longer blinded.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2284hp 1121sp 1977st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
An irritating seagull is struck by a shard of ice!
An irritating seagull is frozen on the torso with your frost causing modest damage.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
The corpse of a horrifying, demonic Blarg seems to move for a moment, but nothing else happens.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading an irritating seagull's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by an irritating seagull's pierce causing minimal damage.
An irritating seagull dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit an irritating seagull with your second attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
An irritating seagull is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2182hp 1047sp 1970st> -102hp -74sp -7st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2182hp 1047sp 1970st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2182hp 1047sp 1970st> 

Bougie seems to relax.
Tamlin staggers suddenly.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2182hp 1047sp 1970st> 
combat aim head

Pointyhat raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2182hp 1047sp 1970st> 
You are now aiming for the head of your opponent.
An irritating seagull looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2182hp 1047sp 1970st> 
Tamlin has completed his casting.
*** Bougie IS SILENCED ***
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
An irritating seagull is struck by a shard of ice!
An irritating seagull is frozen on the head with your frost causing heavy damage.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
Gulin's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly on her wrist, stripping you of your magics, starting with 'detect invisibility'!
You slip between planes for a moment, evading someone's first attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by someone's pierce causing minimal damage.
Someone parries your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through someone!
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing paltry damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing trifling damage.
Someone is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2104hp 973sp 1960st> -78hp -74sp -10st
You bash someone over the head with the shield of war.
Someone is smashed on the head with your bash causing moderate damage.
Someone is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2104hp 973sp 1710st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2104hp 973sp 1710st> 

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2104hp 973sp 1710st> 

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2104hp 973sp 1710st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
Someone fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of someone's second attack.
You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing minimal damage.
Someone parries your first attack.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> -77hp +0sp -10st
cast 'cure blind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> 
AUCTION: Enbringer bids 25,000 gp on a pegakorn tear.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> 

Someone enters into combat with someone.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> 

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> 
Enbringer drifts in from the east.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> 

Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<2027hp 973sp 1700st> 

Someone shivers and suffers.
As the lava cloak bound to someone's flesh extinguishes, her skin softens.
*** Someone LOST SLOW ***
Someone shivers and suffers.
Someone shivers and suffers.
Burning embers sear into your body!
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
You aren't blind.
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by someone's pierce causing minimal damage.
Someone parries your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing paltry damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1965hp 1009sp 1915st> -62hp +36sp +215st

The Ring of Lord Agrippa someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Someone is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1965hp 1009sp 1915st> 

The corpse of a horrifying, demonic Blarg explodes with the force of a small bomb.
Enbringer is thrown to the ground by an explosion!
Someone is thrown to the ground by an explosion!
You are thrown to the ground by an explosion!
Someone is thrown to the ground by an explosion!
Someone is thrown to the ground by an explosion!
A blueberry danish blackens and crisps!
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1915st> 
AUCTION: Krim bids 25,100 gp on a pegakorn tear.
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1915st> -421hp +0sp +0st
You bash someone over the head with the shield of war.
Someone is smashed on the head with your bash causing huge damage.
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> +0hp +0sp -250st

AUCTION: A pegakorn tear: going once for 25,100 gp to Krim.
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> 

Someone takes Divine Soul of the Treants from Vandemaar's Trunk.
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> 

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> 

Someone seems to relax.
Someone's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into someone!
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> 

Someone stops using something.
Someone wears Divine Soul of the Treants about her body.
Someone pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1544hp 1009sp 1665st> 

KABLAM! someone is struck by a fiery bolt of lightning!
Gulin clutches her a vitriolic naginata, and sprays a blast of corrosive acid onto you!
Gulin's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly on her wrist, stripping you of your magics, starting with 'bless'!
You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by someone's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by someone's pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
An irritating seagull is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing lethal damage.
An irritating seagull has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear an irritating seagull's death cry.
Gulin looks more like herself again.
Gulin's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Gulin.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Gulin falls to the ground.
Gulin's corpse crumbles into dust.
Gulin turns translucent.
Gulin stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Gulin stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Gulin's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Gulin stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Gulin blinks rapidly, several times.
Gulin's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 1009sp 1662st> -100hp +0sp -3st

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 1009sp 1662st> 
cast 'cure blind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 1009sp 1662st> 

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 1009sp 1662st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 1009sp 1662st> 

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 1009sp 1662st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
You aren't blind.
Someone attempts to move east, but stops suddenly, befuddled.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> +0hp -54sp +0st

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Someone begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Enbringer enters into combat with someone.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Someone raises a moonstone cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 
remo might
wea rmight
You stop using Mights of ChaoS.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 
You can't see the weather indoors.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting someone.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** someone's RESISTED BLIND ***.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 
wear might
You wear Mights of ChaoS on your arms.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 
k en
Wait until Enbringer is done fighting.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from Band of ChaoS.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Shadows around the area collect into a swirling black portal, and the incarnation of death steps through.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 
 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ***Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** Bougie IS FAERIE FIRED ***

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

[CLAN] Goatleaf has entered Materia Magica.
Goatleaf@#chaos is now relaying messages from this chat room.
Goatleaf@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Pointyhat takes a tanzanite cabochon from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 
Bougie seems to relax.
Enbringer staggers suddenly.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ***Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1444hp 955sp 1662st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
Tamlin shivers and suffers.
Burning embers sear into your body!

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> +190hp +136sp +308st

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat stops using a moonstone cabochon.
Pointyhat holds a tanzanite cabochon in his left hand.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
AUCTION: A pegakorn tear: going twice for 25,100 gp to Krim.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Enbringer is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat raises a tanzanite cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, amber aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
cast 'bathe'
'Bathe' cannot be used again for another 5 seconds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat raises a tanzanite cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, amber aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ***Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

[CLAN] Goatleaf: '<GL> yo'

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
Pointyhat raises a tanzanite cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, amber aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: detect-alignment
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm lightning disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: light iron.
You are currently disguised as: an Ithrilis warrior
- Appearing as:
  A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets, ensuring the safety of the towne.
Spell: armor                - Level 107, modifies ar                by    3 for 36 minutes.
Spell: levitation           - Level 158, modifies none              by    0 for 45 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 220, modifies ar                by    6.
Spell: protection from evil - Level 170, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level  75, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: augment aura         - Level 185, modifies damage            by   33 for 10 minutes.
Spell: shield               - Level 187, modifies ar                by    9 for 36 minutes.
Spell: haste                - Level 188, modifies accuracy          by    7 for 55 minutes.
Spell: detect magic         - Level 188, modifies none              by    0 for 35 minutes.
Spell: detect illusion      - Level 199, modifies none              by    0 for 22 minutes.
Spell: lava walk            - Level  95, modifies none              by    0 for 49 minutes.
Spell: burning ember        - Level 247, modifies none              by    0 for 0 minutes.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 180, modifies none              by    0.
Prof:  shape shifting       - Level 218, modifies none              by    0 for 77 minutes.
Total of 13 magical and 1 non-magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Spells and Most Spell Effects:                  41
Saving against Paralysis (i.e., Sleep, Web, Slow, etc.):       58
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands:                  17
Saving against Petrification (i.e., Abjure, Kill, etc.):       27
Saving against Breath Weapons:                                 17
Hit Point Regeneration Bonus:                                  5  
Damage Bonus:                                                  40
Accuracy Bonus:                                                7  

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat raises a tanzanite cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, amber aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** Bougie's body IS PLAGUED ***

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
Pointyhat raises a tanzanite cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, amber aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ***Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) **Pointyhat Could you get me a manual of tracking!sandoval and floppy ear puppy is here, mounted on a young pegasus.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
[CLAN] Nayuki: '+minase+ sup'

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Bougie seems to relax.
*** Enbringer IS BLINDED ***

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
Pointyhat raises a tanzanite cabochon and speaks a sharp word of command.
A warm, amber aura surrounds Pointyhat for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 
c bless
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns blue and shivers.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat turns white with fear at the sight of you!
Pointyhat panics, and attempts to flee.
You turn white with fear at the sight of Tamlin!

