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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Mark of Dawn

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Mark of Dawn Harly 2011-07-19 02:53 am 1013
Tagged in this log: Harly
Level 227, -241 align, 5:57 am when entered room

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[Mail]<1523hp 1029sp 1333st> 

 The Solar Altar                                        NW     -     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     -     SE

  This chamber is lit as brightly as any day!  Light reflects and passes
through the quartz that this chamber is carved from, never escaping,
increasing the intensity and the heat of the chamber.  Why anyone would
create such a magick is beyond your comprehension.  A small chamber in the
center of this chamber, separated by great walls of crystal can be seen from
here.  You stand in the central altar of the sun.  All of the light in the
chamber focuses here, and the heat is deadly.  A small altar is at the
center of the room, and it reflects the light blindly in many directions.
You cannot stand to look at it for more than a few seconds, and wouldn't
want to, as you might go blind if you tried.  
     A small crystal altar stands here, awaiting a sacrifice.
(Gold Aura) A tall statue of a Kell stands here.

[Mail]<1523hp 1029sp 1330st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[Mail]<1523hp 1029sp 1330st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

[Mail]<1523hp 978sp 1330st> 

Bright, natural sunlight streams into the chamber, fractured into a million rays by the crystal.
For experiencing the start of a new day in such unusual fashion, the Powers have granted thee a Mark.
You have been granted Dawn!
ct I obtained the mark of Dawn
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 810,000 experience points!
You gain 48 practices!