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PK logs: Ezekail vs Duende

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Ezekail vs Duende Notorious 2011-01-13 08:11 am 1636

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[PKTALK C] Duende: i can kill you with my mind

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

[PKTALK C] Illyria: go over your fights afterwards see what you did, what your opponent did. are you looking back at all?

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> 
Ovelia@#troll: -=O=- well after about 8x, it finally let me.

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> pk no you cant f-boy
[PKTALK C] Ezekail: no you cant f-boy [44]

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> 
You feel your movements slow to normal.

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

[PKTALK C] Havoc: Use overpowered equipment combinations. They're out there and they aren't too difficult to find.

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> 
Ovelia@#troll: -=O=- I thought they were moving servers again or whatever

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> 
[PKTALK C] Matthia: Everytime Illy.

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Large Nest                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  Climbing over the jagged rocks, you discover that something has built a
crude nest on the sheltered ledge behind the outcropping.  The nest is made
from large sticks and branches, and you can see fragments of bone scattered
throughout the area.  Whatever lives here must be very dangerous, but since
you are approaching from the side it probably won't be able to catch you by
*A cute and fuzzy baby owl is here, chirping loudly.
*A cute and fuzzy baby owl is here, chirping loudly.
*A cute and fuzzy baby owl is here, chirping loudly.
(Red Aura) **A large white owl is here, protecting its nest.

<3225hp 3424sp 3050st> sear
You start searching for hidden exits and items [1/10]...
You discover a secret exit southwest!
A bonecracker owl begins attacking you!
A bonecracker owl is in perfect health.

<3225hp 3424sp 3013st> 
Your fireshield sputters and goes out.
You stop searching the area.
You are cut on the head by a bonecracker owl's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the wing by a bonecracker owl's slash causing mild damage.
A bonecracker owl fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are cut on the leg by a bonecracker owl's slash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit a bonecracker owl with your attack.
A bonecracker owl is in perfect health.

<2895hp 3424sp 3044st> 
Scrooge@#troll: sounds like the anti-ovelia code is broken, I'll email vass
A bonecracker owl is in perfect health.

<2895hp 3424sp 3050st> open southwest
fl sw

You are cut on the head by a bonecracker owl's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the head by a bonecracker owl's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the arm by a bonecracker owl's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by a bonecracker owl's slash causing modest damage.
A bonecracker owl skillfully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
A bonecracker owl skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
A bonecracker owl is in perfect health.

<2328hp 3424sp 3048st> 
[PKTALK C] Arcadin: I have no svp, you could slow me first, every time.
A bonecracker owl is in perfect health.

<2328hp 3424sp 3048st> You open the southwest boulder.
A bonecracker owl is in perfect health.

<2328hp 3424sp 3048st> You panic, and attempt to flee.

 A Dry Stream Bed                                       -      -     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This narrow channel in the rock looks like it has been carved by running
water, and is probably the result of melting snow from the mountain's peaks.
However, you can tell from here that it will be impossible to climb up much
higher, since the mountain is just too steep.  A large pile of rocks lies to
the north, but some of the boulders look rather precariously balanced.  
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

[PKTALK C] Duende: dun dun dun

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> pk try again f-boy
[PKTALK C] Ezekail: try again f-boy [44]

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> cast 'heal'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> 
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> 
[PKTALK C] Illyria: post them somewhere if you want better feedback

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> l

 A Dry Stream Bed                                       -      -     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This narrow channel in the rock looks like it has been carved by running
water, and is probably the result of melting snow from the mountain's peaks.
However, you can tell from here that it will be impossible to climb up much
higher, since the mountain is just too steep.  A large pile of rocks lies to
the north, but some of the boulders look rather precariously balanced.  

<2328hp 3424sp 3039st> 
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<2724hp 3354sp 3039st> eq

Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Flames explode around your body, yet you feel no heat or pain.

