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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Mark of Belief!

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Mark of Belief! Harly 2011-07-19 03:11 am 809
Level 227, -241 align

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Standing Before Two Huge Onyx Inlaid Doors             -      #      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

  Rising up from the floor before you are two huge onyx doors with
beautifully carved surfaces.  At the top of the doors, where the panels
meet, is a large carving of the head of a bull which splits down the center
as the doors open.  In the upper corners are carved flowers with their stems
of vines leading towards the bull and connecting to each other under the
bull's head.  
Some blood and guts are on the ground.
     The bloody, severed head of a lesser angel is lying here.
A flailing limb from the weeping willow is here trying to wrap around you.

[Mail][*]<1176hp 1667sp 1021st> 

 A Well-Lit Guarded Alcove                              -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  To the east are the huge onyx doors.  Here you find yourself in a small
alcove, the top is rounded but comes to a point like a bishop's hat.  The
space is small with the back wall fairly shallow.  This alcove looks like it
could have been made to frame a larger then life size statue that might have
watched over the doors.  
(Gold Aura) *A lesser angel is here assisting the guardian angel.
(Gold Aura) *A lesser angel is here assisting the guardian angel.
(Gold Aura) *A guardian angel is here keeping Semiramis and her minions at bay.
(Gold Aura) *A lesser angel is here assisting the guardian angel.
For seeking to protect your belief from the minions of evil, the Powers have granted thee a Mark.
You have been granted Belief!
You gain 50 practices!
You gain 47 practices!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 972,500 experience points!

The Powers have noticed thy efforts at betterment, and have rewarded thee!
You gain 5 hit points, 6 spell points, 5 stamina, and 15 practices!
You have become more learned at 'color spray' (76%).
[CLAN] Harly has gained class level 48, total level 228!