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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Mark of Declaration

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Mark of Declaration Harly 2011-07-25 04:11 am 756
Tagged in this log: Harly
level 229, -429 align, 11:30 am game time

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[*]<1177hp 1339sp 1327st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

[*]<1529hp 1234sp 1327st> 

 A Smelly Nook                                          -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  This odor of this room is positively offensive.  The underside of the
castle, that is, the ceiling of the sewage and drainage system, has been
pulled out, revealing this small room.  A small bed has been made on a ledge
at knee height, and some scrawled runes have been chalked on the western
wall.  It looks like someone has made this their living place, although a
home it is not.  
(Red Aura) [Train] A woman with short, pointy hair and bloodshot eyes sits here, staring at the wall.
A raving madwoman says to you, 'BwaRG'
A raving madwoman runs around the room shrieking.
'Princess skeleton notices you aRE HAVING THE staff of GRAND MOFF RIGAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' a raving madwoman says to you.
'Let your TRUE VOICE ring OUT AND shout SO GREATLY.' a raving madwoman says to you.
A raving madwoman starts bashing her head against the wall. Hard.

[*]<1529hp 1234sp 1315st> 

The water fills your lungs, and you choke and gasp!

[*]<1352hp 1269sp 1333st> 

[*]<1352hp 1269sp 1333st> 
get mold trunk
You take a moldy green scroll from Vandemaar's Trunk.

[*]<1352hp 1269sp 1333st> 
wear mold
You hold a moldy green scroll in your right hand.

[*]<1352hp 1269sp 1333st> 
use mold

Tablehugger@#troll is no longer relaying from this chat room.

[*]<1352hp 1269sp 1333st> 
You begin to recite the spell written on a moldy green scroll...

[*]<1352hp 1269sp 1333st> 

You have completed your casting.
A moldy green scroll flares brightly and vanishes.
A raving madwoman says to you, 'YAAAAAAAAAAY voice gO BOOMMM'
'!@%&%^&#&!!!!!!!' a raving madwoman exclaims to you.
For having such a commanding presence and gaining the attention of Alyria, the Powers have granted thee a Mark.
You have been granted Declaration!
You gain 70 practices!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
The Powers have noticed thy efforts at betterment, and have rewarded thee!
You gain 5 hit points, 6 spell points, 5 stamina, and 15 practices!
You have become more learned at 'remove curse' (76%).
[CLAN] Harly has gained class level 50, total level 230!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 1,000,000 experience points!
You gain 305,000 experience points!
You feel very present and noticeable in the universe.