<2724hp 3354sp 3050st> You are using:
<used as light>      the crystal of power (slightly worn) (lit)
<worn on finger>     a thumb ring of clarity and power (used)
<worn on finger>     Band of ChaoS (new)
<worn on finger>     a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck>   an Ithrix warding amulet (new)
<worn around neck>   Protection of ChaoS (new)
<worn around neck>   Gift of ChaoS (new)
<worn on body>       a seashell breastplate (new)
<worn on head>       a pair of brass spectacles (slightly worn)
<worn on legs>       (Red Aura) cadaver leggings (falling apart)
<worn on feet>       (Gold Aura) the boots of Divusmors (new)
<worn on hands>      Veldra's silken gloves (new)
<worn on arms>       (Gold Aura) Mights of ChaoS (new)
<worn as shield>     (Red Aura) a titanskull shield (used)
<worn on left wing>  (Gold Aura) a piece of mithril wing armor (new)
<worn on right wing> Wing of ChaoS (new)
<worn over shoulder> a green leather quiver
<worn over shoulder> a green leather quiver
<worn about body>    (Invisible) (Red Aura) Jhepp's soul (slightly worn)
<worn around body>   Guard of ChaoS
<worn about waist>   a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn around wrist>  (Red Aura) the deathhead bracelet (heavily worn)
<worn around wrist>  (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (new)
<left hand>          (Gold Aura) Voice of ChaoS (new)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Torso   ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Arms    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Legs    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Wings   ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 99   Slash: 100  Exotic: 100

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'hand to hand', you may cause up to 168 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 61% of the time.

<2724hp 3354sp 3050st> remo titan
You stop using a titanskull shield.

<2724hp 3354sp 3050st> put titan tru
You put a titanskull shield in Vandemaar's Trunk.

<2724hp 3354sp 3050st> cast 'heal'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<2871hp 3359sp 3050st> l

 A Dry Stream Bed                                       -      -     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This narrow channel in the rock looks like it has been carved by running
water, and is probably the result of melting snow from the mountain's peaks.
However, you can tell from here that it will be impossible to climb up much
higher, since the mountain is just too steep.  A large pile of rocks lies to
the north, but some of the boulders look rather precariously balanced.  

<2871hp 3359sp 3050st> You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<3225hp 3289sp 3050st> e

 A Dry Stream Bed                                       -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This narrow channel in the rock looks like it has been carved by running
water, and is probably the result of melting snow from the mountain's peaks.
However, you can tell from here that it will be impossible to climb up much
higher, since the mountain is just too steep.  There is a large pile of
rocks to the north, and you should be able to climb over them safely.  You
can hear an ominous flapping sound coming from beyond the boulders, and
wonder if it would be a good idea to investigate after all.  

<3225hp 3289sp 3047st> 
[PKTALK C] Arcadin: tempting death.

<3225hp 3289sp 3047st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

Duende has transferred you.

 Altar of the Dark Power                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  As you step inside this chamber, your very soul seems to scream in
horror.  There is a cloud of darkness surrounding the area, and even the
illumination from your light source looks dim.  From what you can make out,
the walls and floor are covered with strange symbols, except for a small
pile of rubble against the north wall.  Although the Dark Power cannot truly
exist on this plane, it seems that his minions are attempting to focus all
of his energy here at this point.  
(Red Aura) **All the world's evil has been manifested into the being standing before you.
(Red Aura) **The reanimated skeleton of a giant serpent is coiled around the room.

<3225hp 3289sp 3047st> rest
You rest.

<3225hp 3289sp 3047st> 
[PKTALK C] Matthia: you resisted 2, and one counter, Arc.

<3225hp 3289sp 3047st> st
You scramble to your feet.

<3225hp 3289sp 3050st> sear
You start searching for hidden exits and items [1/10]...

[Search]<3225hp 3289sp 3043st> 
The manifestation of evil begins casting a spell...

[Search]<3225hp 3289sp 3043st> 
You continue searching [2/10]...
You discover a secret exit north!

[Search]<3225hp 3289sp 3036st> open north
You stop searching the area.
Clearing some of the larger rocks out of the way, you discover a small hole in the wall.
A powerful rune marked above the rubble sends out a blast of chilling frost!
Blasts of frost from the rune freeze you!

