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General logs: Pointess Victory

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Pointess Victory Nethran 2011-03-23 07:35 pm 924
I was first after the reboot. It means nothing, but I was.

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Crossroads at a Fountain                               -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

  At the center of this intersection stands one of the few things in the
graveyard still in good condition.  Crystal clear water pours from a jar
held by a little cherub statue, the statue that stands atop the beautiful
fountain that appears to be unmarred by the elements.  About the fountain is
a waist-high rim upon which a passerby can sit and sip from the perfect
water.  The grass around the fountain grows high and lusciously green, but
further away the vegetation seems to have given up on life as it is all
brown and withered.  
     A white marble fountain pours cool water into a basin.

(Mount: 2320st)
[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1005sp 959st> ct be back in 10
[3] clan members heard you say, '-=(<Newb>)=- be back in 10'

(Mount: 2320st)
[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1005sp 959st> quit
Do you really want to quit (y/N)? y
[CLAN] Perrin has left Materia Magica.
You dismount from a young pegasus.
** Thank you for visiting Materia Magica.
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Farewell, Adventurer.

Returning you to reality...
Connected to host

Welcome to Materia Magica!

          .-.-.   '`  .---  .--.  .--. '`  '`
         || | || ||-|  ||  ||-.  ||-.' || ||_|
         `|   |' || ;  ||  `|__, `|  ; || || |
              '     '  '             '  '    '
            .-.-.   '`   .--. '`  .--.  '`
           || | || ||-| ||._' || ||    ||-|
           `|   |' |; | `|__| ||  \_,  |; |  v4.3

  Online for over fourteen years, MATERIA MAGICA is one
   of the longest-running, continually-developed games
 available, with a vast game world, detailed environments,
 intelligent monsters and other denizens, and many, many
 thrilling quests - you'll never run out of things to do.

   Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Ingenii Interactive Co., All
Rights Reserved. For game play information and more, visit

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 .6  Delete this Character.

Your choice? 1

I-MOTION Engine v4.3 (build 1598)
Materia Magica is brought to you by Ingenii Interactive Co.
Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Ingenii Interactive Co. All Rights Reserved.
There are currently 317 zones and 10,634,010 unique locations in Alyria.
There is currently 1 player online and 5 connections.
There have been 1 players connected to the server since last boot.
The most players that have been online at one time today is 142.
You are player [11,715,138] connected since November 29th, 1996.
[CLAN] Perrin has entered Materia Magica.
[CLAN NOTICE] I better start seeing more activity..or else D:

 Crossroads at a Fountain                               -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

  At the center of this intersection stands one of the few things in the
graveyard still in good condition.  Crystal clear water pours from a jar
held by a little cherub statue, the statue that stands atop the beautiful
fountain that appears to be unmarred by the elements.  About the fountain is
a waist-high rim upon which a passerby can sit and sip from the perfect
water.  The grass around the fountain grows high and lusciously green, but
further away the vegetation seems to have given up on life as it is all
brown and withered.  
     A white marble fountain pours cool water into a basin.

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[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1005sp 959st> 

[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1005sp 959st> who

 MATERIA MAGICA: Current Players Online
 [60 :120 M H-Elf Range       ] Perrin [*}x{F.U}x{*]
 Visible Immortals online: 0    Visible Players Online: 1
 Total Online: 1

[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1005sp 959st> shout I WIN
[0] people heard you shout 'I WIN'


[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1046sp 959st>
[CLAN] Jadess: '*Jade* they said it was on ove pktC'

[*][SAFE]<1054hp 1046sp 959st> ct They lie
[1] clan member heard you say, '-=(<Newb>)=- They lie'