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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Funny instant +3 Levels

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Funny instant +3 Levels Nashmir 2011-06-17 06:59 am 1003
Apparently with a single mark you can gain 3 levels

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A gnome barbarian is zapped on the head with your magic causing unbearable damage.
A gnome barbarian fails to hit you with his attack.
You are smashed on the arm by a gnome barbarian's bash causing mild damage.
A gnome barbarian is smashed on the leg with your bash causing lethal damage.
For besting a skilled warrior through offensive and defensive tactics, the Powers have granted thee a Mark.
You have been granted War!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!

The Powers have noticed thy efforts at betterment, and have rewarded thee!
You gain 7 hit points, 8 spell points, 8 stamina, and 21 practices!
[CLAN] Adrug has gained class level 41, total level 41!
You gain 728,000 experience points!

The Powers have noticed thy efforts at betterment, and have rewarded thee!
You gain 7 hit points, 8 spell points, 8 stamina, and 20 practices!
[CLAN] Adrug has gained class level 42, total level 42!
You gain 44 practices!
A gnome barbarian has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a gnome barbarian's death cry.
You receive 4,004 experience points.

The Powers have noticed thy efforts at betterment, and have rewarded thee!
You gain 7 hit points, 8 spell points, 8 stamina, and 19 practices!
You have gained 1 new spell: detect illusion
[CLAN] Adrug has gained class level 43, total level 43!
A gnome barbarian collapses lifeless to the ground.
The sliced leg of a gnome barbarian falls to the ground.
You take 237 gold coins.
The Powers give you one gold coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of a gnome barbarian.
A gnome barbarian stops following a gnome barbarian.