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1091sp 1970st> 

You have completed your casting.
You glow briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1073sp 1970st> +0hp -18sp +0st
c aug
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1073sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1073sp 1970st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
Bougie seems to relax.
*** Enbringer's body IS PLAGUED ***
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Enbringer is no longer blinded.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1073sp 1970st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1073sp 1970st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1634hp 1073sp 1970st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
Pointyhat's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Pointyhat's negative energy causing middling damage.
You enter into combat with Pointyhat.
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1466hp 1052sp 1960st> -168hp -21sp -10st

A hand punches through the ground and pulls some entrails back into the depths.
*** Enbringer IS POISONED ***
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1466hp 1052sp 1960st> 
cast 'counterspell'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1466hp 1052sp 1960st> 

Pointyhat shivers and suffers.
Tamlin shivers and suffers.
With a shriek, you finally shake the burning ember off of your back, revealing a big chunk of burnt flesh.
Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Bougie!
Bougie manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1637hp 1142sp 2075st> +171hp +90sp +115st

AUCTION: A pegakorn tear has been sold to Krim for 25,100 gp.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1637hp 1142sp 2075st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
Pointyhat tries to make eye contact with you, but you look away just in time.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
Bougie seems to relax.
Bougie stares fixedly at Enbringer's the tail of a dracolich, but nothing seems to happen.
You fail to hit Pointyhat with your first attack.
Pointyhat catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1529hp 1073sp 2066st> -108hp -69sp -9st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1529hp 1073sp 2066st> 

[CLAN] Nayuki has recalled to the clan hall!
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1529hp 1073sp 2066st> 
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1529hp 1073sp 2066st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1529hp 1073sp 2066st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1529hp 1073sp 2066st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
*** you ARE PLAGUED ***
Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A shifting cloud of dust swirls and whips in a frenzy about Tamlin.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Pointyhat!
*** Pointyhat IS WEBBED ***
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Pointyhat catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1436hp 999sp 2054st> -93hp -74sp -12st
play G C B G Cb A
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1436hp 999sp 2054st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1436hp 999sp 2054st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** Bougie's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1436hp 999sp 2054st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1436hp 999sp 2054st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Tamlin briefly glows with a soft indigo light.
You have completed your song.
*** Pointyhat IS SLOWED ***
You fail to hit Pointyhat with your first attack.
Pointyhat catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1386hp 913sp 1930st> -50hp -86sp -124st
play f a d e

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 

Bougie seems to relax.
Bougie stares fixedly at Enbringer's the tail of a dracolich, but nothing seems to happen.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Bougie!
Bougie manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his invocation.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1386hp 913sp 1930st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
Pointyhat's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the head by Pointyhat's lightning causing modest damage.
You have completed your song.
*** Pointyhat's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Pointyhat with your third attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing modest damage.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> -130hp -50sp -67st
eat bright

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> 
You eat a bright yellow herbal mixture.
You feel relieved as your disease is cured.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his invocation.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** Bougie's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> 

[CLAN] Nayuki: '+minase+ is some manuals'
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1256hp 863sp 1863st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
Pointyhat's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Pointyhat's negative energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Flames explode around Tamlin's body, but he appears to be unscathed.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Pointyhat!
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1141hp 863sp 1853st> -115hp +0sp -10st

Pointyhat begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1141hp 863sp 1853st> 
play f a d e
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1141hp 863sp 1853st> 

Bougie seems to relax.
Enbringer staggers suddenly.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** Bougie's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1141hp 863sp 1853st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1141hp 863sp 1853st> 

[CLAN] Nayuki: '+minase+ gohall d e'
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1141hp 863sp 1853st> 

Tamlin shivers and suffers.
The frost covering Bougie thaws.
Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1343hp 953sp 2014st> +202hp +90sp +161st

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1343hp 953sp 2014st> 

Pointyhat has completed his casting.
Pointyhat's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Pointyhat's negative energy causing middling damage.
You have completed your song.
*** Pointyhat's IS BLINDED ***
Bougie has completed his casting.
Bougie is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his third attack.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1221hp 903sp 1944st> -122hp -50sp -70st
play G C B G Cb A

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 

[PKTALK C] Krim: i'm going to resell that astral to your clan for 45k now
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 

[CLAN] Goatleaf has recalled to the clan hall!
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his invocation.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 

Bougie's a jar full of angry bees goes 'buzz, buzz'.
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Pointyhat has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1221hp 903sp 1944st> 

You have completed your song.
Pointyhat is already moving slowly.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Pointyhat's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1160hp 817sp 1819st> -61hp -86sp -125st
cast 'counterspell'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1160hp 817sp 1819st> 

Bougie turns blue and shivers.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1160hp 817sp 1819st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1160hp 817sp 1819st> 

Tamlin has completed his evocation.
Tamlin looks relieved as the poison is burned from his body.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
Bougie seems to relax.
*** Enbringer IS BLINDED ***
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1160hp 748sp 1819st> +0hp -69sp +0st

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1160hp 748sp 1819st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
Pointyhat's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the head by Pointyhat's lightning causing heavy damage.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Pointyhat's first attack.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his second attack.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his third attack.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1034hp 748sp 1809st> -126hp +0sp -10st
cast 'counterspell'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1034hp 748sp 1809st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1034hp 748sp 1809st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1034hp 748sp 1809st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
Tamlin looks relieved as the disease is burned from his body.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Pointyhat's magic against him!
An aura of red light surrounds Pointyhat as his spell surges!
Enbringer looks a bit healthier.
Bougie looks a bit healthier.
You feel better!
A tame dragon looks a bit healthier.
Tamlin looks a bit healthier.
Pointyhat looks a bit healthier.
A young pegasus looks a bit healthier.
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1171hp 679sp 1809st> +137hp -69sp +0st

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1171hp 679sp 1809st> 

[CLAN] Goatleaf: '<GL> sweet'
Pointyhat looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1171hp 679sp 1809st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
You skillfully parry Pointyhat's first attack.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1140hp 679sp 1799st> -31hp +0sp -10st

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1140hp 679sp 1799st> 
cast 'counterspell'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1140hp 679sp 1799st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1140hp 679sp 1799st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Pointyhat's magic against him!
An aura of red light surrounds Pointyhat as his spell surges!
Pointyhat looks strangely ravenous for a moment, but it passes.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Enbringer is no longer blinded.
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1140hp 610sp 1799st> +0hp -69sp +0st

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Pointyhat!
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Pointyhat's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1097hp 610sp 1789st> -43hp +0sp -10st
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1097hp 610sp 1789st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1097hp 610sp 1789st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1097hp 610sp 1789st> 

Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1303hp 700sp 1977st> +206hp +90sp +188st

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from Band of ChaoS.
Pointyhat is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1303hp 700sp 1977st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
Pointyhat's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the torso by Pointyhat's lightning causing moderate damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Pointyhat is struck by a shard of ice!
Pointyhat is frozen on the head with your frost causing great damage.
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his first attack.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his second attack.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his third attack.
Pointyhat is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 626sp 1965st> -105hp -74sp -12st
play f a d e
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Pointyhat is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1198hp 626sp 1965st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Enbringer menacingly cracks his the tail of a dracolich, and opens a gash on Bougie's face!
Pointyhat is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1198hp 626sp 1965st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1198hp 626sp 1965st> 