<3160hp 3289sp 3036st> n
A powerful rune marked above the rubble sends out a blast of chilling frost!
Blasts of frost from the rune freeze you!

 The Floor of the Crater                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE

  You have reached the bottom of a huge crater in the center of Hellbent
Mountain.  The ground here is made from lumpy black igneous rock, proving
that you are actually standing on a volcano.  You can sense a tangible evil
presence in the area, and it seems to be coming from the dome-like formation
in the middle of the crater.  There is a small pile of rubble at the base of
the structure to the south.  

<3095hp 3289sp 3028st> rest
You rest.

<3095hp 3289sp 3028st> pk next.
[PKTALK C] Ezekail: next. [44]

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Winding Series of Tunnels                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier
*An aarakocra is here, flicking its long tongue at you.

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> st
You scramble to your feet.

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Winding Series of Tunnels                            -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -     SE

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Winding Series of Tunnels                            NW     -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Dead End                                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

Duende has transferred you.

 A Winding Series of Tunnels                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier
**A bizarre pig-like creature is here, snorting angrily.

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Winding Series of Tunnels                            NW     -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 A Winding Series of Tunnels                            -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S     SE

  You are walking through one of the many tunnels that lead deeper into
Hellbent Mountain.  They twist and turn seemingly at random, and it is
rather hard to get your bearings.  The walls here are rough and rocky, and
look like they formed over a long period of time.  Clearly, this section of
the cave was created by erosion, not volcanic activity as you had earlier

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 The Floor of the Crater                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE

  You have reached the bottom of a huge crater in the center of Hellbent
Mountain.  The ground here is made from lumpy black igneous rock, proving
that you are actually standing on a volcano.  You can sense a tangible evil
presence in the area, and it seems to be coming from the dome-like formation
in the middle of the crater.  There is a small pile of rubble at the base of
the structure to the south.  
Trap Detected! South exit.

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
[ALLIED 81] Vanea: '-=V=- u guys arenaing?'

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 The Floor of the Crater                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

  You have reached the bottom of a huge crater in the center of Hellbent
Mountain.  The ground here is made from lumpy black igneous rock, proving
that you are actually standing on a volcano.  You can sense a tangible evil
presence in the area, and it seems to be coming from the dome-like formation
in the middle of the crater.  
(Red Aura) **A horrible demon is here, blood dripping from its fangs.

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 The Floor of the Crater                                -      N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S     SE

  You have reached the bottom of a huge crater in the center of Hellbent
Mountain.  The ground here is made from lumpy black igneous rock, proving
that you are actually standing on a volcano.  You can sense a tangible evil
presence in the area, and it seems to be coming from the dome-like formation
in the middle of the crater.  

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 The Floor of the Crater                                -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You have reached the bottom of a huge crater in the center of Hellbent
Mountain.  The ground here is made from lumpy black igneous rock, proving
that you are actually standing on a volcano.  You can sense a tangible evil
presence in the area, and it seems to be coming from the dome-like formation
in the middle of the crater.  

<3173hp 3310sp 3050st> 
[PKTALK C] Altec: Tann, you really do talk like your the greatest thing thats happened to MM. i think you-know-who and yourselfs personal relationship is having a negative affect on your personality.

<3194hp 3319sp 3050st> rest
You rest.

<3194hp 3319sp 3050st> 
[PKTALK C] Duende: wtf is that elevator.

<3194hp 3319sp 3050st> 
[PKTALK C] Havoc: Elves can't kill anyone, I'm sure there would be some kind of lifting involved at some point in that activity

<3194hp 3319sp 3050st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

Duende has transferred you.

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead dracon was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing up,
hiding in the corner, waiting for you.  
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.

<3194hp 3319sp 3050st> st
You scramble to your feet.

<3194hp 3319sp 3050st> sear
You start searching for hidden exits and items [1/10]...

[Search]<3194hp 3319sp 3037st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead dracon was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing up,
hiding in the corner, waiting for you.  
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.

[Search]<3194hp 3319sp 3037st> You continue searching [2/10]...

