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General logs: How To Get Smited

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How To Get Smited Nethran 2011-04-01 07:52 pm 1212
Auction Spam = Dead

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[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: Kona has put a greasy aqua scroll up for auction. Minimum bid is 200,000 gp.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: Elbereth bids 200,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: Kurik bids 300,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 300,000 gp to Kurik.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> TICK IN 0 SECONDS.

 A Cliff Above the River                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        SW     I      -

  This grassy outcropping overlooks the Wampo Stream, and the rope bridge
across it, which leads back into the sweltering Colove Jungle.  The air up
here is cool, elevated a bit above the jungle, and significantly above the
river down below.  Humid air gives way to occasionally blustery winds at
this height, specifically so close to the cliff.  This looks like an
excellent place to go fishing, if you have a line long enough.  If you
don't, there is probably a sufficient tangle vine in the jungle, but it's so
muggy there...  
A young drow boy runs about, enjoying his youth.
An old drow sits on the edge of the cliff, dangling a line of braided tangle vine down into the stream.
An expert fisherman is here, decked out in the standard issue of all good anglers.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 300,500 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 300,500 gp to Shadowknight.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: Kurik bids 350,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 325000
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'You must bid at least 50 coins over the current bid.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 375000
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 375,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 375,000 gp to Perrin.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 375,000.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 378,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 378050
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 378,050 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
[PKTALK A] Elbereth: Q.Q I just want a room shield!

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 378,050.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Kurik bids 400,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 400,000 gp to Kurik.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 400050
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 400,050 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 400,050.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 400,100 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 400150
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 400,150 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 400,150 gp to Perrin.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> TICK IN 0 SECONDS.

 A Cliff Above the River                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        SW     I      -

  This grassy outcropping overlooks the Wampo Stream, and the rope bridge
across it, which leads back into the sweltering Colove Jungle.  The air up
here is cool, elevated a bit above the jungle, and significantly above the
river down below.  Humid air gives way to occasionally blustery winds at
this height, specifically so close to the cliff.  This looks like an
excellent place to go fishing, if you have a line long enough.  If you
don't, there is probably a sufficient tangle vine in the jungle, but it's so
muggy there...  
A young drow boy runs about, enjoying his youth.
An old drow sits on the edge of the cliff, dangling a line of braided tangle vine down into the stream.
An expert fisherman is here, decked out in the standard issue of all good anglers.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 400,150.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 401,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 401050
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 401,050 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 401,050.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 401,100 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 401,100 gp to Shadowknight.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 401150
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 401,150 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 401,150.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 401,200 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 401250
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 401,250 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 401,250 gp to Perrin.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A little drow boy leaves southwest.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 401,250.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 401,700 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 401750
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 401,750 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 401,750.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 402,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 402050
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 402,050 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 402,050 gp to Perrin.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 402,050.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 403,000 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 403050
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 403,050 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 403,050.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 403,100 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 403150
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 403,150 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 403,150.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 403,200 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 403250
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 403,250 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 403,250.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 403,300 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 403,300 gp to Shadowknight.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 403350
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 403,350 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 403,350.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 403,400 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> TICK IN 0 SECONDS.

 A Cliff Above the River                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        SW     I      -

  This grassy outcropping overlooks the Wampo Stream, and the rope bridge
across it, which leads back into the sweltering Colove Jungle.  The air up
here is cool, elevated a bit above the jungle, and significantly above the
river down below.  Humid air gives way to occasionally blustery winds at
this height, specifically so close to the cliff.  This looks like an
excellent place to go fishing, if you have a line long enough.  If you
don't, there is probably a sufficient tangle vine in the jungle, but it's so
muggy there...  
An old drow sits on the edge of the cliff, dangling a line of braided tangle vine down into the stream.
An expert fisherman is here, decked out in the standard issue of all good anglers.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> auc bid 403450
An imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp gets your signature on a New Rigel Bank and Trust withdrawal form.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Perrin bids 403,450 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp tells you, 'Your bank account has been credited for the amount of 403,450.'
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
AUCTION: Shadowknight bids 403,500 gp on a greasy aqua scroll.

[Mail]<1064hp 1022sp 959st> 
KABOOM! There is an earth-shattering explosion as a fiery meteor streaks down from the sky and smites you!
[CLAN] Perrin has been slain!

Your force shield dissipates.
You feel your movements slow to normal.
Your fireshield sputters and goes out.
You feel different as your senses become less heightened.
Your disembodied soul rises from your ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Perrin.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
Goosebumps wash over you as the world starts to look a little bit more real.
You turn translucent.
You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
A haze of crimson and gold sparks flit across your field of vision.

 Ethereal Void                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

  You are floating in a featureless gray mist.  Sights and sounds from
other dimensions flit about you in a confusing tangle.  
     A strange-looking flower grows here, seemingly out of nothing.
     A nondescript glass vial has been dropped here.
     A blood-red scroll has been dropped here.
*The shade of Lyneirari is floating here...
(Gold Aura) **The undead shade of Mordred is floating here...
The world turns blue as you are temporarily shrouded by a strange nimbus of energy.
The reason for this event: :( :( :(

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> auc bid 403550

 Ethereal Void                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

  You are floating in a featureless gray mist.  Sights and sounds from
other dimensions flit about you in a confusing tangle.  
     A strange-looking flower grows here, seemingly out of nothing.
     A nondescript glass vial has been dropped here.
     A blood-red scroll has been dropped here.
*The shade of Lyneirari is floating here...
(Gold Aura) **The undead shade of Mordred is floating here...

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> You can't do that as a shade!

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 
Shadowknight's spirit coalesces out of thin air.

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going once for 403,500 gp to Shadowknight.

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 
'THEY KILLED ME!' Shadowknight exclaims.

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 'AND YOU WIN
'AND YOU WIN' you say.

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 'BS
You say, 'BS'

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll: going twice for 403,500 gp to Shadowknight.

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> pray And now I lose the auction. D:
[2] active Guides and [1] visible Immortals heard you pray 'And now I lose the auction. D:'

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 
AUCTION: A greasy aqua scroll has been sold to Shadowknight for 403,500 gp.

[Mail]<1900hp 2150sp 1900st> 
The Powers take pity on you and restore your soul to your body.

 Mama Kjarlow's                                         -      -      #
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

  Mama Kjarlow's place may be at the south end of the village, but it's
actually the center of Colyon's activities.  Her house bustles with
activity, as far as drow sociality goes, and if there's ever anything going
on, it's probably here.  Her house isn't the nicest, or the largest, and her
furniture even has some splinters, which tend to jab people where they don't
want to be jabbed, but for many locals, this is their home away from home.  
     An altar covered in candles bathes a corner of the room in soft white light.
[Shop] A pudgy drow woman sits at her dining table.
You feel new life and energy entering your form, as if some greater power had passed through you.