Pointyhat seems to relax.
Pointyhat's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are electrocuted on the head by Pointyhat's lightning causing middling damage.
You have completed your song.
Pointyhat is already blinded.
Pointyhat dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Pointyhat's first attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Pointyhat's energy causing minimal damage.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his third attack.
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> -82hp -50sp -70st

Bougie's a jar full of angry bees goes 'buzz, buzz'.
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> 
cast 'counterspell'

Pointyhat panics, and attempts to flee.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
*** Bougie's IS BLINDED ***
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat panics, and attempts to flee.
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 576sp 1895st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1895st> +0hp -69sp +0st

Pointyhat panics, and attempts to flee.
Pointyhat screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1895st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing enormous damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing giant damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing huge damage.
Pointyhat is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing giant damage.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his first attack.
Pointyhat fails to hit you with his second attack.
Pointyhat is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1883st> +0hp +0sp -12st
You bash Pointyhat over the head with the shield of war.
Pointyhat is smashed on the head with your bash causing shocking damage.
Pointyhat is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1633st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Pointyhat panics, and attempts to flee.
Pointyhat is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1633st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Pointyhat is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1633st> 
You bash Pointyhat over the head with the shield of war.
Pointyhat is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage.
Pointyhat falls from a young pegasus.
Pointyhat has been slain!
Your bash knocks Pointyhat's head against a rock so hard that it kills him.
Your blood freezes as you hear Pointyhat's death cry.
Pointyhat's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Pointyhat.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Pointyhat falls to the ground.
Pointyhat's corpse crumbles into dust.
Pointyhat turns translucent.
Pointyhat stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Pointyhat stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Pointyhat's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Pointyhat stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Pointyhat blinks rapidly, several times.
Pointyhat's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> +0hp +0sp -250st

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

Bougie panics, and attempts to flee.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

Tamlin enters into combat with the incarnation of death.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

The incarnation of death's dark power stops Tamlin's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] [AWAY] (Red Aura) ***Santino please insert title is here.
(Pink Aura) *The incarnation of death is here, fighting Tamlin.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting the incarnation of death.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from Band of ChaoS.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

Santino begins attacking you!
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 507sp 1383st> 

You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
Santino fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Santino nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> -61hp +0sp -10st

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] [AWAY] (Red Aura) ***Santino please insert title is here, fighting YOU! [95%]
(Pink Aura) *The incarnation of death is here, fighting Tamlin.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting the incarnation of death.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> 

Santino's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
*** you RESISTED BLIND ***!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> 
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1055hp 507sp 1373st> 

Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Santino is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1265hp 567sp 1681st> +210hp +60sp +308st

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Santino is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1265hp 567sp 1681st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] [AWAY] (Red Aura) ***Santino please insert title is here, fighting YOU!
(Pink Aura) *The incarnation of death is here, fighting Tamlin.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting the incarnation of death.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Santino is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1265hp 567sp 1681st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Santino!
*** Santino IS WEBBED ***
You skillfully parry Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Santino!
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 493sp 1671st> -92hp -74sp -10st

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 493sp 1671st> 
cast 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 493sp 1671st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Bougie!
*** Bougie IS WEBBED ***
Tamlin enters into combat with the incarnation of death.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 493sp 1671st> 

Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 493sp 1671st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 493sp 1671st> 

You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** Santino RESISTED POISON ***
Santino has completed his casting.
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 426sp 1671st> +0hp -67sp +0st

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 426sp 1671st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 426sp 1671st> 
As Santino attempts to throw a glittering black herbal mixture, a sudden gust of wind blows it back in his's face!
There is a great explosion, and Santino is thrown to the ground!
Santino has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1173hp 426sp 1671st> 
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Santino's second attack.
Santino fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Santino!
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1091hp 426sp 1661st> -82hp +0sp -10st
cast 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1091hp 426sp 1661st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1091hp 426sp 1661st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1091hp 426sp 1661st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] [AWAY] (Red Aura) ***Santino please insert title is here, fighting YOU! [85%]
(Pink Aura) *The incarnation of death is here, fighting Tamlin.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting the incarnation of death.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1091hp 426sp 1661st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** Santino IS POISONED ***
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1091hp 359sp 1661st> +0hp -67sp +0st

You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Santino!
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1027hp 359sp 1649st> -64hp +0sp -12st
cast 'curse'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1027hp 359sp 1649st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1027hp 359sp 1649st> 

Santino bashes you over the head with a circular mirror shield.
You are smashed on the head by Santino's bash causing middling damage.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<955hp 359sp 1649st> -72hp +0sp +0st

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<955hp 359sp 1649st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
<955hp 359sp 1649st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
*** Santino IS CURSED ***
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<900hp 305sp 1637st> -55hp -54sp -12st
play G C B G Cb A

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<900hp 305sp 1637st> 
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<900hp 305sp 1637st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<900hp 305sp 1637st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<900hp 305sp 1637st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<900hp 305sp 1637st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<900hp 305sp 1637st> 

You have completed your song.
*** Santino IS SLOWED ***
Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Santino has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly; but suddenly the weight is lifted, as if it had never been.
You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<834hp 219sp 1512st> -66hp -86sp -125st
play f a d e
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<834hp 219sp 1512st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Enbringer is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<834hp 219sp 1512st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<834hp 219sp 1512st> 

Santino's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
*** you RESISTED BLIND ***!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<834hp 219sp 1512st> 

The frost covering Bougie thaws.
Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1063hp 279sp 1816st> +229hp +60sp +304st

Shadows around the area collect into a swirling black portal, and the incarnation of death steps through.
Santino has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[o/~]<1063hp 279sp 1816st> 

You have completed your song.
*** Santino's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Santino fails to hit you with his first attack.
Santino fails to hit you with his second attack.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Santino's third attack.
Santino catches the seraphic lance of Decara on a circular mirror shield.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> +0hp -50sp -72st

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 
cast 'heal'

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 

Bougie begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: detect-alignment
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm lightning disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: light iron.
You are currently disguised as: an Ithrilis warrior
- Appearing as:
  A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets, ensuring the safety of the towne.
Spell: armor                - Level 102, modifies ar                by    3 for 31 minutes.
Spell: levitation           - Level 153, modifies none              by    0 for 40 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 220, modifies ar                by    6.
Spell: protection from evil - Level 170, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level  75, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: augment aura         - Level 180, modifies damage            by   33 for 5 minutes.
Spell: shield               - Level 182, modifies ar                by    9 for 31 minutes.
Spell: haste                - Level 183, modifies accuracy          by    7 for 50 minutes.
Spell: detect magic         - Level 183, modifies none              by    0 for 30 minutes.
Spell: detect illusion      - Level 194, modifies none              by    0 for 17 minutes.
Spell: lava walk            - Level  90, modifies none              by    0 for 44 minutes.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 180, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: bless                - Level 236, modifies saving-spell      by    4 for 123 minutes.
Prof:  shape shifting       - Level 213, modifies none              by    0 for 72 minutes.
Total of 13 magical and 1 non-magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Spells and Most Spell Effects:                  45
Saving against Paralysis (i.e., Sleep, Web, Slow, etc.):       58
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands:                  17
Saving against Petrification (i.e., Abjure, Kill, etc.):       27
Saving against Breath Weapons:                                 17
Hit Point Regeneration Bonus:                                  5  
Damage Bonus:                                                  40
Accuracy Bonus:                                                7  
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1063hp 229sp 1744st> 

Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Santino has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly; but suddenly the weight is lifted, as if it had never been.
You skillfully parry Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> +135hp -70sp -10st

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> 

Bougie has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bougie for a moment, then softly fades.
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> 

Santino's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
*** you ARE BLINDED ***
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> 

Something hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from something.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1198hp 159sp 1734st> 

Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading someone's third attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1224hp 129sp 1724st> +26hp -30sp -10st
cast 'cure blind'

Someone begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1224hp 129sp 1724st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone turns white and shudders momentarily.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1224hp 129sp 1724st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1224hp 129sp 1724st> 

the shade of Gulin tells you 'did you get the kill or did my item only zot me'
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1224hp 129sp 1724st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
Santino has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly; but suddenly the weight is lifted, as if it had never been.
You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> -74hp -54sp -10st

Santino begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> 
get cabo tru
hold cab
You take a tanzanite cabochon from Vandemaar's Trunk.
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
[ALLIED 81] Nayuki: 'Pointyhat delayed at 21:18. I have delayed Pointyhat 10 time(s). Total delays: 355.'
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> 
You stop using Voice of ChaoS.
You hold a tanzanite cabochon in your left hand.
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> 
use cab
You can't concentrate enough to cast that spell!
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1150hp 75sp 1714st> 

Santino has completed his song.
*** you ARE WEAKENED ***
You skillfully parry Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 75sp 1702st> -34hp +0sp -12st
use cab
You can't concentrate enough to cast that spell!
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 75sp 1702st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Enbringer is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 75sp 1702st> 

[ALLIED 75] Aariana, the Siren Queen: 'K|Z mmm'
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 75sp 1702st> 
Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1116hp 75sp 1702st> 
use cab

Santino shivers and suffers.
Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1927st> +204hp +90sp +225st
You can't concentrate enough to cast that spell!
Santino has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1927st> 

Santino's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly on his wrist, stripping you of your magics, starting with 'detect invisibility'!
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1915st> +0hp +0sp -12st

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting someone.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1915st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
*** you ARE CURSED ***
Enbringer has completed his casting.
Someone turns white and shudders momentarily.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1915st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1915st> 
wear vio
You stop using a tanzanite cabochon.
You hold Voice of ChaoS in your left hand.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1915st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting someone.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1320hp 165sp 1915st> 

You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> -52hp +0sp -10st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> 

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Someone turns white and shudders momentarily.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting someone.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> 

Someone bashes Enbringer over the head with a seashell-covered shield.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> 

the shade of Gulin tells you '|G|  ahh you got it'
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1268hp 165sp 1905st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing mild damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> -84hp +0sp -10st
remo might
wear might

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Someone turns white and shudders momentarily.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> 
You stop using Mights of ChaoS.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> 
You wear Mights of ChaoS on your arms.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> 
Enbringer attempts to bash Bougie over the head with neverwhen void, but misses.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> 

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A faint, barely-visible cloud of crackling negative energy permeates the area.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
[CLAN 139] [AWAY] (Red Aura) ***Santino please insert title is here, fighting YOU! [42%]
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here, fighting Bougie.
[CLAN 30] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) ***Bougie worlds best mullet is a tie between Dog the Bounty Hunter & yulin is here, fighting Enbringer.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here.
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1184hp 165sp 1895st> 

Santino has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Santino for a moment, then softly fades.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
Santino fails to hit you with his third attack.
Santino nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 165sp 1885st> -32hp +0sp -10st
cast 'ice wind'

Santino begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 165sp 1885st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 165sp 1885st> 

Enbringer bashes Bougie over the head with neverwhen void.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 165sp 1885st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Santino is struck by a shard of ice!
Santino is frozen on the head with your frost causing great damage.
Santino has completed his song.
Santino is distracted by something, and hits a wrong note.
Santino fails to hit you with his first attack.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Santino's second attack.
Santino fails to hit you with his third attack.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 91sp 1875st> +0hp -74sp -10st

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 91sp 1875st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing heavy damage.
Phaustix (disguised as a kender thief) tells you 'what is canceled'
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 91sp 1625st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 91sp 1625st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 91sp 1625st> 

Bougie bashes Enbringer over the head with a seashell-covered shield.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1152hp 91sp 1625st> 

Enbringer shivers and suffers.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1353hp 181sp 1882st> +201hp +90sp +257st

Bling Bling Bougie is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1353hp 181sp 1882st> 

AUCTION: Chaosfire has put a coin of unknown origin up for auction. Minimum bid is 12,000,000 gp.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1353hp 181sp 1882st> 

Santino has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Santino for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the arm by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry Santino's second attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1872st> -70hp +0sp -10st

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1872st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing moderate damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1622st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1622st> 

A puddle of blood is drawn into the depths of the ground.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1622st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1622st> 

Bougie bashes Enbringer over the head with a seashell-covered shield.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1622st> 

Phaustix (disguised as a kender thief) tells you 'and i can dispel this'
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1283hp 181sp 1622st> 

Santino has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Santino for a moment, then softly fades.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1183hp 181sp 1612st> -100hp +0sp -10st

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1183hp 181sp 1612st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing heavy damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1183hp 181sp 1362st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Enbringer has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Enbringer for a moment, then softly fades.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1183hp 181sp 1362st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1183hp 181sp 1362st> 

Bougie bashes Enbringer over the head with a seashell-covered shield.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1183hp 181sp 1362st> 

Santino has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Santino for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Santino with your first attack.
Santino dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1108hp 181sp 1355st> -75hp +0sp -7st

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1108hp 181sp 1355st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
An aura of red light surrounds Santino as his spell surges!
A pile of bones appears in a puff of smoke.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing heavy damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1108hp 181sp 1105st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Enbringer has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Enbringer for a moment, then softly fades.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1108hp 181sp 1105st> 

Enbringer begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1108hp 181sp 1105st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1108hp 181sp 1105st> 

The greenish gas filling the room finally dissipates.
The nullifying energies present in the area diminish and destabilize.
You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
Santino fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 1095st> -35hp +0sp -10st

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 1095st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing great damage.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 845st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Enbringer has completed his casting.
Bougie turns white and shudders momentarily.
Bougie has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Bougie's death cry.
Bougie's disembodied spirit rises from his ravaged corpse.
The head of Bougie falls to the ground.
Bougie's corpse crumbles into dust.
Bougie turns translucent.
Bougie stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Bougie stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Bougie's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Bougie stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Bougie blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Bougie vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 845st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 845st> 

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from Band of ChaoS.
A young pegasus turns white with fear at the sight of Enbringer!
A young pegasus panics, and attempts to flee.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 845st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1073hp 181sp 845st> 

Santino has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Santino for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Santino's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1003hp 181sp 835st> -70hp +0sp -10st

Enbringer drifts east.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1003hp 181sp 835st> 

Santino begins casting a spell...
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1003hp 181sp 835st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing enormous damage.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1003hp 181sp 585st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Santino shivers and suffers.
Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1218hp 271sp 893st> +215hp +90sp +308st

AUCTION: A coin of unknown origin: going once (no bid received yet).
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1218hp 271sp 893st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1218hp 271sp 893st> 

Santino has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Santino for a moment, then softly fades.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Santino's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Santino's energy causing modest damage.
Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Santino!
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 883st> -87hp +0sp -10st
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing great damage.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 633st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 633st> 

Santino begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 633st> 

Ladykiama drifts in from the east.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 633st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Santino is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 633st> 

Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through Santino!
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Santino is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 621st> +0hp +0sp -12st
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing giant damage.
Santino screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 371st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Santino has completed his song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 371st> 

Tamlin begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 371st> 

Santino begins casting a spell...