[Search]<3194hp 3319sp 3028st> c illum
You stop searching the area.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<3194hp 3319sp 3028st> 
[PKTALK C] Matthia: if anyone else wants to arena, I'll show you what i mean

<3194hp 3319sp 3028st> l

[PKTALK C] Sacho: I think Altec is a douche.

<3194hp 3319sp 3028st> 
 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead dracon was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing up,
hiding in the corner, waiting for you.  
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.

<3194hp 3319sp 3028st> 
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a sunstone, a sunstone, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
You swell with the light of Vandyne, the color of Trigael at full, which permeates the area.

<3194hp 3255sp 3028st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead dracon was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing up,
hiding in the corner, waiting for you.  
A spiritual light, the color of Trigael at full, permeates the area.
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.

<3194hp 3255sp 3028st> e

 Small Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This small sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and some small personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a wealthy
person was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small ledge and
wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces of the
burial shroud and some bones.  

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> rest
You rest.

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> 
[PKTALK C] Zerophyre: altec, see: clan 110

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> l

 Small Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This small sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and some small personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a wealthy
person was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small ledge and
wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces of the
burial shroud and some bones.  
Duende has transferred you.

 Within the Deep, Dark Forest                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

  This is the deepest, darkest part of the woods, in the very center of the
forest.  You can hardly see your hand in front of your face, and your torch
does little to illuminate the scene.  The underbrush is extremely tangled
and the trees grow very close together; you have to use the edge of your
weapon to cut a space through the bushes whenever you want to move.  Worse,
the cut area seems to grow back together almost as soon as you cut it.  Is
this merely an illusion caused by the darkness, or a symptom of the evil
power of these woods?  
A greenish-skinned, heavily muscled humanoid stands here.
A huge, dirty, two-headed monster stomps angrily about.
A thorny, red-veined vine twines its way around your feet.

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead ettin was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing at
the far side of the room, approaching quickly.  
(Red Aura) A two-headed ogre-thing charges you upon arrival.

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.
You had better stand up first.

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> st
You scramble to your feet.

<3194hp 3255sp 3024st> sear
You start searching for hidden exits and items [1/10]...

[Search]<3194hp 3255sp 3015st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead ettin was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing at
the far side of the room, approaching quickly.  
(Red Aura) A two-headed ogre-thing charges you upon arrival.

[Search]<3194hp 3255sp 3015st> 
You continue searching [2/10]...

[Search]<3194hp 3255sp 3004st> 
[PKTALK C] Illyria: he's allowed to be a douche, he's blind

[Search]<3194hp 3255sp 3004st> 
You continue searching [3/10]...

[Search]<3194hp 3255sp 2993st> 
An ettin cannibal begins attacking you!
You stop searching the area.
A small bomb thrown by an ettin cannibal hits you on the head and explodes, causing heavy damage.
You dodge out of the way of an ettin cannibal's first attack.
You are smashed on the leg by an ettin cannibal's bash causing modest damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing middling damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal dodges out of the way of your first attack.
An ettin cannibal nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
An ettin cannibal is smashed on the leg with your bash causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<2543hp 3255sp 2992st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead ettin was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing at
the far side of the room, approaching quickly.  
(Red Aura) An ettin cannibal is here, fighting YOU! [99%]
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<2543hp 3255sp 2992st> play G C B G G Db
You begin to play a tune on Voice of ChaoS...
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

[o/~]<2543hp 3255sp 2992st> 
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing middling damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
You are smashed on the wing by an ettin cannibal's bash causing mild damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
You are smashed on the leg by an ettin cannibal's bash causing modest damage.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

[o/~]<2204hp 3255sp 2992st> 
Global Hint: Due to the mitigating effects of water, spell point regeneration is reduced by 15% while underwater.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

[o/~]<2204hp 3255sp 2992st> 
You have completed your song.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

<2204hp 3212sp 2886st> get ress tru
You take a spellbook bound in black leather from Vandemaar's Trunk.

<2204hp 3212sp 2886st> wear ress
You hold a spellbook bound in black leather in your right hand.

<2204hp 3212sp 2886st> alias g c calm ettin
Alias 'g' has been realiased to 'c calm ettin'.

