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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Mark of Serenity

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Mark of Serenity Harly 2011-07-20 04:21 am 786
Tagged in this log: Harly
Level 228 -311 align, around 11:00 am game time.

I recommend moving to another room if you don't get the mark within a few minutes. I tried two rooms for about 5mins+ then switched to a third room and received it within a few moments.

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Above the Temple                                       NW     -     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     -     SE

  You don't know how you did it, but somehow you have found yourself
floating mystically above the apex of the pyramidic Vandyne temple.  As you
drift closer and closer to the white puffy clouds above you, you have an
urge to start flying off in different directions.  Despite all this
strangeness, you don't feel the least bit afraid inside at all.  
     A small wooden SIGN floats in the air here.
A flying avariel threateningly swoops around you.
A flying avariel threateningly swoops around you.
A flying avariel threateningly swoops around you.

[Mail]<1528hp 1421sp 1179st> 

 Peaceful Bliss                                         ?      ?      ?
(-------------------------------------------------)     ? <-?-(M)-?-> ?
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     ?      ?      ?

  This place is so serene and peaceful that you feel as if you have fallen
asleep and wandered into the dream world.  You have to keep looking down at
the town of Xaventry in order to remind yourself that you are actually above
the temple of Vandyne.  Oddly, you get the sensation that you can drift some
more to the west and north.  
You feel dizzy, and everything seems to spin around you.
A flying avariel threateningly swoops around you.

[Mail]<1528hp 1439sp 1298st> 
You go to sleep.

[Mail]<1528hp 1439sp 1298st> 

[Mail]<1528hp 1439sp 1298st> 

[Mail]<1528hp 1439sp 1298st> 

[Mail]<1528hp 1439sp 1298st> 

[Mail]<1528hp 1439sp 1298st> 

For patiently seeking enlightenment within this chaotic world, the Powers have granted thee a mark.
You have been granted Serenity!
You gain 36 practices!