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 371st> 
k s
You enter into combat with Santino.
Santino screams in agony.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 371st> 

Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing enormous damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing giant damage.
Santino is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing giant damage.
Santino is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing extensive damage.
Santino is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 359st> +0hp +0sp -12st
cast 'counterspell'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Santino is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 359st> 

Tamlin has completed his casting.
Tamlin is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Santino is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 271sp 359st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Santino's magic against him!
An aura of red light surrounds Santino as his spell surges!
454 gold coins appears in a puff of smoke.
Santino is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 202sp 359st> +0hp -69sp +0st

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from Band of ChaoS.
Santino is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 202sp 359st> 
You bash Santino over the head with the shield of war.
Santino is smashed on the head with your bash causing unbelievable damage.
Santino is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 202sp 109st> +0hp +0sp -250st

Santino dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Santino is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing lethal damage.
Santino has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Santino's death cry.
Santino's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Santino.' the incarnation of death says. 'Your time is at hand.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Santino falls to the ground.
Santino's corpse crumbles into dust.
Santino turns translucent.
Santino stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Santino stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Santino's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Santino stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Santino blinks rapidly, several times.
Santino's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 202sp 105st> +0hp +0sp -4st

A kender thief rides in from the east.
A drunken fat man drifts in from the east.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 202sp 105st> 

Tamlin begins attacking you!
Tamlin is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1131hp 202sp 105st> 

You skillfully parry Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing mild damage.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
Tamlin is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing mild damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1095hp 202sp 95st> -36hp +0sp -10st

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 454 gp is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Bougie is lying here.
     Piles of bones are scattered across the ground.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Gold Aura) **A drunken overweight man sits at the bar, drowning his sorrows.
(Gold Aura) **A kender thief is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) ***Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting YOU! [96%]
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1095hp 202sp 95st> 

Tamlin attempts to bash you over the head with neverwhen void, but misses.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1095hp 202sp 95st> 
l east

 Elegantly Paneled Hallway                              -      #      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      S      -

  You have reached the end of a brightly-lit hallway, elegantly decorated
with wood paneling on either side of the wall.  A dirty window sits to the
north, leading out to what looks to be a narrow ledge.  You can see the top
of the Runic Temple from this height.  
Surrounding the area is a shimmering shield, distorting everything you see.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Enbringer is here being boring. What does this say about those who TV him? is here.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1095hp 202sp 95st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 454 gp is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Bougie is lying here.
     Piles of bones are scattered across the ground.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Gold Aura) **A drunken overweight man sits at the bar, drowning his sorrows.
(Gold Aura) **A kender thief is here, mounted on a young pegasus.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) ***Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting YOU! [96%]
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1095hp 202sp 95st> 

A kender thief enters into combat with Ladykiama.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1095hp 202sp 95st> 

A drunken fat man joins the melee opposing Ladykiama.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's second attack.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<997hp 202sp 85st> -98hp +0sp -10st

(Mount: 2493st)
<997hp 202sp 85st> 
play G C B G Cb A

A kender thief begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<997hp 202sp 85st> 
You don't have enough stamina to play that.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<997hp 202sp 85st> 
Tamlin slowly settles back to the ground.
A sudden, strong gust of wind causes a drunken fat man to spin about erratically.
A drunken fat man stops following a kender thief.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1212hp 292sp 393st> +215hp +90sp +308st

AUCTION: A coin of unknown origin: going twice (no bid received yet).
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1212hp 292sp 393st> 

A kender thief has completed his casting.
*** Ladykiama RESISTED CURSE ***
Tamlin has completed his casting.
*** you ARE SILENCED ***
away silenced :(
You skillfully parry Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Tamlin catches the seraphic lance of Decara on neverwhen void.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Tamlin with your third attack.
Tamlin is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
<1167hp 292sp 384st> -45hp +0sp -9st
You have been marked away.
Message: silenced :(
[CLAN] Ezekail is now away. Message: silenced :(
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 

Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 
cast 'heal'

Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 
A kender thief begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 
You cannot speak the words of the spell, you have been silenced!
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 

[ALLIED 143] Zyrus: 'do different resistances stack vs a single ability? ie: plague is in the necromancy school, is both necro+disease resist better vs it than just one of those two?'
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 454 gp is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Bougie is lying here.
     Piles of bones are scattered across the ground.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Gold Aura) **A drunken overweight man sits at the bar, drowning his sorrows.
(Gold Aura) **A kender thief is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting Ladykiama.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) ***Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here, fighting a kender thief.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting YOU! [90%]
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1167hp 292sp 384st> 

A kender thief has completed his casting.
*** Ladykiama's RESISTED BLIND ***.
Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Ladykiama for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
The face in the center of Phaustix's corrupted living armor roars with suddenly-present fangs.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Tamlin's second attack.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1216hp 262sp 374st> +49hp -30sp -10st

Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Tamlin begins reciting an invocation...
A kender thief begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1216hp 262sp 374st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1216hp 262sp 374st> 

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 454 gp is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Bougie is lying here.
     Piles of bones are scattered across the ground.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Gold Aura) **A drunken overweight man sits at the bar, drowning his sorrows.
(Gold Aura) **A kender thief is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting Ladykiama.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) ***Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here, fighting a kender thief.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting YOU! [91%]
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1216hp 262sp 374st> 

A kender thief has completed his casting.
*** Ladykiama RESISTED CURSE ***
Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Ladykiama for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Tamlin for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You skillfully parry Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the arm by Tamlin's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1178hp 232sp 364st> -38hp -30sp -10st

Tamlin begins reciting an evocation...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1178hp 232sp 364st> 

Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1178hp 232sp 364st> 
A kender thief begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1178hp 232sp 364st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1178hp 232sp 364st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1268hp 202sp 364st> +90hp -30sp +0st

 Executive Office                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have entered a large office, obviously one belonging to a top
executive.  A well-kept desk sits against a large plate-glass window
overlooking the city of Rune and the forest beyond.  Papers lay strewn
about, on the floor and on the desk, evidence of a hasty departure.  An
occult chalk design has been scrawled on the inside of the door, presumably
to keep something from leaving the room.  
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
(  2) The bloody, severed head of Santino is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 454 gp is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Bougie is lying here.
     Piles of bones are scattered across the ground.
     The bloody, severed head of Pointyhat is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
     A tender young turnip has been left here.
     A yummy breadstick, covered with sesame seeds, is here.
     The bloody, severed head of Thaen is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Ladykiama is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Phaustix is lying here.
     A long sword has been left here.
     A huge boulder covered in ice sits here.
     A scrumptious blueberry danish is here.
(Gold Aura) **A drunken overweight man sits at the bar, drowning his sorrows.
(Gold Aura) **A kender thief is here, mounted on a young pegasus, fighting Ladykiama.
(Pink Aura) *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
[CLAN 139] (Red Aura) ***Ladykiama (>^^)>KaMiKaZe HERO!<(^^<) is here, fighting a kender thief.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Gold Aura) ****Tamlin Defender Of Emond's Field is here, fighting YOU! [92%]
*A young pegasus is here, gliding along on an air current.
Tamlin has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1268hp 202sp 364st> 