<2204hp 3212sp 2886st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.
cast 'poison' ettin
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<2204hp 3212sp 2886st> 
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
*** an ettin cannibal RESISTED POISON ***

<2204hp 3145sp 2886st> 
[PKTALK C] Tannyon: that's another thing, all the eq dracon has is ridiculous, don't really have to do much ar stacking to keep 100ar, so can concentrate on saves/damage as you desire, but yeah I really am not sure what else to tell you atm, other than what many have said already

<2204hp 3145sp 2886st> mem blink
mem clam
Using the appropriate meditation techniques, you purge all thoughts of 'blink' from your conscious memory.

<2204hp 3145sp 2886st> You don't know any spells of that name.

<2204hp 3145sp 2886st> mem calm
You study a spellbook bound in black leather for a few long moments, committing 'calm' to memory.
You have successfully memorized the spell 'calm'.

<2204hp 3145sp 2886st> 
An ettin cannibal begins attacking you!
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing moderate damage.
You are smashed on the arm by an ettin cannibal's bash causing modest damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing moderate damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1785hp 3145sp 2886st> g
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1785hp 3145sp 2886st> 
You are smashed on the leg by an ettin cannibal's bash causing middling damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
You are smashed on the torso by an ettin cannibal's bash causing moderate damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
You are smashed on the wing by an ettin cannibal's bash causing modest damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1465hp 3145sp 2886st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead ettin was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing at
the far side of the room, approaching quickly.  
(Red Aura) An ettin cannibal is here, fighting YOU! [99%]
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1465hp 3145sp 2886st> 
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

<1465hp 3103sp 2886st> g
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<1465hp 3103sp 2886st> 
Band of ChaoS hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<1645hp 3103sp 2886st> 
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.

<1645hp 3103sp 2886st> 
An ettin cannibal has completed his casting.
A field of shimmering golden energy silently appears, coalescing into a cyclonic column of air.
A cyclonic column of air joins an ettin cannibal's formation.

<1645hp 3103sp 2886st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.

<1645hp 3061sp 2886st> g
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<1645hp 3061sp 2886st> 
[PKTALK C] Illyria: look at what people with similar paths do

<1645hp 3061sp 2886st> 
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.

<1645hp 3019sp 2886st> g
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

<1645hp 3019sp 2886st> 
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you, but nothing else happens.

<1645hp 2977sp 2886st> put ress tru
A spellbook bound in black leather: You need to remove it first.

<1645hp 2977sp 2886st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead ettin was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing at
the far side of the room, approaching quickly.  
A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
(Red Aura) A two-headed ogre-thing charges you upon arrival.

<1645hp 2977sp 2886st> 
An ettin cannibal begins attacking you!
An ettin cannibal bashes you over the head with his clenched fist.
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of an ettin cannibal's first attack.
You are smashed on the torso by an ettin cannibal's bash causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit an ettin cannibal with your first attack.
You fail to hit an ettin cannibal with your second attack.
You fail to hit an ettin cannibal with your third attack.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing you.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1158hp 2977sp 2886st> i
You are carrying:
     a piece of mirror (new)
     (Red Aura) the painsphere (new)
(  3) a dream cloud (new)
     a brass divination tray (new)
     Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
     a yellow silk bag (new)
     a black silk bag (new)
     a red silk bag (new)
A total of 10 items weighing 14 stones, 88 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 57 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1158hp 2977sp 2886st> remo ress
You stop using a spellbook bound in black leather.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1158hp 2977sp 2886st> g
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<1158hp 2977sp 2886st> 
You are impacted on the arm by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing mild damage.
You are impacted on the torso by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing modest damage.
Your fireshield erupts as a cyclonic column of air strikes you! a cyclonic column of air is burned on the torso with your flames causing insignificant damage.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are smashed on the arm by an ettin cannibal's bash causing moderate damage.
Your fireshield erupts as an ettin cannibal strikes you! an ettin cannibal is burned on the torso with your flames causing no obvious damage.
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing enormous damage.
You are smashed on the leg by an ettin cannibal's bash causing great damage.
An ettin cannibal has several minor scratches.

