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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: BUG: Personality Bits :)

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BUG: Personality Bits :) Tamlin 2010-08-30 04:38 am 1233
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[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2657/2785/-54sp 1930/1985/0st>
[CLAN] Pointyhat: '<Pointy>  or its gone'
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2657/2785/0sp 1930/1985/0st> ct i cant remember which building now..
[10] clan members heard you say, '+Village Idiot+ i cant remember which building now.. '
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2657/2785/0sp 1930/1985/0st>
[ALLIED 114] Floyd: 'do we have any ogre archons in this clan? or heros?'
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2657/2785/0sp 1930/1985/0st> get all.bit trunk
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's knowledge from the Eye of the World.
A lost bit of the Wizard's knowledge disappears.
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2657/2785/0sp 1930/1985/0st>
AUCTION: A manual of martial arts: going once (no bid received yet).
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2674/2785/17sp 1943/1985/13st> get all.bit pouch
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's sanity from -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's sanity from -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's wisdom from -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's knowledge from -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
A lost bit of the Wizard's knowledge disappears.
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2674/2785/0sp 1943/1985/0st> get all.bit pouch
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's personality from -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
You take a lost bit of the Wizard's strength from -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2674/2785/0sp 1943/1985/0st>
[ALLIED 114] Floyd: 'erhm alliance**'
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2674/2785/0sp 1943/1985/0st> get all.bit pouch
You see nothing like that in -+=Tamlin's TokeN Goodie Bag=+-.
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2674/2785/0sp 1943/1985/0st> i
You are carrying:
     a lost bit of the Wizard's strength
     a lost bit of the Wizard's personality
     a lost bit of the Wizard's wisdom
(  2) a lost bit of the Wizard's sanity
     (Red Aura) a spiked head basher (new)
     a pint of cider (new)
     a prison cell key
     a wood and iron spade (new)
     a brass divination tray (new)
     a looting sack (new)
     a rotting titanskull (fresh)
     a velvet-lined toybox (new)
     a chipped orb of Vandemaar (new)
     a portable glassware armoire (new)
     the Eye of the World (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 10 stones, 12 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 55 items weighing up to 20 st, 0 pb.
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2674/2785/0sp 1943/1985/0st>
AUCTION: A manual of martial arts: going twice (no bid received yet).
[Mail]<3617/3617/0hp 2689/2785/15sp 1953/1985/10st> look
Kaczia I had a similar experience, only I had 4 of the manuals (was missing only one, knowledge.) I socialed for an hour, then went back to keep looking and noticed all of my manuals were gone from my trunk. I started looking again, and when I found one I previously had found I never got any messages about having x/5 manuals found. I dunno if it records progress, but you don't need the actual manuals? Not sure. Figured it was bugged and would wait a while.