A kender thief has completed his casting.
*** Ladykiama IS WEAKENED ***
Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Ladykiama for a moment, then softly fades.
Tamlin has completed his evocation.
The ground beneath you becomes temporarily slippery with greenish ooze.
You stumble and almost fall, but regain your balance.
You skillfully parry Tamlin's first attack.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the wing by Tamlin's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Tamlin's flames causing mild damage.
Tamlin is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1129hp 202sp 354st> -139hp +0sp -10st

Tamlin bashes you over the head with neverwhen void.
You are smashed on the head by Tamlin's bash causing moderate damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1041hp 202sp 354st> -88hp +0sp +0st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1041hp 202sp 354st> 
A kender thief begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1041hp 202sp 354st> 
Ladykiama begins casting a spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1041hp 202sp 354st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: detect-alignment
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm lightning disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: light iron.
You are currently disguised as: an Ithrilis warrior
- Appearing as:
  A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets, ensuring the safety of the towne.
Spell: armor                - Level  98, modifies ar                by    3 for 27 minutes.
Spell: levitation           - Level 149, modifies none              by    0 for 36 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 220, modifies ar                by    6.
Spell: protection from evil - Level 170, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level  75, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: augment aura         - Level 176, modifies damage            by   33 for 1 minute.
Spell: shield               - Level 178, modifies ar                by    9 for 27 minutes.
Spell: haste                - Level 179, modifies accuracy          by    7 for 46 minutes.
Spell: detect magic         - Level 179, modifies none              by    0 for 26 minutes.
Spell: detect illusion      - Level 190, modifies none              by    0 for 13 minutes.
Spell: lava walk            - Level  86, modifies none              by    0 for 40 minutes.
Spell: bless                - Level 232, modifies saving-spell      by    4 for 119 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 237, modifies strength          by   -2 for 6 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 237, modifies accuracy          by   -8 for 6 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 238, modifies saving-spell      by  -10 for 29 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 238, modifies ar                by  -13 for 29 minutes.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 180, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: silence              - Level 241, modifies personality       by   -2 for 10 minutes.
Prof:  shape shifting       - Level 209, modifies none              by    0 for 68 minutes.
Total of 18 magical and 1 non-magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Spells and Most Spell Effects:                  35
Saving against Paralysis (i.e., Sleep, Web, Slow, etc.):       58
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands:                  17
Saving against Petrification (i.e., Abjure, Kill, etc.):       27
Saving against Breath Weapons:                                 17
Hit Point Regeneration Bonus:                                  5  
Damage Bonus:                                                  40
Accuracy Penalty:                                              -1
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1131hp 172sp 354st> +90hp -30sp +0st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1131hp 172sp 354st> 

A kender thief has completed his casting.
*** Ladykiama RESISTED CURSE ***
Ladykiama has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Ladykiama for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the head by Tamlin's energy causing modest damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<992hp 172sp 354st> 
Tamlin bashes you over the head with neverwhen void.
You are smashed on the head by Tamlin's bash causing moderate damage.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<904hp 172sp 354st> -227hp +0sp +0st

A drunken fat man mounts a young pegasus, and starts riding it.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<904hp 172sp 354st> 

Ladykiama bashes a kender thief over the head with neverwhen void.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<904hp 172sp 354st> 
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<904hp 172sp 354st> 
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1218hp 232sp 662st> +314hp +60sp +308st

AUCTION: No bids received for a coin of unknown origin. Item has been removed.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1218hp 232sp 662st> 

A kender thief stops using a pair of moonstone gauntlets.
A kender thief wears the gauntlets of Rhazminiki Yex on his hands.
A kender thief changes his stance and suddenly seems quite a bit more aggressive.
Tamlin has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1218hp 232sp 662st> 

Tamlin fails to hit you with his first attack.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Tamlin's second attack.
*** you ARE BLINDED ***
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1172hp 232sp 655st> -46hp +0sp -7st

Someone bashes you over the head with something.
You are smashed on the head by someone's bash causing moderate damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1084hp 232sp 655st> -88hp +0sp +0st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1084hp 232sp 655st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1084hp 232sp 655st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1084hp 232sp 655st> 

Something hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from something.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1084hp 232sp 655st> 
l east

You are blinded, and can see nothing but darkness.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1084hp 232sp 655st> 

Someone has completed her casting.
*** Someone IS FAERIE FIRED ***
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1174hp 202sp 655st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone takes something from something.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1174hp 202sp 655st> 

Someone sets a snare to trap an unwary victim.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1174hp 202sp 655st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
*** Someone IS CURSED ***
You skillfully parry someone's first attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing mild damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1118hp 202sp 645st> -56hp +0sp -10st

Someone bashes you over the head with something.
You are smashed on the head by someone's bash causing moderate damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1030hp 202sp 645st> -88hp +0sp +0st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1030hp 202sp 645st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1030hp 202sp 645st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1030hp 202sp 645st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1120hp 172sp 645st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Someone staggers and steps back a foot.
Someone has completed her casting.
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading someone's fourth attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1115hp 172sp 641st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1115hp 172sp 641st> 
Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1115hp 172sp 641st> 
[ALLIED 75] An awe-inspiring voice: 'K|Z I do not think they stack. But I may be wrong.'
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1115hp 172sp 641st> 
[CLAN] An awe-inspiring voice: '+minase+ lol they silenced you?'
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1115hp 172sp 641st> 
Someone has completed his casting.
Someone is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Someone's grip on her weapon loosens.
Someone is no longer moving quickly.
The white aura surrounding someone fades away.
Someone fades into visibility.
Someone staggers and steps back a foot.
Someone has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over someone!
Someone manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
Someone has completed his evocation.
The face in the center of Phaustix's corrupted living armor stares at Ladykiama coldly.
The corrupted living armor looks away, disinterested, satisfied by Ladykiama's evil.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of someone's third attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1033hp 172sp 631st> -82hp +0sp -10st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1033hp 172sp 631st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1033hp 172sp 631st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1033hp 172sp 631st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1033hp 172sp 631st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1123hp 142sp 631st> 
Someone has completed his casting.
Someone is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
*** Someone LOST WEAKEN ***
Someone looks less afflicted.
Someone slowly settles back to the ground.
Someone staggers and steps back a foot.
Someone has completed her casting.
Someone has completed his casting.
You resist the effects of someone's magic!
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of someone's second attack.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing mild damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing mild damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<979hp 142sp 621st> 
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<979hp 142sp 621st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<979hp 142sp 621st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<979hp 142sp 621st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<979hp 142sp 621st> 
A sparkling wave of amber flits past the corner of your vision, then is gone.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1196hp 232sp 929st> 
Something hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from something.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1196hp 232sp 929st> 

AUCTION: Example has put a garnet gemstone up for auction. Minimum bid is 20,000 gp.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1196hp 232sp 929st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1196hp 232sp 929st> 
Someone has completed his casting.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1196hp 232sp 929st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Someone looks less afflicted.
*** Someone LOST WEAKEN ***
The shield of flames surrounding someone sputters and goes out.
Someone staggers and steps back a foot.
Someone has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over someone!
Someone manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You dodge out of the way of someone's third attack.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1211hp 202sp 919st> +15hp -30sp -10st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1211hp 202sp 919st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1211hp 202sp 919st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1211hp 202sp 919st> 

Someone has completed her casting.
Someone is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1301hp 172sp 919st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Someone staggers and steps back a foot.
Someone has completed his casting.
*** you ARE PLAGUED ***
You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing paltry damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1224hp 172sp 910st> -77hp +0sp -9st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1224hp 172sp 910st> 