<686hp 2977sp 2886st> 
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a sunstone, a silver runestone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> l

 Large Sepulcher                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This large sepulcher is cut into the main passageway just enough for a
body and many personal affects for the dead.  It looks like a hideously
large undead ettin was placed here.  The body was deposited on the small
ledge and wrapped in a cloth.  All that remains now is a few tattered pieces
of the burial shroud and some bones.  Probably because now it's standing at
the far side of the room, approaching quickly.  
A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
(Red Aura) A two-headed ogre-thing charges you upon arrival.

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> You are using:
<used as light>      the crystal of power (slightly worn) (lit)
<worn on finger>     a thumb ring of clarity and power (used)
<worn on finger>     Band of ChaoS (new)
<worn on finger>     a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck>   an Ithrix warding amulet (new)
<worn around neck>   Protection of ChaoS (new)
<worn around neck>   Gift of ChaoS (new)
<worn on body>       a seashell breastplate (new)
<worn on head>       a pair of brass spectacles (slightly worn)
<worn on legs>       (Red Aura) cadaver leggings (falling apart)
<worn on feet>       (Gold Aura) the boots of Divusmors (new)
<worn on hands>      Veldra's silken gloves (new)
<worn on arms>       (Gold Aura) Mights of ChaoS (new)
<worn on left wing>  (Gold Aura) a piece of mithril wing armor (new)
<worn on right wing> Wing of ChaoS (new)
<worn over shoulder> a green leather quiver
<worn over shoulder> a green leather quiver
<worn about body>    (Invisible) (Red Aura) Jhepp's soul (slightly worn)
<worn around body>   Guard of ChaoS
<worn about waist>   a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn around wrist>  (Red Aura) the deathhead bracelet (heavily worn)
<worn around wrist>  (Invisible) an amethyst and peridot bracelet (new)
<left hand>          (Gold Aura) Voice of ChaoS (new)

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Torso   ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 98   Slash: 100  Exotic: 98
(Arms    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Legs    ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 100  Slash: 100  Exotic: 100
(Wings   ) Pierce: 100  Bash: 99   Slash: 100  Exotic: 100

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'hand to hand', you may cause up to 150 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 57% of the time.

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> 
[PKTALK C] Matthia: You responses are all gear based. (who pks activately with my class path Illy?)

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> put all tru
You put a spellbook bound in black leather in Vandemaar's Trunk.

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> remo all
put all tru
You stop using the crystal of power.
You stop using a thumb ring of clarity and power.
You stop using Band of ChaoS.
You stop using an Ithrix warding amulet.
The white aura surrounding you fades away.
You stop using a seashell breastplate.
You feel different as your senses become less heightened.
You stop using a pair of brass spectacles.
You stop using cadaver leggings.
You stop using the boots of Divusmors.
You stop using Veldra's silken gloves.
You stop using Mights of ChaoS.
You stop using a sturdy steel codpiece.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
You stop using the deathhead bracelet.
You stop using Voice of ChaoS.
You stop using a piece of mithril wing armor.
Your super strength has worn off.
You stop using Wing of ChaoS.
You stop using Protection of ChaoS.
You stop using Gift of ChaoS.
You stop using Guard of ChaoS.
You stop using a green leather quiver.
You stop using a green leather quiver.
You stop using a silver torque ring.

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> You put the boots of Divusmors in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Gift of ChaoS in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Voice of ChaoS in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Mights of ChaoS in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Band of ChaoS in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put the crystal of power in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put cadaver leggings in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put an Ithrix warding amulet in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put a pair of brass spectacles in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put a thumb ring of clarity and power in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put a piece of mithril wing armor in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put the deathhead bracelet in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put a silver torque ring in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Guard of ChaoS in Vandemaar's Trunk.