Someone has completed his casting.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1314hp 142sp 910st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone sweeps his arm in a wide arc and the disturbed air catches on fire and blows outwards!
The flames spin and arc, burning towards someone!
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the arm by someone's energy causing mild damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through someone!
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1277hp 142sp 900st> -37hp +0sp -10st

Someone attempts to bash you over the head with something, but misses.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1277hp 142sp 900st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1277hp 142sp 900st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1277hp 142sp 900st> 

Someone looks at someone.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1277hp 142sp 900st> 
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1367hp 112sp 900st> 
AUCTION: Demovibutler bids 20,000 gp on a garnet gemstone.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1367hp 112sp 900st> 
Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1367hp 112sp 900st> 
Someone has completed his casting.
Someone summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Someone is struck by a shard of ice!
Someone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing paltry damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1362hp 112sp 894st> -5hp +0sp -6st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1362hp 112sp 894st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1362hp 112sp 894st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1362hp 112sp 894st> 

Something hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from something.
Something someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1362hp 112sp 894st> 

Growling audibly, Tamlin's legendary timepiece 'Animexedon' smacks its lips expectantly, as if craving brains.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1362hp 112sp 894st> 
Someone has completed his evocation.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1452hp 82sp 894st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Someone is struck by a shard of ice!
Someone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
The face in the center of Phaustix's corrupted living armor stares at Ladykiama coldly.
The corrupted living armor looks away, disinterested, satisfied by Ladykiama's evil.
You skillfully parry someone's first attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing mild damage.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1377hp 82sp 887st> -75hp +0sp -7st

Shadows around the area collect into a swirling black portal, and the incarnation of death steps through.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1377hp 82sp 887st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1377hp 82sp 887st> 
Someone attempts to bash you over the head with something, but misses.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1377hp 82sp 887st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1377hp 82sp 887st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1377hp 82sp 887st> 

AUCTION: A garnet gemstone: going once for 20,000 gp to Demovibutler.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1411hp 104sp 981st> +34hp +22sp +94st

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1501hp 74sp 981st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Someone is struck by a shard of ice!
Someone turns blue and shivers.
Someone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a twisted holly wood wand on something.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone catches the seraphic lance of Decara on something.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing paltry damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1418hp 74sp 972st> -83hp +0sp -9st

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone begins reciting an invocation...
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1418hp 74sp 972st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1418hp 74sp 972st> 
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: detect-alignment
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm lightning disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: light iron.
You are currently disguised as: an Ithrilis warrior
- Appearing as:
  A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets, ensuring the safety of the towne.
Spell: armor                - Level  95, modifies ar                by    3 for 24 minutes.
Spell: levitation           - Level 146, modifies none              by    0 for 33 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 220, modifies ar                by    6.
Spell: protection from evil - Level 170, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level  75, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: shield               - Level 175, modifies ar                by    9 for 24 minutes.
Spell: haste                - Level 176, modifies accuracy          by    7 for 43 minutes.
Spell: detect magic         - Level 176, modifies none              by    0 for 23 minutes.
Spell: detect illusion      - Level 187, modifies none              by    0 for 10 minutes.
Spell: lava walk            - Level  83, modifies none              by    0 for 37 minutes.
Spell: bless                - Level 229, modifies saving-spell      by    4 for 116 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 234, modifies strength          by   -2 for 3 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 234, modifies accuracy          by   -8 for 3 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 235, modifies saving-spell      by  -10 for 26 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 235, modifies ar                by  -13 for 26 minutes.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 180, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: silence              - Level 238, modifies personality       by   -2 for 7 minutes.
Spell: blindness            - Level  28, modifies agility           by   -2 for 4 minutes.
Spell: plague               - Level 240, modifies sanity            by   -1 for 23 minutes.
Spell: plague               - Level 240, modifies vitality          by   -2 for 23 minutes.
Prof:  shape shifting       - Level 206, modifies none              by    0 for 65 minutes.
Total of 20 magical and 1 non-magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Spells and Most Spell Effects:                  35
Saving against Paralysis (i.e., Sleep, Web, Slow, etc.):       58
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands:                  17
Saving against Petrification (i.e., Abjure, Kill, etc.):       27
Saving against Breath Weapons:                                 17
Hit Point Regeneration Bonus:                                  5  
Damage Bonus:                                                  7  
Accuracy Penalty:                                              -1
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1418hp 74sp 972st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1508hp 44sp 972st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Someone is struck by a shard of ice!
Someone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
Someone has completed his invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry someone's fourth attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1389hp 44sp 962st> -119hp +0sp -10st
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1389hp 44sp 962st> 

Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone bashes you over the head with something.
You are smashed on the head by someone's bash causing middling damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1301hp 44sp 962st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1301hp 44sp 962st> -88hp +0sp +0st

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1391hp 14sp 962st> +90hp -30sp +0st

Someone has completed his casting.
Someone summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Someone is struck by a shard of ice!
Someone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds someone for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry someone's first attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing mild damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1350hp 14sp 952st> -41hp +0sp -10st

Someone bashes you over the head with something.
You are smashed on the head by someone's bash causing middling damage.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1262hp 14sp 952st> -88hp +0sp +0st

Someone stops using something.
Someone holds something in his left hand.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1262hp 14sp 952st> 
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1262hp 14sp 952st> 
Someone bashes someone over the head with something.
Ladykiama has been slain!
Someone's bash slams Ladykiama's head into a rock with such force that it kills her.
Your blood freezes as you hear Ladykiama's death cry.
Ladykiama's disembodied spirit rises from her ravaged corpse.
Something falls to the ground.
Ladykiama's corpse crumbles into dust.
Someone turns translucent.
Someone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Someone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Someone's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Someone stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Someone blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and someone vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1262hp 14sp 952st> 

Something hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from something.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1262hp 14sp 952st> 

You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing mild damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1155hp 14sp 948st> -107hp +0sp -4st

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1155hp 14sp 948st> 

AUCTION: Volus bids 20,100 gp on a garnet gemstone.
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1155hp 14sp 948st> 
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: detect-alignment
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm lightning disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: light iron.
You are currently disguised as: an Ithrilis warrior
- Appearing as:
  A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets, ensuring the safety of the towne.
Spell: armor                - Level  95, modifies ar                by    3 for 24 minutes.
Spell: levitation           - Level 146, modifies none              by    0 for 33 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 220, modifies ar                by    6.
Spell: protection from evil - Level 170, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level  75, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: shield               - Level 175, modifies ar                by    9 for 24 minutes.
Spell: haste                - Level 176, modifies accuracy          by    7 for 43 minutes.
Spell: detect magic         - Level 176, modifies none              by    0 for 23 minutes.
Spell: detect illusion      - Level 187, modifies none              by    0 for 10 minutes.
Spell: lava walk            - Level  83, modifies none              by    0 for 37 minutes.
Spell: bless                - Level 229, modifies saving-spell      by    4 for 116 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 234, modifies strength          by   -2 for 3 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 234, modifies accuracy          by   -8 for 3 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 235, modifies saving-spell      by  -10 for 26 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 235, modifies ar                by  -13 for 26 minutes.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 180, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: silence              - Level 238, modifies personality       by   -2 for 7 minutes.
Spell: blindness            - Level  28, modifies agility           by   -2 for 4 minutes.
Spell: plague               - Level 240, modifies sanity            by   -1 for 23 minutes.
Spell: plague               - Level 240, modifies vitality          by   -2 for 23 minutes.
Prof:  shape shifting       - Level 206, modifies none              by    0 for 65 minutes.
Total of 20 magical and 1 non-magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Spells and Most Spell Effects:                  35
Saving against Paralysis (i.e., Sleep, Web, Slow, etc.):       58
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands:                  17
Saving against Petrification (i.e., Abjure, Kill, etc.):       27
Saving against Breath Weapons:                                 17
Hit Point Regeneration Bonus:                                  5  
Damage Bonus:                                                  7  
Accuracy Penalty:                                              -1
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1155hp 14sp 948st> 

[ALLIED 81] An awe-inspiring voice: '+minase+ res disease is supposed to reduce the duration of plague i think, i dont think it helps stop it landing'
Someone has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1155hp 14sp 948st> 

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You catch someone's flames on something.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of someone's fourth attack.
Someone catches the seraphic lance of Decara on something.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1042hp 14sp 936st> 
Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1042hp 14sp 936st> -113hp +0sp -12st
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1042hp 14sp 936st> 
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1042hp 14sp 936st> 

AUCTION: A garnet gemstone: going once for 20,100 gp to Volus.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1081hp 36sp 1027st> +39hp +22sp +91st

Husil@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<1081hp 36sp 1027st> 

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into two roaring balls of flame!
You are burned on the leg by someone's flames causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry someone's second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<923hp 36sp 1017st> -158hp +0sp -10st

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<923hp 36sp 1017st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<923hp 36sp 1017st> 

Someone takes something from something.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<923hp 36sp 1017st> 

Someone stops using something.
Someone holds something in his left hand.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<923hp 36sp 1017st> 

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You are burned on the wing by someone's flames causing middling damage.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of someone's second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing modest damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> -12hp -30sp -7st

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> 
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> 

Something hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from something.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> 

Someone stops using something.
Someone wears something on his hands.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> 
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> 

Someone stops using something.
Someone holds something in his left hand.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<911hp 6sp 1010st> 
Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing middling damage.
You are harmed on the arm by someone's energy causing modest damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through someone!
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<827hp 6sp 1000st> -84hp +0sp -10st

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<827hp 6sp 1000st> 
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<827hp 6sp 1000st> 

Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<827hp 6sp 1000st> 
Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You are burned on the arm by someone's flames causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry someone's second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing middling damage.
Someone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<671hp 6sp 990st> -156hp +0sp -10st
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<671hp 6sp 990st> 

Someone bashes you over the head with something.
You are smashed on the head by someone's bash causing great damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<583hp 6sp 990st> -88hp +0sp +0st
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: detect-alignment
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm lightning disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: light iron.
You are currently disguised as: an Ithrilis warrior
- Appearing as:
  A warrior of Ithrilis wanders the streets, ensuring the safety of the towne.
Spell: armor                - Level  94, modifies ar                by    3 for 23 minutes.
Spell: levitation           - Level 145, modifies none              by    0 for 32 minutes.
Spell: stone skin           - Level 220, modifies ar                by    6.
Spell: protection from evil - Level 170, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: sanctuary            - Level  75, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: shield               - Level 174, modifies ar                by    9 for 23 minutes.
Spell: haste                - Level 175, modifies accuracy          by    7 for 42 minutes.
Spell: detect magic         - Level 175, modifies none              by    0 for 22 minutes.
Spell: detect illusion      - Level 186, modifies none              by    0 for 9 minutes.
Spell: lava walk            - Level  82, modifies none              by    0 for 36 minutes.
Spell: bless                - Level 228, modifies saving-spell      by    4 for 115 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 233, modifies strength          by   -2 for 2 minutes.
Spell: weaken               - Level 233, modifies accuracy          by   -8 for 2 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 234, modifies saving-spell      by  -10 for 25 minutes.
Spell: curse                - Level 234, modifies ar                by  -13 for 25 minutes.
Spell: detect invisibility  - Level 180, modifies none              by    0.
Spell: silence              - Level 237, modifies personality       by   -2 for 6 minutes.
Spell: blindness            - Level  27, modifies agility           by   -2 for 3 minutes.
Spell: plague               - Level 239, modifies sanity            by   -1 for 22 minutes.
Spell: plague               - Level 239, modifies vitality          by   -2 for 22 minutes.
Prof:  shape shifting       - Level 205, modifies none              by    0 for 64 minutes.
Total of 20 magical and 1 non-magical affects.

Additional Modifiers:
Saving against Spells and Most Spell Effects:                  35
Saving against Paralysis (i.e., Sleep, Web, Slow, etc.):       58
Saving against Magic Orbs, Staves, and Wands:                  17
Saving against Petrification (i.e., Abjure, Kill, etc.):       27
Saving against Breath Weapons:                                 17
Hit Point Regeneration Bonus:                                  5  
Damage Bonus:                                                  7  
Accuracy Penalty:                                              -1
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<583hp 6sp 990st> 

You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing middling damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through someone!
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing modest damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<531hp 6sp 978st> -52hp +0sp -12st
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<531hp 6sp 978st> 

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<531hp 6sp 978st> 

AUCTION: A garnet gemstone: going twice for 20,100 gp to Volus.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<578hp 28sp 1066st> +47hp +22sp +88st
You attempt to bash someone over the head with something, but miss.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<578hp 28sp 941st> +0hp +0sp -125st

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into two roaring balls of flame!
You are burned on the leg by someone's flames causing middling damage.
You are harmed on the torso by someone's energy causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing middling damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing heavy damage.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing moderate damage.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
Someone is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing middling damage.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<376hp 28sp 937st> -202hp +0sp -4st

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<376hp 28sp 937st> 
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<376hp 28sp 937st> 
Something someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<376hp 28sp 937st> 

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into two roaring balls of flame!
You catch someone's flames on something.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing moderate damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his second attack.
You skillfully parry someone's third attack.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing great damage.
Someone catches the seraphic lance of Decara on something.
Someone is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing middling damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing middling damage.
Someone is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing modest damage.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<283hp 28sp 925st> 
Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<283hp 28sp 925st> 
[CLAN] A noble voice: '[o/~] how long on silence eze?'
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<283hp 28sp 925st> 

Someone takes something from something.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<283hp 28sp 925st> 
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<283hp 28sp 925st> 

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into one roaring ball of flame!
You catch someone's flames on something.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry someone's second attack.
You are harmed on the leg by someone's energy causing heavy damage.
Someone fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing middling damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<222hp 28sp 915st> -61hp +0sp -10st

Someone begins reciting an evocation...
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<222hp 28sp 915st> 

Someone looks at something.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<222hp 28sp 915st> 
That magic would require 30 spell points to cast.
Someone wears something around his neck.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<222hp 28sp 915st> 
You attempt to bash someone over the head with something, but miss.
Someone looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 2493st)
[AWAY]<222hp 28sp 790st> +0hp +0sp -125st

Someone has completed his evocation.
A streak of light shooting from someone's fingertips turns into two roaring balls of flame!
You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing tremendous damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing tremendous damage.
You are harmed on the wing by someone's energy causing huge damage.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing unbelievable damage.
You fall from something.
You have been slain!
[CLAN] Ezekail has been slain!
You change back into your original form.
Your disembodied spirit rises from your ravaged corpse.
You feel a pulling sensation as your corporeal body is destroyed and your spirit is
freed. A whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, and experiences is released, spinning into
nothingness, as you pass between the thin veil between the physical and the ethereal
planes... There is a sensation of falling, falling forever, when suddenly you land
SLAM on nothing.
You turn translucent.
You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
A haze of crimson and gold sparks flit across your field of vision.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and you vanish to the Ethereal Plane.