<686hp 2935sp 2886st> An ettin cannibal brushes his fingertips against you.
You feel strangely lethargic and winded.
You are drained on the torso by an ettin cannibal's negative energy causing incredible damage.
You enter into combat with an ettin cannibal.
An ettin cannibal is smashed on the torso with your bash causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal is smashed on the leg with your bash causing no obvious damage.
An ettin cannibal bashes you over the head with his clenched fist.
You are smashed on the head by an ettin cannibal's bash causing lethal damage.
You have been slain!
An ettin cannibal's bash slams your head into a rock with such force that it kills you.
[CLAN] Ezekail has been slain!
Your disembodied spirit rises from your ravaged corpse.
You feel a pulling sensation as your corporeal body is destroyed and your spirit is
freed. A whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, and experiences is released, spinning into
nothingness, as you pass between the thin veil between the physical and the ethereal
planes... There is a sensation of falling, falling forever, when suddenly you land
SLAM on nothing.
* a dream cloud (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* Veldra's silken gloves (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* (  2) a green leather quiver is left behind in your corpse.
* a seashell breastplate (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* an amethyst and peridot bracelet (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* (Red Aura) the painsphere (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* a piece of mirror (new) is left behind in your corpse.
Goosebumps wash over you as the world starts to look a little bit more real.
You turn translucent.
You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
A haze of crimson and gold sparks flit across your field of vision.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and you vanish to the Ethereal Plane.

 Rystain Wasteland                                      NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S     SE


<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> 
Iadna the enchantress tells you 'Here you go, Ezekail. As equivalency for your penance, the Powers have agreed to ease your time while deceased.
Iadna the enchantress gives you an ethereal game of Fnargh.

<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> 
Duende has transferred you.

 Runic Temple                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This is the Runic Temple, a large and impressive white marble building.
Beautiful murals are painted on the walls, depicting various Powers.  There
is a marble archway to the west that leads to other areas of the temple,
such as the Tourist Center, Donation Room and Health Center.  The archway to
the east leads to the beautiful Garden of Life.  
     A magical spring flows gently from the ground.
(Gold Aura) *[Shop] A white-robed cleric is standing here, smiling at all who pass.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> 
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> g
You can't do that as a shade!

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> st
You are already standing.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> wear all
You hold an ethereal game of Fnargh in your left hand.
You hold the Handbook for the Recently Deceased in your right hand.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> i
You are carrying:
(  3) a vial of unholy water (new)
A total of 3 items weighing 40 stones, 50 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 57 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
You are currently encumbered. You may move slower than normal.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> eq
You are using:
<used as light>      a light of intense darkness (new) (lit)
<worn about body>    (Invisible) a supernatural aura (new) glows blue!
<worn around wrist>  a rusty shackle (new)
<worn around wrist>  a rusty shackle (new)
<right hand>         the Handbook for the Recently Deceased (new)
<left hand>          an ethereal game of Fnargh

Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head    ) Pierce: 0    Bash: 0    Slash: 0    Exotic: 0  
(Torso   ) Pierce: 1    Bash: 1    Slash: 1    Exotic: 0  
(Arms    ) Pierce: 0    Bash: 0    Slash: 0    Exotic: 0  
(Legs    ) Pierce: 0    Bash: 0    Slash: 0    Exotic: 0  
(Wings   ) Pierce: 0    Bash: 0    Slash: 0    Exotic: 0  

Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'hand to hand', you may cause up to 131 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 57% of the time.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> 
[PKTALK C] Illyria: brimstone is similar?

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> TICK IN 5 SECONDS.

[PKTALK C] Matthia: oops most be getting late. Activately?

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> 
[PKTALK C] Duende: surprising.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> pk that wasn't fair :(
[PKTALK C] Ezekail: that wasn't fair :( [43]

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> st
You are already standing.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st> 
After an appropriate period of time, you have regained enough power to form a new body on the physical plane.

 Temple Altar                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

  The altar of this small temple is a large depiction of a great saint that
used to teach in Templeton.  There are large candelabras on each side and a
large collection plate below the statue.  There are small steps that lead up
to the altar where many kneel down and pray to the patron saint of
(Red Aura) *[Shop] A temple priest of the Holy Order stands before you.
You feel new life and energy entering your form, as if some greater power had passed through you.

[SAFE]<2850hp 3150sp 2900st>